FreeSpeech: Megaupload and Filesharing: Judge Forced To Recuse From Dotcom Case Kim Dotcom @KimDotcom After a decade of defending their innocence my co-defendants in the Megaupload case in New Zealand gave up and signed confessions in exchange for skipping extradition to the US and a sweet deal with the DOJ. They will be sentenced on June 15th. This deal with the DOJ was made after it became clear that our US Judge Liam O’Grady had to recuse himself from the Megaupload case because he was a Disney lawyer and SHAREHOLDER, tainting every decision he had made in our case. A desperate move by the DOJ to limit its liability. My prediction is that my co-defendants will receive a sentence far below the 186 years the US DOJ had in mind for us. The NZ prosecutors will have massaged the bad optics of the sentence to the maximum but in reality they will arrive at a reduced sentence of 2 years house arrest. Former graphic designer of Megaupload, Julius Bencko, has been arrested in Prague and is now facing extradition to the US. He has created many great designs for our Mega sites but was never involved in any business decisions. Read about this corrupt case: Looking for an extradition expert in the Czech Republic to assist Julius. The Czech media may find this interesting because the @JoeBiden directed Megaupload case has been an embarrassment for the US DOJ and IMO a prime example of the abuse of extradition treaties by the US Govt.

@KimDotcom Fun fact: The lawyer of the @MPAA, Steven Fabrizio, who demanded I should be jailed for 180 years for providing Megaupload users with free cloud storage has since been convicted of sex crimes, spent a year in jail and is now a registered sex offender 🤣… Former film industry lawyer in D.C. gets jail term for blackmail and coercing sex Steven Frabrizio was general counsel to the Motion Picture Association of America when he admittedly met the victim on a "sugar daddy" website. @KimDotcom Fun fact: The DOJ hand-picked a Judge for the Megaupload case who was a former Disney lawyer and a shareholder of Disney while on my case. He destroyed my business without any due process. He failed to disclose his conflict of interest and was recently forced to recuse himself 🤣 @KimDotcom Biden colluded with his “best friend in life” former Senator Chris Dodd who became the chairman of the Motion Picture Association (MPAA) to destroy my business. A contract prosecution paid by Hollywood. Typical Biden corruption. Read about my case here: @KimDotcom In 2011 Joe Biden met with 6 Hollywood executives and an extradition expert at the White House to destroy my business. A week prior Biden’s personal lawyer Neil MacBride who became Biden’s personal DOJ prosecutor briefed Biden at the WH about his progress in the Megaupload case.
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