USA colleges rejuvenating: Appeals Court: Colleges Must Censor, Block Online Services If They Offend Someone - [PEACE]

Snowflakes rejoice and SCOTUS here we come after this Appeals Court ruling that University of Mary Washington has failed to censor "possibly students at the university, but no one is sure" from using Yik Yak, some location-based pseudonymity app. Hey, what good's a court (((they))) can't game? [ For 'intolerant Marxist' values of "they". ] Appeals Court Rules Colleges Must Censor, Block Online Services If They Offend Someone … Here’s some background: A location-based social media app called Yik Yak used to exist. It let users post things anonymously in a given geographic area, such as around colleges. Unsurprisingly, a lot of people posted boorish and offensive things. Even less surprisingly, people with fascist tendencies demanded their universities identify and punish those people. A feminist group at UMW took this to the next level by filing a lawsuit last year alleging the public university failed to protect them from a “sexually hostile environment.” Also named as a defendant was the university’s former president Richard Hurley, who allegedly retaliated against the plaintiffs publicly defending the school against the students’ claims. I’m not kidding. The lawsuit’s other legal reasoning was not particularly convincing. The plaintiffs said UMW should have shut down Yik Yak by banning the app from the campus network. This would not have stopped anyone with a data signal from using the app. Which is basically everyone. A federal judge knocked down the lawsuit a year ago, saying that implementing the plaintiffs’ demands “may have exposed the university to liability under the First Amendment.” It wasn’t even clear the university had control over the people posting on Yik Yak, since they could have been members of the broader Fredericksburg community in the vicinity of the university, or just visitors passing through, or students communicating off-campus. Assumed but never demonstrated in the lawsuit: whether the speech at issue in Yik Yak was unprotected under the First Amendment. You’d think this would be the first thing the 4th Circuit would nail down. Nope! As analyzed by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, the Richmond, Virginia-based appeals court completely ignored the legal status of the very speech at issue. That was the focus of a friend-of-the-court brief filed by FIRE and other free-speech groups earlier this year. They argued that not only were the “yaks” cited by the plaintiffs “crude and offensive” at worst, and nowhere near unprotected “true threats,” but that their cited case law only applied to K-12 contexts. The university did everything short of violating the First Amendment rights of other students to assuage the concerns of the plaintiffs, the brief argued: It was anything but “deliberately indifferent,” the threshold for private damages under Title IX. The 2-1 majority took 57 pages to showcase its willful ignorance of First Amendment law, not only describing the yaks as “harassing and threatening” but explicitly rejecting a narrow remedy for the alleged problem …

On Saturday, December 22, 2018, 12:35:59 AM PST, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Snowflakes rejoice and SCOTUS here we come after this Appeals Court ruling that University of Mary Washington has failed to censor "possibly students at the university, but no one is sure" from using Yik Yak, some location-based pseudonymity app.
Hey, what good's a court (((they))) can't game? [ For 'intolerant Marxist' values of "they". ]
Appeals Court Rules Colleges Must Censor, Block Online Services If They Offend Someone
… Here’s some background:
A location-based social media app called Yik Yak used to exist. It let users post things anonymously in a given geographic area, such as around colleges.
Unsurprisingly, a lot of people posted boorish and offensive things. Even less surprisingly, people with fascist tendencies demanded their universities identify and punish those people.
Naturally, the "people with fascist tendencies" probably called themselves "anti-fascists". A comment I read recently: 'Fascists' are classified into two groups: 'Fascists' and 'Anti-Fascists'.

On 12/22/18 4:02 AM, jim bell wrote:
On Saturday, December 22, 2018, 12:35:59 AM PST, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Snowflakes rejoice
Naturally, the "people with fascist tendencies" probably called themselves "anti-fascists".
A comment I read recently: 'Fascists' are classified into two groups: 'Fascists' and 'Anti-Fascists'.
Dr. Lawrence Britt studied the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), and Pinochet (Chile), Dr. Britt found they all had 14 elements in common. He calls these the identifying characteristics of fascism. 1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism 2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights 3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause 4. Supremacy of the Military 5. Rampant Sexism 6. Controlled Mass Media 7. Obsession with National Security 8. Religion and Government are Intertwined 9. Corporate Power is Protected 10. Labor Power is Suppressed 11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts 12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment 13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption 14. Fraudulent Elections When clashes between Fascist and anti-Fascist groups in the U.S. finally made the evening news in 2017, our mainstream Liberal and Conservative propaganda shops found something to heartily agree on: Anti-Fascist activists "are the real Nazis," worse than actual Fascists. Our MAGA / SJW crowd - the fear driven, propaganda controlled right and left hands of our ruling oligarchy - jumped right on board with that. This unity among ignorant loud-mouthed political consumers tells us something about the motives and agendas of the folks who pull their strings - our ruling oligarchy likes Fascism just fine. Economic hard times have historically enabled Fascist political movements to take power. Our American Fascists and anti-Fascists have this much in common: They see conditions favorable to overt Fascism coming up fast here and now. U.S. NeoNazi and allied organizations have grown rapidly over the last few years, as has the incidence of "random acts" of ultra-violence against their chosen scapegoats. Anti-Fascist activism has increased in response, obstructing and disrupting Fascist-oriented political publicity and recruiting activities. If nothing else, the next few years will present us with lots of opportunities to sort out self proclaimed rebels into those who equate Freedom with their own personal and community power over others, and those who equate Freedom with personal and community self determination for all. The former specialize in impersonating the latter, backed by generations of crypto-Fascist propaganda and supplied with daily talking points by political warfare professionals. But anyone who understands this fundamental difference between Fascist and anti-Fascist motivations will not have a hard time telling the difference.

On December 22, 2018 11:19:41 AM PST, Steve Kinney <> wrote:
On 12/22/18 4:02 AM, jim bell wrote:
On Saturday, December 22, 2018, 12:35:59 AM PST, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Snowflakes rejoice
Naturally, the "people with fascist tendencies" probably called themselves "anti-fascists".
A comment I read recently: 'Fascists' are classified into two groups: 'Fascists' and 'Anti-Fascists'.
Dr. Lawrence Britt studied the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), and Pinochet (Chile), Dr. Britt found they all had 14 elements in common. He calls these the identifying characteristics of fascism.
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism 2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights 3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause 4. Supremacy of the Military 5. Rampant Sexism 6. Controlled Mass Media 7. Obsession with National Security 8. Religion and Government are Intertwined 9. Corporate Power is Protected 10. Labor Power is Suppressed 11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts 12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment 13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption 14. Fraudulent Elections
Reads alot like Eco. "Fascism" isn't the ONLY word being orwellianly redefined. "Nationalism" has been touted in the media as a fascist trait when in reality parts of that trait, such as traditionalism and patriotism are used as TOOLS by fascists. Nationalism isn't fascism... It isn't even an ideology. Other, less notable words are being redefined even as I type. Frinstance, "considering" "Envoy" That one is exceptionally hilarious. And this phrase Rr
When clashes between Fascist and anti-Fascist groups in the U.S. finally made the evening news in 2017, our mainstream Liberal and Conservative propaganda shops found something to heartily agree on: Anti-Fascist activists "are the real Nazis," worse than actual Fascists. Our MAGA / SJW crowd - the fear driven, propaganda controlled right and left hands of our ruling oligarchy - jumped right on board with that. This unity among ignorant loud-mouthed political consumers tells us something about the motives and agendas of the folks who pull their strings - our ruling oligarchy likes Fascism just fine.
Economic hard times have historically enabled Fascist political movements to take power. Our American Fascists and anti-Fascists have this much in common: They see conditions favorable to overt Fascism coming up fast here and now. U.S. NeoNazi and allied organizations have grown rapidly over the last few years, as has the incidence of "random acts" of ultra-violence against their chosen scapegoats. Anti-Fascist activism has increased in response, obstructing and disrupting Fascist-oriented political publicity and recruiting activities.
If nothing else, the next few years will present us with lots of opportunities to sort out self proclaimed rebels into those who equate Freedom with their own personal and community power over others, and those who equate Freedom with personal and community self determination for all. The former specialize in impersonating the latter, backed by generations of crypto-Fascist propaganda and supplied with daily talking points by political warfare professionals. But anyone who understands this fundamental difference between Fascist and anti-Fascist motivations will not have a hard time telling the difference.
Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice with K-9 Mail

On Mon, 24 Dec 2018 07:21:21 -0800 Razer <> wrote:
"Fascism" isn't the ONLY word being orwellianly redefined. "Nationalism" has been touted in the media as a fascist trait
nationalism is a key trait of fascism. Then again it's no surprise that a jew-fascist wants to 'whitewash' nationalism.

Ho Chih Minh was a nationalist. Nationalism is a TRAIT shared by every politcal ideology that assumes borders exist. Fascism is an IDEOLOGY that, along with the rest, UTILIZES that trait. The US MSM is consistently conflating the two Rr Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice with K-9 Mail

On 12/24/18 10:21 AM, Razer wrote:
On December 22, 2018 11:19:41 AM PST, Steve Kinney <> wrote:
On 12/22/18 4:02 AM, jim bell wrote:
On Saturday, December 22, 2018, 12:35:59 AM PST, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Snowflakes rejoice
Naturally, the "people with fascist tendencies" probably called themselves "anti-fascists".
A comment I read recently: 'Fascists' are classified into two groups: 'Fascists' and 'Anti-Fascists'.
Dr. Lawrence Britt studied the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), and Pinochet (Chile), Dr. Britt found they all had 14 elements in common. He calls these the identifying characteristics of fascism.
Reads alot like Eco.
"Fascism" isn't the ONLY word being orwellianly redefined. "Nationalism" has been touted in the media as a fascist trait when in reality parts of that trait, such as traditionalism and patriotism are used as TOOLS by fascists. Nationalism isn't fascism... It isn't even an ideology.
Other, less notable words are being redefined even as I type. Frinstance,
No surprise there, pulling a battalion strength force out of a country the size of Syria presents as less than a drop in a bucket. The whole U.S. mission in Syria consists of destabilizing the country to prevent construction of gas and oil pipelines. With plenty of "friendlies" already in-country, all it takes is money, guns, and phoned-in tactical intelligence and movement orders.
"Envoy" typically refers to a diplomatic representative; it sort of makes sense to me that the U.S. would send an envoy to ISIS, given that the Obama/Trump Administration offered the said mercenary force a chunk of Syria as a country of their very own, provided they could take and hold it.
That one is exceptionally hilarious.
And this phrase
Applying the term "populist" to the billionaire funded, propaganda driven Trump Fan Club presents a bizarre non-sequitur. "Populism" has always indicated an exercise in direct democracy, historically associated with liberal, pacifist and environmentalist causes. The Synonyms of "Activist" per Merriam-Webster: addict, bigot, bug, crank, crazy, demon, devotee, enthusiast, extremist, fiend, fool, freak, maniac, militant, monomaniac, nut, radical, ultraist, visionary, zealot Not listed as synonyms for "Activist": advocate, champion, engaged, leader, motivated, populist, pro-active, self-starter Do the missing terms qualify as synonyms for "activist"? Advocate as in one who advocates for a cause or position, Engaged as in one who actively takes part, Champion as in one who fights for a cause, Leader as in one who takes the lead, Motivated as in up on your feet and down to the street, Populist as in for the people, Pro-Active as in not waiting for others to act, Self-starter as in taking personal initiative. I guess it all depends on what one's definition of "is" is. :o/ Someones could get fame by developing a distributed P2P version of such location based apps on that page. Even rich by monetizing select features provided by relatively anonymous central services over I2P and other networks.
participants (6)
jim bell
Steve Kinney
Zenaan Harkness