Art Director/Designer: Robert W. Wilvers Photographer: Paul Seligman Copyeditor: Gene Case Agency: Jack Tinker & Partners, Inc. Client: Rockefeller for President *Riot.* I am the only Presidential candidate who has had to cope with riot. It was 4:30AM, still dark, July 25, 1964. We got a call from Rochester, New York, a city of 300,000. The call was "Local police have lost control. Will State Police take over?" *By 9:00AM, 264 State Police had taken over, and the streets of Rochester were safe." * These men used no rifles, no shotguns, no tear gas. But they were not riot-trained. They made 900 arrests. They saved lives and they saved property. They were dubbed "the cool ones." I also called up 1600 National Guardsmen and stationed them outside the city. But we did not need to use them. How we faced this riot points up three principles of mine. One. Keeping order may be a stern side of government, but it is a vital side. I make no apologies to those critics who call me "Rocy the Cop." We will have order, and make no mistake about it. Two. Speed is the key. A small force, early, can restore peace, where a large force, later, could not. Three. A state which accepts *responsibilities* as well as *rights* will make sure that local police are cool, humane, well-trained. State police and National Guard must stand ready, behind them. The resort to the army - the spectacle of U.S. troops defending the U.S. from U.S. citizens - must be as rare as possible. We must find the roots of this lawlessness. And let's not fool ourselves. The roots are not in our courts, or in the myth of softness in high places. They are in the cities. They are poverty, injustice, rot. I believe we can cure these things. I understand, I sympathize with the hopelessness they breed. But *lawlessness* I will not stand. *Nelson A. Rockefeller*
participants (1)
Gunnar Larson