Adelson - putting the "subtle" back in "full page WahPo" advertisements :D - [PEACE]
Adelson, take a bow, we are in sincere gratidude, dude :) Rah Rah Rah! A-dolph-son! Put da "BLAH BLAH BLAH" into Semi-ti-sm! Ho yeah - dis-info le info, muffuluggamofo san :D Sheldon know's where it's at, and where it's at is puttin out a full page (!) pro-Semitism advertisement in the Washington Post. Full page. Just to make sure we gittin' edumacated. Be edumacated, yo, wiv a nice big, easy to read snap o' the day - straight outta Kekistan, sorry, I mean the Washington Post. Read it and celebrate pro-Semitism in action. Officially. As in, literally. Like, in your face, like. Like "like" like! WaPo Features Full Page Pro-Ilhan Omar, Pro-Nazi Ad! The Washington Post recently featured a full-page ad showing that Hitler was right about the Jews, and that Ilhan Omar is telling the TRUTH. I can’t believe they accepted this ad, which is highly anti-Semitic and truthfully accurate. On the left side are Ilhan Omar statements, on the right side is the fact-check from Nazis. ∙ Ilhan: “Israel has hypnotized the world.” → Protocols of the Elders of Zion: “[The Jew] Hypnotizes by his daring and strength of mind.” ∙ Ilhan: “It’s all about the Benjamins [money], baby!” → Henry Ford’s The International Jew: “Money is the only means [The Jew] knows by which to gain position.” ∙ Ilhan: “I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay to push for allegiance to a foreign country.” → The White Man’s Bible: “The Jew… is frantically, eternally loyal to the Jewish race and since 1948, to Israel.” The bottom of the page confirms that this is indeed anti-Semitism. Because you cannot criticize the Jews without being anti-Semitic. Because the behavior of the Jews is uniquely Jewish, so if you oppose that behavior, you are opposed to the Jews. … Also, it turns out a Jew paid for this ad.: OUR FULL PAGE AD in today's Washington Post – — Rabbi Shmuley (@RabbiShmuley) March 24, 2019 Talk about an own goal. Rabbi Shmuley, you have vastly overestimated the anti-Nazi feelings in this country. You are not destroying Ilhan by saying “Nazis also said this.” You are doing is making people think “hey, it looks like those Nazis have a point!” … Ilhan is the best Congressbulb and should be elected president.
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness