Jesse Lee Peterson: “I grew up not hating anyone” - Jim Crow laws, "Democratic" Party - [PEACE]
Here's a man who just dang diddly ang dang -don't- fit Razer's narrative :D Razer takes a <ahem> black and white, dichomatic sledg-e-meh-hammer to dey world. Yo. Since Jesse Lee Peterson be a nationalist, he be proto-fascist right? Hang 'im from a tree then? Or just the huwaite proto-fascists? :D JLP Straight Pride Speech (Modesto, Aug 24, 2019) [~ half hr, 200MiB] Recorded Saturday, August 24, 2019: Jesse Lee Peterson's morning speech at the first annual Modesto Straight Pride Event in California, prior to the Planned Parenthood protest. Jesse urges men to drop anger and fear, and lead by example their wives and children. He urges white men not to cave to phony cries of "racism," nor become angry at the evil attacks against them, lest South Africa come here. Jesse also talks about the family destruction in the black community, and the attack on men. After the talk, Straight Pride Coalition founder Don Grundmann thanks Jesse for sharing. This was actually the first true Straight Pride event in the history of America, as the Boston one had yet to occur. READ WND: Exclusive: Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson witnesses first-hand how violent LGBTQ activists work … Before the rally, a group of leftists calling themselves the Modesto Nonviolent Collective gathered before Modesto city hall, pledging to counter-protest. St. Paul's Episcopal Church hosted an interfaith vigil, and audience members spoke against the event planned by the National Straight Pride Coalition. They even had an Imam speak from the pulpit. These LGBTQ snowflakes can tolerate a religion that condones executing homosexuals, but they oppose a peaceful parade organized by Christians! …
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Zenaan Harkness