Fwd: Large Bank Capital: There is More to Inflation Than the Price of Goods and Services

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Barbara Hagenbaugh <bhagenbaugh@fsforum.com> Date: Thu, Feb 6, 2025, 12:30 PM Subject: Large Bank Capital: There is More to Inflation Than the Price of Goods and Services To: Gunnar Larson <G@xny.io> Capital reforms would support a strong U.S. economy and keep the banking system resilient. <https://financialservicesforum.cmail20.com/t/r-l-thyhuuc-njyjukhihd-r/> *Large Bank Capital: There is More to Inflation Than the Price of Goods and Services* <https://financialservicesforum.cmail20.com/t/r-l-thyhuuc-njyjukhihd-y/> *By Sean Campbell, *Chief Economist and Head of Policy Research *2/6/2025* As we navigate the start of 2025, it is a good idea to take stock of the state of large bank capital while also considering what reforms are needed to better align capital standards with economic growth. *In this post, we document the significant inflation in large bank capital – in both dollar and percentage terms – since 2018.* We close by outlining key capital reforms that are necessary to ensure that large banks can continue to support a robust economy while safeguarding a resilient banking system. Finally, the issues that we discuss below are treated in greater detail in our recent report “Observations and Recommendations for a New Administration and U.S. Economic Growth <https://financialservicesforum.cmail20.com/t/r-l-thyhuuc-njyjukhihd-j/>", and we refer folks to the report for a deeper dive on these issues. Read More <https://financialservicesforum.cmail20.com/t/r-l-thyhuuc-njyjukhihd-t/> [image: Twitter] <https://financialservicesforum.cmail20.com/t/r-l-thyhuuc-njyjukhihd-i/>[image: LinkedIn] <https://financialservicesforum.cmail20.com/t/r-l-thyhuuc-njyjukhihd-d/>[image: Website] <https://financialservicesforum.cmail20.com/t/r-l-thyhuuc-njyjukhihd-h/>[image: YouTube] <https://financialservicesforum.cmail20.com/t/r-l-thyhuuc-njyjukhihd-k/> <https://financialservicesforum.cmail20.com/t/r-l-thyhuuc-njyjukhihd-b/> The Financial Services Forum is an economic policy and advocacy organization whose members are the eight largest and most diversified financial institutions headquartered in the United States. Preferences <https://financialservicesforum.updatemyprofile.com/r-thyhuuc-3F4A9EA2-njyjukhihd-n> | Unsubscribe <https://financialservicesforum.cmail20.com/t/r-u-thyhuuc-njyjukhihd-p/>
participants (1)
Gunnar Larson