The Xtianity of Jew-Hating moron, Juan Garofalo

Jew-Hating moron Juan may try and claim he's not religious. But he lies about govt agents, Vaccines, KGB Russia, anarchism, women and this list. So its a safe bet he might lie about this.
Eric Zuesse: Why History Matters <<<

On 8/21/22, professor rat <> wrote:
Jew-Hating moron Juan may try and claim
Juan's claims are bogus as usual, of note... His favorite *-Socialist party, the US Democrats, are actually far more filled with his "Jews" than his "TrumpoNazi's". Luckily this fact will cause the left and right sides of his fake-self brain to annihilate each other in battle.
he's not religious.
What he is not is a real man, otherwise he'd quit his troll employer and tired weaksauce on here, stop fapping to digital bimbos, and actually write something. But he won't critique Islam. He in filters, no going to see anyway.
participants (2)
professor rat