Pentagon Jew Oinker, BatShit-Stasi 2.0, wants to AML/KYC cypherpunks!

You don't have to be your totally fictional " GovCorp " to be a serial-pest sticking his oinker-like snout in a c-punks finances. If I had more than one Btc I'd have some serious bragging rights! The little I have acts like the ante in a poker-game. " skin in the game'. The day you ante up with your pentagon-Jew-loverboy ' signing ceremony ' is the day I might consider following suit. Ante up or quit - double-stakes or split. Now, some inside-baseball information for you and your fellow Nazi-Fag-Moron serial pests, this list is not for technical discussions. That's Metzgers gig. This list is for discussing anarchism and how crypto might help catalyze anarchism. Crypto has already helped catalyze a lot of anarchism despite pentagon-Jew-lovers like you trying pathetically to ...I don't know...whatever it is you do when you're not sucking on Jacob Appelbaums arsehole.

On Thu, 10 Dec 2020 07:33:13 +0000 (UTC) professor rat <> wrote:
You don't have to be your totally fictional " GovCorp " to be a serial-pest sticking his oinker-like snout in a c-punks finances.
but, but, you signing a message using your btc keys has absolutely nothing with any NON-EXISTENT govcorp AML/KYC 'regulations' it's a completely cypherpunk-like procedure. You know, the same procedure that craig wright used to prove that he's satoshi!!!
If I had more than one Btc I'd have some serious bragging rights! The little I have acts like the ante in a poker-game. " skin in the game'.
hm, so you claim you only have ONE btc? Is that all you could mine in 2010? But block reward was 50btc at that time. You should at least have 50 btcs? Or did you use them to buy pot from ulbricht? at any rate, something doesn't quite add up. You are like a Founding Father of the Cypherpunk Church. You are pretty much a King of CryptoAnarchy...and yet you didn't foresee what would happen to bitcoin's price?
this list is not for technical discussions.
says who? Oh yes, says you the Emperor of Anarchy. And yet people can talk here about whatever they want. I do see a lot of highly idiotic, 'technical' spam coming from jim bell for example.
participants (2)
professor rat
Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0