Why's the CIA's David Shedd texting me out of the blue?
Hey cypherpunks, I have a new blog post today titled _Why's the CIA's David Shedd texting me out of the blue?_ Shedd met with Obama about continuing the agency's torture, but now he's on my phone with a deceptive note. Turns out there's been a new development in the story I covered of his censoring a 2018 Oxford Union panel on the very topic of whistleblowing. Here's the URL: https://douglaslucas.com/blog/2022/09/01/why-cia-david-shedd-messaging-me/ Here's the tweet in case you want to amplify it with a retweet etc: https://twitter.com/DouglasLucas/status/1565385507902988288 Unbeknownst to me when Shedd texted, there was that new development taking place, which is also discussed by censored panelist Heather Marsh today in a free-to-read-in-full Patreon entry. I link her post in mine, but if you want the URL here it's: https://www.patreon.com/posts/cia-and-oxford-71276469 Thanks everybody, Doug
participants (1)
Douglas Lucas