Re: Coronavirus: Thread

Without a vaccine you need quarantine. I thought everyone saw " Alien " at least once. As an anarchist I don't like my home state's heavy-handed approach with no offsets. The least they could have done was suspend the War on Drugs. And people were right to protest. However, now we are getting clear and easing restrictions while the Marxist virus runs rampart through red-state areas of Amerikkka. You'd have to be a Stone not to laugh.

On Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 09:31:53 AM PST, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> wrote: On Tue, 17 Nov 2020 17:17:58 +0000 (UTC) professor rat <> wrote:
Without a vaccine you need quarantine.
OK, the offensive-to-rats asshole is also a flu farce propaganda agent, just like jim bell. Shocking!
Actually, I've made very few comments about COVID-19. Very early on, I copied the list on an early (Feb 6, 2020) paper naming chloroquine (not to be confused with hydroxychloroquine, which is not quite the same thing.) I've mentioned ivermectin, and famotidine when I heard about them, too. Myself, I'm 62 years old, definitely overweight, have Type II diabetes and high blood pressure (both controlled by medicine). So, that's a few more risk factors. There is far more chance that I would either die or have very serious consequences should I get COVID. I have never doubted the existence of COVID, or its potential severity. Two of my friends probably got COVID-19, one just after Thanksgiving 2019, and the other the last week of 2019. The latter thinks he inadvertently gave COVID to an elderly dentist very shortly thereafter, who died. Imagine having THAT on your conscience! This was long before COVID became a news item. I think that Anthony Fauci should be 'very severely punished' (see my AP essay) for having claimed 'Masks don't work' against COVID. He later claimed that he lied to prevent a 'run' on manufactured masks, but we should consider how that comment would have been received by the decision-makers at mask-making companies. Should they decide to run their machines at full blast, making far more masks, which would entail a financial risk? Mask makers knew that the entire country had been told "masks don't work". Even if masks actually worked, the public heard the opposite. Manufacturers build to match the demand; they don't build to match what OUGHT TO BE the demand. Fauci is now a hero, but almost entirely because he became useful to the anti-Trumpers. Myself, I don't blame Trump for either the existence of the infection in America, nor its extent: The way I look at it, each state Governor has similar authority and influence within his state than Trump has over the entire country. Did any governor identifiably do a much better job at controlling COVID-19 in his state than other governors did in theirs? (That idiot, Cuomo, actually ordered care-homes to accept COVID-19 patients. ) My state, Washington, actually had the first outbreak, apparently caused by a person who had visited the Wuhan area, and then came back to America and visited a care-home. But then, Trump cut off some travel from China (but not all; yet more than that idiot Nancy Pelosi wanted to occur: She raced to Chinatown to hug Chinese-Americans, which no doubt saved nobody.) In fact, it appears that most COVID-19 came to America through Europe. Who of Trump's criticis advocated cutting off travel from Europe? Would THAT have been labelled as "racist"? For weeks, the biased MSM put out the red herring idea that some people were (falsely) claiming that the Chinese actually designed the COVID-19 virus, or that the Chinese intentionally released it. I think that both were amazing strawman claims. I don't think it's necessary to believe that China designed the virus, and I don't imagine that they intentionally released it, either. Yes, it was probably released by accident, but through very sloppy procedures. But it is virtually certain that the Chinese government, eventually became aware of that release, The Chinese Government kept the international airport near Wuhan open for over 2 weeks (Maybe it was January 21-Feb-6, 2020, by my recollection) AFTER they had cut off travel within China from Wuhan. I see no other possible explanation than that they were intentionally trying to infect the entire world, and they certainly achieved that. Yet, it has been months since I heard the national news shows identify China as being to blame for the spread of COVID-19. I've been using a great, 3-layer-of-soft-fabric mask, that seems to have kept me healthy for 8 months. Had somebody released the design, and told the country "we're going to need a few hundred million of these within a month", THAT would have done the best job to help solve the problem. Trump did not say that the COVID-19 virus was a "hoax". As I recall, Trump said it was being USED as a hoax, which wasn't the same thing. Jim Bell

On Tue, 17 Nov 2020 20:50:57 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <> wrote:
On Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 09:31:53 AM PST, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> wrote:
On Tue, 17 Nov 2020 17:17:58 +0000 (UTC) professor rat <> wrote:
Without a vaccine you need quarantine.
OK, the offensive-to-rats asshole is also a flu farce propaganda agent, just like jim bell. Shocking!
Actually, I've made very few comments about COVID-19.
yet another stupid lie. You made a 'fair' amount of 'comments' all of them toxic propaganda, including support for spying cameras, support for spying retardphones and google-NSA and support for 'vaccinces' The key fact of course is that you pretend that the flu farce is real and not a sick PSYOP.
Very early on, I copied the list on an early (Feb 6, 2020) paper naming chloroquine
ah yes, that too. That part of the bullshit was favored by right wingers (like you).
Myself, I'm 62 years old, definitely overweight,
stop eating like a pig then.
There is far more chance that I would either die or have very serious consequences should I get COVID.
covid is just the common cold/flu - get a grip on reality.
I have never doubted the existence of COVID, or its potential severity.
which is exactly my point. You are a propaganda bot. rest of your idiotic vomited ignored.

On Tue, 17 Nov 2020 20:50:57 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <> vomited:
Yet, it has been months since I heard the national news shows identify China as being to blame for the spread of COVID-19.
sorry this bit of 1000% pure US nazi propaganda has to be doubly highlighted. Yeah according to the pentagon and white trump trash in the US, the chinese are to blame for the 'spread' of a non-existent 'pandemic' of common cold.
participants (3)
jim bell
professor rat
Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0