Stars finally align for ubiquitous cryptoanarchy

Increasingly common QKE prices are coming down as reach of networks reaches out and up. In an age of quantum miracles there is now even something called ' counterfactual communications'. If you have enough patience and specialized equipment you can exchange messages without exchanging any particles. Something else seems to be happening alongside the rush to roll out global cryptoanarchism. Something called cryptographic cosmology. Implicit in Seth Lloyd's ' universe as quantum computer ' idea is that it runs on encrypted code. While investigating my own ' universe as PKI ' from 2015 on I found some papers by Charles K. Rhodes that apply cryptographic math to cosmological measures. As the old poem says we may now arrive back where we started and know the place for the very first time. Everythings coming up anarchism.

cryptographic math to cosmological measures. Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe website
Everythings coming up anarchism.
The logical solution.
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