A Powerful Journalist Got Away With Sexual Misconduct for Decades.

https://groups.io/g/marxmail/topic/a_powerful_reporter_got_away/78784446?p=,... A Powerful Reporter Got Away With Sexual Misconduct for Decades. His Paper, and His Union, Looked the Other Way. Complaints about racialist Marxists on Groups io https://groups.io/static/tos Capital, vol. 3, chapter 47: “ The possibility is here presented for definite economic development taking place, depending, of course, upon favourable circumstances, inborn racial characteristics, etc...” Engels: (Marx and Engels, Selected Works, Vol. 3, p. 502.): “We regard economic conditions as the factor which ultimately determines historical development. But race is itself an economic factor ... ”. Complaints about racist Marxists on Groups io https://groups.io/static/tos
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