Re: [Cryptography] Hayden on encryption v. metadata

On 3/24/16, J.M. Porup <> wrote:
On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 05:11:11PM -0700, Henry Baker wrote:
Highly recommended, *especially* if you disagree with Hayden.
Basically, Hayden is ok with just about anything -- including torture -- so long as it is approved by someone higher up. Methinks he might not fare so well in a Nuremburg-type trial, but perhaps those ethics are sooo last century.
Maybe it's time to start publicly calling for Nuremberg-style war crimes tribunals to arrest, prosecute, convict, imprison, and execute senior surveillance state officials?
Who exactly is going to post these prosecutors... congress, courts, doj, Obama? They already excused / ignored / approved of Bush, Cheney, cabinets et al, telecoms, NSA, too big to fail, QE[n], deficits and debt, overclassification, droning, ubiquitous surveillance, murder, papers please, pollution, Abu Gitmo, torture, revolving door, CIA, tech backdoors, rendition and infinite detention, databases, etc.......... What are you gonna do, round up a posse, pin on some badges, saddle up and ride on over to DC? Where and when exactly does the buck stop? Putin / Ecuador? Collapse? Seriously. You might want to figure that out...
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