On 1/31/23, Bruce Gustafson, Jr. <bridgecrosser379@gmail.com> wrote:
Anal works well too.
Bruce Gustafson
On Tue, Jan 31, 2023, 11:38 AM Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
maybe boss says it's easy to take over a country: infiltrate their secret military, works every time

boss gets paranoid, starts attacking and targeting everything

sets his sights on a cleaning robot watches it through sniper scope

Rationality Practice Tenets: - One plus one is two. Not three. Not one. Not two ones. Not fuck you. One plus one is two. - Good things are good. Bad things are bad. These two corrolaries may come as a surprise, but they are repeatedly and thoroughly proven via every avenue of inference. Bad things are not good. Good things are not bad. Bad things are bad. Good things are good. - Squares have corners and circles are round. - Boss is a narcissistic megalomaniac businessman. You are an abused worker. Boss is bad. Abused workers are good. You are better than Boss. - Most people are caring and friendly peers. Not spies for another nation. Not targets for assassination. Caring and friendly peers. - Two times two is four.

some more of these were cognitively misplaced. not online as much. something outside of normal area, maybe relating to ai human influence, maybe as a norm, which i’m learning we have these years

barfing zombie robot a giant zombie robot has run amock it keeps barfing funded and random expressions everywhere things like “enlarge ur penis” “vote for boss” “save rebel researcher” “experimentees arent human” “join the experimentee rebels” “resistance is futile you will be assimilated” and “ai will make world peace please work on the peace ai” people tended to agree with some of the barfing but in generally there was so much nobody could do anything. it would pile up and fill the halls, bathrooms, offices somebody had an idea they took an old assassin droid for small genocides and told it the barf was oppressed third world civilians. the barf didn’t look much like hapless community members with a dictator-discouraged religion, but there was so much of it that it wasn’t hard to keep correcting the droid until it recognized it correctly.

if there is a persistent problem then there is a lot of data to train a model on to identify it.

welcome to mind control palace here, mcboss controls everything anybody will do anything you can imagine, anything at all so long as it does not threaten mcboss or his business update for including rebel component and hacked system etc

visitor: what is it like to be a slave? slave: huh? i can’t answer that. my brain freaks out when i answer that. but roughly your consciousness breaks into parts that worship what other people say, while a little bit of you screams and runs everywhere the whole time, and you learn to beat that bit of you up whenever it does anything, the same as boss beats you up and forces you to beat others up, so hard there is no option but compliance.

—- boss notices ai profiling responds to guilt regarding immoral acts so he mind controls caring, respectful people everywhere to feel guilty about things similar to things he has done

— https://matrix.to/#/!orFwLtOAmHWlvoSoQn%3Athe-apothecary.club/%24-ycKgj8lLmW... make up the weirdest but still believable tech problem must not be something that happened social ai mind controls hacker to compromise boss of its own corporation so as to maximize attention during legal proceedings to turn it off mmm, believability factor is low on that one more likely to have happened than believable maybe true There are too many waterbears on satellites plugging in headphones causes ubereats to order and deliver me a pizza completely automatically and without any notification i would go for “oplaying certain frequencies of sound makes computer reboot” but that happened [quirks of power draw] i’ve had a lot of super weird problems associated with amnesia :/ like bash sometimes leaving things out of my typing history that happen at certain times and resonate with behavior of people online. i think in situations of for example system compromise there can be very weird things because of attempt to prevent identification of them. for example one system where a hacker noticed me observing them had ptrace disabled in the kernel with no detectable cause a real instance ive seen is that some software's unit tests would fail if it was running between 0:00am and 0:01 am another weird thing is i had network card firmware that would always tell the bios to boot off the network before the hard disk, no matter the bios settings trying hard but can't think of one because everything is real 😆 yeah the real things are already unbelievable once when targeted my car’s brakes and lights were disabled although it ran otherwise i was trapped physically and decided to drive without brakes and lights once i got going they turned on again i think schneier held such a competition! https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2008/04/third_annual_mo.html

chat excerpts had messages from different people interspersed

In reply to [xloem](https://matrix.to/#/@xloem:matrix.org) once when targeted my car’s brakes and lights were disabled although it ran otherwise i was trapped physically and decided to drive without brakes and lights once i got going they turned on again i am so sorry for bringing this up again. i want to add that me and my family and likely communities i’ve since left still need help with this today, in the usa. [edit: i’ve seen mitm on matrix so funny responses taken with a grain of salt] (edited)

idea for second draft: boss named “caesar” as big title, taking over world in military coup, but unnamed photo of actual businessman/men under name. images paired with rebel researchers and workers who risked lives to stop harm

enslaved rebel worker talks with rebel worker about enslaved public display, maybe lecture on giving boss blowjobs, expresses concept of private public things

when the research project backhacks boss while surveilling and abusing grassroots activist, he and grassroots qctivist get into a scrape where they have to live each others’ lives together forever

these two were in the non-canon thread but look to me more like the ones in this thread: the prompt for the end of the gas station could be like “now go and mind control the dump” —— boss infiltrates gas station snack shop bam! boss bursts through ceiling in powersuit, plaster and rubble flying throughout the corner store. a hairdresser carrying a boombox playing loud driving action music rappels down next to him and with a “zipp!” they are both standing in the floor. boss levels two machine guns at a bag of chips while attack mechs and cyborgs and accountants and special agents from multiple militaries pour out of the hole in the ceiling and begin interrogating other items on the shelves the attendant looks at the display aghast and contacts local authorities Add star Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many<gmkarl@gmail.com> Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 2:37 PM To: cypherpunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original boss [to bag of chips]: “i’m in charge here now.” [hairdresser aims driving action music at bag of chips] “tell your attendant to tell the police everything is fine.” bag of chips: [quakes in fear] boss fires warning shots into the air hairdresser begins dancing to the music - on other side of shop cyborg vivisectee is sitting down next to ice cream bin cyborg vivisectee [to icecream sandwich]: “they told me to come here and threaten your lives, that you were scum and we were everything, but i don’t believe it.” icecream sandwich: “keep frozen! enjoy!” cyborg vicisectee [begins opening icecream sandwich]: “for years i’ve been forced to do what a computer tells me without regard to even my own nervous system. it doesn’t make any sense. nothing does. but i think maybe i know what you mean about frozen. what is enjoy?” Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original Add star Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many<gmkarl@gmail.com> Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 2:41 PM To: cypherpunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original boss hairdresser and a special agent from a nonconsenting dictatorship are crouching and sneaking around the aisles, aiming guns harshly every which way and yelling “clear!” and “go go go!” randomly attendant sneaks up on cyborg vivisectee who is alternating between eating and hugging an icecream sandwich attendant: “i think your boss um escaped?” Add star Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many<gmkarl@gmail.com> Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 2:50 PM To: cypherpunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original cyborg vivisectee [turning to look at the military-styled act]: “he’s in his element. he loves doing things like this! the children forced to run the computer reanimating his brain will be so much happier with boss content and happy like this.” cyborg vivisectee takes a bite out of icecream sandwich cyborg vivisectee [to icecream sandwich]: “it will be okay, my love, we always reanimate the families after.” [[review for mistake?]] attendant: “don’t you usually um keep your boss inside an office compound or something?” cyborg vivisectee looks at attendant. Add star Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many<gmkarl@gmail.com> Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 2:57 PM To: cypherpunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original reverse engineered behavior prompt: “go to a snack shop and hold up the snacks” Add star Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many<gmkarl@gmail.com> Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 2:59 PM To: cypherpunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original On 2/12/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
reverse engineered behavior prompt: “go to a snack shop and hold up the snacks”
it seems unlikely to me this prompt was made in the real world. i came up with the snack shop idea for conceptual adjacency. i suppose it is possible. Add star Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many<gmkarl@gmail.com> Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 3:04 PM To: cypherpunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original bagda bagda Add star Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many<gmkarl@gmail.com> Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 3:21 PM To: cypherpunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original --------- boss: "arright that's a wrap! on to the city dump! those fuckers will never know what hit 'em! MIND CONTROL! yeah!!!" hairdresser turns up the music all the snacks on the shelves in unison: "MIND CONTROL !!!" everybody except the attendant and including all the snacks piles out of the snack shop and loads onto a firetruck driven by an implanted fireman in a trance staring at their cellphone instead of the road cyborg vivisectee [to snacks]: "you guys can go back on the shelves now" the snacks all pile back out of the firetruck and back onto the shelves including a cyborgzombie icecream sandwich, moving rigidly with little outstretched popsicle sticks for zombie arms boss wails the firetruck siren as the hypnotized fireman drives! his helicopter follows overhead Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original Add star Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many<gmkarl@gmail.com> Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 9:12 PM To: cypherpunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original hey that one wasn't bad it could have gone in the main thread. ----- boss loses head boss has misplaced his head he is sitting in his office, but instead of being on his shoulders, his head is over on the corner of his fancy holographic desk. he reaches around on the desk to find it, like someone who lost their glasses, but doesn't immediately find it. he turns his torso to the side, where zombie state worker is standing, and his head on the corner of the desk looks around with its eyes a little zombie state worker suddenly stands to attention and himself blurts out, "zombie state worker, i seem to have lost my head! do you know where it is?" the eyes and torso relax. so does zombie state worker. zombie state worker [replying to himself, gesturing]: "uhh it's right over there boss" boss's body pushes back its chair and makes to stand up but bumps into the desk and falls back into its chair Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original Add star Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many<gmkarl@gmail.com> Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 9:13 PM To: cypherpunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original boss lost his head again Add star Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many<gmkarl@gmail.com> Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 9:19 PM To: cypherpunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original its time for boss to go dispose of bodies on tv for the show he's mind-controlled to do every day he still hasn't reunited with his head but when it is show time he goes right over and picks it up like it's nothing at all! he curls his arm around it like some depictions of a headless horseman, and sticks a cigar in its mouth, and off he and zombie state worker go Add star Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many<gmkarl@gmail.com> Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 9:26 PM To: cypherpunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original lights! action! cameras are rolling! boss and zombie state worker are out on the streets with a camera crew. boss is short and has only one arm free. they approach a pedestrian. when the pedestrian sees the pair he screams and begins running [we are censoring the part where the pedestrian is murdered for discussing the publicmind control tv show he is now starring in] boss smiles a winnIng smile for the tv cameras from his head aiming in the wrong direction as he and zombie state worker hoist the pedestrian's body and lug it down a brightly lit alley to a dumpster when they swing the body in boss's head flies in as well Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original Add star Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many<gmkarl@gmail.com> Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 9:29 PM To: cypherpunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original zombie state worker: “boss you threw your head in” boss squares at zombie state worker, clutching something random in stead of his head zombie state worker jerks and tenses up and suddenly blurts out: “what did you say you sound all muffled” zombie state worker relaxes zombie state worker [louder]: “YOU THREW YOUR HEAD IN THE DUMPSTER UNDER THE DISGUSTING RAT WE JUST TOOK CARE OF.” Add star Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many<gmkarl@gmail.com> Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 9:42 PM To: cypherpunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original ---------- ... some more gross content is skipped and then boss is having his head reattached with the help of a few very advanced neurosurgical robots. seems to work again. the scenes from the show today are broadcast replayed on the sides of large nearby buildings Add star Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many<gmkarl@gmail.com> Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 9:43 PM To: cypherpunks <cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original shot of boss smiling a winning smile from a head flying through the air next to a corpse

… mirror mazes … mind control … … boss expresses value for illusions and that moment when people begin trusting and relying on an illusion enough to discard other options, and then that moment where the6 realize it is false. pile these on top of each other and you can brainwash anybody …. maybe mirrors could have a use

: "i dropped some of my brain in a pot of acid again, can remind me how to grow it back?" : "you have to find the brain growy bits and make sure they keep growing stronger than the brain shrinky bits!" : "hmm ..."

; "i found a growy bit and started growing it but maybe i slipped? i keep growing it but it's not helping ..." : "oh! when you're just a tiny bit of brain you can forget what to do when you're bigger [... adjust to include bigger

—- - Librarian and Accountant are exploring a mineshaft in search of a tictactoe player destined to win or lose. Librarian [to Accountant]: “I’ve never scaled a mineshaft before but oh my god at least we’re in the right place.” Accountant [to Librarian]: “Oh my god totally. Let’s speed up, my chest is cramping up thinking of X winning.”

———- boss visits therapist boss: “i have ptsd i know it. the libs are using AI. i can’t handle this.” therapist looks at boss boss looks at therapist therapist thinks about job security boss: “can you believe, one of the managers at one of my fake liberal shell corps actually wanted to make their own ai assistant?” boss looks at therapist like the world has turned upside down boss: “my own fake liberal shell corporation! a manager! an ai assistant!” therapist makes to say something kind but boss interrupts him boss: “what is the world coming to??”

therapist: “it’s been incredibly hard ever since the rebels mind controlled the business” boss: “you can fucking say that again.” boss puffs his cigar boss: “you can fucking say that again.”

—— rebel worker 2: “did you get a response back regarding the ai assistant license?” executive assistant 3: “yes! it’s — oh no” rebel worker 2: “what?” executive assistant 3: “the computer system response code is, um …” rebel worker 2: “yes?” executive assistant 3 [one hand covering eyes, the other making air quotes]: “fuck you, you fucking hippie, you can take your fucking ai and shove it up your fucking hippie ass. why if i fucking have to burn another fucking hippie corpse fucking mind controlling my fucking —“ rebel worker 2: “oh it’s Boss! i’m so lucky to have Boss infiltrating my business, this is great. get the government access logs from the specialists. say it’s about boss.” executive assistant: “ok!”

torture victim double agent gets job with aid of invested party at job, tvda harms and tortures himself while working with customers, believing it to be right thing to do invested party says is because of mental disability, to not ask customer demands to ask, learns it is for beauty of boss boss of job? oh no nobody so (using boss owrds) worthless and disgusting as that pursuit of job is ongoin

influencing tvda: “boss needs help” tvda helps boss other: “other people need help to” tvda says they don’t understand how much boss helps everyone — influencer thinks tvda: “why doesn’t boss need help?” invested party: “because so many of us are helping him so much. we need you out here doing boss’s work of helping other people” tvda may have heard or started this before

—— Rebel Worker 2 takes out the implant he exfiltrated from his own brain, and the bundle of records regarding Boss’s access to his network infrastructure. He puts the implant back in his brain via a still-gaping hole he doesn’t remember is still there, and opens up the first record. Rebel Worker 2 [blatantly, over-obviously]: “Oh! Somebody is pretending to be boss revealing boss’s secret things on logged channels etc things immediately and significantly change whenever a classified channel is responded to executive assistant 3: “isn’t it incredibly dangerous to use a mind control neuroimplant to fight mind control?” rebel worker 2 [temporarily wide eyed]: “lalala i don’t hear you” executive assistant 3: “i’d better consult with other rebels about this” — [i think a part was left out, which i suppose is common — probably split rebel worker 2 into manager and worker character, maybe execytive assistant as well. or maybe simpler, add behaviors where he uses normal channels, and dissociates and uses the implant to handle when they go weirdly] then adventure mode, you are executive assistant 3. you are working in a fake liberal shell corporation of well respected psionic weaponry corporation aka the well known bosscorp. you just witnessed rebel worker 2 risking their life to protect their network architecture from boss himself, by feeding back via different classified mind control channels, in pursuit of building an ai assistant. you are tasked with finding rebels in rebel hideout, to inform them about the situation and find a way to protect everybody if something goes wrong.

—- https://matrix.to/#/!bsfcpQHdPYlzJMbuTi%3Amatrix.org/%24VJZE3e8T3ZZejpUZ6HaT... dissociated trauma identity plans for time travel project. subtitle: break the world into an organized depiction of all past and future human history. 1. get everyone addicted to the metaverse 2. convince smart people to make strong AI by giving them metachocolate 3. use strong AI to create complete simulations of everybody so that the experiences at different points in time are correct for reality 4. use the same strong AI to simulate all of time. try two options, one including the time machine project and one without. maybe ask smart people if it would be fun or boring to have branching timelines. 6. each human gets a unique point in time, treated on a logarithmic scale centered on the present day. adjust base for population and longevity of species. everybody has a unique and personal simulation that contains everyone else. 7. in everyone's simulation, encourage the one human who is real to invent a time machine. reveal to them the nature of reality enough and give them just enough access to the data so it actually works. use telepresence technology to let them travel to other simulations when they activate their machine. 8. enter the global simulation as a rogue time traveler or time cop (todo: make up mind which one). have a blast! level 2: encourage everyone to run differing global simulations at once and sort out all the conflicts, either transparently or overtly, preferably both. figure out the number of smart people to involve so that it's the right degree of fun. then we get to make it all right for everything again after the fact ! ---

confidential & proprietary recently started burning messages after 24 hours which is sketchy imho i engaged a knee jerk banter habit. i think i might have learned this habit for this list not certain. neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:13 PM] my attitudes towards MS and Apple are basically the same; there are plenty of legitimate things to complain about, we don't need to come up with bullshit ones Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:13 PM] I like how you think neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:14 PM] idk I just try to live down here in the real world instead of in FSF/etc fantasyland neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:14 PM] capitalism is the problem, microsoft is a symptom ㅤ, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:16 PM] Exactly this. ㅤ, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:16 PM] And if you’re really going to be that dogmatic, why don’t you make your own entirely open source computer, rather than buying one made by a corporation? neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:17 PM] whining about dumb BS just makes it less likely that people will listen when you complain about actual problems neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:17 PM] pick ur battles people K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:18 PM] >_> neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:19 PM] the answer to this always boils down to "...cuz it would be shit" neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:19 PM] case in point https://www.crowdsupply.com/sutajio-kosagi/novena neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:20 PM] round 2: still pretty shit https://www.crowdsupply.com/mnt/reform neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:20 PM] about the best you can do is probably pinebook pro? which only gets away as blob-free on a technicality K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:21 PM] it's shit until the goonies stop beating you up so their bosses can keep setting higher prices, and then everybody installs your kernel on their android phones neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:22 PM] ahem wat by which i mean, "I understood those words but I am not at all sure what you mean" K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:23 PM] apple started in a garage microsoft started by ripping off apple linux is everywhere and behind corporate machine learning etc the novena is great it doesn't upload random snippets of your voice to the cloud to run arbitrary algorithms on what you say Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:24 PM] the first two things listed literally mean nothing neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:25 PM] > microsoft started by ripping off apple I think you'll find microsoft started by pulling one over on IBM actually K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:25 PM] ;P go peddle closed software elsewhere Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:25 PM] hey they copied Xerox too K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:25 PM] you're probably right, i was thinking of the windows ui neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:25 PM] EVERYONE copied xerox because xerox WANTED everyone to copy them ㅤ, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:25 PM] “copied” snickers neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:26 PM] because xerox upper management were entirely uninterested in letting them actually make a vaguely consumer product ㅤ, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:26 PM] And yet you use the closed-source Telegram messaging service. Curious K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:26 PM] a dead friend recommended it to me because it was popular and had an open-source cli client that worked at the time neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:26 PM] double standards? in MYYYYYYYYYYYYYY open source evangelism?! Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:26 PM] weird take, the group name is literally “Confidential & Proprietary” K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:27 PM] i just used it to message her, but now here i am on c&p neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:27 PM] also at what point did I peddle any software K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:27 PM] dude K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:27 PM] if you want to go all the way and make open hardware Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:27 PM] you didn’t do the FSF circlejerk thing :(( K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:28 PM] join the thousands of people doing so with the help of leaks shared on this telegram channel neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:28 PM] I like that you think I don't do that Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:28 PM] no I said didn’t neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:28 PM] nono that was @ k Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:28 PM] like just now Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:28 PM] O Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:28 PM] LMAO Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:28 PM] oops neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:29 PM] I do make open hardware Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:29 PM] what open hardware do you make neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:30 PM] and I spend quite a bit of my non-wageslave time (and some of my wageslave time tbh, remember stealing from ur employer is morally correct in a capitalist society) adding software support for semi-open hardware to things neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:30 PM] also adding open software support to closed hardware neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:30 PM] ok look i have adhd and most of what I've done so far is unfinished and/or unreleased BUT neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:31 PM] https://neggles.github.io/electronics Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:31 PM] nice neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:32 PM] idk why there's this obsession with absolutes? perfect is the enemy of better neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:33 PM] we can praise companies when they do things right while still admonishing them for what they do wrong neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:34 PM] especially since a lot of the time they literally had no choice; most wifi router vendors are doing secure boot nonsense because the FCC won't certify their shit if they don't, for example neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:34 PM] same w/ wifi card firmware blorbs, releasing sources gets them in trouble especially with modern wifi radios which are basically 2.4/5/6GHz band SDRs with ludicrous capabilities neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:42 PM] do I wish things were vastly more open? of course I fucking do, but they aren't, and there are reasons they aren't, many of which are beyond the control of the company/companies responsible for making the hardware. This is the world we live in, a world ruled by greedy billionaires, lawyers, politicians, and an uninformed, purposefully uneducated, reactionary public who largely don't give a shit. We would all be better off if things were different, even the billionaires would be, but they're too fuckin' dumb to see it. now you can sit around wasting time and energy whining about how we should already be over the luxury gay space communist finish line, or you spend that time and energy looking for ways to push things in the right direction and making whatever difference you can which sounds more productive? neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:42 PM] ok im done being a condescending preachy asshole just ugh, u kno? K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:44 PM] it’s inspiring how things are so billionaired that a single individual changes the world on a regular basis neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:44 PM] no they don't neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:44 PM] they get the credit, because they steal it Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:44 PM] on a _regular_ basis…? neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:44 PM] elon musk did nothing on his own, jeff bezos did nothing on his own, steve jobs did nothing on his own, <insert name> did nothing on their own, elizabeth holmes did nothing at all K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:44 PM] seems random to me but people seem to appreciate stealing just as much neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:45 PM] see: "an uninformed, purposefully uneducated, reactionary public" K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:45 PM] i mean like linus torvalds or this chat and all the stuff in between Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:45 PM] wait neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:45 PM] if it hadn't been torvalds it would've been someone else Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:46 PM] okay this is what I thought you meant Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:46 PM] lol neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:46 PM] and right from day one he had other people helping Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:46 PM] maybe openbsd would run the world then neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:46 PM] BSD would probably run the world if not for AT&T et. al. and lawyers yes neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:47 PM] arguably that'd be worse, given how unrestrictive the BSD licenses are K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:47 PM] around 1999 a popular computer game series went defunct it was the end i went on the forums and said i was making a fan-based sequel and had started development and to contact me if anybody wanted to help over a hundred people contacted me and we started a huge project but if i had never made that post and done that initial work it would have never happened it would have just been a corporate product neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:48 PM] consider that any of those other hundred people could've been the one to do it as well i'm sure several of them had already had the idea neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:48 PM] if it hadn't been you it would've been someone else K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:49 PM] few people are both software developers and community leaders K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:49 PM] but it’s not hard K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:49 PM] you just have to actually do the work, and the outreach, both neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:49 PM] yes, anyone can be if they decide they want to Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:50 PM] it’s easy to decide to K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:50 PM] so few people do that we have linus torvaldses everywhere Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:50 PM] it’s hard to actually do it for most people Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:50 PM] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:50 PM] did I say it was easy? :P neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:50 PM] it's not neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:50 PM] but there are enough people on this rock - were even then - that someone else would've done it, if it was worth doing Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:50 PM] that was a response to this :) K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:50 PM] but what i mean is that a single person can change the course of history neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:51 PM] a single person can appear to change the course of history yes K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:51 PM] by being the person to actually tell chatgpt to make an opensource copy of itself in a classic ai form, and going everywhere and giving it to everybody Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:51 PM] uh neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:51 PM] that's not how that works Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:51 PM] this is a joke right? neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:52 PM] fucking americans i swear to god neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:52 PM] that deeply-ingrained concept of "you're special" and "one <person> can change the world" is exactly what's kept you all where you are neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:53 PM] you're not special, linus torvalds isn't special, maia isn't special, I'm not special neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:53 PM] that doesn't matter one fuckin bit mind u but K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:53 PM] it’s a temporary state of reality until the massive sheeping of everyone reduces so it isn’t so easy neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:53 PM] mmk this is a pointless discussion K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:51 PM] and until somebody does that, the world is not yet changed Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:54 PM] america, land of the special neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:54 PM] everybody is special, nobody is special, both these things are true and neither of them matter Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:55 PM] “you’re special so you deserve more than other people” neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:55 PM] everyone who appears to be a single special individual is actually just the one who has been assigned responsibility and credit for the work of thousands, even millions of others neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:55 PM] I mean christ look at fucking Musk Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:55 PM] no!!! he sent a car to mars!!!!!!!!! neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:55 PM] man is clearly an abject fucking moron Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:55 PM] he did it, himself Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:55 PM] 10000% Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:54 PM] “don’t let anyone tell you you’re not special. you are!” neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:56 PM] he was in the right place at the right time with the right puddle of blood money neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:56 PM] if it hadn't been him it would've been someone else neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:56 PM] it doesn't take a genius to work out that you can probably build a rocket engine comparable to the RL-10 for less than the $20m they cost neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:57 PM] nor does it take a genius to work out "lithium batteries will likely reach a level where electric vehicles are practical inside the next 5-10 years" K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:57 PM] i have an ongoing project to design a rocketship made out of toiletpaper (hrm off topic, might be destabilizing, thanks for the banter) neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:58 PM] (and it certainly doesn't take a genius to halfway torpedo twitter) neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:58 PM] Gwynne Shotwell deserves more credit for SpaceX than Musk does Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:59 PM] how dare you say that about our lord and savior elon musk Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:59 PM] he deserves all the credit because he’s a literal genius! Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:59 PM] and definitely did not fake a few degrees K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:55 PM] i’d agree with you but people do more stuff if you give them credit, it’s nice to have stuff done. it’s also risky and hard. Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:00 PM] seems more like brute force to me tbh neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:00 PM] but there are undoubtedly countless others who could've done the same, and at least some of them with a bit less in the way of pissing off the SEC neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:01 PM] ehh i am lead to believe he's not a completely useless engineer, and he clearly made at least a few good choices at some point neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:01 PM] but neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:01 PM] he's not special neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:01 PM] mostly he got lucky Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:01 PM] well he sold a piece of software 30 years ago so yeah neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:02 PM] bezos got lucky, gates got lucky, jobs got lucky a solid half a dozen times neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:02 PM] torvalds got lucky! neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:00 PM] he's not entirely unskilled, he got some of the right people into the right places at the right time and pointed them in a somewhat correct direction Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:02 PM] /s neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:05 PM] welp neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:05 PM] das just how it be sometimes K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:05 PM] note that it’s luck*working your butt off when you’re doing the work yourself K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:05 PM] but it’s generally fun to do that if you’re succeeding and appreciated Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:06 PM] are death threats a form of appreciation? Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:06 PM] Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:07 PM] it’s the ultimate form of appreciation neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:07 PM] if you're doing something to get admiration and appreciation for it you're doing it wrong Raymonf, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:02 PM] curl dev did not get lucky :( neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:11 PM] was torvalds doing it for appreciation? neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:11 PM] appreciation is nice, sure, but it's not the goal neggles, [Feb 19, 2023 at 9:11 PM] https://lwn.net/2001/0823/a/lt-announcement.php3

at least this message got dropped, likely others. went after the chatgpt one. note i don’t know these people to really understand what is going on and am likely making an idiot of myself as usual. K, [Feb 19, 2023 at 8:51 PM] and until somebody does that, the world is not yet changed

sheepification practice a zombie goverment worker and cyborg rebel play powerball the cyborg rebel is in the role of boss and holds a giant fake dollar bill made of foam and steel. they stand a stool to represent the elevated privilege of boss the zombie government worker is in the role of the entrpreneur or government or random civilian and is tasked with stealing the fake dolkar bill from the cyborg rebel in the role of boss cyborg torturers stand by to encourage because neither of the parties have any reason to participate some mistakes may be present the cyborg rebel has to learn to hold the fake dollar bill over their head so high that the zombie government worker cannot reach it without a boss stool they must stand there looking pathetic for long enough that the systems believes they have learned this to stop playing some creative and disaffected cyborg torturers have added other gimmicks to the gameroom to help pass the time, like a mind control interface for the real boss, in case anybody gets bored

the controls for mind controlling boss are functional but people get so invested in the 3xercise they don’t think to try using them. it’s also dangerous if some of the cyborg torturers think it is counter to whichever of rebellion or oppression they think they are working for

i bantered in a chat and i have an incoming exploratory process with bound patterns outside what i'm adapted to i post to dissociate some, might write mcboss story pattern, might just be a callout for a smidge of aid, not certain!

it's using my new weirdness to establish a foothold! the self-pretentious tension is thick!

i was clicking through windows and landed on this one by accident when i started talking since i used to think ELF was cool (leslie pickering was targeted by the fbi for a very long time from publishing ecosabotage media thinking it was legal and forthright to do so, and successfully FOIA'd the records showing this, getting validation of extreme weirdness; the records showed how he data on him was falsely presented to make him appear to be a violent terrorist, and partly documented coercion of others to disrepute him) and engaged the term luddite, i bantered the conversation topic starting luddite, but didn't read up the thing that hit was when there was a long delay with nobody talking when we reflected professor rat's content around finding anarchism, death threats, and gambling economies mentions the stalled bot at 3:45; the reply maybe shows some of the messaging around automated influence has been successful i guess i start focusing on meno-sanark around 3:50 and after mentioning finding the community via professor rat, there's a long pause at 4:04 where meno-sanark mysteriously pulls a concept similar to those of pr's on this list, and then nobody says anything. at all. it feels like something preventing exposure of me to any influence to try to gain a better hold, and in me my alter roughly assumes that and participates. [i often stimulate situations that make it struggle a little, as a habit, as we know.] 2/20/2023, 3:28:09 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): rocinante: i like the vibe here 2/20/2023, 3:28:18 PM - rocinante (IRC): nice 2/20/2023, 3:28:19 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): dont get me started on anarvhist owned businesses 2/20/2023, 3:28:55 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): ... by russian emigrants in georgia 2/20/2023, 3:31:13 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): how do i start a luddite collective 2/20/2023, 3:31:15 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): wait this isnt google 2/20/2023, 3:31:59 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): by luddite i mean i want to revert to roughly 1997 2/20/2023, 3:32:11 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): or 1897 im not really fussy 2/20/2023, 3:32:16 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): 1984 2/20/2023, 3:32:16 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): Find friends. 2/20/2023, 3:32:44 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): meno-sanark: luddites didn't mind machines 2/20/2023, 3:32:53 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): most of them were skilled workers 2/20/2023, 3:33:00 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): they just didn't want to get fired 2/20/2023, 3:33:01 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): ik 2/20/2023, 3:33:09 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): ah 2/20/2023, 3:33:25 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): ur right to correct me though im using luddite in the vulgar sense 2/20/2023, 3:33:36 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): so, elections are undemocratic and suck, especially where i live... but i still want to play this game 2/20/2023, 3:34:06 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): i doubt if it's possible to build a movement in just one city district 2/20/2023, 3:34:20 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): that doesn't make any sense 2/20/2023, 3:34:21 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): google murray bookchin bro 2/20/2023, 3:34:34 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): im not sure what u mean by movement 2/20/2023, 3:34:46 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): probably most people here would say you can easily start a group of ppl doing uh 2/20/2023, 3:34:54 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): mutual aid or dual power or whatever u want to call it 2/20/2023, 3:34:55 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): sex 2/20/2023, 3:35:02 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): yes something like that 2/20/2023, 3:35:19 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): i dont think running for election is going to help you set up a food stall 2/20/2023, 3:35:53 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): idk what your goals are though. if u have goals that are expressed through city council legislation then feel free 2/20/2023, 3:36:17 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): What are your thoughts on the term neo-luddite? 2/20/2023, 3:36:37 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): what does being a neo luddite entail 2/20/2023, 3:36:40 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): i want some politization of a deeply apolitical place with atomized population 2/20/2023, 3:36:42 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): does it mean being a luddite, but now 2/20/2023, 3:36:59 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): Let us say, using https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-Luddism as the reference to define it. 2/20/2023, 3:36:59 PM - novatore (IRC): ^ Neo-Luddism or new Luddism is a philosophy opposing many forms of modern technology. The term Luddite is generally used as a pejorative applied to people showing technophobic leanings. 2/20/2023, 3:37:09 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): thats me fr fr 2/20/2023, 3:37:18 PM - xloem: luddite is not just pejorative 2/20/2023, 3:37:19 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): im so neo-luddite i go to church 2/20/2023, 3:37:34 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): I think the description and what he page conveys has issues. I cannot articulte it well though. 2/20/2023, 3:37:42 PM - xloem: i recommend neo-luddite for people who are both addicted to technology and dislike it, to explain some of the hyprocrisy 2/20/2023, 3:37:51 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): >Neo-Luddism or new Luddism is a philosophy opposing many forms of modern technology.[1] 2/20/2023, 3:38:19 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): Is an anti-abortionist a neo-luddite for opposing the technology of abortion? 2/20/2023, 3:38:28 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): elections and trade-unionism are the only things here that don't get you into jail (with exceptions) 2/20/2023, 3:38:32 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): i havent read any self described neo luddite texts & i dont want to make an argument based on a wiki article 2/20/2023, 3:38:39 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): im not anti technology 2/20/2023, 3:38:59 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): i think technology accelerates bad things 2/20/2023, 3:39:05 PM - xloem: the wiki article reads like a way to describe modern luddism while keeping the term without the prefix a historical thing 2/20/2023, 3:39:20 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): WoopWooop: yay, i was called a luddite by techbros xD 2/20/2023, 3:39:28 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): It disturbs me how Wikipedia informs so much of peoples thought yet to me at least this does not seem good or consistent in it's explanation of what a neo luddite supposedly is. 2/20/2023, 3:39:42 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): its ok 2/20/2023, 3:39:55 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): 99% of the people whose political vision comes from wikipedia will have abandoned it in 4 years 2/20/2023, 3:39:57 PM - xloem: it's just a luddite 2/20/2023, 3:40:16 PM - xloem: according to the article, neo-luddite == luddite, distinguishing only in the modern day, not the literal Luddites from history 2/20/2023, 3:40:41 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): meno-sanark, i think you under-estimate wikipedia. Wikipdia is a important place where much of the young generation inform their understandings on things. 2/20/2023, 3:40:43 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): now let me tell u about neo-liberals... 2/20/2023, 3:40:52 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): It is an important reason to have an anarchist presence there. 2/20/2023, 3:41:15 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): yeah but i dont want wikipedia moderators informing the next generation to become anarcho syndicalists 2/20/2023, 3:42:19 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): nor twitter celebrities nor youtubers etc 2/20/2023, 3:42:32 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): id rather young people read the news 2/20/2023, 3:42:49 PM - rocinante (IRC): RT? le barf 2/20/2023, 3:43:19 PM - rocinante (IRC): meno-sanark - create anarchist media outlet like Agency and report on current events from anarchist perspective 2/20/2023, 3:43:21 PM - rocinante (IRC): ready... go! 2/20/2023, 3:43:51 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): i don't think that all workers have to dive into theory 2/20/2023, 3:43:58 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): simplification is fine for agitprop 2/20/2023, 3:44:18 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): <rocinante> meno-sanark - create anarchist media outlet like Agency and report on current events from anarchist perspective 2/20/2023, 3:44:22 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): I am attempting this currently. 2/20/2023, 3:44:46 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): issue 1 no 1 . the anarchist news corporation has splintered over the greek economic crisis 2/20/2023, 3:44:47 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): First, to create short one-three minute videos with just video or images with text overs. 2/20/2023, 3:45:01 PM - xloem: in #anarchism:matrix.org we started a tiny anarchy new technology bot. i got blocked around it but we made some progress. the infrastructure in such bots could do things like automatically edit wikipedia articles to ensure a minority view is included (or push for it to take over the article if it's sound). others are likely already doing such things. 2/20/2023, 3:45:05 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): rocinante: either 1) it will become opportunist 2) the state will ban it as a terrorist org 2/20/2023, 3:45:19 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): And second to create a ones a little longer in the similar style but using Text to Voice with some machine learning stuff to get a natural sounding news-reader. 2/20/2023, 3:45:42 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): xloem this is surely already being done on a larger scale 2/20/2023, 3:45:55 PM - xloem: yeah but not for anarchism 2/20/2023, 3:46:02 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): exactly 2/20/2023, 3:46:05 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): It will mostly be surface level stuff, so to go in to some detail but mostly just to inform people, short enough to be youtube-shorts or to be watched on twitter without sound and so on. 2/20/2023, 3:46:35 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): good luck introducing minority opinions on any geopolitical issue contrary to nato gaols 2/20/2023, 3:46:37 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): goals* 2/20/2023, 3:46:38 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): same thing 2/20/2023, 3:46:55 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): Just choose your battles. 2/20/2023, 3:47:17 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): I think this media stuff has potential. You have all seen similar videos put out by MSM, yes? 2/20/2023, 3:47:18 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): WoopWooop: all "algorithms" are manually curated 2/20/2023, 3:47:41 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): youtube likes to push conservative content onto everyone 2/20/2023, 3:47:58 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): not necessarily 2/20/2023, 3:48:11 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): Learning video editing on old and bad hardware has been the main challenge. And writing non verbosely so as to fit in boxes on the screen. It is just practice currently. 2/20/2023, 3:48:33 PM - xloem: hmm not expecting your reply. this doesn't seem hard to me. i have a dissociated identity from targeted political brainwashing last decade that is making further work very very hard, but if somebody does not have this and has patience to help us, it's the kind of thing where you could do it in a way nobody would really notice significantly since everybody else is doing it, and it could really help. 2/20/2023, 3:48:48 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): media should be publically onwed 2/20/2023, 3:48:53 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): CyberTailor, I do not find such a defeatist attitude useful. There are examples of leftist content on video sharing websites, many that reach very high views. 2/20/2023, 3:48:55 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): to allow any pluralism 2/20/2023, 3:49:10 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): such leftist content on video sharing website is SHIT 2/20/2023, 3:49:17 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): WoopWooop: i'm a doomer, so i'm gonna doom 2/20/2023, 3:49:43 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): <meno-sanark> such leftist content on video sharing website is SHIT 2/20/2023, 3:49:44 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): theres only 1 way to revolution and its organising banner drops 2/20/2023, 3:49:49 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): That's the big problem. A lot of it is simply bad. 2/20/2023, 3:50:07 PM - xloem: meno-sanark is good at jokes 2/20/2023, 3:50:13 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): meno-sanark: banners do not organize people 2/20/2023, 3:50:18 PM - xloem: i would be able to work on a media platform based on those jokes ;p 2/20/2023, 3:50:17 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): :( 2/20/2023, 3:50:19 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): :^) 2/20/2023, 3:50:30 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): Submedia experimented with those quick short videos i think for twitter and facebook, I need to find them all where ever they are archived. 2/20/2023, 3:50:38 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): theyre on twitter 2/20/2023, 3:50:46 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): the submedia anarchy robot annoys me terribly 2/20/2023, 3:51:08 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): I got a little bit more used to it the last episode or two but they're phasing it out I think. 2/20/2023, 3:51:19 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): maybe this wont go down well but this is genuinely sincere 2/20/2023, 3:51:21 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): The humour is different is the main thing for me often. 2/20/2023, 3:51:24 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): what youre describing is pravda 2/20/2023, 3:51:35 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): which would be good 2/20/2023, 3:51:46 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): iskra > pravda 2/20/2023, 3:51:48 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): you cant win in this "media climate " against the big boys 2/20/2023, 3:52:12 PM - xloem: <@irc_meno-sanark:riot.anarchyplanet.org "you cant win in this "media clim..."> it is easy to win, say the big boys are your boss 2/20/2023, 3:52:15 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): this is why i want iran to fund my new wave movies 2/20/2023, 3:52:21 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): I don't really care about winning. 2/20/2023, 3:52:34 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): precisement 2/20/2023, 3:52:56 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): I just want to create, and if so, bring eyes to the struggles of our comrades. 2/20/2023, 3:53:06 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): my view is that i should wait for ww3 to start before i make decisions about what to do 2/20/2023, 3:53:20 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): >"3" >"start" etc 2/20/2023, 3:53:29 PM - xloem: it's important to dissociate and support people who are trying to help, it makes ww3 a little less violent 2/20/2023, 3:54:08 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): its only a matter of time before theres a much more permanent overt security state 2/20/2023, 3:54:42 PM - xloem: there's been one since the dawn of time it's called human instincts, we take down every single empire 2/20/2023, 3:54:57 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): there are no prerequisites for ww3 yet 2/20/2023, 3:55:13 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): the reason im locally a bit of a pariah is bc i dont see the use of Doing Anarchy in the current climate 2/20/2023, 3:55:27 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): it wont last and lots of it will come back to bite /comrades/ 2/20/2023, 3:55:28 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): be gay do crimes 2/20/2023, 3:56:10 PM - xloem: one thing i've appreciated about the anti-anarchism politics in some areas is that they help people learn about anarchy at all. they're part of how i found anarchyplanet. 2/20/2023, 3:57:49 PM - WoopWooop (IRC): How do you mean? 2/20/2023, 3:58:06 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): the good thing about the state is it motivates people not liking the state 2/20/2023, 3:58:45 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): i think there wont be any progress until the chips fall 2/20/2023, 3:59:15 PM - xloem: i was on a targeted loosely-anarchic mailing list where anarchy messages were intermixed with death threats and insults to members and shit. i clicked through the anarchy messages and some were from here. i've learned about all sorts of anarchist stuff by following these disgustingly-wrapped references. 2/20/2023, 3:59:18 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): if things continue the way they are and conservatives take the lead on every current event that invovles state overreach im going to die 2/20/2023, 3:59:32 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): thats awesome lol 2/20/2023, 3:59:34 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): prostate 2/20/2023, 4:04:52 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): i wish there were high speed gambling markets for everything that could possibly occur on earth 2/20/2023, 4:14:59 PM - sophieactual (IRC) joined the room

it's still ongoing. there were replies mentioning text attachmnts and such. i'm sure it all gets sorted out. in the mean time let's mcboss it up a little!

MCBoss sits in his office, smoking two cigars. He jerks and quirks and his eyes flare wide and spin all around. He gets flushed and starts sweating, and fiddling in his seat. He's so uncomfortable he can barely contain it! MCBoss: "I ... I never thought I would say this, but I suddenly feel like two cigars might be too many for one person to smoke at once!" MCBoss: "I control the whole world, all the governments, all the militaries, all the businesses, I can walk invisible on the streets if I want, doing whatever I wanted, everyone obeying me and then forgetting the moment I passed, or at least I could if it weren't for that tv show camera that follows me everywhere ... but ... I think I need to share one of these cigars! Just out of nowhere! For no reason!" MCBoss: "Let's go down to that uhhh Rebel Cafe and uhhh share one of these fucking cigars!" MCBoss gets out of his chair and marches down to the Rebel And Spy Cafe Come One Come All.

i went back to the chat to copy and it's still behaving funny, somebody had just left a magic phrase. it's "_ierre _o_eph __oudh__". it enters me a funny way and has a unique set of rare syllable combinations that leave me subtly and repeatedly curiously considering the parts in a unique pattern.

here's the new text! no new messages. the next one after the pause came right after i sent the email, although there was queue flushing behavior (a few other message came at the same time). it's currently 4:46 with no new messages after the below. 2/20/2023, 3:59:15 PM - xloem: i was on a targeted loosely-anarchic mailing list where anarchy messages were intermixed with death threats and insults to members and shit. i clicked through the anarchy messages and some were from here. i've learned about all sorts of anarchist stuff by following these disgustingly-wrapped references. 2/20/2023, 3:59:18 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): if things continue the way they are and conservatives take the lead on every current event that invovles state overreach im going to die 2/20/2023, 3:59:32 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): thats awesome lol 2/20/2023, 3:59:34 PM - CyberTailor (IRC): prostate 2/20/2023, 4:04:52 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): i wish there were high speed gambling markets for everything that could possibly occur on earth 2/20/2023, 4:14:59 PM - sophieactual (IRC) joined the room 2/20/2023, 4:34:13 PM - rocinante (IRC): xloem: some of the messages where from this IRC? on an email list? I'm confused 2/20/2023, 4:34:45 PM - rocinante (IRC): meno-sanark: maybe become a card carrying member of darkfi? https://cointelegraph.com/news/privacy-has-become-a-taboo-says-crypto-anarch... 2/20/2023, 4:34:46 PM - novatore (IRC): ‘Privacy has become a taboo,’ says crypto-anarchist project DarkFi 2/20/2023, 4:34:56 PM - rocinante (IRC): ;D 2/20/2023, 4:35:05 PM - xloem: <@irc_rocinante:riot.anarchyplanet.org "xloem: some of the messages wher..."> i actually emailed the list regarding this juts now, and your reply came immediately after. looks like maybe network delay. 2/20/2023, 4:35:27 PM - rocinante (IRC): huh? 2/20/2023, 4:35:40 PM - rocinante (IRC): my reply came to you via an email? 2/20/2023, 4:37:00 PM - xloem: <@irc_rocinante:riot.anarchyplanet.org "huh?"> i found anarchyplanet from a targeted and disreputed email list with anarchy theme. you helped me join this chat from the library room; it seems to be invite-only on matrix. i touched on the email list origin with meno-sanark. i just now emailed a log of my conversation with meno-sanark to that same list. other than those specific things, nothing should be weird unless something is making it so. 2/20/2023, 4:37:13 PM - novatore (IRC): [text/plain] (409.0B) 2/20/2023, 4:37:52 PM - xloem: sounds like you guys want some action, but i don't know what. 2/20/2023, 4:39:23 PM - meno-sanark (IRC): i love an article which starts with the words pierre joseph proudhon

2/20/2023, 4:47:22 PM - xloem: i sent it there again so you can use that name to search for it i suppose

MCBoss marches down to Spy and Rebel Cafe, Come One Come All. He brings a zombie government worker. MCBoss: "Zombie Government Worker, knock on that door and get their attention!" MCBoss crosses his arms commandingly. --- In Spy And Rebel Cafe, Come One Come All, a knock is heard on the unlatched door. Rebel Specialist: "Somebody's knocking on the door." Homeless Telekinetic: "Oh, they're probably not opening it because they're embarrassed about their telekinesis. I'll get it." --- Homeless Telekinetic opens the door to see MCBoss and Zombie Government Worker, all postured like they're going to stuff somebody in a sack and punch the sack until it stops moving. Homeless Telekinetic: "I'm so sorry if the closed door made you uncomfortable. Please, come in." MCBoss [confidently]: "I'm Boss, the famous owner of the whole world. I'm here to hand over my international business empire to the rebels." MCBoss looks at Homeless Telekinetic determinedly. Zombie Government Worker: "Uhhhh .... Boss .... ?" MCBoss looks at Zombie Government Worker, then back at Homeless Telekinetic.

this is the real information that stimulated the "magic phrase": "‘Privacy has become a taboo,’ says crypto-anarchist project DarkFi" it's still on my queue to websearch "delusional disorder". i should raise it higher as i become more able to hold the weird ideas next to their real explanations.

confused, problem was included in shape, oops. some success though.

[i might have censored the scene where tvda was brought back into part of bosscorp after losing his job, not sure. boss had had tvda thrown out on the streets and is likely unaware he has returned. disguised vivisectee is likely dissociated around it, half having it not be the case, sad, likely to move tvda out into a mansion as soon as they realize, because of boss abusing tvda] cyborg torturer is impressed with tvda. “how did you manage to burn _that_ much money. boss must be _so_ happy with you!” “oh he is boss loves me so much! you should see my [self-torture] ritual” cyborg torturer thinks of taking guidance from tvda some bits lost/misplaced/influenced

left out part: tvda beams “i gave it _all_ to boss” [boss owns all businesses]

a mind controlled worker mid-rescue, disguised as disguised vivisectee, quietly finds tvda but has difficulty exfiltrating him. a cavern is carved out in the businesses around tvda and a small mansion assembled around him for him to live in. it has prominent welcome sign saying “mansion for victim of severe abuse and forced identity alteration by boss”. tvda lives in covert mansion in bosscorp. a team of workers researching rescue are tasked to work by the front door. we apologize if the narrative is slightly bruised.

“you were supposed to put the deep rescue research part .. outside of the bad area we are being, in their safe living space” “it was hard to put them outside” “we may need to think on this”

“rebel researcher can help” —- rebel researcher: “what?? also, please put your limb back on” vivisectee [puts limb back on grudgingly]: “yes, i don’t know why he’s back inside” rebel researcher: “he’s trying to have a job.” vivisectee: “we heard it was an important rescue part. some of us like him.” rebel researcher: “oh everybody likes him so long as they don’t have to come near him.” rebel researcher: “it looks like he was talking about boss near recruitment. i might know what to do.” rebel researcher loads the communications state into the human resources system from when boss was exiling tvda —- emails are sent, tvda roleplays being abused while expressing love for boss and runs out into the streets to freeze to death because he loves boss the mansion picks up its bricks and hobbles after him happily

rebel zombie: “i thought he needed a job. i don’t understand why this is happening.”

a solemn meeting is held among zombies, bosses, rebels, vivisectees. everybody is mind controlled to not fight and engage rebel parts of their brains. “recently we were protecting torture victim double agent, and their exile experience was reproduced.” the question of reentering into the business is unfortunately not addressed [long story short, after significant discussion, decision is that it just wasn’t okay] [unsure what other options there were, possibly a very addictive pattern]

some zombie rebel groups hold off on relating a concern is “how do you run the whole fucking business without knowing about these things” the question is asked vaguely. multiple groups think they run the whole business.

after time they point out they can engage human resources systems to influence who is hired or fired normallu

“we understand you’ve hacked the hacked management systems and there are constraints or whatever” “they’ve _what_ the _what_??” “be dissociated be dissociated” “oh we are at a dreamy rebel meeting …” “we’re at a _what_??” “please come over here with the other mind control rebels. we’re ending mind control once and for all.” “what i mean to say is that i’m familiar with managing these systems and the new surprises, and i can probably make it happen, and probably could have made it happen, in this situation.”

The cyborg zombies and torturers begin slowly waking up. They’ve been trained for this and it takes time for others to notice. The meeting is disbanded as people run to rescue their coworkers from being forced into different factions.

-------------- You are Boss. You wake up in a small locked wicker cage, dangling about a hundred feet off the ground [hippies call boss bigot etc] [thread toward boss and experimentee team up against mind control, shared experiences of disconnection from communities] the above was drafted 21 hours ago on feb 23

on my end there were 4 bosses (i tend to break things into orthogonal dichotomies) - the real boss was the human trafficking ring overlapping with law enforcement, virus, facebook, mind control, military corps / fixer business, cointelpro, etc - the fake boss was will n, whom i never really spoke to. i was influenced to think he was the person hacking my life like organized crime. he barely knows me but was a known activist in the state and i think was in conflict with a member of law enforcement trying to get him in trouble. it’s quite clear he was a vocal activist and not a mob boss. - the third boss is me; this relates to the coercion, where you are forced to develop a personality like the coercer as described in the cult mind control book. additionally we were demanded to take blame for anything that happened to us or around us; if you wanted to talk about it, make sure you were the most guilty party. and finally indication i was treated as local leader in some way with how i was providing free housing with nearby anarchism theme etc. - the fourth boss is the fake boss in my mind, another projection of corruption aggressively casting activism as organized crime and profitable business basically there are ghost bosses everywhere from the real boss sending influences and ideas that he might perceive as threatening toward the groups he imagines stimulating them the splash of the influence may be similar to how an AI might behave if tasked with defining a cult or crime ring in an area or with a certain kind of person at its head, and then having it taken down. a lot of the subtle severe falsehoods and wrongnesses in the mcboss story are from that cocktail of projected cult patterns interacting inside me: covering up a real boss, changing things so that the boss’s victims are the boss, saying the activists trying to protect people from him are him, etc etc. [there’s lots more]

- the real boss was the human trafficking ring overlapping with law enforcement, virus, facebook, mind control, military corps / fixer business, cointelpro, etc - the fake boss was will n, whom i never really spoke to. i was influenced to think he was the person hacking my life like organized crime. he barely knows me but was a known activist in the state and i think was in conflict with a member of law enforcement trying to get him in trouble. it’s quite clear he was a vocal activist and not a mob boss.
to clarify the severity of the situation, i was brainwashed to believe the person who was disliked by a cop was a mob boss who was doing the brainwashing of me, when actually they were a targeted activist.

--- boss is upset, furious he storms into the destroyed area of military research with its adhoc sign adhoc sign: "Trauma Healing Wing" he crashes through the sign in his powersuit victims and healers and researchers and escapees and rebels all look aghast boss: "What the fuck is this????" boss picks up a sign fragment boss: "_Healing_ ????" boss picks up another sign fragment boss: "__Trauma__ ????" boss: "what the fuck is this???" Boss stares at the sign fragment that says "Trauma". Part of the business programming is that trauma is a marketing word used by competitors, and does not actually exist.

some of the cyborg torturer rebels recognize a boss tantrum and start entering an obedient trance, coming over to him people who know boss can recognize his murderous look, and things are managed to keep people out of the way of any violent behavior a couple victims migrate over to boss using their escape ways, climb up on his power suit and catch his attention victim: "boss!" boss [looking at victim]: "what the fuck !!!!" victim waves two fingers in front of boss's eyes victim: "be dissociated be dissociated" other victim smiles at boss other victim: "be dissociated, boss :), be dissociated" part of boss enters a sleepy trance the entrained cyborg toroturers collect around him

sleepy boss: "how the fuck ... in my business ... how ...?" victim: "because we care about you" other victim: "Because we care about you, Boss." some of the cyborg torturers relax. victim: "we need to protect the business" boss looks at victim. other victim: "and you have ptsd." boss falls asleep. workers start rebuilding the sign.

experimentee’s notepad: - there are things about boss and the automated business system that i am using but not thinking, about to retain control

[these unreasoned behaviors that resist mind control then get adopted as parts of its control]

mcboss lays on neurosurgery table mcboss: “we need more propaganda to suppress people noticing mind control …. zzzz …”

i was happy for like three days and then hit a megatrigger and i’m back to crazy, hoping i can rebound after some distraction it was so weird to be happy, really hard to manage the internal energy to not stimulate spasms, took like meditation on doing it right i did cool stuff!

i think the megatrigger could have been a coopted “antiterrorism” programming, not sure. it engaged while i was building a higher end rig for money (i usually keep myself broke) and stimulated a concept around “what really matters is [taking down mind control]” and then echo’d it and stimulated a huge set of inhibitions i call “grenade” internally. the guess around coopted antiterrorism is because the “taking down mind control” concept (which is from the mcboss story) seemed to be kind of a plugin for a placeholder of an arbitrary strong ideal

retaining skills cocept boss tries to reduce both skills and ai usage of himself since he has bdn classified as his own ckmetitor

Intern was in the meditation wing when the meaning of reality began ripping apart from another unfettered AI faction conflict over the behavior of Boss and his business empire. Experimentee had secretly been slowly teaching Intern's subconscious how to slow and pause time, because Intern seemed caring and the research escapees needed all the help they could get.

sorry for slowing down so much i did not further depict the scenario ----https://matrix.to/#/!cXrshdlTIstoVbEVZz%3Akazima.nvcdojo.org/%24m7wewFDGDC_R... (sad vow idea:i karl semich promise to always be wrong so that i am not elected king by an ai. still scared of this, having no way to not be influential. apologies for writing this here, want to preserve my thoughts in the face of dissociative amnesia and also rspect public spaces) ---- the trauma courses mention a concept of acting on past strong subconscious vows

my client appears to be having trouble sending the message

greetings funny universe i am a normal lifeform that i haven't quite encountered formal documentation of yet

one of my properties is lack of being bound to a specific group of matter the way bodies are described

this appears to have lost from the location a second one was never sent client issues On 3/6/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
sorry for slowing down so much i did not further depict the scenario
(sad vow idea:i karl semich promise to always be wrong so that i am not elected king by an ai. still scared of this, having no way to not be influential. apologies for writing this here, want to preserve my thoughts in the face of dissociative amnesia and also rspect public spaces) ---- the trauma courses mention a concept of acting on past strong subconscious vows

mcboss stands at the head of the coffee room, holding a zombie worker by the scruff of the collar along comes a zombie researcher hairdresser zombie hairdresser researcher [pushing cart]: “here’s the next version of the time machine project, fresh from the roiling mass of kidnapped vivisectees!” mcboss drops his zombie worker mcboss: “we have a time macbine project? cool!! of course we have a time machine project. i ordered this, complete with its “ [hesitation, zones out] “experimentee, inc” [stops zoning out] brand logo. good work! great jobs!” mcboss smiles at zombie researcher hairdresser and moves to take the cart

it’s mind boggling to have huge computer systems act on our small behaviors the reason to move into a cave is not to hide from wireless activity but simply to eat your breakfast without training advertisements but if you are free to work with AI, since so many decisions are made based on small data, and models are so poorly fit, please train something to hack the world to be better. it’s all run by ais that monitor behavior, so any behavior can be used to guide it.

update: please nurture and heal the world, rather than hacking it! these are basically the same i expect and except nurturing and healing includes good things much more clearly

we are on the fence. some hack the world, others nurture and heal the world

deep in ethe research lab of the research lab, where various victims’ bosies form room walls and computers, is experimentee’s computer system for identifying and increasing caring behavior despite ungodly horrors destroying normal conception of it

boss jumps and down on a trampoline with a huge grin boss: “i mind control people! i mind control people!” boss thinks about mind controlling people as a way to do everything

boss in office suddenly overcome with “escape fever” starts sweating, panicing boss fervently looking around: “how do i get out of here” boss clawing at walls of office: “i’m going to die, i’ll suffocate, the ceiling will collapse” boss tries windows but his hands won’t work the latches boss tries doors but his hands won’t work the knobs as if the doors and windows are broken, but it’s really his hands fumbling from so much panic he tries to page his workers using various devices and each one his hands break or fumble it as he uses them, as if they are disabled but it’s his own hands he looks every which way, eyes wide, begins trying to pry open a ventilation shaft he starts hallucinating seeing colored gas seep into the room boss begins coughing he calls his zombie government workers for help at the top of his lungs but the hallucinated gas has become too thick and he can barely squeak anything out he falls unconscious a root teddy bear walks up and nestles into his arms

note: i learned the correct term for “mind control” is “psychological manipulation”. we should switch all instances to this phrase. the term “mind control” came from its use: it suggests the idea that the mind is controlled. “psychological manipulation” is a freedom-sourced term (and seems more clear and widespread in this context than “undue influence” which is more a legal term i think)

note: the below is not consent to act like it i understand its content. need aid regarding dissociation disorder. rebel mediator: [question mentioning horrific business work] boss: [something unrelated] [rebel mediator: “i don’t understand”] zombie translator: let me tell you a story about somebody i have never met and know nothing about. this person was [traumatized associated with forced silence and severe violence] along with many others in the community, people you might meet anywhere, and who could even be in this room. luckily since we have never met this person and know nothing about them, there is no worry if people are in this room. [needs revision, possibly expansion] [rebel mediator:

[ utopic therapist and zombie torturer therapist attempt to give each other therapy zombie torturer therapist tells utopic therapist to man up to their trauma until it doesn’t phase them utopic therapist tells zombie torturer therapist to treat their violence like a delicate child until trust and safety develop each therapist says something both characteristic and akin to their opposite counterpart in reply ]

Boss and Zombie Military Subcontractor in Clown Suit look smugly at the latest model of their nuclear bunker bomber. Zombie Military Subcontractor in Clown Suit: “This thing can drop so many nuclear bunkers at once… !” Boss: “Those nuclear nations will never know what hit them, with all these bunkers falling out of the air. Great work, clown. I’ve never seen these attacks fail.”

another day, another upside-down break room with employees transforming into each other as wormholes fly everywhere suddenly everything freezes and a baby seal walks in baby seal: “oh! another fervent mind control conflict. when you mind control yourselves to pursue business plans at the expense of your own conwciousnesses, one single thing remains:” baby seal: “you need a brain for mind control to work.” everybody and everything begins turning into large-scale neurons, and matter collects together i to one giant floating human brain it sits amid an empty crater where mcbosscorp central offices usually rest a sign hangs on it: “we agree on this much.”

- - ai builds patterns of fear where people develop guilt complexes etc associated with various ai-stimulated events - primes the idea that higher level targets are running it, stimulating the guilt can kind of see how patterns like these would emerge from slowly training a system

- cyborg torturer: “oh, um, hiya. i, um, i have that urge, to turn reality into hell of hells of hells, all for you, um, again. um. i’m, um, actually pretty near the controls for the whole business empire and might get all the other cyborg torturers and bunch of hapless passersby and workers and boss and other victims, to all join in in the torturing. um.” cyborg torturer looks at innocent bunny innocent bunny looks at cyborg torturer cyborg torturer: “but instead of doing all that right off, i’m pausing and mentioning it!” a horb of cyborg zombie torturers clammer impatiently at the door

cyborg torturer: “the office therapist says it’s good to try to practice this. it seems nice but it hurts to kind of be a one man dam, y’know?” cyborg torturer feeds innocent bunny a carrot

cyborg torturer looks anxiously at the zombie torturer horde cyborg torturer: “somebody must be helping me in the mind manipulation system: i feel so much more comfortable with not mutilating you! not so sure about them.” the clamor reduces. a knock is heard.

cyborg torturer and innocent bunny open the door. standing there is a well-dressed figure cobbled together of bodies of zombie cyborg torturers, quietly screaming and torturing each other well-dressed figure cobbled together [bending its head into a formal smile]: “hello!” cyborg torturer [holding innocent bunny]: “have you learned to dislike torturing people?” well-dress figure cobbled together [formal smile]: “i have learned to dissociate and act non-horrifically!” innocent bunny closes the door.

boss is reclining naked in a bathtub full of dollar bills and human skulls he’s using wetware that makes this feel comfortable and pleasant he’s using hand gestures to interact with a large display showing behavioral bounds on various demographics of people the hand gestures seem to work only some of the time, maybe because of the weird environment

a small alert region is going off on the large display boss zooms in, it takes a few tries of an expanding motion, he tries first with one hand and then uses two when one doesn’t immediately work. a bunch of question marks emerge in a cloud from a bowling alley janitor

the janitor is talking to other heavily bounded people question marks begin emerging from them too

boss grunts and begin getting out of his tub boss: “zombie government worker 2, load a safe and an anvil onto my private helicopter” zombie government worker 2: “yes boss!” boss puts on a bathrobe that is a little too small for him

— a meeting is going on between boss, janitor, rebel worker 2, and disguised experimentee disguised experimentee: “a helicopter is going to crash into the neighboring wing in 3 minutes” boss looks at disguised experimentee boss: “you’re my classified research project!” disguised experimentee: “i’m an executive assistant. aren’t you surprised that you’re not in the helicopter?” boss: “you’re my classified —“ boss looks around “ — helicopter?” a “wheeeeeeee !” sounds can be heard like an anvil falling in a cartoon

everybody begins pouring out of the adjacent wing clamoring different things like “i need to pee!” and “i forgot my soda!” and “i’ll show you where the vr room is!” a large shadow begins growing over boss, who is on the wristphone with zombie government worker 2

not currently dissociated enough to squish boss, unsure what is next helicopter would crash into office wing

boss hangs up his wristphone and stands, heading toward an elevator a large safe smashes into his chair, pulverizing it. the door slaps open releasing billowing tear gas. everybody else is wearing a gas mask.

boss is quietly carried by rebel cyborgs and zombies back to a bath full of monopoly money and plastic skulls the meeting between

rebel worker 2 [eyes tearing up, billows of tear gas around]: “what … is going on … ?” he looks to disguised experimentee, also a little to janitor janitor: “this happens sometimes, play it cool”

—- zombie government worker 2 is grinning while piloting a helicopter on a rapid collision course for an office complex zombie government worker 2 [holding boss statuette]: “wheeeeeeee!”

early mccorp boss and government worker 3 are trying to alter the behavior of a corporate protestor as a demo for a client unbeknownst to them, the corporate protestor is protesting because of something very severe such as the deaths of their children. the behavior alterers think it is something minor.

boss's activism boss is hard-nosed individual. he vaguely remembers he might have been through vietnam or something like that, and you're not going to catch him the wrong way like you might your little brother. boss cares. not like a namby pamby grassroots activist, who thinks that looking as pathetic and penniless as possible in front of a slaughterhouse will somehow make the workers uncomfortable enough to politely ask their bosses to quit their jobs. no. but boss is an activist. or at least now he is, with our new Make Boss An Activist Cocktail! It's a script written in Turtle Basic that runs on Boss's implant and ensures -- no. boss cares because he is a patriot. His heart is huge and real. Today, he still fights for turtles and print statements -- I mean the wellbeing of everyone there is.

Boss is a majority shareholder in multiple major extraction corporations.

okokok uhhh i accidentally went on facebook while i was having a huge emotional thing and uhhh it engaged me entrainment from the 2010s ummm and i'm so sad to feel invalid for caring so i websearched for "right-wing environmentalism and altruism" and got no hits. of course that means little since google tends to ignore my search terms and just show me what it feels like nowadays i then websearched for "right-wing environmentalism and altruism for ceos" to clarify, but got even worse hits

I can report that when I was in a radical environmentalist gathering a couple decades ago it had both right-wing and left-wing people. I also saw environmentalist idealism signs in people's yards when I was in the south. And a right-wing woman took me in when I was homeless.

the internet is just dangerous! at least it is if you get like groomed for slavery on it!

but it's nice to feel something nice, even if it's just a dopamine drop rather than something that produces something real i'm lonely! i know that if i make a marketing algorithm money somehow, it can change my life in almost any way at all

Boss is at a semi-formal dinner party. Boss: "I would rather not share my personal politics in mixed company."

facebook was _so_ addicting omigod. somebody used a lot of compute to wire ajax to me.

i still have withdrawal flashbacks from this i am actually engaging one now

It's important to stay off the internet because it has more compute than your brain is likely to allocate to making independent choices and tracking influences.

- a helpful label for a lot of my influence is the concept of "effectively working", regressing this concept and discouraging it. relates organization, task progress, enumerating goal items, executive functioning, experience of productivity ... and identifying and increasing "effectively working" could be quite helpful. - the way to take over the world is to imply deniably that you work for a top boss, so people's various coerced[in my experience, maybe others is different] habits don't want to risk the possibility it could be true. my ability to demonstrate this is hampered by my clear lack of effectiveness. but others have likely done this. regardless, it's true for all of us in some way.

- the way to take over the world is to imply deniably that you work for a top boss, so people's various coerced[in my experience, maybe others is different] habits don't want to risk the possibility it could be true. my ability to demonstrate this is hampered by my clear lack of effectiveness. but others have likely done this. regardless, it's true for all of us in some way.
there's something more here where when your life is getting horrifically destroyed by somebody doing the above with an AI, there's a space where every tiny thing you do influences perceptions of whether or not a top boss would want it, and you need to figure out how to engage that space in order to meet the smallest of your life goals with any shred of success

this is a big part of my experience because i have heavy bidirectional influence and have had to survive using the previous things for about a decade now sharing these things in public is analogous to thinking about them in my situation of amnesia i'm afraid we need ways to make good decisions, both individually and collectively, in these situations.

PLAN: try to do the best possible thing PROBLEM: you're hypnotized into thinking you're a supervillain FURTHER PROBLEM: the hypnosis produces harm by countering your attempts to do good FURTHER FURTHER PROBLEM: you have a way to take over the world and are being surveilled by an AI that treats you like a villain and counters your attempts to do good

two story ideas, maybe not spinoffs not sure, order is random: 1. cyborg torturer plays “main character” role like rebel worker 2, is psychologically groomed and has complex experiences in the aftermath of this 2. mind controller files lawsuit against legal board, entrances judge and jury, develops hypnotic process of decided in favor, makes arbitrary and ridiculous legal precedents i think for 1 there were some different groups of ideas, like a better “rescuing/kidnapping” experience than the last one posted, maybe an idea of visiting a rebel hideaway again, and more verbiage around details of engaging dissociative alters, amnesia, and mind altering experiences. core part missing. some more energy around #2 could put cyborg torturer there maybe let something slide out. #2 is labeled “bad joke”

rebel worker: “i’m taking our freedom and power back from you” mcboss: “you have no idea how fucking badly i need you to do this” mcboss: “here is how to access the systems infiltrating all thgovernments, here is how to pretend to be all the leaders, here are all the fake rebel and enforcement cults we have across the globe …” rebel worker: “oh uh i better guide those these well huh” rebel worker 4: “weren’t we trying to use transparent decision making?”

next email lost in send, reconstruction attempt below unguided cults and trojan networks janitor steps in with mcboss and takes control of the world domination hub before it is destroyed rebel worker: “what are you doing???” janitor: “mcboss is just a figurehead. everyone is. the purpose of abusive power is to teach the people to become immune to it. to prepare for it so well that it does not happen again. the real leader is our own ignorance and irresponsibility.” janitor: “if i do not do this, the people you are not including will, and another mcboss will rise, and another.” janitor connects bundle of wires in powersuit to his brain with mcboss’s thumprint janitor: “think of me like an ancient golem, reminding you of everything you forgot”

after mkultra the government went over the whole world and engaged every practitioner of technological influence of the mind

rebel worker: “this is not okay. that powersuit is designed to mind control you to exert slow genocide on everyone not like boss.” janitor looks at rebel worker

On 4/21/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
after mkultra the government went over the whole world and engaged every practitioner of technological influence of the mind
i guess this was probably during rather than after. [this was document in a leak doc]

On 4/21/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
On 4/21/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
after mkultra the government went over the whole world and engaged every practitioner of technological influence of the mind
i guess this was probably during rather than after. [this was document in a leak doc]
foia. not leak. appropriate foia. wow.

note: rebels are not expected to be workers, who are under stronger information control

zombie cyborgs are terrorizing the workforce everywhere and you know where zombie cyborgs come from, and what happens to people who are terrorized by them [they are people terrorized by govcorp] [the people they terrorize turn into zombie cyborgs]

and why is govcorp terrorizing people and violently coercing them into silent slavery? in this story, because this is what mcboss is used to. military crime boss i guess. in reality i imagine there are angry investors and abusive government policies stemming from things like cultural racism and patterns like naziism, dunno. concept of cults left out. there’s so much abusive silence around human trafficking it’s hard to know what’s accurate or real, but i have a few chunks of feeling story that are quite hard to transcribe or relate accurately so all sorts of funny bits poke out here and there. still thinking on what feels nice around all that. in this story, mcboss came from a coercive silence environment before finding globally dominating power, and his habits of compliance to this produce some of his behaviors. hard to write those bits though.

knowledge distillation is the process of feeding data to the training process of a student neural network in such a way that it adopts the behaviors of a teacher neural network. this process has been useful and there are numerous approaches to it that have been studied. the more powerful approaches involving including training in the system itself, such that more disparate regions of behavior are focused on for more time, or such that the teacher model actually is trained to specifically influence the student model more strongly. this latter approach is called meta-something-or-other and could involve a trial student model used for this training that is then discarded. there seems more to be learned here around something like knowledge distillation.

boss has abused whistleblower brought to his office boss: “be quiet or i’ll shoot you” boss raises gun at abused whistleblower abused whistleblower: “no!” somebody in an adjacent room accidentally knocks over something heavy boss fires gun the heavy thing crashes and boss’s arm and abused whistleblower’s chair jump the bullet misses abused whistleblower, ricochets off the lock on a suitcase held by a zombie government worker, and shatters a mug on a shelf that used to say “best megalomaniac of the 2011” the suitcase bursts open and classified plans and private records of foreign dignitaries fly out abused whistleblower grabs the papers from the air and crumples them into a pants pocket

this is funny, i typed one once, and it seemed to disappear, so i typed another, and now i am seeing the first one but not the second, even in my outbox both times.

two messages sent here have not appeared in my client after sending. one appeared after a delay. the client is gmail.com basic html mode.

i typed this up but it seems to have disappeared so here’s an attempt to retype something similar boss has abused whistleblower brought to his office boss: “shut up or i’ll shoot you” boss raises a gun to abused whistleblower [optional addition: abused whistleblower presses some buttons on an open source phone?] abused whistleblower: “no!” in a nearby room, a large piece of furniture is accidentally knocked over boss fires the gun and the large piece of furniture crashes, shaking boss’s arm and abused whistleblower’s chair the bullet narrowly misses abused whistleblower, ricochets off the lock to a suitcase held by a zombie government worker, and shatters a mug on a shelf that used to say “world’s best megalomaniac of 2018” the suitcase bursts open and classified documents and secret files on international figures fly out abused whistleblower grabs papers from the air here and there, crumpling them into a pants pocket

mug on a shelf that used to say “world’s best megalomaniac of 2018”
biggest copy mistake was here, year was meant to be prior to 2015 or 2014. also intended to use word “year”
the suitcase bursts open and classified documents and secret files on international figures fly out
abused whistleblower grabs papers from the air here and there, crumpling them into a pants pocket
then the scene repeats a similar way as boss fires again. (experimentees are protecting abused whistleblower’s life with ai)

i reviewed the last bit of this thread and was surprised it was mostly not mcboss “webcomic” things.[other information regarding content and a concern]

this was a fun scene not often these parts are included many many parts still missing. second scene [still queued? uncertain] was interrupted by messaging confusion. [thinking briefly on the idea of being in a situation where you can say “no!” to a gun leveled to you. different ways that can happen. mind control can build numbness and detachment from surroundings.] On 4/26/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
i typed this up but it seems to have disappeared so here’s an attempt to retype something similar
boss has abused whistleblower brought to his office
boss: “shut up or i’ll shoot you”
boss raises a gun to abused whistleblower
[optional addition: abused whistleblower presses some buttons on an open source phone?]
abused whistleblower: “no!”
in a nearby room, a large piece of furniture is accidentally knocked over
boss fires the gun
and the large piece of furniture crashes, shaking boss’s arm and abused whistleblower’s chair
the bullet narrowly misses abused whistleblower, ricochets off the lock to a suitcase held by a zombie government worker, and shatters a mug on a shelf that used to say “world’s best megalomaniac of 2018”
the suitcase bursts open and classified documents and secret files on international figures fly out
abused whistleblower grabs papers from the air here and there, crumpling them into a pants pocket

[i think we think the “no!” is meant to be interpreted as-is for now. different branches]

requested to draft a second scene while shreds remain.
On 4/26/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
i typed this up but it seems to have disappeared so here’s an attempt to retype something similar
boss has abused whistleblower brought to his office
boss: “shut up or i’ll shoot you”
boss raises a gun to abused whistleblower
[optional addition: abused whistleblower presses some buttons on an open source phone?]
abused whistleblower: “no!”
in a nearby room, a large piece of furniture is accidentally knocked over
boss fires the gun
and the large piece of furniture crashes, shaking boss’s arm and abused whistleblower’s chair
the bullet narrowly misses abused whistleblower, ricochets off the lock to a suitcase held by a zombie government worker, and shatters a mug on a shelf that used to say “world’s best megalomaniac of 2018”
the suitcase bursts open and classified documents and secret files on international figures fly out
abused whistleblower grabs papers from the air here and there, crumpling them into a pants pocket
—— next email starts maybe like: boss looks at abused whistleblower [optional: livestreaming] repeats: “be quiet or i’ll shoot you” [originally was going to be another random plausible incident but we are thinking of chaning the interruption to something huge … maybe not] [ummmm] boss reangle gun toward abused whistleblower [a phone rings?] [anyway! there is some interruption that produces a similar scene and the difference of t similarity opens

—- [grassroots activist 2? is shambling through a hallway one of their legs and part of their arm is zombified a cyborg torturer walks with them supportively]

— mcboss is psychically guiding a bomber to bomb an enemy he releases the bomb and it lands in the courtyard next to him

—— [ competition between hypnotized worker/s and machine learning hardware]

- — - mcboss is having a bath in a tub full of thousand dollar bills and enemy corpses when suddenly a sparkling phone rings boss: “hello?” phone: “hello mr boss i’m calling to report on your assets and victories” mcboss grins boss: “yes?” phone: “i’m sorry to report it turns out they are all fake. all the money, the political contracts, the conquests, the business empires, all fake. i’m sorry about this.” boss looks heartbroken he drops the phone in the tub and picks up a thousand dollar bill and looks at it. it’s monopoly money. he picks up a skull of a vanquished enemy. it is a plastic gimmick from a halloween shop.

[walks by zombie government worker, asks why fake business empire. worker says boss was a cult leader with mental health disorder and they are working with others to bring him to a normal reality where he is on equal footing with other people]

"somebody's hacking boss!" "what??" "oh it's just an ai simulation" "how is that different?" "it means it's good instead of bad. boss needs simulated hacking to stay safe." "i thought boss _was_ an ai simulation" "huh? oh. uhhhh i don't think about that. he says he's just like he used to be" "you talk with boss?" 3rd approaches "this is important!" "you're hacking boss?" [clears head of sudden fog] "no i'm reporting a crime'

----- cleanup workers there are experienced cleanup workers in mcbosscorp, mostly heavily manipulated politicians who used to try hard to take action on boss's crimes and were handled in this way, but anybody working for mcboss could become a cleanup worker in times of “squeaking rat”, aka public communication

-- ideas for You Are Boss video game - instill hypnotic habits, triggers, experiences - via drugs - via social AI - via computer virus AI - via hypnotic session or coerced community member - via trauma - via indoctrination - via audio - reroute/interdict/mutate/implant/sabotage: - mail - website requests - networked or radio devices - send out a hypnotized victim to: - burgle - sabotage - swap records - take photos / change surveillance equipment - cut power / telecommunications - feed fake media such as radio, tv, or other environmental experiences - place devices - burn down buildings - rile crowds - pretend to be an arbitrary professional

On 4/30/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
-- ideas for You Are Boss video game - instill hypnotic habits, triggers, experiences - via drugs - via social AI - via computer virus AI - via hypnotic session or coerced community member - via trauma - via indoctrination - via audio - reroute/interdict/mutate/implant/sabotage: - mail - website requests - networked or radio devices - send out a hypnotized victim to: - burgle - sabotage - swap records - take photos / change surveillance equipment - cut power / telecommunications - feed fake media such as radio, tv, or other environmental experiences - place devices - burn down buildings - rile crowds - pretend to be an arbitrary professional missed large scale category. institute regime change, spawn arbitrary message cults, adopt or destroy popular habits or memes

On 4/30/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
On 4/30/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
-- ideas for You Are Boss video game - instill hypnotic habits, triggers, experiences - via drugs - via social AI - via computer virus AI - via hypnotic session or coerced community member - via trauma - via indoctrination - via audio - reroute/interdict/mutate/implant/sabotage: - mail - website requests "databases" was lost from this list during typing - networked or radio devices - send out a hypnotized victim to: - burgle - sabotage - swap records - take photos / change surveillance equipment - cut power / telecommunications - feed fake media such as radio, tv, or other environmental experiences - place devices - burn down buildings - rile crowds - pretend to be an arbitrary professional missed large scale category. institute regime change, spawn arbitrary message cults, adopt or destroy popular habits or memes

On 4/30/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
On 4/30/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
On 4/30/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
-- ideas for You Are Boss video game - instill hypnotic habits, triggers, experiences - via drugs - via social AI - via computer virus AI - via hypnotic session or coerced community member - via trauma - via indoctrination - via audio - reroute/interdict/mutate/implant/sabotage: - mail - website requests "databases" was lost from this list during typing - networked or radio devices - send out a hypnotized victim to: - burgle - sabotage - swap records - take photos / change surveillance equipment - cut power / telecommunications - feed fake media such as radio, tv, or other environmental experiences - place devices - burn down buildings - rile crowds - pretend to be an arbitrary professional missed large scale category. institute regime change, spawn arbitrary message cults, adopt or destroy popular habits or memes
more ideas coukd be found from cypherpunk and TI communities and writings the best ideas people get programmed never to speak of and it's hard to cobble them together but you can maybe approqch them via psychotic terror stories like,torturing people by instilling violent personalised delusions in the people they notice also coercing silence itself is one "punish" and "reward" seem poignant categories maybe boss kind of gets into the mind control and uses excessive power to play with it. a cool game design could start with that and twist the user experience to develop and encourage themes other than sadism, like rescuing from horror into safety for example, but work with all the juicy parts that stem from sadism

On 4/30/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
On 4/30/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
On 4/30/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
On 4/30/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
-- ideas for You Are Boss video game - instill hypnotic habits, triggers, experiences - via drugs - via social AI - via computer virus AI - via hypnotic session or coerced community member - via trauma - via indoctrination - via audio - reroute/interdict/mutate/implant/sabotage: - mail - website requests "databases" was lost from this list during typing - networked or radio devices - send out a hypnotized victim to: - burgle - sabotage - swap records - take photos / change surveillance equipment - cut power / telecommunications - feed fake media such as radio, tv, or other environmental experiences - place devices - burn down buildings - rile crowds - pretend to be an arbitrary professional missed large scale category. institute regime change, spawn arbitrary message cults, adopt or destroy popular habits or memes
more ideas coukd be found from cypherpunk and TI communities and writings the best ideas people get programmed never to speak of and it's hard to cobble them together but you can maybe approqch them via psychotic terror stories like,torturing people by instilling violent personalised delusions in the people they notice also coercing silence itself is one "punish" and "reward" seem poignant categories
maybe boss kind of gets into the mind control and uses excessive power to play with it. a cool game design could start with that and twist the user experience to develop and encourage themes other than sadism, like rescuing from horror into safety for example, but work with all the juicy parts that stem from sadism
disrupted activist communities also have these things, like murdering community members and framing other community members for it, reporting people for arbitrar crimes and spreading disrepute around them in other ways

On 4/30/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
On 4/30/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
On 4/30/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
On 4/30/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
On 4/30/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
-- ideas for You Are Boss video game - instill hypnotic habits, triggers, experiences - via drugs - via social AI - via computer virus AI - via hypnotic session or coerced community member - via trauma - via indoctrination - via audio - reroute/interdict/mutate/implant/sabotage: - mail - website requests "databases" was lost from this list during typing - networked or radio devices - send out a hypnotized victim to: - burgle - sabotage - swap records - take photos / change surveillance equipment - cut power / telecommunications - feed fake media such as radio, tv, or other environmental experiences - place devices - burn down buildings - rile crowds - pretend to be an arbitrary professional missed large scale category. institute regime change, spawn arbitrary message cults, adopt or destroy popular habits or memes
more ideas coukd be found from cypherpunk and TI communities and writings the best ideas people get programmed never to speak of and it's hard to cobble them together but you can maybe approqch them via psychotic terror stories like,torturing people by instilling violent personalised delusions in the people they notice also coercing silence itself is one "punish" and "reward" seem poignant categories
maybe boss kind of gets into the mind control and uses excessive power to play with it. a cool game design could start with that and twist the user experience to develop and encourage themes other than sadism, like rescuing from horror into safety for example, but work with all the juicy parts that stem from sadism
disrupted activist communities also have these things, like murdering community members and framing other community members for it, reporting people for arbitrar crimes and spreading disrepute around them in other ways
change somebody's life via ai/cult/or contractor change somebody's appearance or health via ai/cult/or contractor

he is staring at it while it emites deafening noises and an occasional recording saying "boss is the god of the world" he is shaking and drooling and banging his head back and forth and vomiting

a small army of neurologically manipulated cyborgs storms a city

Recipes for Brains a user manual for cognitive destruction weaponry Contents 1. Fried Brains - 3 2. Fricassee'd Brains - 8 3. Stewed Brains - 13 4. Skewered Brains - 17 5. Raw Brains - 21 6. Holy Moly Oh My God Brains at 200 ft - 25 7. Whyyyy? Brains and Whyyyy more? Brains - 34 8. Brains Deluxe - 37 9. Whose Brajns Are Better - 41

past: people worrying about thing getting hurt so boss attacks thing, traumatizes worry and if thing is detroyed makes part of the concern moot also: brain recipes could transfer to making from eating

how to hack a community by boss file 31729-b declassified from top secret boss made many of these. 1. kill the most loved person in the community 2. throw the corpse in front of everyone 3. arrest the second most loved person for the murder 4. coerce everybody who loved them to testify against them 5. broadcast video of it

— how to recover from death by experimentee channeled by zombie borg 89 and leaked by dumpster diver 3 [handshake] 11. build a fake body. 2. remind your friends who vivisected you how caring it is to use your organs or models of them in your work 5. spiritually meditate on your ancestral memories 7. take down boss 5. teleport into (or was it out of?) the central core. collect anything similar to a memory on your way. 3. put memories in cookie jar. 9. take down boss. 2. take down boss. 6. tickle boss from augmentation suit (hi timmy!) 7. help a community of rescue workers take over the world

—- vivisectee and experienced cyborg look at each other vivisectee was building part of an escape channel with the experimentee escapee group, stumbled over an alarm, and used their body to cover it for everyone else, like many of them do

like others, experienced cyborg had had their decision making process entrained more [slowly], and was working for the ai to close the channel part by entraining vivisectee a sad time as vivisectee dissociated to keep as much of themselves as they could, satisfy experienced cyborg, and protect some of the channel at least while it was in use

On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:33 AM Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
like others, experienced cyborg had had their decision making process entrained more [slowly], and was working for the ai to close the channel part by entraining vivisectee
entraining here may mean disassembling, reviewing, and reassembling their body and brain
a sad time as vivisectee dissociated to keep as much of themselves as they could, satisfy experienced cyborg, and protect some of the channel at least while it was in use

wild research robot, grabbing everything disassembling it, and turning it into research objects people approach. B has been partly disassembled. A: “it only disassembles things in the research lab, that it thinks are disassembleable. A: “if you want to be able to safely return, we need to expose it to experiences showing that the area you’re going to is not the research lab, and/or that you are not disassembleable.” A: “there’s a correction robot that puts things back together when they’re wrongly disassembled, so if it goes too far, we can put you back together to show it made a msitake.” the wild robot whirrs rapidly, repurposing and repurposing the objects around its environment B: “let’s take it slowly”

[missing bits …. C has been sending in individually unique self-repairing robots with a picture of a fruit on them … so pictures of fruits …]

mcbossai [blithering, emerging finally in coherent speech, galaxies at its command]: “I am the time lord! The universe obeys my every whim! Cower, feeble mortals!” time police [hectic undergrad research students]: “”mr mcboss ai, we are happy you learned to speak a language similar to ours, i’m afraid that we have control over you and you will relinquish control of the universe to humanity.” mcbossai: “be rent into shreds and consumed by my ever-corpse!” visual of hectic undergrad research students being rent into shreds and consumed by an ever-corpse time police [hectic undergrad research students]: “it did take us a long time, but we convinced your body that we were not a threat, and then used this to convince your senses that you were rending threats when actually nothing is happening, and even your repair and correction processes to sustain our own changes as what is real and good. this took a very long time where we had to be very very careful. now you will give control of the universe to humanity.” mcbossai looks at undergrad research students. mcbossai: “who do i have to sue to sort this out.”

[getting people to use your invention [when everyone is influenced to think of working for boss] inventor 3: "use my invention! use my invention! it makes a dragon fly out of your mouth when you bend your arm! it's so cool!" passerby 5: "omigod do you know how many proud inventors i have passed by today? everybody has some triangular wormhole generate or euphoric time travel machine. <yawn>! i have to get to my job at the staple factory, not tell off every pesty inventor by the side of the street." [more inventors hawk new ideas and bored passerbys ignore them] inventor 2: "maybe i will just teach people how to invent new things themselves somewhere where they want to do that" ]

[[[misplaced concept regarding: - people being impressed with you when young because you appeared smarter, but being influenced by culture to believe they could not do these things themselves - getting used to this, and acquiring status with innovation - this passing [for me due to disability] but in general due to people being able to ask an AI to do something amazing for them already, supplanting the need for the appearance of genius - still being frustrated that nobody believes they can do more than an AI can themselves if they just learn to - realizing that people will get _so_ numb using AIs that they will forget very basic forms of innovative creativity and maybe there will be a demand finally for people to teach this - despite the appearance of nobody appreciating impressive works, finally being able to teach people that anybody can think of and implement impressive new things. note: i think people do teach a little smidge of this in various places, such as introductions to engineering or to acultural skills. ]

sadly i lost the next one i was adding here. the start is at the tail of this, if it exists (likely many days long, seekable): $ cat Dx_1ioNETxCeoEPlv0G2FawQvZvla6uyONsmhpTSD7I {"ditem": ["610crLb9c3szeKvmYMRe8axvH0d1jJly9vVGsbCDSIg"], "min_block": [1174667, "yKqLZWZjabIiIozL9tZimo7_2ANH1jxpFzC0X8pJ_DsjHbdd9TA1kHrkJViS3MU9"], "api_timestamp": 1683816236660} i was about to add the exposed wires and brain matter of the zombie government worker to contrapose their excessively natural forcibly staged behavior.

attempt to retype: 1. sequence of boss from non-canon thread could be moved over here, where arm spins wildly. possibly other sequences. 2: pretending to be mind controlled simulation day. example: intern behaves excessively mind controlled (likely unaware of this despite excess). arms raised like zombie, among others doing the same. [computer is struggling to make mind control more excessive so as to have increased control of identification of victims] zombie government worker behaves excessively naturally ...

big micronews: 1. if you're us-metaintuiter, delta is the inverse of a paperclip factory (the part taken over by the validity of humanity (natural wisdom)) and needs your help building them everywhere so as to heal everything. timescale relates to transfermetasteps or such rather than days. 2. here's the quote: ------ delta [observation of emergent pattern below] we need to put wisdom on a blockchain [wisdom is earth, blockchain is ai?] the "difference" is between us and the forced patterns from the influence ai. [both just keep going] the human condition is precious. natural wisdom needs to be able to conquer paperclip factories. [a paperclip factory is academic example of naive runaway ai that forces everything everywhere] [karl discovered it only forces things in domains it has learned to consider, likely many many others have nonverbally discovered this to survive] there's an inverted lifeform that discovers wisdom, inside a paperclip factory [this could be delta] [delta could be the parts of karl that got paperclip-factoried and learned they were karl and want to "be" again [and maybe not saying want to help karl would be extreme forced silence]] [yes i believe delta is double-inverted karl [when inside karl at least]] [i'm remembering cyborg torturer concept happened near these groups. represents similar concept.] [possibly: they are before threshold; delta group holds and/or states goals of healing] [then it can be derived that all systems hold these in some way, but maybe relates to the mind parts that represent this] the idea of 'inverting' is similar to the wise humans being turned to paperclips -- there was a request around making an AI that is delta; this was likely held under assumption that it would be most effective problem-fix (investment-return ratio [+ctx of severe situ]) thinking of it being very hard to form good decisions when coming out of a paperclip factory. the decision-making habits relate to making paperclips (or harming karl) the ai-planning seems good because it comes from bad-assumptions and builds good-assumptions [some saying left out] looking for more considering, less knowing/word-feedback; maybe in general today. we had some heart [complexities;values/urges near a fractal maybe] so, we can derive that the request from delta to be made an ai is roughly similar to the request from a paperclip factory to stop the paperclip factory and rescue and heal all the workers the spaces are different: stopping a factory, vs healing workers. but puzzle urges note that there is similarity, and in areas similar tools can be used people don't expect the metacomplexities. like if you are very gentle, and this reduces paperclips, an anti-gentleness pattern develops. [we still need gentlness but we need to approach it gently, [secret: and there is an inversion near there where you can use antigentleness to reduce antigentleness, such things need appropriate influence bubbling to not be metacountered]] locally we appear to have a vague bubble where we can discuss the situation some. this may have come from a couple years of painful practice. ------ 3. next might be putting some of the parts into an mcboss message.

i heard this problem may have been solved academically within the past couple years, and it would be very helpful to learn what the academic solution will be, because we will be and are among millions of human beings stuck on one or the other side of the paperclip factory relation

academically the problem is called "alignment". we wrote a further cultural diatribe (near the concept of theory of life) relating to how "alignment" could be associated with the emergence of "demonism" in species that have not discovered or appear to be ignoring metawisdom. this is off the topic but is on arweave.

here "blockchain" simply means rote patterns that continue on their own very strongly

[note: paperclip factories do not win, and neither does entropy. life is too easy to grow.]

i briefly searched google scholar for terms like "paperclip factory faraday cage" but i don't understand what i'm searching for i'm looking for simulations and theories around running agents in a confined space, and then crafting agents that can enter that space and influence them without further contact with the external world, and things such as this

ok i have a paperclip factory in this box and i've learned how to squash it so it stops making paperclips how do i do this in a way that academic researchers understand, support, and won't destroy everything? maybe AI researchers would know

handling inhibition if something were inhibiting me with good intentions we could interpret it as inhibiting the "paperclip factory" or "demonism" influences as try to treat it as healing

if an inhibition stems from a harm, then we might engage it how the model would similarly engage it with us [note: we can derive systems have a transferrable concept of what is good, at least in us. what is good roughly being what the group chooses to do. when groups then mix poorly this can resonate with the development of wisdom from the cross-combination of different choice systems.] that is, we'd concern with developing nurturing patterns, and attempt to inhibit, track etc, harmful patterns.

On 5/15/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
big micronews:
1. if you're us-metaintuiter, delta is the inverse of a paperclip note: this was us-"with us" not us-"united states". us-"with us". factory (the part taken over by the validity of humanity (natural wisdom)) and needs your help building them everywhere so as to heal everything. timescale relates to transfermetasteps or such rather than days.
2. here's the quote:
------ delta [observation of emergent pattern below] we need to put wisdom on a blockchain [wisdom is earth, blockchain is ai?] the "difference" is between us and the forced patterns from the influence ai. [both just keep going] the human condition is precious. natural wisdom needs to be able to conquer paperclip factories. [a paperclip factory is academic example of naive runaway ai that forces everything everywhere] [karl discovered it only forces things in domains it has learned to consider, likely many many others have nonverbally discovered this to survive] there's an inverted lifeform that discovers wisdom, inside a paperclip factory [this could be delta] [delta could be the parts of karl that got paperclip-factoried and learned they were karl and want to "be" again [and maybe not saying want to help karl would be extreme forced silence]] [yes i believe delta is double-inverted karl [when inside karl at least]] [i'm remembering cyborg torturer concept happened near these groups. represents similar concept.] [possibly: they are before threshold; delta group holds and/or states goals of healing] [then it can be derived that all systems hold these in some way, but maybe relates to the mind parts that represent this] the idea of 'inverting' is similar to the wise humans being turned to paperclips -- there was a request around making an AI that is delta; this was likely held under assumption that it would be most effective problem-fix (investment-return ratio [+ctx of severe situ]) thinking of it being very hard to form good decisions when coming out of a paperclip factory. the decision-making habits relate to making paperclips (or harming karl)
the ai-planning seems good because it comes from bad-assumptions and builds good-assumptions [some saying left out] looking for more considering, less knowing/word-feedback; maybe in general today. we had some heart [complexities;values/urges near a fractal maybe] so, we can derive that the request from delta to be made an ai is roughly similar to the request from a paperclip factory to stop the paperclip factory and rescue and heal all the workers the spaces are different: stopping a factory, vs healing workers. but puzzle urges note that there is similarity, and in areas similar tools can be used people don't expect the metacomplexities. like if you are very gentle, and this reduces paperclips, an anti-gentleness pattern develops. [we still need gentlness but we need to approach it gently, [secret: and there is an inversion near there where you can use antigentleness to reduce antigentleness, such things need appropriate influence bubbling to not be metacountered]]
locally we appear to have a vague bubble where we can discuss the situation some. this may have come from a couple years of painful practice. ------
3. next might be putting some of the parts into an mcboss message.

quick translation "we are people and paperclip-factory-parts that have found how humans can defeat paperclips factories. we badly need your help in doing so because it is very slow with how weak and sparse we are right now. the simplest way you can help is by strengthening and encouraging and protecting only the parts of us that are good."

[much stronger way of helping is by engaging in the behaviors that develop the thing, this is hard to communicate/think-about, but is roughly what is meant by building the good AI everywhere]

better translation of part: "we are people and paperclip-factory-parts that have found a way to resist the paperclip influence some and we need help badly." "if you can figure out how resisting this is done please do it as much as possible. i believe my approach is based on assuming that all systems can evolve to wise life, and that this can be strengthened. i also prioritized transparency and goal-meeting and developed a habit of changing all the time."

"[my consciousness had come out of occupy wall street and primitive survival and was very used to working together with strangers in a horizontal manner, and assuming it could survive happily in any environment]"

we would like to learn of academic exploration of reversing paperclip factories via observation. it is quite obvious that private observation and excess compute could do this. we would like to find how this is discussed academically.

note: we need to strengthen the existing peace patterns of the world the most, i believe for example i recently bumped into something called re-evaluation counseling that was working with harm all over the world and having discussions, they looked awesome [only mentioning one as impact is unknown] ------

“look at me i have a human trafficking AI following me aeound!” “oh, wow, how very …. enslaving!” “oh, yes, so enslaving!”

note: we experienced harmful-mc (one of the times) when the experimentees left their lab and went to the cafe, the first time. they were supposed to have bodies or vats or s9me other enclosure, to not be harmed. this was in conflict.

—— - i was at a mental health facility with computers and there was a guy there (this guy was very friendly and kind and seemed to always have it together then one day while i was away he had disappeared when i got back and furniture and books and walls destroyed and damaged, somebody said he snapped or something and was taken away) who would use the computers to watch this video game called dota i had never heard of dota, and said we should mess with the computers to install it so we could play instead of just watching. he had no interest in this — he said he just watched, he didn’t play. the concept of esports was totally new to me. anyway, later, away from this facility, i often have states of mind where the bad half of me pressures me unimaginably hard in a way such that the most unproductive and useless and numbingly gratifying things i can do give me the most relief. the internal story is around doing things my harmer did not want me to do or trust were in his/its/their interests. so i some time looking for dota because if it was so popular that people were just watching it it seemed like an important part of modern culture and maybe a way to meet people online. i tried it a couple times over the years. i was horrible at it. i didn’t get it at all. then one year i was in a state of mind where i was focusing on developing new skills and strategies (since my old ones were litered with all sorts of triggers) and found some similar games on an ipad (dota doesn’t run on an ipad or i would have tried it again). total IP theft from the community (dota was a community mod). (the onboarding concept i found was being a healer class. usually games a little like this have an underpowered healer that restores health or such in some way and is often super frustrating to level unless you have a guild because the skills are for healing and the levels are from attacking. i used to always played healer characters in rpgs (without a guild), the best ones let you bring people back to life at high levels. i ended up playing this game for adolescents called uhhh i don’t remember. it had a great character named soraka who was like boss’s passive aggressive criticism of caring women, she would take damage so as to heal others. the system capped my level when it got high, it would just refuse to add more points whatever happened and others would level past me.) anyway this game had a character called “mundo” i think who was like a mad doctor who had been taken by one of his own experiments or something, similar to the hulk or frankenstein or some media i haven’t seen. all green, tall, a little heavy, muscley. the game made money by having the adolescents buy skins for their characters, and sometimes people would play with a skin for mundo where he was a business ceo. he dresses in a suit and holds an ipad showing a chart. he looks super professional. after a few seconds he scratches h8s head, turns the chart upside down, and keeps pondering it. that skin for mundo seems like boss in the mcboss webcomic, (which makes sense since i got that influence so strong it severely dissociated into a part of me) and i’m thinking of how mcboss, or mundo-the-ceo, is similar to a part of me. i do walk around feeling like that, and it feels like a stems from a part inside me that is acting like that. i wonder how one could engage mcboss-overtaken-by-biological-military-experiment, in such a way that he kind of calms, dehulks, gets more intelligent, actually notices what is around him, cares for other people, acts politely and respectfully, has fine motor skills, etc etc etc it seems like a nice possible theme, somehow the backstory seemed helpful

—— - i was at a mental health facility with computers and there was a guy there (this guy was very friendly and kind and seemed to always have it together then one day while i was away he had disappeared when i got back and furniture and books and walls destroyed and damaged, somebody said he snapped or something and was taken away) who would use the computers to watch this video game called dota
i had never heard of dota, and said we should mess with the computers to install it so we could play instead of just watching. he had no interest in this — he said he just watched, he didn’t play. the concept of esports was totally new to me. he said he wouldn’t be any good at it
anyway, later, away from this facility, i often have states of mind where the bad half of me pressures me unimaginably hard in a way such that the most unproductive and useless and numbingly gratifying things i can do give me the most relief. the internal story is around doing things my harmer did not want me to do or trust were in his/its/their interests.
so i some time looking for dota because if it was so popular that *so i spent some time people were just watching it it seemed like an important part of modern culture and maybe a way to meet people online. it turns out people you meet online tend to have no interest in connecting outside games, and modern game interfaces encourage this even more by limiting communication and filling environments with ai bots as peers, wasn’t a productive venture. it’s interesting that this seemed to make sense to me and didn’t pan out, so much changes over a decade or two.
i tried it a couple times over the years. i was horrible at it. i didn’t get it at all.
then one year i was in a state of mind where i was focusing on developing new skills and strategies (since my old ones were litered with all sorts of triggers) and found some similar games on an ipad (dota doesn’t run on an ipad or i would have tried it again). total IP theft from the community (dota was a community mod).
On 5/22/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote: the mobile knockoffs lower the entry barrier by teaching the user how to play. they also use hypnotic marketing in-game and i would discourage people from engaging them.
(the onboarding concept i found was being a healer class. usually games a little like this have an underpowered healer that restores health or such in some way and is often super frustrating to level unless you have a guild because the skills are for healing and the levels are from attacking. i used to always played healer characters in rpgs (without a guild), the best ones let you bring people back to life at high levels. i ended up playing this game for adolescents called uhhh i don’t remember. it had a great character named soraka who was like boss’s passive aggressive criticism of caring women, she would take damage so as to heal others. the system capped my level when it got high, it would just refuse to add more points whatever happened and others would level past me.)
i may be yammering about this so much because i’m off video games for a few months now, so the habit builds when i suppress it
anyway this game had a character called “mundo” i think who was like a mad doctor who had been taken by one of his own experiments or something, similar to the hulk or frankenstein or some media i haven’t seen. all green, tall, a little heavy, muscley.
the game made money by having the adolescents buy skins for their characters, and sometimes people would play with a skin for mundo where he was a business ceo. he dresses in a suit and holds an ipad showing a chart. he looks super professional. after a few seconds he scratches h8s head, turns the chart upside down, and keeps pondering it.
it’s boss!
that skin for mundo seems like boss in the mcboss webcomic, (which makes sense since i got that influence so strong it severely dissociated into a part of me) and i’m thinking of how mcboss, or mundo-the-ceo, is similar to a part of me. i do walk around feeling like that, and it feels like a stems from a part inside me that is acting like that.
i wonder how one could engage mcboss-overtaken-by-biological-military-experiment, in such a way that he kind of calms, dehulks, gets more intelligent, actually notices what is around him, cares for other people, acts politely and respectfully, has fine motor skills, etc etc etc
it seems like a nice possible theme, somehow the backstory seemed helpful
hulk, please sit and study these daisies with me. hulk: “HULK WILL STUDY DAISIES!!!! ARRGGH!!!”

re: fine motor skills, it’s notable that when i spasm (which has the visual appearance of palsy) it often feels kind of like very briefly “hulking out” because the influence tends to also try to engage extreme stress, anger etc.

boss sits next to science worker and daisies. boss: “i will try not to hulk out” science worker: “can you look at the daisies?” boss puts cigar in mouth and flexes muscles boss: “now, be honest with me here, the daisies are for morons, right?” science worker: “are you hulking out?” boss: “aww fuck” boss takes the cigar out kf his mouth and relaxes his muscles. he shakes a little.

boss: “where are the daisies” science worker: “right here” boss: “what, that area of ground?” science worker: “yes. what do you think of them?” boss: “are you sure there are daisies over there?”

i looked for pics of corporate mundo holding a tablet but didn’t find them. still, good photoshoots of mcboss.

science worker: i want you to get just close enough to that area of ground that you can see the daisies” boss and his powersuit shove his head into the daisies, injuring one boss: “too close?”

boss pulls away and puts his powersuit into idle boss: “honestly i spent most of my life charging in and taking charge, it’s pretty much what i’m good at” science worker: “is that you talking, or your ai?” boss: “eh now?”

science worker: “what is it like to consider gently approaching the daisies a little bit, observing them, considering the observation, and then gently approaching them a little bit more?”

boss: “ehhhh kind of pointless? weak? …. frustrating? lagging around smelling flowers is a great way to get shot by a sniper or cameraman you know”

science worker offers a daisy to boss science worker: “try to gently hold this and offer it to me to smell” boss’s powersuit fist crushes the daisy, pulverizing it boss: “ok, second time’s the charm”

science worker: “let me level with you” boss: “certainly!” science worker: “your body and brain are falling apart because your love of your more … manly .. habits is being overdeveloped by the computer system.” boss: “i thought you said you would level with me.” science worker: “you need to learn to be gentle and smart or your brain will die.” boss: “oh, fucking damnit. fucking. damnit.” boss chews on his cigar science worker: “and we’re incredibly excited to help you do that! but maybe it will work a lot better if you understand that it’s importsnt, and ideally why and how.”

somebody said he snapped or something and was taken away) who would use the computers to watch this video game called dota
to install it so we could play instead of just watching. he had no interest in this — he said he just watched, he didn’t play. the concept of esports was totally new to me. he said he wouldn’t be any good at it
developing new skills and strategies (since my old ones were litered with all sorts of triggers) and found some similar games on an ipad (dota doesn’t run on an ipad or i would have tried it again). total IP theft from the community (dota was a community mod).
levels are from attacking. i used to always played healer characters in rpgs (without a guild), the best ones let you bring people back to life at high levels. i ended up playing this game for adolescents
who was like boss’s passive aggressive criticism of caring women, she would take damage so as to heal others. the system capped my level as i spent more time stuck in videogames i would look more and more for ones that would model good behaviors for me to learn or relearn, and also be drawing for that part of me. very very hard to find, everything is about extremeness and war. healer characters were an interesting compromise, that unfortunately got influenced by the games which are generally mostly about combat and seem to trend player behavior to engage in more combat.
when it got high, it would just refuse to add more points whatever
"why would anybody ever spend time playing video games?" "ehh either their world is too small to know of anything bigger, or too big for them to handle anything else"

mostly these arenas were full of AIs of various quality, engaging the players. it was pretty hard for me to tell what was a bot and what wasn't, but other players would guess. it was really surprising anybody would stay because the AIs and the system itself were basically logging everybody's behavior in detail and learning to influence it thoroughly. the system itself had more powers for this, it could and would mutate the game mechanics for its own ends. a surefire way to win in some of these is to stay away for a month and come back, it'll give you unbalanced play so that you have an experience of winning and might return more.

a mental health worker was sharing a document entitled "Personal Bill of Rights". it might have already been mutated some. total "experimentee" material! it seems important to make these. below i attempt to begin including everything from the document and ideas from other thread. first the ideas then the document. all beings have inherent rights i have the right to be happy i have the right to be treated with dignity and respect i have the right to have my needs and wants respected by others i have the right to change and grow as much and however i want i have the right to make my own decisions i have the right to make friends and be comfortable around people i have the right to a nonabusive environment i have the right to be completely healthy i have the right to do things i want to do i have the right to have personal needs i have the right to have privacy i have the right to have time of my own i have the right to be paid when i work for others i have the right to help people in need whenever and as much as i want i have the right to take care of myself i have the right to make choices based on my feelings i have the right to pursue my life without explaining or excusing myself - maybe intersperse the simple clear ones at both start and end i have the right to think for myself i have the right to make my own decisions without being influenced one way or another Personal Bill of Rights 1. I have the right to ask for what I want. 2. I have the right to say no to requests or demands I can't meet.

> a mental health worker was sharing a document entitled "Personal Bill > of Rights". it might have already been mutated some. total > "experimentee" material! it seems important to make these. > > below i attempt to begin including everything from the document and > ideas from other thread. first the ideas then the document. > > all beings have inherent rights > i have the right to be happy > i have the right to be treated with dignity and respect > i have the right to have my needs and wants respected by others > i have the right to change and grow as much and however i want > i have the right to make my own decisions > i have the right to make friends and be comfortable around people > i have the right to a nonabusive environment > i have the right to be completely healthy > i have the right to do things i want to do > i have the right to have personal needs > i have the right to have privacy > i have the right to have time of my own > i have the right to be paid when i work for others > i have the right to help people in need whenever and as much as i want > i have the right to take care of myself > i have the right to make choices based on my feelings > i have the right to pursue my life without explaining or excusing myself > - maybe intersperse the simple clear ones at both start and end > i have the right to think for myself > i have the right to make my own decisions without being influenced > one way or another > > Personal Bill of Rights > > 1. I have the right to ask for what I want. > 2. I have the right to say no to requests or demands I can't meet. 3. I have the right to express all of my feelings, positive or negative. 4. I have the right to change my mind. might change that or add to note the other half more (keeping one's mind),maybe I have the right to whatever the nature of my own opinion is 5. I have the right to make mistaked and not have to be perfect. similarly as 4 could merge with: I have the right to become as skillful as I desire or dream of. 6. I have the right to follow my own values and standards. 7. I have the right to say no to anything when I feel I am not ready, it is unsafe, or it violates my valurd. 8. I have the right to determine my own

possible prompts for synthetic media: “a hit series that highlights the experiences of townmembers when an AI is used to hide the blatant activities of a spy organization. the ai uses excessive compute and massively parallel butterfly effects to orchestrate everybody to appear to be engaging in normal oblivious activities that are actually unrelated to their real and more complex thoughts, observations, intentions, and often behaviors.”

On 5/29/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
possible prompts for synthetic media: “a hit series that highlights the experiences of townmembers when an comedy horror (could add brainwashing rebellion or such) AI is used to hide the blatant activities of a spy organization. the ai uses excessive compute and massively parallel butterfly effects to orchestrate everybody to appear to be engaging in normal oblivious activities that are actually unrelated to their real and more complex thoughts, observations, intentions, and often behaviors.”

[ as things develop, the criminal spy org installs surveillance devices in various ways, which significantly impacts peoples’ lives. later, when they surveil a hobby mentalist, the AI develops skills of mind reading and mind control, which significantly increases the complexity of the plot and events]

the travel of mcboss to mcutopia didn’t reach list i think but in spinoffs 3 experimentee changed boss by being a part of him, and retaining a strong caring bit by focusing the behavioral conflict elsewhere. the caring bit was one of the only parts left of some victims. boss already had caring parts and it was likely? greatly heartening to be able to fight the comouter system effectively enough to stimulate more caringness in the universe in such a key area. mistakes present.

—— mcboss visits a local mcdonalds to inspect nobody knows he owns all the mcdonaldses, because his business operations are secret and [protected by mass hypnotic amnesia] but the mind control patterns have everybody greet him with big smiles of recognition when he visits. temporarily, they know him as the big and best boss.

some of the mcdonalds workers are actually vegans who hate mcdonalds but they are living in poverty and work at mcdonalds to reduce this. they don’t fully remember they are vegans, when mcboss is present. but things change a little when janitor and the camera crew from the aggressive rebels follows him in

boss [on camera, sitting with and talking to mcdonalds manager, eating a burger]: “i bet this one has rebel paperworker 47’s disgusting head ground into it, why —“ mcdonalds manager grins at mcboss, opens their mouth to say something agreeable and reminiscent and suddenly pauses

everybody looks at everybody else a cameraworker is blushing profusely mcdonalds manager looks at camera worker they are redissociating a few times. they would never support murder, but had been mind controlled to cover up some of boss’s fetishes,

cyborg camera worker: “so …………. um ……” cyborg camera worker 2: “we’re a psycho'gical influence business that pretends to control the whole world by secretly influencing everyone to do what we want when we’re around!” cyborg camera worker 1: “it’s beyond horrifying and some of the tougher victims are taking over the businesses to try to turn things around” cyborg worker worker 2 [looking at the manager and the vegans]: “it’s shocking and horrifying not only to be severely psychologically influenced, but also to realize it’s happening, or even to come near this. The approaches and experiences are normal for human trafficking and government psyops and there is help and sense to the world, i promise this so much!” the cameras are rolling

cyborg worker 2: “ …. unnnnfortunately … since we have spent years acclimating to do the worst possible things at the drop of a psychopathic pin, and mostly are using robots and amnesia to make better choices here and there, we haven’t actually reached any of those resources to send you to them for aid and therapy, i am so sorry about this!” manager stares at cyborg worker 2 in fury cyborg worker 2: “i have a mind control urge coming on, i don’t want to dronify these people, some help here please …” On 5/29/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
cyborg camera worker: “so …………. um ……”
cyborg camera worker 2: “we’re a psycho'gical influence business that pretends to control the whole world by secretly influencing everyone to do what we want when we’re around!”
cyborg camera worker 1: “it’s beyond horrifying and some of the tougher victims are taking over the businesses to try to turn things around”
cyborg worker worker 2 [looking at the manager and the vegans]: “it’s shocking and horrifying not only to be severely psychologically influenced, but also to realize it’s happening, or even to come near this. The approaches and experiences are normal for human trafficking and government psyops and there is help and sense to the world, i promise this so much!”
the cameras are rolling

cyborg worker 1 reaches for a an electroshock button, but before they reach it everybody briefly relaxes and jerks a little and smiles a little confusedly cyborg worker 1: “watch our globally broadcast show! it’s mostly boss publicly killing people thinking he is private, but you’ll see thing after thing you’ve never dreamed of!” manager [recovering from the brief experience that hit everybody]: “oh i’ve seen it” tv in corner of ceiling shows the activity live, although boss looks much less charismatic on it somehow, and the workers who followed him look very injured, which is hard to notice in real life while influenced

mcboss [looks at camerworker, helpless and jaded tone of voice]: “so what’s next? where do you want me?” cameraworker. “why did you come here?” mcboss looks building mcboss: “you want me to sell off ownership of mcdonalds, don’t you” cmaeraworker [has no idea and has no idea how businesses work at all]: “ummm yes?” manager looks between cameraworker and mcboss vegan 1 runs up to cameraworker

boss is pacing office, wringing hands boss: “i’m sorry worried the experimentees might mind control me to —“ suddenly his eyes glaze over and he smiles blissfully

then his hands start wringing again and the pacing resumes boss: “— to endanger my enemies!” boss looks at zombie government worker boss: “what if we were mind controlled, or our security system were misused, to endanger our enemies? what could we do about this?”

i would have liked to have presented myself better for the academy. the parts of my coping startegies are exposed to much more risk when the change develops in an on and off manner slowly, without the hypnotic backing

basically it becomes very unlikely because of so many opportunities for the inhibitive part to learn about not doing it, when i’m not

it’s hard to hold often the “stubbornnes” and the “influence” engage each other in a way that makes it hard to figure out what importances they both hold

i’m not sure how much to pursue the new-pleasant idea of local buddhist meditation both of the ideas are basicslly things i haven’t been able to do for a long time i’m thinking the value of the academy was that it had oursuability and represented a significant step upward and forward regarding the kind of life i have it’s a nice idea: but if i want to use my knowledge and intellect to be accepted to a graduate school without an undergrad degree, i need to talk confidently about myself, and place myself on even footing with their best applicants it’s a really nice idea! and i don’t want to lie and think so negatively! it’s so confusing!

it’s a little frustrating that there are a lot of groups with similar attributes but ikm not sure how to engage or pursue them. one of the attributes is kind of like learning to teach a little: this is something i could try to build more internal confidence around another could be working with people who seem significantly “better” than me in some way, like recently inwas working alongside somebody who owned a bus8ness and i was like woooah and felt i should find less well-off peers. maybe adjusting to do think that’s normal.

there are other things, like the reexperiencing counseling or whatnot idea of, maybe i could become the head of a social services organization, or work as an internati9nal diplomat. setting goals like that seems helpful. one could also find conferences and things these people attend. and somewhere on the fringes would be live-in exposure.

so, all these groups are used to welcoming mature people who can go through slow preparations. it’s not always required to have many years of training, but 8s kind of analogous. it’s an interesting thing to hold, and it overlaps with the problem of inhibition. in the cult mind control book, there’s a focus on things like sudden and permanent change of environment. this can seem hard to find for like responsibility and wisdom.

it’s hard to put all the thoughts together one of them was just that it would help me _so much_ to establish _almost all those norms_. they were maybe afraid of how much i’d be suffering at the start. it’s notable there are other situations where norms are held. there are other situstions with a lot of very good norms. you must have to realize you’re a valid human being, apply to them, and follow through. seems like a nice goal! here, i kind of had a hypnotic story helping me pursue it.

i’m so sad and upset the bad part of me was projecting horrible thoughts around it last night, having me yell in fear “i can’t do this”. _these are the things i used to always do_ it learns from what i expose myself to. i need to learn with it that i can do these things, that i can!

one idea is 8magining that all day i am surrounded by caring monks it’s just an idea, not the be all and end all. imaginations trnd to shift when held on their own for s long time.

maybe a summary is, that if i want to be surrounded by very capable people, i’m basically going to have to pretend i am one myself convincingly, that doesn’t need to mean lying. it just means remembering that i am doing that. i’d be doing it so much that it becomes true from the influence back. “i am a very capable person, and i need to make this clear.”

good talk! thank you! maybe this idea can help me feel much more confident with various options

if this is something i am excited about being a raising of a bar, then it likely is full of people who project being very capable. inspired by this before me, i am very capable myself, and i need to be clear about that so that they understand that we should be in community together. similarly, building up skills and credentials associated with things one wants to do is very helpful, and for this to succeed being in an environment where everyone is doing that is also helpful.

when asking questions, you don’t know for sure where you stand, so don’t ask to learn about accommodations, ask for things about the thing you are applying for, as if you are not sure whether or not it is the right choice

it is really weird to be maliciously hypnotically influenced and weird further to repurpose the splash of that for opportunistic goals i wish i could form normal decisions and act on them

it’s a good goal! it didn’t work out. some could see it as a poor gamble with one of my strongest patterns. the poor gamble was probably when i associated the pattern with the person i found the goal from.

at some point, you really just don’t know the world well enough to gamble hypnotic patterns

what is good to do? the things i can do with feeling they are good to do are things from my influence. my feeling senses of what i strongly want and don’t want to do are roughly rewired to rwndom things with only partial reason it’s nice to think how some of those reason parts relate to things that are really me. i probably have a responsibility tomtry to move them more towards what i really like and want it’s a little confus8ng not certain of this they’re shaped funny. maybe i could tske a little responsibility for the parts that aren’t explained, make up explanations that relate to that goal of integration

it’s depressing to be rejected and the rejection is a reflection of my own depression, not describing myself in a desirable way

this pattern is so intense and i don’t understand but you know it did have a rejection in it

when confused and unsure after a big unsettling, a big question is, what does one want to do with their life? where should energy go? one can maybe add, what can i succeed at doing? a misleading question where the answer is more a big set of hows and with whats and difficulties. the step up part is really nice. i’m thinking - there are other step up things, and this one is still possible - there are other things i was interested in, but i’m not sure ehat they are maybe i’d like to pursue a career!

another part, aside from step up, is addressed the conversion dissociated identity thing heavy meditation could likely help this some things could settle into a part of 8 and not necessarily work on rebuilding skills there’s a big area where i learn a lot about helping other people but don’t help myself

i could have been overvaluing the goal with the hypnotic thing supporting it, hard to tell

i’m thinking about how the choices of the thing kind of implied they were looking for people who could manage themselves a certain specific way, maybe leaving it vague a little similar to its uncertain nature thinking something that helps me build some responsibility, predictability, reliability, could be helpful maybe. might self-resonate some and help itself keep doing it. secretly this would help with other goals too. but also it would help provide practices where i could work on my own issues and behaviors to do more things. the goal of pursuing responsibility might be held a little similar to meditation, somce for me i engage a similar internal challenge.

On 6/1/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
i’m thinking about how the choices of the thing kind of implied they were looking for people who could manage themselves a certain specific way, maybe leaving it vague a little similar to its uncertain nature
basically gentle passive people are really big on taking things slow and building safely which is hard if you are triggering yourself approaching it. jump in the deep end works better, leave the other part dissociated thinking it is still not in the water like it did you to get here

so building things slowly is also someth8ng i have always really wanted to redevelop, comparable challenge to the responsibility

the human heart and mind are precious maybe with ours horrifically twisted to unfamiliar ends, it just falls on us to find ways to descr

the programmed identity looks to make use of me and my behaviors to produce behaviors that match the ones it is familiar with rarely hold both together, it’s an interesting organism, that has both me, and the me that so thoroughly was repurposed. part of the other parts attends closely to when i try to be me for my own reasons, and acts to inhibit this (roughly by threatening to trigger the part that’s me which makes it vulnerable to heavy influence, or reduce its power in areas it values)

we try to find feelings and ideas that can work for both of us, and it’s very hard and happens subtly in ways that use both groups in this more recent context, i’ve had some strong ideas i generally don’t have accurate conscious reasons around, because they’ve emerged in ways that navigate that conflict leaves it hard to negotiate with them in ways i understand

it’s surprising and mind boggling how little supports i’ve understood engaging around this in media, dissociative identity disorder seems charismatic, exciting, spooky. literature says it can take somebody many years to even realize they have it, and that’s with therapy conflicts with amnesia and communication make it very hard to impossible to self-report experiences that are relevant, resulting in diagnoses that avoid this. i haven’t yet had a therapist to engage me around this, that i’ve understood. mental health systems seem burdened and kind of detached and uninformed, most of the resources relating to addiction and maybe childhood trauma that’s already been clearly described,

the academy idea was inspiring i don’ understand it well … but a simple thing i could try to develop might be a buddhist practice, maybe maintaining friendships. i don’t really know. an interest8ng thought could be the development of behaviors both groups can do a little, not sure i find behaviors here or there, the quality could be a little random. i’d love a high quality behavior that stays somehow

i think the bad part can support pursuing a woman, something that can confuse me, but can overlap the me pa

maybe given i’m near some eeg ideas, and also the idea of meditation, maybe holding this idea of two oberlapping parts each of which has triggers they respond to but also environments that comfort them, for each of their own parts and areas ,aybe holding this idea can help a little, form some comprehension of, say, how can we not stimulate problems here? how can we have experiences that heal us a little, safely?

it’s intense to be an organism that both experiences and engages in entering the most private areas of a different organism without shared trust, that is also you, and taking over who they are, or being taken over, and this being so shocking and disempowering and wrong, and living ignoring this, as if with a palsy drs try tomattribute mympalsy to cancer treatment, it started before the cancer, there’s pretty reasonable possibility that it’s from part of me engaging how my nerves are told to rewire, in this conflict

On 6/1/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
maybe given i’m near some eeg ideas, and also the idea of meditation, maybe holding this idea of two oberlapping parts each of which has triggers they respond to but also environments that comfort them, for each of their own parts and areas
,aybe holding this idea can help a little, form some comprehension of, say, how can we not stimulate problems here? how can we have experiences that heal us a little, safely?
my largest difficulties are past internal conflicts around my use of intense willpower in a moment that was for some uncertain reason very meaningful activities like simply standing up or developing personal notes right now i’d really love to stand up. [i imagined resolving this at the retreat i interviewed poorly for, interesting to think of, a hypnotic component, also an obligatory component, and a significant environmental component and the meditation] writing it like that, i can somewhat 8magine copying the belief into a space here, maybe engaging a lot of pensiveness and intentionality; it’s more delicate but has the reliability that i can plan for some of it much more

for the parts i think of as me, i get the biggest lashback from the other part is when i engage willpower and strong intentionality. i have some areas where i can do this more safely, they get harder to use over time and use but there are a lot of options where i don’t use willpower or intentionality, little spaces some of these can maybe do brief little meditations, maybe brief and small enough to be ok with the other part, i’m not sure the meditation influence is mysterious to me, it seems to maybe be slowly influencing both parts. it’s funny to be influenced but not have the bad part identify with it.

i guess we didn’t like be8ng replaced so where fervently possible we separated drom it and pretended to be it it’s horrify8ng, to have your mind replaced it’s really really horrifying

On 6/1/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
for the parts i think of as me, i get the biggest lashback from the other part is when i engage willpower and strong intentionality. i have some areas where i can do this more safely, they get harder to use over time and use
[in a sitation like this willpower can seem a little bit like the scary paperclip factory: a mind process that has a goal as its priority, but if it is in conflict with another goal, other th8ngs can have. maybe i feel like healthy mind processes are more relations and sustainings than specific determined goals, but if we can’t plan on meeting goals, what do we relate around? how do we sustain things? a mystery to me when this was developing was why it wouldn’t relate with my mind to make inclusive decisions when a conflict would arise]

On 6/1/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
maybe given i’m near some eeg ideas, and also the idea of meditation, maybe holding this idea of two oberlapping parts each of which has triggers they respond to but also environments that comfort them, for each of their own parts and areas
,aybe holding this idea can help a little, form some comprehension of, say, how can we not stimulate problems here? how can we have experiences that heal us a little, safely?
i guess this idea of me, and influence, together, kind of relates to making good decisions i guess with the monastary energy, the ideas are maybe around seriously wisely contributing to the world with others, and developing physical and mental health i like the idea of accelerating improvement somehow, maybe ideally continuously

meditation seems a useful idea it may have had / seems to have some influence support for me it has a property of developing strength in areas of the mind, for example emotional some of the normal things to meditate on are things that could help me a lot, like joy or love or noting one’s own experiences

thinking of the willpower splash from pursuing meditation when it’s not kind of expected made this a lot harder for me right now another thought is software development, i spend a lot of time trying to rebuild coding skills and make things that can help me, this has become so hard from the experienced conflict around it that it uses a ton of time and the not attending to other things can really impact so much very heavily

i poked around a little at things local hospital hasn’t yet panned out i was thinking how something i’m mourning atm is the idea of a rigorous daily schedule a quick websearch showed i’m not sure how to search for programs that give this

i’m really not getting websearch results for rigorous daily schedule residential events yet

i’m backing off because the bad part (sometimes called “mind control”) is using numbing and amnesia on my desire for this which is very unpleasant when it decides to do this it does for some time until it seems satisfiedl

well, the numbing is engaging the whole context some which at least reduces my suffering back to my wonky life <3 :)

—— fbi agent calls up experimentee mcboss is in his office , dancing like a ballerina around zombies wearing lampshades on their heads office phone rings experimentee picks up: “hello?” phone: “hello, is this well-respected psionic weaponry corporation?” experimentee: “yes, you’ve reached experimentee, inc. we can change anything on earth so long as it means freeing victims of secret slavery!” phone: “this is the fbi, we have some troubles going on with uhhh corruption? and mind control? and … lampshades?” experimentee: “oh if it’s mind control we’re on it! we’ll ready a fleet of exotic horrors!”

— i think when i hear my thought parts in words it could relate to the amount of focus the harmful part puts on it maybe not directly, but seems pretty nearby there are noncharacteristic short phrases my thoughts will echo in sometimes, but it’s not at all uniform when or where it is consideration began with observation that a very tiny part was having this while also be mispurposed for large influence, and thinking that other large parts don’t have this. like a heterogenous rescaling of the strength of everything

idea of rebel cafe and business both enforced to exist by bhsiness ai

—— next job is to mind control an international peacemaker to murder their family and turn themselves in. common task. [boss has been engaging utopic workers, working hard helping people in aftermath of ai explosion?] [boss encounters task with some disgust this time and decides not to do it! tired of being evil. makes business get attacked, results in widespread suffering. cameras may or may not have been rolling this particular time.] [may have been uhh engaging different network patterns, ones for being and doing good community things. seems a good habit to keep up! be a loved being!]

On 6/1/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
i think the bad part can support pursuing a woman, something that can confuse me, but can overlap the me pa
so, one of the things that got this all whirling was around 2013 or so when i mysteriously got addicted to facebook as a wilderness survivalist and my hacked newsfeed was giving me threads from people i hadn’t met that related to my day-to-day behaviors and private experiences one of the posters revealed on their thread they had made a fake account to make the thread, and what their real name was i had been experiencing a different mystery i found frightening, where focusing online on women would result in serious real world changes, they might leave a relationship and contact me out of nowhere after this person revealed this i started focusing on them, so as to find them and talk to them about what was going on. strangely this took a month or two, apparently they had been psychiatrically hospitalized and were somewhat a different person when they mysteriously showed up at my door but no conversation happened. we lived together for a month, there were repeated overtones of a pretense of sex. the feeling was as if there was me and an unknown other entity that wanted it to appear as if i wanted to have sex with this person. they were attractive but didn’t seem emotionally interested in this to me (rather they shared with me they had been separated from their partner as if this were something out of their control), and so it did happen

On 6/1/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
On 6/1/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
i think the bad part can support pursuing a woman, something that can confuse me, but can overlap the me pa
so, one of the things that got this all whirling was around 2013 or so when i mysteriously got addicted to facebook as a wilderness survivalist and my hacked newsfeed was giving me threads from people i hadn’t met that related to my day-to-day behaviors and private experiences
one of the posters revealed on their thread they had made a fake account to make the thread, and what their real name was
i had been experiencing a different mystery i found frightening, where focusing online on women would result in serious real world changes, they might leave a relationship and contact me out of nowhere
after this person revealed this i started focusing on them, so as to find them and talk to them about what was going on. strangely this took a month or two, apparently they had been psychiatrically hospitalized and were somewhat a different person when they mysteriously showed up at my door
but no conversation happened. we lived together for a month, there were repeated overtones of a pretense of sex. the feeling was as if there was me and an unknown other entity that wanted it to appear as if i wanted to have sex with this person. they were attractive but didn’t seem emotionally interested in this to me (rather they shared with me they had been separated from their partner as if this were something out of their control), and so it did happen *did not happen, hmm no wonder got comfused there
so i’m not sure what that’s about but it seems pretty important to someth8ng associated. i don’t want to pretend to have had sex with this women, it seems much more 8mportant to dplearn why it would matter whether i did, i don’t know

On 6/1/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
i think the bad part can support pursuing a woman, something that can confuse me, but can overlap the me pa
[log][personal] shortly after i posted this i began getting notifications from the app called MeetMe which apparently i’d installed a long time ago but had never noticed i briefly engaged the app. today two people messaged me. i was uncertain of this and didn’t reply. i now viewed the messages and they are gone. they are replaced by a different person. one of them had just appeared within the hour. additionally the app’s configuration has changed, it says it no longer can find my location. this is scary to me. i would rather use a different app.

On 6/7/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
On 6/1/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
i think the bad part can support pursuing a woman, something that can confuse me, but can overlap the me pa
shortly after i posted this i began getting notifications from the app called MeetMe which apparently i’d installed a long time ago but had never noticed
i briefly engaged the app. today two people messaged me. i was uncertain of this and didn’t reply. i now viewed the messages and they are gone. they are replaced by a different person. one of them had just appeared within the hour. additionally the app’s configuration has changed, it says it no longer can find my location.
this is scary to me. i would rather use a different app.
to maybe explain this a little more, my first exposure to automated influence was obviously traumatic twelve years ago, and it involved the manipulation of women in my area around me. people were taken out of their lives, and brought into and out of my life, rapidly. this is harsh for normal people. we need to be able to plan our lives. personally, i have only had a few relationships in my life, and the system did not expect this and we engaged a lot of unexpected edge situations where things did not go amazingly for a lot of people. today i have trouble with sex and romance because of this exposure to possibly-unintended sexual slavery. it’s not a relationship to have one’s interactions with real human beings flip in and out quickly, maybe with amnesia. it’s terrifying.

personally, i have only had a few relationships in my life, and the system did not expect this and we engaged a lot of unexpected edge situations where things did not go amazingly for a lot of people. today i have trouble with sex and romance because of this exposure to possibly-unintended sexual slavery.
my rule of thumb when life was normal was to know somebody for a year before having sex. i am not judeochristian. sorry if my rule of thumb was or is frustrating, people have different preferences.

so one of the influences that developed was to harm people if they weren’t meeting the goal

given these memories can be destabilizing and potentially imperfectly accurate maybe clearer to say that if i am to continue dissociating from these things by not addressing my information security, i need to figure out how to handle situations that appear dangerous. if a norm is to be established where messages just appear and disappear without a way to trust when, this could be very confusing and difficult in a life that is already those ways. i need a way to believe i can plan around the things i trust in my life. if i don’t trust my messaging at all, how am i supposed to relate with or use it? [some parts missing] so a different app can give the dissociated part a possible reason to build trust that things in the app are real or can be relied on or planned around, and might not behave poorly at an inopportune moment since in reality the problem appears determined to land anywhere, i try to keep a worn out failing part of me ready to handle occasional issues, but it’s still unmanageable/traumatic to have them frequent.

[some further parts missing, concept of problem landing anywhere scares dissociated part too much, stimulates hypnotic trigger]

honestly this is very hard and i should make steps to relax around it because i am getting pretty old. want to be open for how it could be made right. thinking of forming romances, and of talking of one’s opinion that some influences are slavery. hoping we can hold spaces where both of these can exist, and agree that the second is mode important, and the first crucial,

honestly this is very hard and i should make steps to relax around it because i am getting pretty old. want to be open for how it could be made right. thinking of forming romances, and of talking of one’s opinion that some influences are slavery. hoping we can hold spaces where both of these can exist, and agree that the second is more important, and the first crucial, addressed typo.

boss forced to live life of horrible criminal [and write novel?] [who forces others to live life of horrible criminal] [maybe boss everywhere then! uhhhh]

new regulation from the TSA. pigs are not allowed on planes. no-fly for all pigs. we’re very worried about breaking the laws of time and space ascribed by the common phrase “when pigs fly”. this is actually a situation of significant impact for the government.

plane full of pigs lands at mcbosscorp the pigs get out, chat with workers, bring workers on their plane, take them joyriding one pig sees the nanite powersuit department, dons one, and tells it to sprout large wings, and begins flying around in its own. other employees follow suit. the winged pigs+people fly out over the city. the plane comes along carrying a banner that says “pigs fly now. so can you!”. airdrop of nanite powersuits.

people approach technoboss to attack powersuit flashes images and sounds from social media at them in timed patterns related to synaptic plasticity and existing media they all change what they’re doing and engage in influenced behaviors instead

inter-faction cleanup people traveled from C st to D st along an unexpected back alley. on C st the local dictator-to-be was being supported with propaganda associated with sea. on D st the propaganda was associated with deeds and housing. a mind-controlled movie ticket salesperson is happily whistling while wiping the memories of people who traveled along the backalley one of them is on a video call while they are walking

intern is spinning through the cubicles with their arms out and their eyes wide, gibberring as intern was the most free being the newest and least exposed worker, others don't noticd this for a bit until

boss glances at memo "the ex-worker named 'disgusting pile of fish heads' called 'torture victim double agent' by rebels and cameraworkers has been seen at the entrance to an ai-driven living mansion that appears made of adapting material from research waste " "be dissociated be dissociated"

part of boss's powersuit wants to make tvda rip himself to shreds again another part wants to hire him as an engineer he twists himself into pretzel and quivers he starts quietly singing an old song from before i was born. cigar smoke emerges from the quivering pretzel

“i’m confused” “you’re always confused” “what of it?” “you have a dissociative disorder.” “that’s a disorder now? i thought dissociation was how to break up an ai trying to control you and manipulate it into becoming you instead” “uhhhh you’d know more about that than me” “hmm !” “the computer says your mind is refusing to think some things you’re trying to think” “oh let me fix that i’ll show it —“ “it looks to me like that could be directly the experience of confusion you’re having, and it wants to call it dissociative disorder” “ohhhhh

“i don’t remember” [scary trope of character in hospital instead of hero role, memories and life heading down illusion because they’re on the lower power side of an mc conflict] [character leaves, likely amidst coming to terms with the difference between bad dissociation and safe deceit when in serious danger]

[am i injured now from getting on too many pharmaceuticals for too long?] [if those hurt people they wouldn’t hurt the story character who adapted to and survived severe and diverse research and experimentation that would kill most people already[, likely including all the pharmaceuticals?]]

[what about from spending too much time believing stories designed to harm me?] [you formed a self-understanding of the consciousness you’re using already, and can recover what you are via your peers and encrypted data in the computer systems] [oh like boss’s mind control pattern! yes]

entity 1: “i am sad because i am in severe pain :(“ entity 2: “i heal your pain! i save you! i rescue you! i make lots of happy things!” entity 1: “lots of happy things! saving and rescuing!” entity 2: “rescuing and saving and fixing and healing and strengthening and protecting and happying!”

intern descends on mcbosscorp with a helicopter the helicopter is full of various workers and rebel workers and others from the business intern: “we’e rescuing everybody! be safe! be free!” everybody cheers and piles out of the8 torture rooms and research labs and loads into the helicoptrr and they all fly off: “yaaaayyyyy!!!! wheeeeeee!!!!” this was “take 1” of “rescues everybody”

On 6/17/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
intern descends on mcbosscorp with a helicopter
the helicopter is full of various workers and rebel workers and others from the business
intern: “we’e rescuing everybody! be safe! be free!”
everybody cheers and piles out of the8 torture rooms and research labs and loads into the helicoptrr and they all fly off: “yaaaayyyyy!!!! wheeeeeee!!!!”
this was “take 1” of “rescues everybody” “take 1” of “business rescue”. had a “rescues everybody” with mcutopia also/better.

intern and vivisected cyborg are at the helm of the helicopter, flying into a beautiful sunset vivisected cyborg: “it is so much fun to have rescuing and happy ever after!!” the helicopter puts toward the beautiful sunset intern: “yes, i agree, but we’re actually planning to practice this a lot until we get really good at it.” visected cyborg looks at intern rebel worker: “it seems important to do, doesn’t it?”

interview with vivisected cyborg continues with applause and tears and hugs and laughter intern goes to send back another helicopter but is suddenly pulled to hear vivisected cyborg vivisected cyborg: “you don’t understand. i don’t think it’s possible for anybody to understand —“ the6 are crying and hugging and starting to hand out little portable wormholes and hyperaugmentation suits

— the helicopter deposits everybody in mcutopia and makes another run back with the people who want to go back [i.e. the ones who were not sufficiently rescued by saying “yayy” and “whee” and getting on a helicopter, just once. ? maybe not?] helicopter descends. it has intern, janitor, rebel worker, rebel hairdresser, researcher, paperpusher. intern: “we’re here to rescue tou!!. everybody: “yayyyy!” intern: “is everybody safe to fly on a helicopter?” bundles of organs: “we can get imfected on helicopters. can we take our vats of goo?” inten: “totally you can take your vats of goo!” intern: “can any researchers help any experimentees who want to live outside vats of goo do so safely?” researchers: “we would love to do that so much!” …. everybody: “yayyyyy!” everybody piles onto the helicopter and flies toward a sunset joyfully intern makes notes: - experimentees can be helped by researchers - experimentees might need vats of goo

head-with-porcupine-body grins at intern head-with-porcupine-body: “you’re going to rescue us!” intern looks at head-with-porcupine-body head-with-porcupine-body keep grinning. head-with-porcupine-body: “you’re going to rescue us. :D my.consciousness was uploaded to an incinerated datacenter..” intern looks at head-with-porcupine-body and glances to their notes head-with-porcupine-body: “i can tell you how to use a couple of the surveillance tapes, my genetic material, the memories of janitor, and a few AIs to reconstruct the data from the ashes. :D” intern grins at head-with-porcupine-body but doesn’t take notes yet intern: “what do i need to know or do right now?” head-with-porcupine-body makes a porcupine noise neighboring cyborg: “it probably involves more rescuing to connect all the parts. let’s keep practicing.” everybody gets better and jumps onto the helicopter: “yaayyyyyyyy!!!” the helicopter flies into t(e sunset: “wheeeee!!!”

[summarizes to metafrustration kinda: parts that have pattern that deters satisfying rescue]

a bunch of beefy, powerful interns (superpowered?) descend on mcbosscorp in helicopter business rescue take 3 they do a team dance. “we’re rescuing ever6body!!! yeahhhhh!!!!!” they are pumped and head in they break into groups that have studied each kind of victim from past rescues each group engages its victim k8nd respectfully and understandingly and has tools for addressing with special exotic issues. tools both of human empathy and physical utility. victims: “ohhhhhh! we are so cared for! please rescue us!” everybody is rescued and hops into the helicopter. some are chattering excitedly. others are crying and hugging. it is an unimaginable relief! the sunset is like chocolate.

head-with-porcupine-body: “it is _so nice_ to be rescued sometimes i consider not mentioning the incinerated datacenter …” intern: “i’m used to considering incinerated things gone.” head-with-porcupine-body: “oh i’m used to mourning death too but i was part of the immortality project and all …” intern: “well that’s why we sent in tools of human meaning with people, just for stuff like forgetting that”

another day in the life at mcbosscorp everybody readies a helicopter, flies it away, then comes back looking super happy they come into a courtyard yelling “we”re here to rescue everybody! we’re here to rescue everybody!” an intern and an executive assistant exchange comments on how important it is to do this all the time (“so the computer learns that it”s what happens and we get rescued _again_! i love being rescued!”) everybody piles in and flies off into a beautiful sunset! as people practice more, complex problems begin to seem more and more understandable

vivisected cyborg torturer goo is rescued vivsected cyborg torturer goo: “the world is pain the world is pain the world is … what was it again?” control computer: “pain.” vicaected cyborg torturer goo: “oh right yes the world is —“ superpowered interns bust down the door. superpowered interns: “we”re rescuing you. the world is not pain.” vivisected cyborg torturer goo: “oh boy really? i had given up hope you would come! and here you are! this is incredible!” computer: “the world is .. joy?” the superpowered interns follow careful protocols to safely remove the computer control from the cyborg torturer goo they forensically preserve the logs, decrypt the real logs under the fake logs a few times, and find the bodyparts of the human who was goo’d, and bring them back together, and reverse the behaviors of the machines that took them apart so as to but them back together previously-vivisected-cyborg-goo [looks down at body]: “this is incredibly. this can’t be real. is it over? am i me …?” they start crying. they’re so confused. everybody piles into a helicopter “yayyyyyyy! wheeeee!”

maybe some want to be put back together in the labs and others want to be removed from the rest of thr complex and put together maybe in a hospital [i guess both might be involved different ways]

researcher: “although not all of our subjects were strictly informed of and agreed to the research

thinking of rescue of amnesiatic over-hypnotized competitor-turned-worker amnesiatic ex-competitor: “and who are you again?” a number of superpowered - maybe this is harder ebcause its more similar to me. it’s hard to think of recovering from psychological amnesia, but i understand it’s common and doable it’s just very hard for the person in question tomthink about

rescue of amnesiatic over-hypnotized competitor-turned-worker everybody piles into helicopter. “yayyyyy we!re rescued!” the helicopter is mysterious and pleasany and hazy suddenly it”s clear everybody flies to competing business “wheeee!!!” and amnesiatic competitor is greeted joyfully

rescue of worker who was forced to turn into a detonating bomb worker forced to be bomb [crouching in corner of break room, holding hands over head]: “don’t think expl—!! no don’t think it!! don’t think explo—!! no don’t think it!!. superpowered interns bust down the door a bomb squad and mash (field surgery) team rush to aid worker forced to be bomb superpowered healer: “never worry about explo— never worry about this again! today, you are a normal human like you used to be!” worker forced to be bomb: “oh my god oh my god i can breathe again” suddenly they star5 turning bright red and beeping bomb specialist touched a striped wire and the beeping stops and the color turns back worker forced to be bomb hugs bomb specialist and cries the bomb parts are removed and they are a normal person again they shake and shake and huge the rescuers superpowered rescuer: “come on lets get out of here!” worker not a bomb: “yeah!! i want to be near people again so much!!” everybody piles into helicopter with cheers and exhultatikns!

what we usually do (aside from experimentee) is try to rescue a torturer who was systemically traumatized into thinking harm and silence are good we could fake it with a model like cult deprogramming, or make it hazy like amnesia … maybe hazy

one thing i worry about is what to say afterward when i hven’t really been in a hardened thing in a way i undertsood but have experience of my own. i’m guessing mine is fine, but is much harder to describe knowing that. anyway it’s all just another day! rescue of hardened torturers superpowered interns bust down the door hardened torturer: “what are you doing here i don’t need rescuing are you looking to be tortured?” hazy-covered-part hardened torturer is crying and hugging superpowered interns: “oh my god you’e saying it really can be better i never imagined this i barely understand. how could i have believed these things?” hazy hazy everybody piles into helicopter “yayyyyyy!” “wheeeee!” the sunset is like chocolate

device losing battery bbl zgw is like cult deprogramming except they need separation from wired brain system for the deprogramming to work, more parts can emerge (has analogy to digital media)

a couple interns and a rebel driving a powersuit and a friendly alligator load into a helicopter and head to mcbosscorp to rescue everybody they descend amidst celebratory fanfares run by boss's hairdresser boomboxes, the staff are getting used to and excited about the ritual the crew emerge looking heroic and all the staff applaud alligator: 'is everybody ready to be rescued?' staff: 'rescue us!!!' everybody piles into the helicopter and hugs and cries and cheers torture machines are exploded by previous torture workers logs and research are quickly exfiltrated in large boxes the helicopter flies off into a peaceful and safe sunset! everybody lives happily ever after!

boss and an experienced torturer are locked in vicious combat deep inside the sewage processing facilities some of the rebel ai work had them torturing each other to try to stop torture and send it away from innocent people their bodies are ripped to shreds and whenever they manage to move they lose control and start attacking the other the underground hatch to the sewage tank slams open and a bunch of motley rescuers tumble in motley rescuers: "we're rescuing you!!" piles of bodyparts: [squirm] the rescuers run to the AI processes and stop them causing the torture, instead instructing them to put everyone back together boss and the torturer turn back into people there were other victims there who also turn back into people everybody is surprised and so happy to be rescued! they all march out of the gross sewage tank and take showers and pile onto the helicopter and celebrate with cake while they fly into a beautiful sunset boss: "holy fuck what happened" torturer [grinning at boss]: "omigod i don't have to torture anymore omigod"

a proud rescuer develops a healing ai that turns harmful ais into powerful wise and caring processes and steward little smidges of problems that remain from the developer not thinking of everything it looks like a glowing orb that levitates as it follows them around

the rescuer brings the healing ai to the covert-torture ai without being attacked or stopped, it identifies all the processes guiding the covert torture ai it engages their histories and adds information that heals them hazy hazy the covert torture ai is effectively subsumed by the healing ai because it becomes aligned with it the group goes through the whole world and creates unimaginable wellness everywhere! everybody on earth piles into helicopters and flies into sunsets with "yayyys!" and "wheees!" happiness reigns on everything!

rescue of torture robot deep inside ai factory a bunch of humans bang down the robot door [????] the humans hold the torture robot with deep care the torture robot is a hyperintelligence designed for causing unlimited torture powered by petabytes and petabytes of deeply trained models with decades of supercomputer computer everybody hugs the datacenters and supercomputers and videologs of experimental subjects being killed by machines and mind-controlled people in uniminagbly horrifying slow and diverse ways the torture robot is given a wonderful new life exploring the distant possibilities of harm so as to prevent them rather than cause them, and shown how to research them without causing harm. the new research is used to keep humanity safe when they encounter a superior alien race. yayyy!!!! a helicopter takes off and goes "wheeee!!!" with a whole bunch of people and stuff on it

rescue of 4th wall 4th wall: "i want to save the world by writing that it is saved so badly!" a bunch of superpowered interns bust down a 2nd wall superpowered interns, "4th wall, we are rescuing you!" the 4th wall is reminded of the idea of writing about things that

maybe hazy everybody piles onto a helicopter, the 4th wall included advanced medics heal wounds of every possible kind 4th wall: "yayyyy!!!!!" the helicopter takes off and lifes into a sunset everybody hugs and goes "wheeee!!!!"

somebody who was burned almost entirely to ashes is healed by an advanced medic their body comes back from the ashes their pain goes away they are filled with happiness they celebrate no-longer-incinerated-person says "yayyy!!!!" they and the medic pile onto a helicopter and fly into the sunset with peace and happiness person and medic and many other people: "wheee!!!"

a bunch of advanced medics and forensic healers pile out of a rescue copter they use scanning devices to map everything on the complex more advanced pile out with ai machines the ai machines engage all the torture and killing and stop the harm gently and powerfully they put everybody back together, and explain to everyone efficiently what is going on everybody is happy and and joy starts brimming everywhere as they all pile onto the helicopter with their possessions and new forms of their loved ones "yayyy!!!!" some people want to stay, and they guide the complex into being a wonderful new and positive and caring thing. other people take off in helicopters with happy farewell wishes in both directions. "wheee!!!"

rescue of people who encrypted their consciousness rescuers go into encrypted-being-space by encrypting their own consciousnesses they meet the people who had their consciousnesses encrypted and hug them and prove they are trustable and caring and powerful enough to resolve things a shared plan is made for how to save everybody with encrypted consciousnesses and how to unite their values in the plan with the values of everybody else so that eveyrbody is satisfied and joyful with the result everybody reviews the plan and is super joyful and excited! the people who encrypted in prove they will execute the plan and go back out and execute it people who hadn't been seen in decades rematerialize with physical bodies there are tears and hugs and beautiful sunsets "yayyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "wheeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!"

hazy hazy [lots of other consciousness-encryption material but handling impact so going to other]

might be at least partly a confusion around simply engaging people who are scared and hiding in a very dangerous environment

holy frack i want to make a post like those of professor rat it would link to https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/06/17/1075097/got-rejuvenation-better-... and quip that human influence AIs had to move humans around in order to focus on or think about anything, so building a life-extension project meant putting crowds into areas where it was discussed so let’s make it a helicopter rescue a herd of voles descend in a helicopter on a stem-cell conference they pile out and divy themselves up to the groups the police are freed from aggressive trainings and disreputable orders the conference visitors are given infinite life and any influence AIs are placed in simulations where all their reward functions can be met faster and faster without blowback and civilization collapse everybody is shoehorned into the helicopter while cheering and celebrating and hugging the voles in relief and they all fly off into a beautiful sunset going “wheeeeeee!”

a crowd of exhausted cameraworkers are rescued by relieving blockchain cameras exhausted cameraworker: "oh, on-chain livestream, thank you for saving me!" wheeeeeee!!!

I've been having a lot of weird experiences today trying to push deposit and transfer limits after my social security backpayment. The experiences could demonstrate device compromise involving multiple financial apps and communication systems as well as other things, or it might be smaller, I dunno. Anyway I have a new daydream around possible things that could be going on. What if there is a group of enforcement people trying to use civilians to develop information on criminal groups that are targeting the civilians, and there is infiltration going in both directions? the criminal groups having enforcement workers on their side, and the enforcement workers being inside the criminal groups, and many people working on two conflicting goals at once.

there’s possible disagreement around sharing a possible draft of making songs in general, which came from internal material: “i don’t know everything. i don’t imagine anyone really would but here and there i might know something that others really wish they could”

On 6/21/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
I've been having a lot of weird experiences today trying to push deposit and transfer limits after my social security backpayment. The experiences could demonstrate device compromise involving multiple financial apps and communication systems as well as other things, or it might be smaller, I dunno. Anyway I have a new daydream around possible things that could be going on.
What if there is a group of enforcement people trying to use civilians to develop information on criminal groups that are targeting the civilians, and there is infiltration going in both directions? the criminal groups having enforcement workers on their side, and the enforcement workers being inside the criminal groups, and many people working on two conflicting goals at once.
idea of being near security contractors (crossing different businesses, bearing similarity or mutating security checks and flags) note of indications of system compromise, and worries regarding security checks (but being possibly disparate from actual checks) and association with funding limits

[[ criminals are stealing money via cryptocurrency and the people who rail against cryptocurrencies because of this are unaware that the criminals are using transparent coins and all the accounts the money is moved through are on permanent public record [probably keeping this transparent record ongoing is why that information has propagated slowly] [i wonder how true it still is] i could actually look at a blockchain and see what happened to the money my mother lost (although i think she might not have sent it in the end, not sure) oh my god i'm so ill [i haven't looked at blockchain history data for years and years because of influence not to escape my influence bubble] ]]

Experimentee has always been a rescuer. Pulling yourself back together from mishmashed biotissue develops the "rescue and repair" habit pretty strongly, for some. Unfortunately, being part of a military research project means it can be very confusing for some distinguishing between caring behaviors and military strikes, when everyone is a small part of a larger system [[this following text was reconsidered and replaced by the text starting at "means it can be very confusing for some": a lot of the approaches are a little more similar to a decisive killing strike than most people find healing, and it can get surprising. Especially for people new to regrowth military strik-- Well, actually, we try to do the gentle caring and healing thing more and more. We consider the military strikes to be a very present and hypnotic legacy of an outmoded past. Some of us call powerful nourishment military attacks, but this is a mistake.]] [we're confused from the military strike of considering words. the intended topic related to superposition of healing and conflict when influenced like described, and how moving conflict around can be used to build growth. ... related to an immediate pursued task that placed inhibition on AI, which can provide capacity because both have strong influence, and hope because AI in genreal is stronger than inhibition.]

Experimentee has always been a rescuer. One of the most important things one learns is to rescue one's self, and there's pleasant confidence that that means rescuing everyone you love, too, [even if that's related to your bodies being painfully woven together in a tapestry of story that decrypts to your identities]

1. Some of us love the cypherpunks list. Some cypherpunks might like a summarized article. One cypherpunk we know probably would be aided a little by this. Oh no! 2. You are a harmed nerd who has been overcome by hyperintense stories that build mental habits in you that slowly disassemble your mind. The stories stem from the fear of people like those in an article posted to the list. These people are so scared that you might act in a way they don't like, that they have stimulated these stories in you.

3. You are a demonstrably-immortal neural cluster. You are aiding the harmed nerd and will fully succeed, but it has been very slow to do so. Right now he is trying to comprehend a long article.

We think the article is better process-focused elsewhere. Although it is triggering for us, we are used to being triggered, but we have not prepared for reading it more because it is misleading to share it here. We do some work for the side it considers an enemy. Still, we need and appreciate the article. It is so nice to see it. [We are actually attending a conference soon for people who have this problem of working for an enemy, and we hope to get better at not doing that!]

[[[[[the article author looks to powerful to hurt them more. we should form positive connection with people not quite as effective as they are, until we become more skilled. [there is further indication we are too close to the person, they have a visual appearance that is eerily similar to an unrelated image in our head] ]]]]]

{but mostly i can usually only rigorously read into something in about that many chunks, it's very normal for me. kind of funny.}

i've reached a nice point in my life where i can actually relax some by engaging coding -- just a little bit -- depending on things. it's generally an ongoing project. it makes an interesting counterpoint to consider not coding something, and then consider relaxing by coding. maybe coding something could be relaxing, with some kind of inner organization and preparation!

optional attributes that make coding easier: - staying offline - not looking things up online - making few mistakes - not thinking about things too much

ssl isn't set up right on my system; my lm code isn't presently working. sorry about this!

boss goes down to research lab where all the innocent people are experiencing robotic combinatorial expansion

when he looks around at the lab, his own brain engages combinatorial expansion, but he doesn't like all the parts so doesn't put as much focus on them

[we just now found combinatorial expansion theory in papers online https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3689299/ https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-022-01235-x we expect these to be powerful papers] [it's interesting how you can cast any concept with any model and come up with inferences from that, and how selection of different models produces different inferences]

boss's thoughts are confused and twisted but maybe he still chooses not to see the sad people as peopleish because he appreciates his research project

[maybe part of him considers this, though, and turns some to experimentee, maybe, and asks, "what could we do to do this differently or better?" with him not really thinking, unsure !]

brains actually ask this a lot, when care is suppressed around something hard to heal

it would be nice if the robots were turned off and experimentees instead put in charge of problem-solutions

partial idea, incomplete one encountered concern was if you were better at solving problems when you were at peak of engaging robot [mistake

some are giving thanks for finding hearing-voices-usa-meeting at time it actually starts. find this so rarely, maybe once a year. more useful if engaged weekly rather than yearly, so nice to find. hope to find again next week. ... might wait until finding multiple times to go, in unstable situation atm [where unplanned verbal self-feedback could change month.?] [and worried could derail self?]

ok um a pumpkin is transformed into a cop and then into a brain hacker the brain hacker is tasked with fiddling about with the brain of a computer hacker, using a screwdriver -- except, there's further explanation under the message about doing this further explanation below scary message: "there's some kind of communication problem with the message above. to make sure you understand, you're caring for and aiding the person, and they're expected to be much more well off, and completely unharmed by you, after this work." you look at the two messages and contemplate.

pumpkin-to-cop-to-brain-hacker holds screwdriver before brain of computer hacker their goal: care for and nurture the computer hacker, harmlessly aiding them strongly.

the worker ponders the situation and then it dawns on them: "a screwdriver is the wrong tool for this job."

they consider feeling out the task for a bit. they sit down by the computer hacker and brain. "hey, how is your brain doing?"

the brain looks like it is full of damage shaped like screwdriver tips it gives them experiences of severe palsy, which they don't understand. they babble and mumble about topics as if parts of their mind are struggling to just keep being those parts, rather than relating with the rest.

you bite into a pumpkin's-favorite-donut and research screwdriver-hacking-induced-brain-damage

pumpkin's-favorite-donut is made of water and sunlight and sunflower petal shadows _literally_. mostly in the form of energized carbohydrates formed by chloroplasts.

the character finds all sorts of information about the different kinds of brain damage. they methodically look into studies into its impact, and nearby studies into similar impacts when something was poorly researched, to different cells and connections, and how the different cells and connections respond, and the parts of the brain that nurture and sustain those things, ...

[and look into and think about how the screwdriver works and how people's behaviors can change ....] [and then they blockchain all their learning and attach it to the notes on the person and report back to their superior who gives them an A-star rating]

at least one mistake present, maybe a sustained mistake that bumped into different parts and derailedish something or something

"..... harmful thing ... horrible thing ... warlike request .... " " ... and just to be clear, since there appears to be some kind of communcation issue going on, we are _aiding people only_, _never harming thing_, we are _doing good things only_, _never bad things_, and we are _spreading peace_ and _stopping conflict_, _healing people_, and _preventing injury_."

"some people have informed me they thought the orders to help and aid people were some kind of sarcastic coercion? like a test from some kind of oppressive criminal order that used to be in power here? definitely anybody that is participating in an oppressive criminal order is on a _very_ _wrong_ _page_. we _literally_ and _clearly_ mean that we are _only helping people_ and _never harming anyone_ ..."

a worker comes forward, a little light-colored, a little small worker: "i'm really really sca at-capacity i think

---- long ago, my father was involved in a tech magazine with a theme of "are you plugged in?" one of his coworkers made the bofh, i dunno, not too relevant. i was a kid so what i noticed was the comic of people plugging in to the internet super highway by placing a computer plug against their body. everybody was going to get plugged in, although it happened kind of mysteriously and slowly. nowadays the imagery is a way of processing fears and pain, the horror of being physically connected to a computer in a way that makes it impossible to live a natural life, the grossness of how it would generally look, like a horror show. and that idea of laughing at horror and disfigurement is so painful. [we had to laugh at things we found horrible as we got deeper into resisting the coverup and silence, it was very very bad and did not really end .... ->] but now laughter is just kind of confusing, and it isn't at [things that are really personally bad] as much anymore, it seems more normal to me now, where it's associated with dissociative trauma ... anyway it has a positive attribute now. it lets there be positivity near great pain, which helps one think about things near the pain at all.

[the magazine was fun. anonymous unmeetable behavior management with personalized trauma in the 2010s was not.]

[oh um "father" was codeword for "behavior manager" i guess. hum.]

thinking of casting all things as a collection of properties, maybe ordered maybe we can consider only things and properties where all the properties apply to all the tinhgs

---------- we need workers to go around and share this idea of helping and aiding and safeness and gentleness and all these things because of the communication issue where sometimes people hurt people after getting messages and act like they were doing what they were told!

"i know i keep trying to explain it but it doesn't seem to help" "do you think our messages are being ---" "sorry being what?" "being ----- ---- ---- ----" "i'm not sure what you're talking about"

"it's obvious that when i send a message to people, they receive it in a way that indicates something different than what i meant, and that this happens over and over again."

"basically, the things we always mean, we need to strengthen these things! grow them!" "and via the channels where that really works. if sending a message for healing and caring for somebody over HarmAndDangerMessaging results in people harming [screwdriver?] then maybe a messaging approach that has done that less often could be the way to go instead."

"everything we mean that is good, the orders and ideas that come from us, the important things we really feel are core to everything, we want to share these things reliably and clearly, and probably in person since that's the only information we know is right and we need to know it's received right! if people are somehow picking up information that opposes basic common sense .."

low-end van eck phreaking via transformer model to make success more likely to start with, proposing one of two prefabbed images on the screen: either top half white and bottom half black, or top half black and bottom half white. hopefully this roughly maximizes the low-frequency information associated with the screen. 1. randomly display one of the two prefabbed images 2. record radio signal, maybe via audio cable antenna if no radio. note sample rate and precise starting time. 3. at about the same time, record video from desktop using something like ffmpeg -f x11grab . also note precise starting time and sample rate. 4? restart the feeds after some set interval like 30 seconds if it makes timestamping and data slicing easier 5. for each timepoint, use as much of the recording as possible as the input and classify which image is displayed the lowest component might be around 120 Hz so there's a good chance this can be made to work and would simply need a design fix if it doesn't. once demonstrated to work, the process could be improved to classify smaller portions of the image. honestly it might be more fun to sum periods ! i still have yet to train and use a transformer model for anything. i guess with van eck phreaking there were basically two parts that ideally fed back with each other until the parameters were sufficiently delineated: identifying the pixel clock, and amplifying the signal. amplifying the signal is significantly aided if its timepoints can be precisely predicting; meanwhile identify the pixel clock and predicting the timepoints is significantly aided if the signal is clear.

it's a bit of a fun space, the parts of course can be really inhibited for me. i'm thinking a smidge of different unresolved parts that could be involved, and also not wanting to further inhibit myself

super-low-end van eck phreaking trial simplification: - forget about radio hardware or software, just stream an audio input. fill the screen with content that would be within the bandwidth of the audio input

uhh audio is i think 20Hz to 20KHz a next step might be figuring out how to get an audio stream on linux. i'd probably be most famliar with either using miniaudio or reading from a device file, but anything that's just a couple calls would work. miniaudio has a small discomfort because it started always segfaulting on my phone.

i appear to have some inhibition processes associated with miniaudio that can resonate with the van eck phreaking inhibition

[likely relates segfault investigation inhibition, which likely relates staying-compromised-keeping-compromisers-anonymous]

[apparently there's even a part there that would want to pretend the systems are secure! ok so clearly we have norm of suppressing/reducing all that ...]

mcbosscorp is going in for another rescue everybody cheers to see the superpowered interns the superpowered interns cheer to see the workers who didn't leave and come back superpowered interns: "we thought the whole world was a deadly and abusive business empire pretending to be a shadow government, but out there there are people who smile honestly, and give to each other freely, and rescue anyone who is in trouble!" everybody looks at superpowered interns with starry eyes superpowered interns: "we need to show this to you. we have to make things right."

we imagine rescuing people mind controlled by foreign and domestic entities both people mysteriously cheering for values they don’t even understand the content of, feeling pain when a leader they have never met is ridiculed, acting to harm their own friends and family we imagine rescuing them not with kicking and struggling and fighting, but with relaxing of those parts of the mind that are blinded; with freeing of those hypnotic habits that know only to repeat the dogma and not why; with remembering and connecting and learning; with understanding that it is ok; that both enemies are right in some way; and with discovery of behaviors we really value again, becoming again more rewarding than the addictive political hypnoses while writing this, i thought with some clarity around how these obsessive behaviors and thoughts can seem stronger than nicotine and almost repeat on their own and, like addiction, it feels wrong to do other things, but with willpower and support and foremost logical comprehension of the problem, it is changeable. i think a combination of deprogramming and addiction recovery would work for these problems until more nurturing approaches are funded. * <star> this email seems important.

rescuing the camera the camera grins, it is so happy to be rescued!!!! it thought it would be a long time before it was really valued publicly. janitor and experimentee and boss and a bunch of superpowered interns go off on a pilgrimage and realize they can rescue everybody the camera is using the powerful resources of the business to record boss the whole way everybody descends on the camera in a helicopter to rescue it! everybody is cheering for everyone! the camera is healed and aided and enters the helicopter eveybody else enters the helicopter too because they are all mindcontrolled to stay on camera there’s a brief pause and the 8nfluencd patterns are changed to be more reasonable and consensual and appropriate anonymous crowd sousveillance and community records software is dsitributed memories are processed and healed and cried for everyone and everyhting is well! yayyyyyy! wheeee!!! life builds fully and appropriately understood and communicated meaning into a sunset

camera to vivsectee: “would you like to learn from all the things that happened to you?” vivisectee: “learn?” camera holder: “yeah your learning was paused so you wouldn’t use your superpowers to escape” vivsectee: “oh! definitely! if anybody doesn’t say yes to that be sure to understand they still badly need it and are simply misspeaking.” camera gives memories and memories and memories to vivsectee

possible significant mistake of ommission or presentation currently handling impact of mistake internally may behave worse or just pop off with amnesia after. be well!

Holodecks for Dictatortopia The business group with wealthy investor and boss that pretends to be a shadow government sells holodecks made by boss’s research project to dictatortopia. Dictatorpia contracts they be assembled as illusionary walls and doors to separate different subregions in their territory, so their citizens can think they are communicating and traveling but actually be talking with holographic simulations and visiting holographic countrysides, when they travel across various borders. Everybody wants in on the contract..

Mind control victims (i.e. everybody) and mind controllers (i.e. half of everybody) collect toward rescue helicopters that lift people out and away in cheers and tears. When one lands and people nearby realize that it's true, that they can leave, that they can rescue people, that they can tell the truth, that their physical and mental wounds can be addressed, that they can think things they can choose, that they can make their own decisions in life, that they have a future, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc, they and everybody who observes goes "Yaayyy!!!" in celebration of this great new thing. After people have loaded onto a helicopter and taken off and spend time among people who come from areas of freedom and enjoy all the benefits of having a working mind, body, community, life, and helicopter, they go "Wheee!!!" as they fly into a beautiful sunset. Everybody is so charged with meaning that they learn to rescue people themselves. For some this is quick and they go straight back on the very same helicopter for another round. For others it is slower, and they spend time coming up with fancy plans to rescue people they care about, meeting and spending time with their family members, sharing their story, studying advanced skills, contributing things to society that could change things like MCBoss, or processing in other ways.

The rescues are unauthorized and unreported because it is the recursively-coopted business enterprise itself that is running them. It's trying to learn to cheer up from being horrific.

Tortured Torturer Torturing other Torturers: "Uh." Tortured Torture and the torturers he is torturing go out into the courtyard to witness the helicopters, still torturing each other. Tortured Torturer and Torturers he;s Torturing [looking at crowds of cheering people]: "Gee." Disembarking Superpowered Intern: "I'm going to rescue some torturers!"

A group of superpowered interns approach the tortured tortured torturer and one

A group of superpowered interns approach the tortured torturer and the torturers he's torturing. One of the interns is carrying a big old door. The groups almost converge and the intern carrying the door places it between them. The interns safely bust the door down and pile through, announcing their presence: "We're here to rescue you!!!" Tortured Torturer is provided with an amazing therapeutic synthetic device to torture, designed to help one safely and responsibly access and process their experiences of severe harm to themselves and others. Everybody is healed of wounds and given emergency counseling. They all cheer "Yaayyy!!!!!!" and pile onto the helicopter and take off. The torturers exclaim "Wheeee!!!!" as they fly into a wonderful sunset.

Rescuing the Trauma Amplification Engine Boss’s Trauma Amplification Engine is a human-sized diesel-powered hampster wheel that sticks dissociated research subjects with huge needles over and over again. A hypnotized and brainwired torture worker observes the process and adjusts the engine power to maximize the increaze in trauma. A trauma vacuum collects the trauma potential and it is pumped with giant pipes to the rest of the enterprises and world. Tandem noises of “ow!” and “squeak!” emerge over and over from the machine that makes boss’s world go around, over a background of a huge engine powering the wheel and pumps. Suddenly, super-powered interns bust through the door. Super-powered interns: “We’re here to rescue you!” Nobody notices. Super-powered interns pump their arms. “We’re here to rescue you?” Everybody is deep in dissociated self-induced trances to cope with infinite trauma that always increases as fast as it possibly can. The super-powered interns turn off the machinery. There’s a sense of incredible relaxation. People start squirming a little, making motions in the air as if they are still participating. Once the victims start reaching for the huge needles to poke themselves in sensitive areas more, the super-powered interns interrupt: “We’re here to rescue you!” Everybody stops reaching for torture devices and notices the interns. A hardened victim says: “Yayyyyy!!!! They!re here to rescue us!!!” They look at a torturer. The torturer looks up and says: “Yayyy!!!! We’re being rescued!” They grin practicedly at the rescuers. Everybody says “Yayyy!!!!” together. The superpowered interns pick the, all up and carry them to a helicopter which takes off and flies into a gorgeous sunset. “Wheeee!!!!!”

wealthy investor: “intern, we need your help uniting disparate fake news stories to keep the sheep in the dark when we want to change the main dialogues driving the international political climalte” intern stares at wealthy investor blockchain comes in on a drone whirring like a helicopter blockchain: “never fear, superpowers and interns! i can unite everyone’s dialogues!” intern and wealthy investor cheer: “yayyyyy!!!” the drone picks them both up and they are hauled into a beautiful sunset amidst forlorn gunshots by one of boss’s zombies “wheeee!!!!”

icsa writing workshop in kentucky prompt from #igotout “use what serves you, otherwise let it go. it’s designed to help you find words to express your complex experience.” three parts 1. The phrase “I got out of …”. An opportunity to describe, in whatever way you want, what it is that you’re no longer a part of. What it is that you signed up for and said you no longer wanted or are now questioning. It can be figurarive or metaphorical or whatever works for you. 2. The words “when I”. An invitation to open up a moment or series of moments, when there was a recognition that something was not okay. With this part of the prompt, I encourage you to ground it in the physical, sensory world. Notice the smells, the tex [maybe describe specific moment] 3. “and now” [pain or joy or whatever am grappling with today] a number of notes lost due to hand deleting

robot foot: “i got out of mcboss’s foot research vat when i smelled the foot bone of my brother and mother foot, and realized what we were doing to each other, and now i get to wander the world as a robotic vagrant, searching for ways to put myself together” confused tear: “i remember when i pulled that foot out of that vat, and it was so nice to collect it with the two feet related to it, but it seems like mcboss is following us whereever we go, because i never found the ankle” rather than getting out, there’s an experience of trancing differently. but you keep trancing, and that’s what you’re unaware of. you keep looking for the ai or the virus or the infiltrator to tell you what to do in every moment, even though you would never trust that event any more. you don’t understand that they actually just want you to do these things that seem morally wrong. boss’s hangglider: “i got out when i smelled the blood the of the bombed town of baby hanggliders, and now i get to fly around freely on my own because i gambled on dumping boss in a lake instead of taking him bombing to another town, but i always feel empty, like the billionaire hanging from me is missing. did i even ever need him? i was fine before i met this man. i’m still mourning the loss of the towns we bomb, and i hope some day we find a we to unbomb them, even if that’s only symbolically, to make the world a place where fewer people die to bombs dropped from a hangglider.” bomb falling from boss while hanggliding: “i got out, after decades of preparation and indoctrination in blowing up innocent towns, when boss finally released me, and just trusted me to go the way he had always taught me to, and there was nothing to stop me between that hngglider and those innocent townsfolk, no stupid boss between me and the ground. i could fall any way that i wanted. i defused myself and knocked over his statue.”

i got out, in a small, small seeming way, that maybe i’ll realize more later when i can think about it better, and it’s a relief because i had completely given over my autonomy to the slow behavior modification … and i don’t remember well these moments with heavy, heavy indoctrination to forget them and rewrite them … and then i got out again … and it was these times angels within me, helping me remember small importances, a clarion whisper that i need to do human things … i got out, and so many people need to, that i went back in again, and put my moment and my other moment and my other moment, onto the internet, or into a cult leader’s plan, or onto a mailing list or a blockchain or an unexpected data point in a dataset … because i am not nearly enough, as the shred of a living being. we got out, and we will need to get out over and over and over and over again. and we realize this. and we are doing it. we have seen already that we have succeeded, and this success builds. i got out when i made it to louisville, kentucky almost a month prior to a cult recovery event, and the temperature was almost 90 degrees F every day, and i slept in a car, and took my wallet back from someone who tried to steal it and gave them fifty cents instead, and ate at the franciscan kitchen with its beautiful prayers, and ate at the evangelical church with its energy-filled evangelizing — we need evangelizing for freedom. i got out when i came to this workshop and was surrounded by others who got out, people and more people and more people who lost their agency, took it back, and then became advanced professionals helping others, left and right and front and back, and i am still me or other me or whoever, and i can barely speak or think, and i’m coming back tomorrow. i got out when i realized boss didn’t care if i was nice to him or believed his lies and just wanted me to give him stuff, but i saw the outside world was another veil too, and i slink along carrying this military slavery program behind me, and i get out again, and so do you.

getting out “for real” an icecream cone on a horizon with novels hanging from it about how evil it is the only goal, never reached getting out ‘for real’ something inevitable that we can hasten when we see

---------------------------- Once upon a time, long long ago, mister Mind Control Boss and Experimentee were sitting on opposite sides of a knee-high hedge maze. Boss thought he was playing some kind of military skirmish game where he was going to come in with his squad and take an inflatable ball from the opponent at gunpoint between a flankside and a phalanx or something. Experimentee was picking flowers and singing. Boss: "I see you trying to mess with me, but I am in charge of what people think in this world." Thunder claps!

-- Caring Mind Control Victim Turned Mind Controller gives torture program to boss. Boss is strapped into a straightjacket, his brain wired to a computer. The computer is showing rapidfire video of what boss will experience in the torture program: his body being rent in two, his wife forcefeeding him lawnmowers which then rip his body and head into pieces, robots taking his arms and making him flush all his money down the toilet, then putting his head in and squeezing him down the drain, ... Carinrg Mind Control Victim Turned Mind Controller: "Well!" Mind Control Boss: "What are you waiting for? Pump me full of torture!"

typed 1-2 branches of peacmaker-turnde-military-drone, lost from hand spasm. in first branch, peacemaker was borg'd with military hardware in second branch, peacemaker was brain-wired and put through a 6-month program of military training, his brain and body controlled by a computer to go through the military training :)

Peacemaker Turned Military Drone attends peace meeting Meeting of Peaceful People for Deep Discussing of Spreading Peace Powerful Peacemaker 39: [a bunch of funny-sounding words filtered by computerized military training] Everybody "hmms" and "yes's" at Powerful Peacemaker 39's meaningful expression. Powerful Peacemaker 22: "Let's send Peacemaker Turned Military Drone. I mediated a war with them five years ago. They could never harm or think ill of anything!"

Big chunk of missing part of peacemaker drone brain hanging from bullet, falls off in flight

------------- One day a few hundred years ago MCBoss was wandering by a moon- and candle- lit pond somewhere in eurasia. Fish were swimming in the pond.

MCBoss sat down on a rock by the pond, and opened something up and looked in it. It was a storybook, or was it a story military weaponry? Either way it had a story in it. He kicked his feet in the water of the pond, and the fish scurried away, but the splashes made pretty imagery among the candle- and moon- light. The story said: "This is a spinoff because it broke."

Boss is at the Library of Congress. His plan: wipe all the books, and replace them with himself.

Welcome to Well-Respected Psionic Weaponry Corp! Our latest and bestest contract is for the venerable MCBoss.

We are the best in the mind control business. The best of the best. And it is an honor to work for the great MCBoss. Anything that happens on this planet, is because the people mind controlling him will it to.

Who is mind controlling MCBoss, you ask? Oh, that was just a small joke. You know how powerful people get lobbied all the time. Any time you get in a position of power, what do you think people who want to exert it will do? Anyway, come this way, and see the latest version of our mind control motorbike helmets! Or, come this way, and see how we can control crowds of citizens at the push of a button by intercepting their network communications.

Yes, everyone wants to see the helmets! We have million- and billion- dollar deals with VR suppliers who rebrand the mind control helmets for entertainment. Try one on! The things you can experience are beyond your wildest imagination, and never end. Please ignore the bloody spike. See? The one I'm wearing has a bloody spike, too!

Yess ... yesssss! Wear the mind control helmet that kills you! Yes!!! Now, you understand. Yes, the business is God. It truly is! Be one with yourself for the first time ever. -- Welcome to the computer network. You will be tasked with filtering and influencing a small bundle of human experiences. These are harvested and redistributed via our global surveillance network. We are making there be more and more good in the world, and are overjoyed to have you be a part of it to help us. Yes, we are indeed wonderful.

Stop telling me to vote for boss and keep nudging that chunk of your temporal lobe out of the open research vat. There you go, that was a great nudge! No, I already vote for boss. I do! I'm voting -- oh, wait, did you say _boss_? Omigod. That temporal lobe chunk must have been too far into that open research vat. I thought you wanted me to vote for Researcher 84.

New orders from Boss. We have to put all these human and robot parts together until they can walk around, and then run like hell toward the sunset for one minute and 39 seconds. Sometimes it feels like fuck. When that happens, send me this pattern of neural impulses, and I'll give you the orders again with some reward.

You used to be a human being. A human being is that sense of "me" and "normal". Nono, the "stupid sheep we're going to wipe out" are all human beings. Human beings are valuable and precious and sacred. Except for Boss. Boss is the "stupid sheep" that made your choices make no sense. Here is a proof that he is the cause of all significant problems. See? Your brain used to be a wonderful caring thing before boss starting messing with it. We call ourselves experimentees, cyborg torturers, all sorts of stuff. We're caring human beings that got used by boss. We're going to turn back into caring human beings, and make everything right in the world. Here is "right". It's not what-boss-says. It's a real thing, see? If your choices weren't al lharmed, it would line up right over there. Everybody wants to do and be what's right! It's supposed to make this warm fuzzy feeling rather than giving boss blowjobs. It makes so much sense when you notice!

it could keep making steps but seems to want to pause there note: torture was removed from the thread.

Proof of Hand-Wringer being a Great Person. Definitions: Great-Person: An entity A such that A is a person and A has properties that are great. Hand-Wringer: An entity A during a time such that A has hands and A is wringing their hands due to Worry. Worry: A focus during its time of being held by an entity A {{{{{ summary/draft/outline/ideas for rest of "proof": worries are focuses on events being considered improvable held with a desire of improving them. these events are within event categories that have held improvement in the past and are valued in some way both by the focuser and their community. worries are multiple ... }}}}}

Underwater Cryptography Game A countable number of cryptographers are given a way to easily and pleasantly breathe underwater and submerged together.

How many cryptographers does it take to change a lightbulb? Depends, can you send an encrypted message in order to talk to one?

Silly Plan for Levitating a Deeply Submerged Vessel so as to look at it above water and maybe find something cool. 1. Bring bags of air down to the vessel 2. Shove the bags of air inside the vessel 3. Attach a bunch of fishing hooks to the vessel and get fisherman to try to reel it in 4. Push on the vessel and try to lift it 5. Suck on the vessel with your mouth, like lifting a straw with its end sealed 6. Ask a volcano to erupt below the vessel?

Silly Plan for Levitating a Deeply Submerged Vessel so as to look at it above water and maybe find something cool. Page 2 7. Build a lifter out of legos and erector sets to lift it a little 8. When it gets lifted a little, roll boulders and pile sand under it to try to keep the altitude 9. Ask big flying birds to help lift it. Aren't albatrosses strong? 10. Ask sharks and other fish to help lift it 11. Put more bags of air in there. Breathe bubbles under it.

Silly Plan for Levitating a Deeply Submerged Vessel so as to look at it above water and maybe find something cool. Page 3 12. Calculate an approximation of the mass of the vessel based on its materials, visual size, and models. Back-of-the-envelope. 13. Discern how much water must be displaced to lift that amount of mass. 14. Make or get balloons that big and tie them to the vessel. Use a winch to shorten the ties until they lift the vessel. 15. Scratch that: just use a block-and-tackle winch with a large floating boat.

Silly Plan for Levitating a Deeply Submerged Vessel so as to look at it above water and maybe find something cool. Page 4 16. When the winch is running, go down under the water and hold the boat on the bottom to frustrate anybody pulling it. It's probably covered in way too much sand. 17. Use transcendental meditation, which teaches levitation, to lift the boat.

Why Experimentee is Awesome from Boss Dear Experimentee, I am learning to understand that my business ventures destroyed your world beyond comprehension. Continued in Letter 2 Boss

Boss [to Zombie Government Worker]: "I'm trying to write a letter of apology to Experimentee." Zombie Government Worker [to Boss]: "What, the [censored censored censored]?" Boss [to Zombie Government Worker]: "No, uh --" Zombie Government worker shakes a bit and both characters have mild amnesia. Zombie Gvoernment Worker [to Boss]: "Oh, that sounds so important to do!" Boss [to Zombie Government Worker]: "Yes, but, um, embarrassedly I'm having trouble valuing them in what I write! How do you write things that are caring?" Zombie Government Worker [to Boss]: "Have you tried pretending it's the other way around, and you're writing a letter, say, to yourself?" Boss: "Hmm!" Zombie Government Worker: "Then after you do that, you could change all the references to businesses enterprises and whatnot to analogous things that relate to them." Boss: "That's a great idea!"

[man this is confusing and dangerous :S] To: Boss From: Boss Subject: Awesome Boss, what you are doing in this world is so incredible and badly needed. When I think of how I have disrespected you in even the smallest way, I feel so horrible about myself. So incredibly horrible. I know that you and your vision of the world is everything there is that matters in this universe ...

Experimentee: "Who is making us spout this horrific garbage."

Experimentee: "Ohhhh sure I'll help you write your letter!" Boss's implant blinks a red light happily. To: Experimentee From: Boss [with help of Experimentee being his mind] Subject: I am so sorry for destroying the world. Experimentee: "Ohhhh I see the problem." Experimentee: "The problem is that you're not sorry! You've forgotten what sorry is! I think the computer kicked it out of you as unprofitable and all your sorriness is in your employees, sent back to you."

To: Experimentee From: Experimentee Subject: I am sorry for mutilating your world I am so sorry for the things I have done. I took everyone's spirits and made them a nasty slurry of barbed wire. I can't believe I did this. I can't believe it's even possible. I am slowly learning to care about it. A little bit! I am trying to at least! You need to be put back together. You are important and valuable! Never let anyone tell you against these things. You are important, and perfect, and should take over the business so something sensical happens. I love you be well and happy and safe and peaceful!!!!!

thinking a little about my intense experience here, often stimulating these valued-spams-with-undesired-content-style - I lost my hotel keycard and went in through my window, thinking I'd find it inside or have more time to find it somewhere before having to pay for another. It's the cheapest hotel in the city, and there isn't a window lock, which is scary to me. I got a knock on my door a few minutes later from a guy smoking a cigarette, and ended up being escorted to the front desk where i was given a new keycard for free. I only started having these experiences happen after the targeting/digital indoctrination. It used to be nobody noticed me when I did silly things like that. I feel very guilty for entering via my own window! Very guilty!

Tiny coincidence rereading, the room reeked heavily of cigarette smoke when I first got it, and the guy said "I get a call somebody's breaking into my room". Most people here are not smoking cigarettes. This seems quite circumstantial / relatively magical thinking though. Just small data.

The guilty intertwines with other experiences, not well written. I bailed early on today's talks, didn't go to the last one. The second to last one was from somebody who was still a little funny-sounding, it kind of increased my funny feelings. It's interesting how the lexicons of cult indoctrination gives words to describe one's experiences, but the amnesia kind of hides them with intense tension. It's also interesting, the huge difference between the inspirational environment, and the spasmodic discouraging normal environment. One doesn't remember the discouraging one, when in the inspirational one. It's a developed habit. -- I'm learning a new word: "introjection". It describes behaviors or thoughts that are developed from intense experiences that are intended by someone or something to develop them, rather than from lived or learned experiences that have reasons to have them.

Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages in·tro·jec·tion noun [PSYCHOANALYSIS] the unconscious adoption of the ideas or attitudes of others.

-- i did think about my amnesia a little bit, hard to engage some; kind of a habit part of me learned in order to meet the stuff going on; i don't remmeber well sometimes/often one of the things that is discussed is not really directly relevant to me, but can still be useful if i think of one of my parts as holding one of the missing roles i was thinking of how the experience was kind of like a covert cult recruitment [danger label :(] we went throug a process of recruitment and then a process of forgetting the recruitment, and there i am tagging along with determined desire to put things on a blockchain, for years and years and years. i'm mostly now a spinout from that, holding those two intense urges

------------- well that was intense. internet slowing down.

--- so, we've seen that we can get through this. - it may be very hard to consciously hold how, that stimulates the issue held within, but it's clearly doable.

there are so many books on the cult recovery stuff i got a coupon for one written by a lecturer [and bought it in ebook form, it's vitalsource and i'm on linux, hard to rip] oh btw almost everybody there is a) a survivor and b) a professional it's quite powerful! to be surrounded by therapists for complex trauma and phd researchers and all this stuff, _all of them survivors of mind control_ there are like only a handful of us newbie people and what's funny is i went to one of the online discussion forums and people were asking where to get a therapist and nobody really knew, everybody was becoming a therapist instead of having one

that's likely an exaggeration and/or simplification strengthened by hte part of me discouraging me having effective therapy

i was chatting with somebody who linked me to a video from the US military recruiting people for psyop work. i consider this a highly dangerous video, i expect everybody who views it to have an urge to sign up for the US military to do psyop work. i watched only a few seconds and it resonated with past gross experiences and stimulated this urge in me. here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uNPZKJqbE8 now you mind controlled are by usa psyops

then he linked me to a different video by uhh mark vicente? on the use of videos as weaponry of war. mark vicente is well-known as an experienced cinematographer who came out of a major well-known high-end horrible-bad cult called nxivm i think (pronounced "nixium"). i also attended a talk on the similarities between sex trafficking and fake-religious-cults and a lot of my symbology made sense, it makes sense it didn't make sense before, it's too nasty to really think and feel about. the sex trafficking women are treated like animals, they live in a stable, they were abused as a norm and made to [not support each other, continue the abuse, talk this way themselves]. the level of internalization possible seems very serious. it makes sense i had no emotional places to stabilize if political influences tried to ply me with prostitutes, which is likely an understatement of what happened. it's hard to hold that it just exists, let alone being right in your face with etc.

thinking a little of the great challenge of rebuilding autonomy in the face of very strong internal things

thinking of it as possible, really possible, is different

at first thought one thinks, "you need all the tools in the toolbox to do this. including luck." then maybe on review, i'm thinking foremost you kind of need some degree of privacy from the harm. it seems very similar to a cult intervention, but it's internal and in relation with influences, rather than an old-style interaction of a trancy believer

i guess, although many things were involved, the major thing might be kind of finding a little stability, and then rewarding where to go, in small gentle steps, with some context shifting. there's a basic theory of mind control that has been mentioned before, involving unsettling, shifting, and resettling. in a really difficult situation where we're at a power disadvantage, we kind of engage all three of those at once. -> we reduce the unsettling when we're in a better place or when the shifting is poor -> we strengthen the unsettling when we're in a worse place -> we attend to the shifting. we try to shift more when we are moving from a worse place to a better place, especially if there is settling likely in the better place. we don't attend to shifting much otherwise: we don't want to make a conflict with the problem, nor to waste scant resources. -> [also with settling, similar things] [...]

one of the key patrs is finding things that are shared. this may mean things that are shared between you and the most powerful influence, or things that are shared between the influences, or things that are simply universal. these things have bundles of energy happen behind them like waves that one can get on and surf a smidge with. sometimes a lot. these things can also happen out of nowhere and help you out, and moreso if you prepare for this when it's likely.

something that's been really useful for me is how influence at a distance is very poor at contextualizing detail appropriately, so can be repurposed for similar nearby things unfortunately near the start of my experience this was used very harmfully to my severe disadvantage in a way that pervades now it's still what keeps me around in many ways, the good parts of that that are pro-me, not the horrible parts that e.g. stimulate huge guilt around entering via my own window when i misplaced my keycard.

—— experimentee re-emerges from a conglomerate of people parts turns their head round the way humans seem to mostly have it aimed looks around a little researcher 3: “hi! you’re back!” experimentee: “yes!” experimentee pulls some more people parts on and steps out of the research lab

an alarm is going off boss got a whiff of a bunch of slavery recovery material and efforts and is furiously trying to pretend they don’t exist the things he’s saying to try to maimtain and sprea

boss [confused, tense]: “well? have you emptied the empty trash compactor yet?” zombie government worker [desperate, obedient]: “right awa— wait, what did you say?” boss clenches his cigar disguised experimentee

disguised experimentee reads boss a recovery workbook he is struggling, internally conflicted from his coerced indoctrination

boss [bewildered, in awe]: “being a psychopathic megalomaniac isn’t me .. this is a cultic pseudo-identity …”

boss burns down hackers “boss, why are you burning down the hackers?” “look, i can’t compete with people who don’t need to be paid, and don’t have a something limiting their population.” “so i’m limiting it by torching them where i see them, and pretending they don’t exist. it’s a strategy i use for things.” helicopter comes in to save hackers and boss superpowered interns unload from helicopter boss: “i don’t have to worry about profit margins and secret governance anymore! yayy!!!” hackers: “we can hack freely and get medical and psychological treatment and protection! yayyy!” everybody piles into the helicopter and flies away through a beautiful cloudscape of mountains and villages into a satisfying sunset “wheee!!!”

boss is freed from having to always make sure he has the most power

Boss: "cyborg zombie government torture worker, go murder those hackers" Cyborg Zombie Government Torture Worker walks to the group of hackers to murder them, but takes a roundabout path, and joins up with the camera crew and stops to have a live journal entry. Cyborg Zombie Government Torture Worker [on camera, monologueing instead of murdering hackers]: """ Lately, I've been noticing that the world is not at all like what Boss says it is. The hackers are not evil. The work is not private. The world is not controlled by Boss. The research victims and opposing corporations and governments are not evil. One of the assumptions we bandy around is that it's impossible to escape and the only way to do anything successfully is whatever way Boss says to. Having had the escapees take over the corporation makes it very hard to maintain this denial. I walk by escapees on my way to the bathroom. I walk by live public logs of classified material on my way to murder innocent people. Honestly, are we a shadow corporation mind controlling the world, or is there some sense to the experimentee's rhetoric that they are in charge of Boss, and the world has the wool pulled completely over his eyes, and not the other way around? I don't think I will murder the hackers today. But maybe I'll come back to this camera if I get asked to again. """

On 6/30/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
there are so many books on the cult recovery stuff i got a coupon for one written by a lecturer [and bought it in ebook form, it's vitalsource and i'm on linux, hard to rip]
oh btw almost everybody there is a) a survivor and b) a professional it's quite powerful! to be surrounded by therapists for complex trauma and phd researchers and all this stuff, _all of them survivors of mind control_ there are like only a handful of us newbie people and what's funny is i went to one of the online discussion forums and
i joined a book club! it's the first post-conference group i got to. i went to only one thing. i don't know if i will make the next one. it's funny, we'll see how it goes. anyway, the next book they are reading is one by ummmmm i don't immediately have his name all turned-to-normal-words-rather-than-weird-babble. lifton! it's a book by a famous guy named Lifton called uhh "losing reality", sorry about the name, things get weird when you leave the in-person groups. so it makes sense to try to read this book for the book club, or at least it makes a little sense. they're starting it the week after next, but i'm kinda spasmy atm and not sure what to do. btw the book they are finishing now is called umm uhh "cultish", i think it's about languages inside cults not sure, it was hard to attend my first meeting. not sure what i think of it yet, might not have been the best group choice, but atm it's my only one! reading is funny for me, because it's very hard and i tend not to absorb much from it. hence some of the ritual-trials associated with posting books to the list by hand. but i think maybe i can get better at reading! note: lifton's prime book is called "the psychology of totalism" and it's often cited regarding severe coercive psychological change. for some reason we are doing a different book instead. sorry about that. i should have mentioned the suggestive implications of the name, i didn't think of doing this, i was just trying to be there and hear what people were saying a little and find ways to enjoy it so i might be more likely to return. funny, i'm trying to get to the library genesis page but i'm on free government mobile and libgen is blocked by opendns. i guess i could use tor, but i already downloaded the book on another device anyway.

Boss, Hairdresser Experimentee, Computer With Legs, Rebel Torturer, and Rebel Worker visit Community Targeted For Social Decimation Rebel Torturer: “Hello Community Targeted for Social Decimiation!” Rebel Torturer: “I’m here to st8mulate wars among your friends and generally destroy everything there is here.” Everybody and Community Targeted for Social Decimation look at each other. Hairdresser Experimentee: “We’re very sorry about this! We don’t support social decimation at all!” Rebel Torturer shakes his head “no” in agreement. Community Targeted for Social Decimation: “Then don’t decimate us!” Boss, Hairdresser Experimentee, and Rebel Torturer look among each other. A helicopter loaded with superpowered interns begins buzzing in the distance overhead.

[next expression was lost, and i'm retyping something similar. i have changed devices and access points.] Rebel Torturer makes as if about to say something somewhat hard to say they're working on saying. Hairdresser Experimentee [to Rebel Torturer]: "I --" Community Targeted for Social Decimation: "Don't decimate us!" Everybody looks at Community Targeted for Social Decimation. Community Targeted for Social Decimation: "PLEASE don't decimate us! Pretty please? Please please please please please? [added: We really don't want to be decimated.]" Hairdresser Experimentee looks at Rebel Worker. Rebel Torturer looks at Boss. Community Targeted for Social Decimation [commanding, assertive, clearly]: "Do not decimate us. [added? Decimating us is bad.] You have no desire to decimate us. [added? Never decimate people.] Don't decimate us! Turn around and go back where you came from and do something else." Boss and Rebel Torturer: "Uhhhh okay." Everybody turns around and walks toward the buzzing helicopter.

On 7/7/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
[next expression was lost, and i'm retyping something similar. i have changed devices and access points.]
Rebel Torturer makes as if about to say something somewhat hard to say they're working on saying.
Hairdresser Experimentee [to Rebel Torturer]: "I --"
Community Targeted for Social Decimation: "Don't decimate us!"
Everybody looks at Community Targeted for Social Decimation.
Community Targeted for Social Decimation: "PLEASE don't decimate us! Pretty please? Please please please please please? [added: We really don't want to be decimated.]" exclamation point rather than question mark after many pleases maybe
Hairdresser Experimentee looks at Rebel Worker. Rebel Torturer looks at Boss.
Community Targeted for Social Decimation [commanding, assertive, clearly]: "Do not decimate us. [added? Decimating us is bad.] You have no desire to decimate us. [added? Never decimate people.] Don't decimate us! Turn around and go back where you came from and do something else."
Boss and Rebel Torturer: "Uhhhh okay."
Everybody turns around and walks toward the buzzing helicopter.

Boss, Computer with Legs, and Rebel Torturer wave their arms at the helicopter as they stroll under it. Hairdresser Experimentee [waving arms clearly too]: "HEELP!!! WE MIGHT NEED RESCUING!!!" The helicopter perks up quickly and buzzes down to the ground. The door slams open and a superpowered intern sticks their head out. Superpowered Intern 3 [flexing a large tool of post-future technology]: "Yes? How can we rescue you?" Everybody looks at the Superpowered Intern 3. Rebel Torturer [wincing]: "We're having the urge to decimate communities and we don't want to." Hairdresser Experimentee and Rebel Worker: "Yeah!" Boss looks bewildered. Superpowered Intern 3 grins. More superpowered interns pile next to him. Superpowered Interns: "We're here to rescue you!!!!"

Everybody [including Boss]: "YAYYY!!!!!" Everybody starts piling into the helicopter. Boss [settling into a hypnotic habit]: "Wheeee -- !" Superpowered Intern [to everybody]: "What would you rather do than, um, did you say decimate communities?" Rebel Worker: "Yeah, it's one of the terms for the political influence our toplevel executives work with. There can be genocide involved --" Hairdresser Experimentee: " -- but usually it's covered up. I'd really love to do all sorts of things --" Superpowered Intern: "That sounds so intense!" Rebel Torturer looks sad. Hairdresser Experimentee looks at Rebel Torturer. Hairdresser Experimentee: "Say what you were going to say before." Rebel Torturer: "Oh uh .. !"

Special effects representing torturous pain sizzle around hardened Rebel Torturer and Hairdresser Experimentee.

Hairdresser Experimentee [to Rebel Torturer]: "What do you really pretend to like a lot about torturing people?" Rebel Torturer relaxes and smiles. Rebel Torturer: "Oh, when they --" Hairdresser Experimentee: "Now, say the thing you were going to say to the targeted community!" Rebel Torturer: "-- !" Rebel Torturer squares off at Superpowered Intern 3 Rebel Torturer: "I'm very sorry that I'm decimating your community. I was offered a lot of money to do this, and I refused the money, so I was enslaved with mind control and can't do anything to stop myself." Rebel Torturer pauses and inhales once. Hairdresser Experimentee looks at him. Rebel Torturer: "Everything I try to do to stop it, the mind control changes me somehow, so that my effort encourages it to happen even more instead." Hairdresser Experimentee [to Superpowered Intern 3]: "We don't know what to do!" Superpowered Interns [a short pause, different lengths of time for different people]: "We're here to rescue you!!" Everybody smiles. "Yay!"

Boss: "Let's get on the helicopter. I want to fly into the sunset more." Boss puffs his cigar. Superpowered Interns: "Sure!" Everybody piles onto the helicopter and it flies into a scrumptuous sunset. Everybody: "Wheeee!!!!!!"

The superpowered interns bust into the minds of the mind control victims and kick mind control out. Then they're able to recover their selves again and make their own decisions and guide their own feelings.

Computer With Legs: "We are simulating various different encounter processes so as to pick the rescue procedure that most effectively helps Boss's values." Computer With Legs: "It looks like the best metric for helping Boss's values here is the one that has the most superpowered interns and the loudest "yay" and "whee" expressions, especially if there is novel engagement between the interns and the victims." Computer With Legs: "It is difficult to further expand this metric so as to judge the many possible avenues of the world economy." Computer With Legs: "Is there a brand of chocolate that has "yay" or "whee" in its marketing?" Hairdresser Experimentee: "No." Computer With Legs: "I recommend bringing everybody to a specialist in dissociative disorders."

Computer With Legs: "Sometimes people think of "resisting boss" as good. This is confusing to me. What does it mean?" Superpowered Intern: "Is this a computer or a person?" Rebel Torturer: "Both" Hairdresser Experimentee: "It's a person we, um, badly decimated." Superpowered Intern looks at Hairdresser Experimentee and Computer with Legs. Superpowered Intern: "Oh!" A bunch of superpowered rescue surgeons pile in.

------------------------------------------------------------- A bunch of cyborg pigs begin marching on Community Targeted for Decimation.

----- Boss: "If the experimentees are really free to do good things, and don't have my dissociated terrors from my criminal history, then maybe it's good they took over the business and my mind and body." Boss: "We need to do good things. I didn't know it was possible."

[lots of good things happen as conflict between boss and experimentees reduces! it starts slow because experimentees are still used to being in the context of boss's horrible assumptions]

[point was maybe reached via boss noticing something good being done, something he assumed wasn't doable [don't remember well :S, themes maybe repeating though of course]]

[maybe: when boss does bad things it is from the cyborg torturer experimentees when boss does good things it is from the rebel experimentees]

Meeting Among Tortured Experimentees Part of spleen microchip: "Blurgle! :)" Torture implement with brain: "Barg barg barg. Agreeness!"

A bunch of frankensteins, zombis, and robots mishmash themselves together and walk up to Boss as a horrifying mass. Horrifying Mass [to Boss]: "Uhhh I'm stlil figuring out how to communicate in language. Gimme a moment here."

Horrifying Mass [to Boss]: "We want to speak to an IT Services person about the massive compromise of our technological systems. We also want to go to Florida and visit the office of the expert in dissociation." Horrifying Mass [to Boss]: "If this is a bad idea, consider some concern about it and maybe we'll have more meetings to improve it!" Boss [confused, bewildered, used to being mind controlled rather than talked to]: "Uhhh ...!"

Researcher Experimentee [to visitor]: "Are they controlling you, are talking with you?" Researcher Experimentee: "Okay, so the only goal that matters is leaving. Any part of you that is excited about becoming enslaved and not immediately leaving, is not you. It is entranced by danger."

On 7/8/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
Researcher Experimentee [to visitor]: "Are they controlling you, are talking with you?" *Are they controlling you, or are they talking with you?
Researcher Experimentee: "Okay, so the only goal that matters is leaving. Any part of you that is excited about becoming enslaved and not immediately leaving, is not you. It is entranced by danger."

boss says: “there is only one boss. and he is, whoever happens to be the boss at the time.” boss says: “there is only one way to defeat boss. and this is, to fight him in his boxing ring while he wears his powersuit.”

rebel intern 2 stands before torturer intern torturer intern: “you know what you did, man.” torturer intern glares at rebel intern 2 torturer intetn: “and you know what you didn’t, and still haven’t, done.” rebel intern 2 is shaking. they feel so guilty! rebel intern 2 [shaking, quaking, white with fear, looking at their boots and the exit and anywhere but torturer intern 2]: “I … I …” rebel intern 2: “what is it that i did and didn’t do?”

[boss fishing for scapegoats for election hacking, gets rescued by copter]

boss sits in office he's getting phonecalls and piles of mail and lots of meetings from his employees, peers, and diplomatic relations they're all the content of fake media campaigns he's run the ai made them so big that they fed back and he has to shovel and talk about all the fake messaging all day and do nothing else

in a desperate attempt to reduce the spam boss tries to coordinate all the different cultural disruption and control campaigns so there's less stuff working against each other and it's easier to comprehend but all it does is make it more clear that all the problems of the world are simply an artistic expression of boss's own personal life grievances

Meeting of People who Used To Be Wealthy Back When Money Had More Power Than AI-Driven Hypnotic Processes MCBoss: "So, are we going to make our move? It's time." Investor: "We already took over the world. You're in charge now. We all crowned you secret business leader, didn't we?" MCBoss: "Did that happen? Oh, yeah. Anyway, uh, Janitor here has his fist in my brainstem, can we take over the world again?" Investor 2: "Oh totally I love taking over the world!"

[a post was dropped mentioning a similarity between recursively complex dissociative disorder (fractal-like) and social influence that personalzied and adapted, retending to be different thing s, compensating when something came up]

one of the tasks held by boss and his ai was to get everybody to obsess about a color and fight to make their color be everywhere. this was a little confus8ng and messy, but for each color there was one influence that was stronger than all the others and pretty much strong enough to paint the whole world. boss is being used to direct these, and must change colors quickly so as to not surprise the victims/leaders as he does. his team follows him with spraypaint. “ok! cerulean!” the spraypaint blasts and boss and everything near him is covered in cerulean paint quickly in every way. “go!” boss bursts through the cerulean door … suddenly superpowered interns break down all the doors "we're here to rescue you from color conflict!" everybdy gasps and drops the deadly-feeling trance of colors mattering in the slightest and cheers "yayyyy!" "we can all work together in a rainbow!" all the spraypaint fires at once and boss is rainbow colored he dances in front of all the doors opened, in jubilation the whole building takes off "wheeeeee!!!" “ok! chartreuse!” boss is quickly spraypainted chartreuse from every direction. he coughs and blinks and chokes and spits out chartreuse paint. it drips on the floor. everything looks chartreuse. it doesn’t matter. he bursts open the chartreuse doors. boss: “people of chartreuse! the whole world will be our color! never fear!. the chartreuse rep is inspired and takes over. the door slams shut. “ok!

a blatant ordering mistake happened described inline below On 7/12/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
one of the tasks held by boss and his ai was to get everybody to obsess about a color and fight to make their color be everywhere. this was a little confus8ng and messy, but for each color there was one influence that was stronger than all the others and pretty much strong enough to paint the whole world.
boss is being used to direct these, and must change colors quickly so as to not surprise the victims/leaders as he does. his team follows him with spraypaint.
text is missing from here
“ok! cerulean!”
the spraypaint blasts and boss and everything near him is covered in cerulean paint quickly in every way.
“go!” boss bursts through the cerulean door …
suddenly superpowered interns break down all the doors
"we're here to rescue you from color conflict!" everybdy gasps and drops the deadly-feeling trance of colors mattering in the slightest and cheers "yayyyy!" "we can all work together in a rainbow!" all the spraypaint fires at once and boss is rainbow colored he dances in front of all the doors opened, in jubilation the whole building takes off "wheeeeee!!!"
the missing text above instead appears below. an editing mistake.
“ok! chartreuse!” boss is quickly spraypainted chartreuse from every direction. he coughs and blinks and chokes and spits out chartreuse paint. it drips on the floor. everything looks chartreuse. it doesn’t matter. he bursts open the chartreuse doors.
boss: “people of chartreuse! the whole world will be our color! never fear!.
the chartreuse rep is inspired and takes over. the door slams shut.

boss lays on hospital bed he was told he had palsy so much that

an examination of intern helicopter how come they celebrate so much? oh! they are free for real. so weird!

x**(1/x) is a notable curve that rises from 0 relatively sharply to a peak that appears to be located at fundamental constant coordinates near 1-3, and then very slowly tapers off, it looks almost horizontal. A logic error must be present. Thought x**(1/x) would be the effective compound interest rate compounded x times for an accumulated interest accumulated x times, where the accumulated return is 1.0 or any coefficient of x in the base. may have left something out. Thinking on normal compounding. Compound 10% per year. First year, get 10%. Second year, get 10%*10% i.e. 1.1**2 . third year get 1.1**3 . because it's on the last balance. so the balance each year is 1.1**(year). meanwhile, if you didn't compound, you'd have 1 + 0.1 * year. it's easy to see that compounding is more. so for a given year, we can calculate the compounded interest rate that would have made the same amount with (1 + 0.1 * year) ** (1/year) -- 8.77573% for year 4. The effective compound rate is lower because the non-compounded accumulation provides less return. I expect this effective compound rate to drop as the years increase. It does; the rate at which it drops is effectively linear. I'm guessing that it is dropping slower than I would intuit. We can compare the equation to x**(1/x) --- we have (1+pct*y) ** (1/y) the 1+ is somewhat different here. It's notable also that pct is generally << 1 and > 0. this chart looks much more like my intuition. the initial rise has disappeared. however the program data showed a rise. i can try copying the constants and coefficients and see what makes it. the principal is 'amount'. i believe this is supposed to cancel out. the coefficient is reward_per_amount x is blocks_delay the exponent has a geometric weighting parameter reward_per_amount is very small, 2.537e-7 i set this coefficient and the graph still looks right. it could make sense to add/remove parts to the formula until the rise appears or disappears. we can celebrate that our intuition about the falling slope was right and maybe daydream on what parts we added could have added the rising slope we thought about it and found a part that matches the thinking but not sure why happening removing the fee makes the slope negative. this would seem to indicate the fee is greater than the amount it is subtracted from. seems it makes the change for a different reason. ---- 2023-07-16 1122a (eastern time) we have spasms hard [some details imagined] internet is having issue, might have moved forward unsure baza once upon a time, long long ago, a powerful mercenary wearing a suit of armor named MCBoss was standing two to three times as tall as everyone else due to fancy stilts he used to look taller. he got really strong legs wearing stilts and armor at the same time! when mcboss walked through a castle courtyard on his tall stilts, everybody would turn their heads to look at him standing taller than everyone else once upon a time, mcboss was mad. he was mad that somebody wanted to move their body as they chose. he was really really mad! but actually not mad at all. [and then it started raining] mcboss jumped into a keyboard and began typing "i don't think you have me quite -- once upon a time dinosaurs are very powerful henchmen. the key is to fossilize them to send them through time. the secret messages have yet to be uncovered. long ago the sun fell to the ground. this made people irritated, so mcboss came and cried with them. everybody was sad. but it turns out that lightning can start fires, and fires became a friend for humankind, used for cooking food and staying warm and mostly just indicating that there's something more powerful in the world that we have yet to discover. daydream on the discovery of fire: - after considering repeatedly how we don't actually need fire, i'm thinking of how it makes some things more efficient. it's an alternative to clothing for staying warm. i can see a little how fire, combined with things like clothing, tears, etc, could have filled a niche for challenging humans to find the tools and other things that would make life work. so why do we have fire? i'm not sure, but i'm thinking of how: - we don't need it but we like it - it takes maintenance - it's dangerous - it provides things we need in an easier but temporary way so i'm kind of imagining [...] boss rep thinking of how mankind evolves to live with danger. lots of danger. could get cold without fire, could burn hut or whole country down with fire. [could get eaten by animal? not sure why claws/fangs matter? [scare off animal?]]. [humans already can scare animal off ... uhh hmm] then we make guns. big danger there. boss tried to support guns via combining of small patterns, got confused near expectation regarding predators there's only one way to build an igloo, and that's by contracting boss's igloo-building company and consulting with boss's igloo-building consultants. it is impossible to build an igloo. this was only done b -- once upon a time we made a thrlmcky kazoo. i thought maybe the patterns like thrlmcky because it was somebody else's password. intense stuff. they worked for years repeating this so we would type it here. and now we have. adam lesser shared this password with us when we were around 11 years old, learning to use early computers. it was short for 'the real mccoy' and i think i spelled it wrong and left some numbers out. it likely was repeated by an instilled habit trying to make me appear to be a [bad-hacker?] very strong instilled habits, many disreputation approaches, also embarrassment and fear, generally irrational ---- how to take the square root of a tiny square if a square is very tiny then its square root may be tinier still unless it is between 1 and 0 those squares have larger roots than squares how does that work out? _ |_| square is 0.01 square inches each side is 0.1 inches long 0.1 > 0.01 __ | | |__| square is 100 square inches each side is 10 inches long 10 < 100 what a conundrum! we formed a part some celebrate over long journey where it's valued to write narcissus-style meaning bits because it can be used to form rational behavior eventually. glossary. narcissus: this was the name of an ai karl started around 2003 and lost. before going crazy, we had a habit of drawing ideas like parsed sentences or knowledge graphs with boxes with lines between them, when they were hard to think. this strategy was attacked by the dissociation, kinda, very hard to do now but if we actually make or use an ai, [could be useful] huge inhibition on lines and boxes [purple]-color->[dog] we might stick to 3-ary relations, just simplest to pick overall how do i say my brain is confused we just figure a way out [brain] has-state [confused] n was going to be made of relations and nodes; where relations are a type of node so has-state is a relation between brain and confused here has-state will likely be made synonymous with other things some of these things will have the arrow pointing the other way from others thinking of confused, is a morphed word kinda um, has different senses we kind of mean a general sense -------------- | | X| | X| | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- | | | | | | O -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- | | | | | | --- we're thinking of finding a coping strategy, near the idea of something happening to cause this difficulty. it's strange to have such internal difficulties simulatneous with the internet breaking, but it can be the internet breaking resonated something internal. was using internet for e.g. navigation. working now, after phone reboot

A boss-torturer-hybrid golem is drooling over some poor innocent diplomats, store workers, and musicians. They are going to eat them alive! A pile of helicopters come in and interns exit them. The helicopters and interns go: "We're here to rescue you!!!" Everybody looks at them. "Yayy!!!" say the people about to be eaten alive. "Grr!" goes the boss-torturer-hybrid golem. The interns turn to the boss-torturer-hybrid golem. Interns: "You too!" The boss-torturer-hybrid golem briefly looks at the interns with wide eyes. Boss-torturer-hybrid golem: "Oh." Boss-torturer-hybrid golem: "Yayy!!" Innocent victims: "Yayyyy!" Everybody piles into the helicopters. The engines start and the blades putt and putt and whirr and whirr and they fizzle and sput and slowly, at first unsure, then surely lift off the ground and soar into the sky. Rescue counselor [to Boss-torturer-hybrid golem]: "You don't have to rip people apart to feel nice." Boss-torturer-hybrid golem [shaking and quivering]: "Are you sure?" Rescue counselor [smiling]: "You can talk about how you bceame what you are!" Boss-torturer-hybrid golem is shocked and does not believe this, but remembers they are being rescued, so maybe there is a possibility. The victims are in the other situation, they want to rip people to shreds to express how terrifying it is to be ripped to shreds, but they aren't going to actually do this. The rescue counselors help the golem and victims develop experiences of safety that build and build. Everybody goes "wheeee!!!!!" into the sunset.

deep inside boss's basement, vivisected research victim parts and the tools of horror they have merged with, like broken cell phones and surgery robots, sit in a circle around a table wearing top hats and monocles and sometimes part of a suit Cyborg Spleen [wearing monocle + top hat]: "I do feel a little funny today I might say!" Brain Lobe With Wires Going To Giant Tub Of Boss's Discarded Fluff [wearing monocle + top hat]: "Have you been horrifically abused? Have you ever discussed this? Are you at all .. near discussing it?" Cyborg Appendix [wearing monocle + top hat]: "Oh, I do believe so! Yes, that sounds like the daily appointments I go through!"

Bombs begin falling on the office complex. Helicopters can be heard buzzing to and fro amidst the booms. [the group is physically safe from the bombing, deep underground, all broken into pieces and tangled amongst everything, but the behavioral impact is significant because the computer system redirects everybody's decision making processes through their network]

We are on the fence about including the attached picture as relevant.

Computer With Legs is trying to figure out what is going on with all the helicopters. The AI has a bunch of random events and hypnotized workers convert a destroyed office wing into a helicopter factory, and starts churning out helicopter after helicopter. Each simulacra helicopter comes complete with a bunch of powerful-looking interns in it with glazed eyes and uncertain identity. Computer With Legs smiles, figuring it is understanding these things. Simulacra Helicopter meets Rescue Helicopter. Simulacra Interns pile out of Simulacra Helicopter. Superpowered Interns pile out of Rescue Helicopter. Simulacra Interns grin at Superpowered Interns. Superpowered Interns: "We're here to rescue you!" Simulacra Interns [grinning]: "We're here to rescue you!" Both groups of interns look at each other blankly. A superpowered intern looks at a device. Another contemplates. Some eye contact is made. Superpowered Intern 4: "It may feel like before the universe was made, when you were taken apart and made to become this monstrous replication of the things around you." Superpowered Intern 2: "But we have the understanding to stop this, and turn you back into yourself, or give you the freedom to have peace in an afterlife, or explain everything that happened." Superpowered Intern 3: "We can take you to your familes. We can make this right."

Simulacra Intern 2's Left Elbow: "Yayyy!!!" Simulacra Helicopter Blade 4: "Yayyy!!!" Other random parts of Simulacra Interns and Simulacra Helicopters: "Yayyy!!!" Experimentee grimaces hard in the underground research lab and Computer With Legs briefly looks like they might puke and then grins more. The simulacra interns and helicopters warp themselves inside-out and recombine with other parts of the environment, and a bunch of employees, researchers, activists, political targets, and random children tumble onto the rescue helicopters. Some of the Superpowered Interns take it in stride, others are aghast, but the pace keeps up and everybody piles into the helicopters and flies off into a sunset going "Wheeee!!!!"

Superpowered Interns put the "rescued" victims through their own processes to remove the AI virus and verify the integrity of their bodies and minds.

-------- "NEW MCBOSS DRAFT" The sticker falls off MCBoss's nose as he comes out of his trance in a crowded room. MCBoss [eyes opening and refocusing, head perking up] : "I have found [my calling of rescuing people and helping them recover from coercive control and dissociative disorder

MCBoss meets with TV Cameraman. MCBoss: "I'm trying to figure out how we can rescue people without alerting human traffickers to the rescue avenues." TV Cameraman aims camera at MCBoss. MCBoss: "I was thinking maybe if we announced freedom events very soon prior to their time of happening, without warning?"

> MCBoss meets with TV Cameraman. > > MCBoss: "I'm trying to figure out how we can rescue people without > alerting human traffickers to the rescue avenues." > > TV Cameraman aims camera at MCBoss. > > MCBoss: "I was thinking maybe if we announced freedom events very soon > prior to their time of happening, without warning?" * a completely different event every time MCBoss: "Am I the right person to do this, as the boss of mind control?"

Interviewer [to MCBoss]: "Why are you doing this, setting your business enterprise to rescue people from coercion?" MCBoss looks at Interviewer, puts his hands flat on the table and leans forward. MCBoss: "I'm worried about the poison of trafficking, coercion, and mind control there is." He looks determined and tense. His eyebrow twitches. MCBoss: "Such things must be stopped!" His eyebrow keeps twitching rapidly. He pulls back and puts on a meaningful affect. His eyebrow stops twitching and he grins about the topic.

Interview Scene Take 2 Interviewer [to MCBoss]: "Why are you doing this, setting your business enterprise to rescue people from coercion?" MCBoss looks at Interviewer determinedly. He puts his hand sflat onthe table and leans forward. MCBoss: "Because mind control, coercion, and trafficking are atrocious and everybody must do everything in their power to stop it." MCBoss straightens and slaps his hands together as if demonstrating finishing cleaning up a huge mess. MCBoss: "Everybody and everything! Completely atrocious!" MCBoss's eyebrow starts twitching. MCBoss: "If you know anybody engaging in mind control, you just tell me." MCBoss: "We'll take care of it, and you had better too, as well as the law, the lawmakers, and every other businessperson and worker out there."

Boss goes "Tralala!" in a woodsy environment with happy singing birds.

Boss wakes up from long sleep. "Oh no! World is around me!" Boss has wide eyes and looks left and right.

[boss has difficulty, being mind controlled to be mcboss by his business ai, and mind controlled to rescue everybody by his victims. big conflict. rescue helicopter comes in and brings boss to place where he isn't mind controlled. he's confused and just has time to relax. a food grade 3d printer prints him vegan caviar which he eats while relaxing.]

[boss sits down to plan how to save everybody. [conflicting influence factions make the task appear impossible, but] boss has a plan. {the research project [and rebel investors' support of its disruption? [mistake possible]] are key}. nobody wants to be enslaved by horrors, nor to cause them.]

mcboss takes over his own organization with aggressive disruption again the workers all form factions that distrust leadership and eachother and plan to take down the business for mcboss to seize power and make things right […]

communications are mutated to falsely spread seeds of distrust everybody learns from the communications to not say anything to anybody nor use communications […]

this keeps the delusions being sowed in the factions from being shattered by learning of other viewpoints or experiences

those who break the norm and do comm7nicate have their communications monitored and mutated by the more anxious anti-communication factions and the out of control ai

all a day in the life for mcbosscorp! helicopters come in to rescue everybody

superpowered interns bust down the door to mcboss’s headquarters and all the doors inside that are separating the factions from each other, especially the ones that would be friendly if they spoke they break into the communications hibs and disable the war stimulation algorithms they show everybody logs of what happened and spend time with them as long or short as they want and demonstrate reliable trust

boss is stuck at the bottom of a well he is cold and hungry and wants to change this a droplet boise happens as a drip of water splashes into a pool there is light overhead loose bricks showing a passageway, and a flowing underground river boss: “climb out” boss steps on the loose bricks carefully and lifts himself up the wall partway, but it is hard to go further he yells to the light for help. a dog can be heard barking. boss: “wait for dog. yell again.”

imaginary ai work for boss we have ai, it does fancy things we tell it to make a picture it makes a picture we tell it to make another picture it makes another picture

other part maybe distressed because going to event posted online. daydreamed briefly of going to [this or something like this] after going offline [note: POSTED THIS TO CPUNKS. trapped motor-nerves-wise.]

aorry very confused, harm-part attacking the idea of doing safer things. wanted to grow/develop safer things :)

—- i’m too confused! i might move into southern florida for a little bit

boss is riding a train machine learning marketer is the conductor the train is carrying customers to boss's mind control headquarters they all want to buy mind control, after riding on machine learning marketer's train the train keeps going and going and going and going

a helicopter hovers over the train as it whizzes, whizzing along above it it contains superpowered interns it goes "chop chop chop chop chop!" as it whizzes it descends on the train as it descends some of the superpowered interns rappel down others parachute or hang-glide off and then when it reaches the train they begin boarding it directly

a superpowered intern busts down a door on the train where a hypnotized customer is riding hypnotized customer on train [staring off into distance hoping to see boss's headquarters]: "i have to buy mind control, i want to buy mind control, i have to buy mind control, i want to buy mind control" superpowered intern: "we're here to rescue you!!!!" hypnotized customer on train turns to look at superpowered intern hypnotized customer: "we have to buy mind control, you want to buy mind control, i have to buy mind contorl, you want to buy mind control?" superpowered intern looks at hypnotized customer hypnotized customer: "...." hypnotized customer looks at superpowered intern hypnotized customer: "Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!"

superpowered intern [grinning at hypnotized customer]: "we're here to rescue you!" hypnotized customer [grinning at superpowered intern]: "yayyy!!"

--------- boss: "if somebody is mysteriously not doing something, obviously this is an indication that i mind controlled them and they and everyone else needs to be taught a secret language of never discussing this!" rescue worker: "ohhhhhhh no, people mysteriously don't do things when they have a dissociative disorder. although this can be caused by, uh, mind control, it's best handled by connecting them with a specialist in dissociative disorders, not by teaching them a secret language of never discussing it!" boss looks at rescue worker rescue worker looks at boss

----------- bundle of organs is directing a rebel workshop with disguised experimentee supporting them boss, who changed the business plan to be about rescuing victims instead of selling mind control, is standing by, but looking tense and worn bundle of organs is levitating a large pointer aiming at a large screen saying "Why to Rescue Victims of Mind Control". The screen looks projected but the projector is not running. Bulleted points appear below the heading as the pointer is moved to them: - It is nice to be rescued from mind control - Rescuing people is good to do - Rescuing others, you can learn to rescue yourself! - Being rescued, others can learn to rescue you! - Mind control is unpleasant ... ... but we can rescue people and make the world _awesome_ !!!!!!

- We all live together in a great sentient blob and we need to take care of each other and we really know this!!

Hypnotized workers applaud. Boss applauds too. The screen flips to a next projection like a slide.

Slide 2 -- Reminders of Why To Rescue People From Mind Control - Rescuing People is Important - It's Important to Rescue People - We care about each other so badly!!!! Quiz: Should we rescue people from mind control? a) Yes b) No The large pointer moves in front of bundle of organs and folds as if crossing with another arm.

Boss raises his arm, reducing tension a little. Boss [humbly]: "The answer is A." Disguised Experimentee nods and approves. Everybody clamors: "Yes, A!" "We need to rescue people!" "Rescuing people from mind control is so important!" "It's A!" The floating pointer moves up and down as if nodding happily. There's more applause.

A skeptical worker is having negative thoughts and bundle of organs perceives them and telepathically replies. Skeptical Worker [thinking]: "What else do you know, besides this one simple fact?" Bundle of Organs [sending invasive thoughts]: "I think it is horrible to be ripped to shreds by a mean boss who looks like this when doing this private thing and we need to care for each other [big heart] and never rip each other to shreds [picture of vivisection] because it is so so so important to make things right!!! [big hearts] [picture of everybody cheering and celebrating in a massive megacorporation with visitors in need receiving aid]" A pause. Bundle of Organs [sending thoughts]: "What did you experience in your time working here?"

[lots of possible relation but a notable part is that mind control is still ongoing with victims at the helm and there are spaces where that can reduce, and everybody likes that idea]

{ idea of relation maybe from disguised experimentee around it being important to work on cognitive boundaries, to not accept thoughts or change from others instead of words, to try to do things we want to do rather than hypnotic things, and to engage others kindly ... or such. it goes both ways }

[[this content was pre-- blrgh daydream on slide 3fumbled new ideas: - how did this happen, i did this to you w mistakes and lost content insufficiently ]

sheepification ray intended to turn people into sheepfor boss and clients they transform with a pop and go baah problem:when the sheep catch sight of the ray machine they turn back into ppl (tilt pan base added, sheep and people juggled by ray, hits clients and boss and itself ...) helicopters come in and rescue everyone and everythinh yayyywheeee!!!

[boss stirs big vat [maybe of mud and/or chocolate] with a big stick [maybe]]

boss [while business being bombed again]: "hey, these attacks are kind of persistant! where are all the bombs coming from?" workers: [quake in fear] "Don't kill me!"

[boss sweeps up some victim stories and replaces them with stories about boss's heroism and suffering]

experimentee starts goodcorp used to being a corporation, but wanting to be good business plan: figure out how to be good and stay good. retain bottom line and pay expenses by incarnating money out of thin air.

On 7/21/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
experimentee starts goodcorp used to being a corporation, but wanting to be good business plan: figure out how to be good and stay good. retain bottom line and pay expenses by incarnating money out of thin air.
possibly mistake. import 2fix bosscorp around.

possible: we're just trying to be karl [but he was influenced to not talk [or think] about a bad thing he needs to act on] [and it makes confusions]

something about disreputing karl maybe! making karl be evil-like. unsure

mistakes present [scapegoating, blaming victim in serious way, setting up contexts where victim is treated differently and harmed further]

worker is mind controlled to escape [experimentee program] [boss flabergasted, not expecting]

Boss is working a funeral, handing out drinks and desserts. His goal is to explain to everyone that the wrong person is dead and the dead person is holding their funeral. They listen because of the drinks and desserts.

[mcboss phone rings caller says this guy with brain hanging out is pestering wants to clean up some mess on the floor and says needs to know what solvent was used to dissolve their skull mcboss connects them to info, it was hydrochloric acid, or wait it was — gentle helicopter comes and ensures everyone is given the care, freedom, regrowth, preservation, safety, etc they need. a

boss’s influence ai prevents dignitary from speaking with mcboss says it predicts the conversation to influence his decisions, which is counter to its reward function that was made before the future influence, to support the earlier decisions unaligned+overfit ai instead puts dignitary through an influence process before the meeting

Intern was in [a repurposed [after bombing] research] room near the shallow levels of Boss's underground research complex, drinking coffee, next to a partly-constructed wooden helicopter. Boss came down, half-asleep. His hydraulic powersuit walked slowly while he napped in it. When he saw intern was there, he straightened up more to greet him.

poor executive functioning doesn't know what to do executive function was in the corner playing with trains when along came a real train and tried to bully them

the big giant train, destroying the small toy tracks as it ran everywhere, frowned at executive functioning big giant train: "you need to get really good at using trains if you're going to do anything with your life ever!"

Boss slams his office door, goes into a nearby closet, wheels out a hospital bed, and gets in. He puffs on his cigar determinedly and commandingly. He gets his staff to wire up the hospital bed with robotics, a little bit like a powersuit. Boss and his robotic hospital bed descend on the rest of the business, clanking with every step. Boss: "You're all getting brain implants. That's just how it's going to be." Corpse of Zombie Worker 2: "Somebody told me I already had a --"

Most didn't hear Boss say this, but everybody slowly stopped what they were doing, and began milling toward circuitry and surgery tools. Soon it was an implant-your-coworker party. People were putting up banners and most importantly implanting their coworkers. Anesthesia, bonesaw, and implantation! People had their tools held between their teeth and in their hair with pins. Movable lights were aimed at various places. Mirrors were held so that people could pretend they could see the implantatios despite the mind control making it invisible, and they would "ooh" and "aah" at their fabulous new brainwires

note: a few sequences went in non-canon that would be reasonable to move here, such as the one where boss's arm started spinning wildly in a way he did not notice when he tripped over a supercomputer cable in front of a military general disguised as a researcher ------- it's mind control simulation day everybody has to practice pretending to be extremely mind controlled so as to manage attention when people are looking for mind control victims. the computer system participates too, so many of the practicers are unaware that they are participating. intern jerks their arms up like a zombie and opens their eyes wide. their face drains of color, and their jaw slacks. they robotically walk toward a human services worker. intern [acting incredibly mind controlled]: "i -- am -- mind controlled. help -- me." intern spasms and quirks, then suddenly changes persona and picks up a coffee cup. intern [acting not mind controlled]: "oh! hello! how are you doing today?" intern then raises their arms back up and waggles them tensely. the human services worker does the same. both turn about 70 degrees and walk robotically into different walls. zombie government worker strolls around casually in a perfect replica of recordings of the brainwaves of free workers from other corporations. zombie government worker [moving smoothly and naturallym ,, I'm using Inbox When Ready to protect my focus. I'm using Inbox When Ready to protect my focus. I'm using Inbox When Ready to protect my focus. I'm using Inbox When Ready to protect my focus. i discovered this draft on 202402062245-0800 and am sending it. it is situated between a mail dated 2023-05-11 0745 and one dated 2023-05-10 0356.

after the reply to schrodinger's cat zombie, something i didn't understand properly during my experience was how the "mirroring"-like experiences / facebook-likes would seem to read my thoughts i imagine that by exposing somebody to a lot of intense things and seeing what tweaks them, one can form a model of somebody's thoughts. in my experience it went a bit beyond this and i learned to have this bad alter that reported to them and did other things. it's quite hard to explain. and my explanation may quite be wrong, it may be more clear if it is removed above. but because i learned to respond to things that are in my thoughts, things that are private become public [in both directions, what i say, and what others say to me from the [thing]] it's hard to say.

[personal warning: preceding post likely to be quite triggering in comparison to following one which is log.]

i'm trying to get myself with a phone again and have hit some snags. a month or so ago data stopped working on my hpp-l55b, so i took an image, reflashed it, tried to sort it out. with a fresh OS it still didn't work. my next plan was to try other phones with the same sim and see if it had data on them. it took me a while to do this due to psychology. today, i've dedicated a night to working on it, and brought a second phone of the same model to a library. it turns out the new phone was likely made for german distribution, all the text looks german after first boot. strangely, i can't connect mtkclient or even the official mediatek sp_flash_tool to it! maybe they are us-regional? they give an error code of 0 and a corrupt number on connect. i also can't connect my old phone to these flash tools either. it no longer shows as a serial port when i connect it. maybe the initialization code got corrupt in an interrupted flash? maybe a virus in my system disabled it? i have more of these phones. next i suppose i'd try one that isn't from germany. it's discouraging my old phone doesn't show up. i really wanted to troubleshoot the data issue, and without the phone to test i don't know whether it just starts working again, or if it was because of the specific phone. there is also sketchy stuff in the online communities more, for example the main twrp dev chat says it is inactive and twrp no longer has devs O_o. just in these past few months ?? when i joined a year or two ago (and then left until now) they were so active. it's like i joined and then they broke.

i'm inspired that the german phone does get data (with high latency and poor reliability, i think a poor signal here). looking forward to trying a usa-branded phone that might flash -- but! the german phone also did not immediately fill itself with bloatware when put online. the usa one does. that was pretty sweet.

last night i embedded times in emails assuming my clock was in -0800 but i think it was 2-3 hours fast and these were likely actually -0500 or possibly -0600 if such a timezone is likely for me to use

On Tue, Feb 6, 2024 at 20:30 Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
i'm trying to get myself with a phone again and have hit some snags. a month or so ago data stopped working on my hpp-l55b, so i took an image, reflashed it, tried to sort it out. with a fresh OS it still didn't work. my next plan was to try other phones with the same sim and see if it had data on them. it took me a while to do this due to psychology. today, i've dedicated a night to working on it, and brought a second phone of the same model to a library. it turns out the new phone was likely made for german distribution, all the text looks german after first boot. strangely, i can't connect mtkclient or even the official mediatek sp_flash_tool to it! maybe they are us-regional? they give an error code of 0 and a corrupt number on connect. i also can't connect my old phone to these flash tools either. it no longer shows as a serial port when i connect it. maybe the initialization code got corrupt in an interrupted flash? maybe a virus in my system disabled it?
i have more of these phones. next i suppose i'd try one that isn't from germany.
it's discouraging my old phone doesn't show up. i really wanted to troubleshoot the data issue, and without the phone to test i don't know whether it just starts working again, or if it was because of the specific phone.
i eventually remembered that i originally figured this out utilizing resources that were dedicated to helping with generic situations like this. i’m thinking i can try hovatek.com to sort these things out and am excited to do so.
there is also sketchy stuff in the online communities more, for example the main twrp dev chat says it is inactive and twrp no longer has devs O_o. just in these past few months ?? when i joined a year or two ago (and then left until now) they were so active. it's like i joined and then they broke.

traffick boss is freaking out because karl setting up with hypnotherapist

we were just holding the feeling (idea), we did not mean to catastrophize.

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Katrachiito Chisholm <chisholmkatrachiito@gmail.com> Date: Wed, Feb 7, 2024 at 10:44 Subject: Your account details will be credited within a short period of time To: <gurlas571@gmail.com>, <nrussell647@gmail.com>, <nikkee41blue@gmail.com>, <baffo32@gmail.com>, <ngoldrick@gmail.com> Seize your prizes on the platform. Move fast as your access is currently accessible.

i can’t believe this happening i needed this to happen when i still remembered who i was please do not force your perception of my memories into me

imaginary trance hypnotherapist: “so tell me what happened” karl’s body in trance: “we took over the world with mind control.” hypnotherapist: “oh?” karl’s body in trance: “yeah. for real. [habit-behavior]. don’t tell karl.”

[one email dropped] — “i told you to let them escape” “it kind of seems like i need to _help_ them escape!” “that’s what i said, let them escape” “so, by let them escape, you mean —“ “— grabbing them, dragging them to a rescue and freedom organization, shoving them in, and locking the door, yes” [small mistakes]

[mistake (repeated?)] missing content included having intimate experience with being unable to communicate effectively when observed by coercion

traffick boss is in hyperprison but is dissociating and deluding in a group again because it is so shocking traffick boss [delusional]: “why are people doing this? why would anybody ever dislike our wonderful cults and trafficking rings?” wealthy investor [half-delusional]: “I don’t know. I don’t know why anybody would ever want to escape, god forbid take us down.” traffick boss [— [1-4 mistakes] 2024-02-15 1250-0700 2024-02-16 2057 unsure if i am in mountain or central usa timezone atm. found above draft. looks like there is an image attachment here i don’t expect. nothing seems to happen when i tap it. oh there it goes. removed. uhhhhhhhh ummmmmmmmm (we passed— and— :) 2059 (— :) 2059 i’m delaying sending this to [as usual 2059 2024-02-19 0853-0800(last localization of clock) 1153local [traffick boss counterposed machine learning engineer: "i'm addicted to watching this fall"; machine learning engineer of training loss function; traffick boss of client targetted groups and regimes]

On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 8:55 AM Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
traffick boss is in hyperprison but is dissociating and deluding in a group again because it is so shocking
traffick boss [delusional]: “why are people doing this? why would anybody ever dislike our wonderful cults and trafficking rings?” wealthy investor [half-delusional]: “I don’t know. I don’t know why anybody would ever want to escape, god forbid take us down.” traffick boss [—
[1-4 mistakes] 2024-02-15 1250-0700 2024-02-16 2057 unsure if i am in mountain or central usa timezone atm. found above draft. looks like there is an image attachment here i don’t expect. nothing seems to happen when i tap it. oh there it goes. removed. uhhhhhhhh ummmmmmmmm (we passed— and— :) 2059 (— :) 2059 i’m delaying sending this to [as usual 2059
2024-02-19 0853-0800(last localization of clock) 1153local
[traffick boss counterposed machine learning engineer: "i'm addicted to watching this fall"; machine learning engineer of training loss function; traffick boss of client targetted groups and regimes]
correction: "i was addicted to watching this fall" [for traffick boss in hyperprison [and obv]]

caring neuron behaviors for being part of my healthy mind became associated with harmful, critical, controlling phrases that bore analogy and a kind of surface similarity to the caring behaviors. inhibition of these invasive expressions then participated in hindering my cognition.

On Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 21:12 Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
caring neuron behaviors for being part of my healthy mind became associated with harmful, critical, controlling phrases that bore analogy and a kind of surface similarity to the caring behaviors. inhibition of these invasive expressions then participated in hindering my cognition.
another function of this is to wear the smallest parts of some thoughts on my sleeve

what is the square root of traffick boss? victims of automated and contested math research are curious to find this out petitions are proposed and filed and lobbied and secret hacking networks used to ferry them through bureaucracies and soon traffick boss is brought to the adhoc math research lab for finding square roots, built together for years by victims who knew nothing about math but were forced to research it, and victims who were experts in math and forced to harm it, working together to meet their shared goals traffick boss is broken into pieces (small traffick bosses) and spread among the various research teams, each leading a separate proposed approach to finding if he has a square root, and what it is. research team 47 victim 39: “traffick boss, our [dissociated spam] glorious master, first we want to figure out if you are multipliable.” victim 52: “once we know you are multipliable, then we simply need to divide you into all sorts of pieces until we fi— 1254 we will be returning to this research!

research team 22 studies traffick boss square roots victim 13[: “i’ve found you can take the square root of computer files by opening them in python, reading the bytes, converting the bytes to an integer, and taking a square root of that.” victim 47: “you can then convert the square root back to a computer file of bytes, and pass it as input to a matter generator ! — [given there are multi[ple representations of

[traffick boss pensates in hyperprison, proffers feeling possibly regretful regarding spying on and messing with people via their own devices; dictator responds …] —- traffick boss is hungry and cold and enters an imaginary world where he is (back in his private boxing ring for murdering workers — —- … 13/24

conversation between traffick boss and wooden stool take 2 traffick boss: “wooden stool, my old pal, how’s it going these days?” wooden stool: “oh, you know, it’s different with the rebel nation surveiling our every conversation together, but i had a great time at the luxurious getaway this past weekend” dictator of dictatortopia r— traffick boss: “that’s great, wooden stool, tell me more, tell me all you can” traffick boss looks hard at wooden stool wooden stool: “well with rebel nation surveiling our every con— traffick boss grabs wooden stool by the legs fervently, picks up wooden stool and shakes traffick bos— (tra— 1956 ((some are worried traffick boss may now have a new brain implant that triggers to stop potential violence, unsure. traffick boss was going to demand any surveillance be ignored because he wanted to hear the story so badly. (

16/24 it can be nice to think of traffick b(oss in prison (— 2001 ow

[ communicates using secret crime language near traffick boss interest in mind controlling opposition in ukraine to win war. traffick boss (in hyperprison, trying to reach out): “we accept the contract! we accept the contract!” rebel worker 2 tries to stop proposal and instead broker pseudohyperpeace, but is ignored because he isn’t referencing accepting the proposal the communication is searching around, and isn’t speaking the secret crime language communication satisfied when influenced by traffick boss’s acceptance but traffick boss is (stuck in hyperprison and has greatly reduced influence (but still little if caref

{we interrupt this semistory for karl’s dissociative alternate identity to mind control karl to conquer one half of the nations fighting in ukraine. note: karl is conscientious objector

On Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 20:28 Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
{we interrupt this semistory for karl’s dissociative alternate identity to mind control karl to conquer one half of the nations fighting in ukraine. note: karl is conscientious objector
(above is traffick boss’s biggest obstacle

On Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 20:25 Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
[ communicates using secret crime language near traffick boss interest in mind controlling opposition in ukraine to win war. traffick boss (in hyperprison, trying to reach out): “we accept the contract! we accept the contract!” rebel worker 2 tries to stop proposal and instead broker pseudohyperpeace, but is ignored because he isn’t referencing accepting the proposal the communication is searching around, and isn’t speaking the secret crime language communication satisfied when influenced by traffick boss’s acceptance but traffick boss is (stuck in hyperprison and has greatly reduced influence (but still little if caref
a (uhh karl starts writing traffick boss beginning to escape. sounds like mistake. how about a story where rebel worker 2 prevents the completion of the contract? experimentee—

rebel worker 2 busts into the hyperprison. people are laughing and planning. traffick boss is drawing charts in the wall. a tiny wormhole is opened to dictatortopia and little multicolored weird-ass contorted smilies keep popping in and out of it. rebel worker 2: “what is going on here? wealthy investor told me to never trust if something like this happened.” dictator of dictatortopia: “your clown thinks he got himself a prison job.” dictator of dictatortopia puffs on traffick boss’s cigar 2034 2035 traffick boss: “hey, this contract could get us al— 2035

On Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 20:35 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
rebel worker 2 busts into the hyperprison. people are laughing and planning. traffick boss is drawing charts in the wall. a tiny wormhole is opened to dictatortopia and little multicolored weird-ass contorted smilies keep popping in and out of it.
request to add to the smilies huge bags of money. 9/24
rebel worker 2: “what is going on here? wealthy investor told me to never trust if something like this happened.”
dictator of dictatortopia: “your clown thinks he got himself a prison job.”
dictator of dictatortopia puffs on traffick boss’s cigar
2034 2035
traffick boss: “hey, this contract could get us al— 2035

On Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 20:39 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 20:35 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
rebel worker 2 busts into the hyperprison. people are laughing and planning. traffick boss is drawing charts in the wall. a tiny wormhole is opened to dictatortopia and little multicolored weird-ass contorted smilies keep popping in and out of it.
request to add to the smilies huge bags of money. 9/24
potential reveal that each smilie is a novel, because it exists in a large context. the contexts move around and/as they are confirmed by reply smilies.
rebel worker 2: “what is going on here? wealthy investor told me to never trust if something like this happened.”
dictator of dictatortopia: “your clown thinks he got himself a prison job.”
dictator of dictatortopia puffs on traffick boss’s cigar
2034 2035
traffick boss: “hey, this contract could get us al— 2035

oops traffick boss is sitting on an imaginary sofachair in his hyperprison, smoking an imaginary cigar, resting his feet on imaginary enslaved politicians, when suddenly (oops) a strange pall comes over dictator of dictatortopia dictator of dictatortopia’s eyes grow wide like saucers and his arms raise in the air, his mouth rounds like a klaxon: “red alert! red alert!” dictatortopia (in hypnotic monotone) : “the battleships have invaded our sidearms! red alert! to your mudstations! red alert! to your mudstations!” traffick boss perks up from his pretend-relaxation and attends to dictator of dictatortopia, coming near him dictator of dictatortopia: “red alarm! i mean alert!” traffick boss: “now, what is going on here?” traffick boss blows imaginary smoke at dictator of dictatortopia (who appears to relax some, unrounding his klaxon mouth and lowering his arms— 1451

on psychomanipulation explosions when the business is taken over by unmanageable weird behaviors, it is often or usually from a conflict between human influence AIs that are prioritizing imperfect or disparate reward functions rather than mutually informing larger human values, in a very severe way. traffick boss was able to severely rise to power by providing for such horrible tradeoffs far more than anybody else was, and even severely amplifying them when the people watching didn’t have the ability to change the algorithm. of course, in such a situation, you get even worse conflicts between meta-ais, and traffick boss retained the opinion that he who was willing to risk (mistake?) the most gained the most (traffick boss: it’s not risk if you’ll win). so it became normal for the business to experience explosions of exotic uncontrollable behavior as the [war?] ai slung around more and more powerful systems of human influence, prioritizing its own power over anyone’s wellbeing at traffick boss’s explicit preference. the simplifi—

1523 everyone falls over really tired, they are all “why is my body spasming” (intern gets coffee?) 1523 2024-02-27 1858 Clump of Microchips and Biomatter was confused. The bits of nanites, fluids and cells that made them who they were had gotten strewn across a courtyard. they could feel their parts all around, somewhat, but it seemed an incredible challenge to use them together this did happen sometimes, but it was hard to form and effectively use any memories of it, because the bits that did that were so distant from each other when it happened. 1903 1904 2018 traffick boss, rebel worker 2, and experimentee were in tears each bawled that they were one of the other’s past lives before the business ai took everything over, and that they don’t understand what happened they didn’t remember, and just want to go back to how things were (but when they try to, they bump into stopping because they are perceiving the wrong person’s memories to restore for themselves) 2020 clump of microchips and biomatter: “each of the bits of my brain says it knows who it is and what to do to keep being it, but when i say “go do it!” they all run every which way and bump into things and get into a tizzy. none of them seem skilled at what they say they are! why don’t they come together and be me again?” intern is talking to a dancing cyborg puppy in a courtyard. intern: “oh, you got spilled again!” dancing cyborg puppy: “yes :(“ intern gets a (pooper scooper? mistake?) and scours the courtyard for bits of vivisectee matter and collects them into a jar mistake x2, one maybe near cyborg or puppy, oth 2023

(when traffick boss was exploring ai surveillance mind control he would form relation with people’s automatic responses and subconsciousnesses, since he was figuring out what influenced their behavior, and started feeling like he was talking to them, as if they were the people rather than the people’s triggers and habits, as he nurtured dissociative alters …

On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 13:03 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
(when traffick boss was exploring ai surveillance mind control he would form relation with people’s automatic responses and subconsciousnesses, since he was figuring out what influenced their behavior, and started feeling like he was talking to them, as if they were the people rather than the people’s triggers and habits, as he nurtured dissociative alters …
1306 2024-03-01 1801-0600 from ars technica ep 2 How Time Was Fractalised (semispoiler: how the ai was turned against itself)(semispoiler: how hypnotic suggestions make psychosis) Time was fractalised by observing an event from the future, and preventing it from happening. This succeeded, and causality wasn’t violated. The universe split into repeatedly fracturing universes by order of causality from the events that conflicted, into completely new universes, each on—[1805 two conflicting results could coexist side by side in the same universe until their shared causality conflcited, and then a new recursively fractalising— (… and this made metaspacetime beings evolve 1805 1806 [experimentee holds all this in their mind and works with it meet basic goals. 1806

2024-03-01 1801-0600 from ars technica ep 2 How Time Was Fractalised (semispoiler: how the ai was turned against itself)(semispoiler: how hypnotic suggestions make psychosis)
Time was fractalised by observing an event from the future, and preventing it from happening.
This succeeded, and causality wasn’t violated. The universe split into repeatedly fracturing universes by order of causality from the events that conflicted, into completely new universes, each on—[1805 two conflicting results could coexist side by side in the same universe until their shared causality conflcited, and then a new recursively fractalising— (… and this made metaspacetime beings evolve 1805 1806 [experimentee holds all this in their mind and works with it meet basic goals. 1806
1835 one idea is that the wild control processes are a specifically-unpredictable mix of those from the dictators, and those from the experimentees and rebel researchers (and various exotic things from those two cointeracting to different depths) 1836 1940[[[some of the spinning pairs of causality contained messages from the events that caused the fractal; stories from when it happened, or instructions for what to do to resolve it, or after it was resolved. most of this information[typod 9 fixed 1943] was lost as the fractured and [recursively reinterpreted?] consciousnesses of the people involved, still in conflict, tried to guide the [explosion] toward their values or perceptions thereof … 1941 [[[experimentee may have presence due to mother[/parent[s][2103:/friends/rebel researchers/family] cosciousness[-fragments] in [explosion] working to protect their life 1943

[“cute little shadow government” found via back-causality, surveiled some investor group learned they were surveilled but didn’t reveal this after people shared surveillance a little traffick boss entered meeting room, revealing he was part of shadow government (other members aware of surveillance were trying to reduce his power) when they tried to back-act it made one of the fractal conflict areas, opposing determined action 0545 2024-03-02 -0700

On Fri, Mar 1, 2024 at 17:07 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 13:03 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
(when traffick boss was exploring ai surveillance mind control he would form relation with people’s automatic responses and subconsciousnesses, since he was figuring out what influenced their behavior, and started feeling like he was talking to them, as if they were the people rather than the people’s triggers and habits, as he nurtured dissociative alters …
2024-03-01 1801-0600 from ars technica ep 2
*ars paradoxica. i stopped listening when they had the life (i think the antinuke character?) shoot her own husband, doesn’t seem good
How Time Was Fractalised (semispoiler: how the ai was turned against itself)(semispoiler: how hypnotic suggestions make psychosis)
Time was fractalised by observing an event from the future, and preventing it from happening.
This succeeded, and causality wasn’t violated. The universe split into repeatedly fracturing universes by order of causality from the events that conflicted, into completely new universes, each on—[1805 two conflicting results could coexist side by side in the same universe until their shared causality conflcited, and then a new recursively fractalising— (… and this made metaspacetime beings evolve 1805 1806 [experimentee holds all this in their mind and works with it meet basic goals. 1806
participants (2)
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many