[spam][ot][rambling][crazy] Build a Bomb Out Of Water was: Spaceship

If making a water bomb, I would like to not use any ice. I'm worried ice shrapnel could hurt somebody.

Is there a limit to the pressure a fluid can hold? I don't know why there would be, but obviously there would be in an engineering sense. Looking this up briefly seems like a helpful planning part to me.

I imagine a highly pressured amount of water, kind of gently, harmlessly, and rapidly expanding in a bomb-like fashion.

https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-maximum-pressure-a-fluid-can-hold the fluid becomes stiffer and more incompressible as the molecules of the fluid get pushed together. The bulk modulus (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulk_modulus) of the fluid which relates the volume change to the pressure change determines it's behavior. Then as the pressure increases more, there will likely be chemical changes in the fluid such as phase transition to a crystalline or semi- crystalline state. If you push further, you will see the breakdown of the molecules, then atoms. Beyond that you are in the realm of advanced physics. Since you are performing work to increase the pressure, there will be heat release and an increase in temperature.

Since the only reason to build a bomb is to sort out some problem in your cognition with things similar to bombs, and since that problem is likely a fear, it could make sense to make a very tiny one.

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Wednesday, December 1, 2021 2:38 PM, Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Is there a limit to the pressure a fluid can hold?
neutron stars are pretty high pressure :) but using neutron star juice in any practical sense is fraught with extreme difficulty! :P don't blow yourself up, and take care of yourself.

Use a hollow steel ball with a threaded steel plug. Immerse in water to fill. Thread plug, close tightly. Immerse in liquid nitrogen behind a strong shield. Water will shortly freeze, but cannot expand. Eventually, the container will explode due to increased pressure. On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 6:33 AM, Karl<gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote: I'm not sure how to build a bomb out of water.

Here's the plan: We search the internet for the price of gunpowder and other things that explode. We open many orders, but mostly cancel them, and then instead hire homeless people to gather bits of gunpowder and things that explode from discharged firearms shells etc. Using our extensive research into the price of things that explode, we sell all the stuff that was gathered to make an oodle of money. Then we use the money to buy a freezer and a ton of purified water to send to jim bell.
participants (3)
jim bell