[ot][spam][confused/crazy] thoughts on speaking non-pretentiously
i forgot the thiughts by the time i reached the editing field
one if them might have regarded learning another one regarded my desire to inspire others to accomplish challenges maybe a way to consider that is how difficult it can be to adopt new skills when the skill for adopting them is not built
note also: that’s a negative feedback situation that is pretty powerful people also have different capacities for this i do want to keep resisting the belief that somebody couldn’t do something, but not in an argumentative way or anything. beliefs aren’t necessarily facts, on either side. i can see proofs for both views.
something i’ve noticed in daydreams is that beliefs can be pretty strongly related to results think e.g. of an expanding logic process. you only find the way out of a maze if you believe there is one. but similarly if you believe you can teleport with only your mind you may expend a lot of energy thinking hard about teleporting rather than walking somewhere, which is quite injurious if you need to travel.
re pretentiousness, spamming this list with thought processes shows pretentious internal dialog improving that does seem pleasant but it seems much more important to be able to think
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