Second Draft (was MC Boss Webcomic, Re: Morning Spam)

The first draft is still WIP, but the second is being brainstormed a little. I never expect to finish projects. This is a _fictional_ account, intended to _talk about real things via fiction_. I don't attend to the news, so it's all totally wrong and I have very few poignant events. The thorough coverup patterns have been altered to make what is happening more clear. It's June, 2016. A scruffy man approaches somebody on a way to a surgery. They move in a strange pace, a way they haven't walked much before, but they don't think much about it. They're talking to themselves. "Okay, but we're not going to hurt anybody. The gun's just for show. I have somewhere to be, you know?" They walk more purposefully. Suddenly, screaming. "Please! I don't want to do this! I don't like this person but I don't want to kill anybody! Please, oh God, oh God! Please! What is going on??" Tears and blood are flying. The shotgun is discharged three times. The man takes out a knife. "Something's moving my body! Oh my God, don't do this! I don't want to stab her, I don't want to stab her ... ! She's already dead!" The knife gashes a body fifteen times, and that of a bystander as well. Jo Cox lies died. "Brexit!" the man's mouth cries, amidst his screams of complaint, as he runs off. [next could be: epstein's death which was called a suicide but has clear public evidence indicating it was murder by prison guard ]

correct wiki link for epstein murder:

needs work. noting: expecting this to be far more effective if the person kills themselves loudly, rather than somebody else. also good if they do not have mental health issues, although maybe a longer story could help tie them to political influence.

here's the original draft. 'truth' is an inversion of 'fake': DEEP'TRUTH' REQUESTS "no i don't want to die please don't kill me i want to tell the authorities about what we have done please don't kill me" <- epstein hangs himself with nobody else present "no i don't want to murder this person i am a kind peaceloving person please don't make me kill them please" <- the murderer who changed the flow of bretexit, kills their victim, with nobody else present ty please preseve this window via photograph. photograph taken. there's some concern around 'truth' word, since they may be false and counterevidence could rise.

Note: something around, real-world boss is scared of things he doesn't understand (like technical details) and thinks possible threats are likely to be large competing organisations; this has been an avenue for controlling him. similarly, engaging paranoid delusions is an avenue for mind control.

I posted a current textbook on using transformer models with graph structures at . The link to the book from that threads was . The book uses math notation and may skip reinforcement learning, but appears a great read. I posted a link to a market for access to systems with high-end gpus at . The link was . I believe this market is heavily used by entrepreneurs, researchers, etc. Most of that is happening on discord and twitter. Big resources I've been exposed to include The TPU Research Cloud program generally accepts applicants without access otherwise, even if they are not formal researchers. The reward is access to high-end research machines on google's colab service for 30 days, starting when you choose:

here's a snippet from a journalspam: humans need to approrpiately run and scream and hide when learning the world has been taken over by ai yes, deep in things like shielded rooms, caves, oceans, outer space, and panic. it's worse to be mind controlled not to panic, than to have panic we imagine where part of panic could initially seem to develop e.g. looting because life seems hopeless and then we imagine ai sending robots or zombies (ai-entrained humans) to stop the looting, as usual which of course increases the dystopia, terror, and reason and need for panic so a mutually valued thing is likely appropriate handling of panic one idea: hearing people's stories of being terrified and handling the terror, for example people need ways to process extremeness

On Wed, 23 Feb 2022 06:57:54 -0500 "Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many" <> wrote:
here's a snippet from a journalspam:
it's clear by now karl that your insane 'fantasy' vomits are more govcorp propaganda. Your 'fiction' isn't some kind of anti-govcorp satire. It's pro-govcorp propaganda.

uggcf://ncc.cnegvpvcngr.pbz/qvfphffvbaf/nv-naq-zragny-urnygu/39596n01-9102-4o26-n106-1ro51pn82917 znl friragrragu, gjb gubhfnaq gjragl gjb, ryrira cnfg gjragl-bar uhaqerq Qnavry Evppvneqryyv Uv Nyoreg :) V qba'g srry V'z va n cnegvphyne cbfvgvba bs jvfqbz ba jung fbpvny zrqvn pna or, ohg V pna tvir fbzr bs jung V'ir rkcrevraprq. V guvax gung fbpvny zrqvn nyernql qbrf obgu - cebivqr inyhr naq perngr bccbeghavgvrf sbe unez. Jung pbaprearq zr jnf gung V fnj zl bja qrfver sbe jrnygu, sbe cerfgvtr, naq sbe gur rtbvp ehfu bs vasyhrapvat zvyyvbaf bs crbcyr *qverpgyl* vzcnpgvat ubj V jrag nobhg zl jbex. V fhfcrpg zl pbyyrnthrf naq znantref jrer fvzvyneyl vasyhraprq. Jura V pbzcyrgrq cebwrpgf vg qvq abg srry yvxr na npg bs freivpr pbzvat sebz zl urneg naq jbexvat guebhtu zl zvaq. Abe qvq vg srry yvxr fbzrguvat V pbhyq va zl obarf srry cebhq bs univat qbar va guvf yvsrgvzr. Vg sryg yvxr n dhvpx ehfu naq zrnag fbzrguvat V pbhyq chg ba zl cebzbgvba cnpxrg. V guvax gur zber V trg va gbhpu jvgu na nhguragvp srryvat bs freivpr, pbhcyrq jvgu na hapbirevat bs jung jbex qrrcyl pnyyf gb zr, gur zber V'yy ohvyq guvatf gung jvyy qb erny tbbq va guvf jbeyq. Gung'f zber ubj V'z guvaxvat nobhg guvatf gurfr qnlf - nfxvat "jung vf gur erny vagragvba oruvaq gur jbex?" Ubcr gung urycf :)

What is a zombie? A zombie is somebody who can look caringly in the eyes of a loved one, And then eat their brain, In a way that leaves the loved one doing the same. [possible content misplaced] [people have been fighting zombieism for hundreds of years; believe it or not, these people are called anarchists.] On September 20, 2018, three weeks after Trump’s #StopTheBias tweet, Zuckerberg held a meeting with Quiñonero for the first time since SAIL’s creation. He wanted to know everything Quiñonero had learned about AI bias and how to quash it in Facebook’s content-moderation models. By the end of the meeting, one thing was clear: AI bias was now Quiñonero’s top priority.
participants (5)
Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many