Re: [Cryptography] "we need to protect [our dox] by at least encrypting them"

On Sat, Nov 5, 2016 at 1:20 PM, Henry Baker <> wrote:
I have yet to see any evidence that *secret negotiations* are _ever_ in the best interests of the ordinary citizen. When Alice & Bob negotiate in secret, they usually give away Joe's gold watch rather than Alice's or Bob's (Joe, of course, not being in the room and hence unable to protect his interests).
Among other problems with diplomatic secrecy, the sh*t really hits the fan when diplomatic cables are "accidently" released
If the crypto community really wants to help improve the art of diplomacy, it could design games/negotiations that are completely auditable, so that all back-stabbing becomes transparent.
+1. Be *extremely* careful who you are teaching to encrypt and reducing their audit surface, such as corrupt politicians... or any politician for that matter... lest they begin to use it when you're not in the room... against you. Performing (daily / overall) role as a public servant, particularly in domestic (not foreign) issues, arguably has miniscule need for comms encryption. Need for authentication yes. Don't get locked out of your own board meeting. oblig cc modless list, in protest, again.

On Mon, Nov 07, 2016 at 04:38:57PM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
On Sat, Nov 5, 2016 at 1:20 PM, Henry Baker <> wrote:
oblig cc modless list, in protest, again.
On cdmdc, are you "not supposed to" cc a modless list?

On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 4:38 PM, grarpamp <> wrote:
+1. Be *extremely* careful who you are teaching to encrypt
For example, consider if everything on Wikileaks docs from around the world, the NSA trove, or even just the recently leaked emails and documents about Clinton corruption and the shady politics, even just routine public business which should be open anyways... were, instead of being just more or less authenticated, were a bunch of encrypted blobs with benign subject lines... You'd have learned nothing of the corruption / unethics / spying and general happenings within. Of course now they're wanting to learn buy and use crypto pretty bad. Some might choose to feed them snakeoil for fun, profit, and to not become locked out.
participants (2)
Zenaan Harkness