Area51: DeLonge UFO Stars Academy Gets Free Govt Collab Funds Tom DeLonge's UFO research organization has signed an agreement with the U.S. Army in which it will help the military study and develop advanced materials for the purposes of develpoing "active camouflage, beamed energy propulsion, and quantum communication" for use on military vehicles. Motherboard reports: On October 17th, To the Stars joined forces with the Army's Combat Capabilities Development Command, a research and development body. While To the Stars has made recent headlines with its UFO themed content, such as its acquisition of "exotic" materials which it claims are not from Earth, and videos acquired from the Navy purporting to show unidentified anomalous phenomena, this recent deal with the military portrays a different side of To the Stars: as a potential technology company. In recent months, DeLonge's organization has made a big deal out of obtaining those "exotic" metals that it believes may come from UFOs. Though the contract doesn't specifically mention the origin of any of those metals, it does say that To the Stars and the U.S. Army will use government labs to study "meta materials," which could refer to these alloys. "Government shall: Perform assessments, testing, and characterization of Collaborator-provided technologies. The Government is interested in a variety of the Collaborator's technologies, such as, but not limited to inertial mass reduction, mechanical/structural meta materials, electromagnetic meta material wave guides, quantum physics, quantum communications, and beamed energy propulsion," the contract states. The contract lasts for five years. The government isn't paying TTSA anything, rather, it is agreeing to collaborate with TTSA on researching new technologies and has committed to spend at least $750,000 on the research.
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