Fwd: Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
Merchants never rule.
On 2019-08-18 12:52 pm, Punk wrote:
Of course they do. Merchants tell politicians to manufacture laws to enrich them both and steal from the consumers. Again, A of the ABC of political economy.
The theory that capitalists are the ruling class is your spin on the anarchism of Spooner, Bastiat, and Gustav de Molinari. It is not what they say. You are commie telling anarcho capitalists that communism is the real anarcho capitalism, similar to the large supply of shills explaining that progressivism is the real antisemitism, the real reaction, and the real Christianity. "Hail fellow Christian, I love God and Jesus, and by the way God demands gay marriage and you need to transition your boys at age nine to attend drag queen story hour" "Hail fellow white male heterosexual, I hate Jews, and, by the way, Trump is an orange crypto Jew who fails at everything, so you should vote for a brown commie Democrat." And you are telling us "Hail fellow anarcho capitalist. I totally oppose the state, and, by the way capital is actually the state" Here is how one can tell a paid shill from someone who actually believes what he is saying: A paid shill can never commit a thought crime, because he is posting from an FBI office or university office on an FBI or university computer, and Human Resources would black list him if he committed thought crime. So, to prove you are not yet another paid shill working from a shill office, commit a thought crime. Here is a selection of questions with potential thought crime answers. To prove you are not a paid shill working from a shill office, answer whichever question has the most unthinkable thought crime answer. What caused the great minority mortgage meltdown? (This question should be as easy as "what color is a black hole", but describe the mechanism and process)? Why do a larger proportion of women in female majority workplaces report sexual harassment than women in workplaces that have only a small female minority? Why are women extremely steamed about entirely imaginary fraternity rape, and totally relaxed about massive and widespread Muslim rape? What proportion of new ventures headed by women, or with mixed male and female heads, fail, and why do almost all off them fail? What is the cause of the high imprisonment rate of blacks, and the particularly high imprisonment rate of American blacks? hint, it might have something to do with your relative safety in certain streets. What is the origin of Ashkenazim Jews, what is the connection between Ashkenazim and the crusades? What is Darwin's big idea, and what is the role of races in Darwin's big idea? Answer one of the above, where the answer will prove that HR is not watching your posting. --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus

On Sun, 25 Aug 2019 09:38:52 +0800 jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
Merchants never rule.
On 2019-08-18 12:52 pm, Punk wrote:
Of course they do. Merchants tell politicians to manufacture laws to enrich them both and steal from the consumers. Again, A of the ABC of political economy.
The theory that capitalists are the ruling class is your spin on the anarchism of Spooner, Bastiat, and Gustav de Molinari.
you're a broken, blind record eh? I already stated that bastiat was no anarchist. I guess you don't even read the messages you pretend to reply to. As to the fact that merchants, manufacturers and government are partners in crime, you just have to look around you. Oh wait, you being a blind retard, or a piece of fascist shit playing dumb, are never going to look around you - or admit that you're just a dishonest to the core liar. And yet : https://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/17/opinion/17buffett.html That's arch 'capitalist' warren buffett profusely thanking his (and your) government for saving the fascist house of cards known as 'teh amerikan economy' (17 trillions bailout) - you see, the amerikan economy can't exist without uncle sam. You may have some trouble understanding what buffett says because his mouth is so full with uncle sam's cock that he can barely speak. Same as you. So, worthless scumbag james donald, and 100% fake 'libertarian' james donald, what's your next move? Lie yet again about my 'spin' on liberalism? I guess I will then keep posting the same Adam Smith quotes. And buffet's little piece.

On 2019-08-25 12:36 pm, Punk wrote:
As to the fact that merchants, manufacturers and government are partners in crime,
The "partnership" is one sided and brutally unequal, as becomes painfully visible every time a woman cries "sexual harassment" You are a commie shill, shilling communism to anarcho capitalists. And if you were not paid to shill and supervised by Human Resources in your shilling, you would have been able to commit a thought crime. I challenged you to commit a thought crime, on any topic whatsoever, and you did not do so. Dead giveaway that you are being paid to shill and supervised in your shilling. All sexual harassment complaints, and all rape complaints about successful rapes by whites, as near to all of them as make no difference, are women running shit tests against men that they are sexually interested in. When a man is sexually interested in a woman, he is nice to her. When a woman is sexually interested in a man, she gives him shit to see if he is the shit, women being hypergamous, something that used to be routinely depicted in old movies, but is now no longer depicted in videos produced in the USG Hegemony, even in porn. And the brutal one sidedness of the "partnership" is apparent whenever women deploy shit tests in the workplace. Probably your employer is a university, since the FBI shills mainly shill trooferism, anti trump black pills, and solicit white people to commit stupid acts of pointless terrorism, while the university shills target the intellectuals. --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus

On Mon, 26 Aug 2019 01:09:39 +0800 jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
On 2019-08-25 12:36 pm, Punk wrote:
As to the fact that merchants, manufacturers and government are partners in crime,
The "partnership" is one sided and brutally unequal,
It's a 50/60 partnership. As a matter of fact, the SAME people who 'work' for the govt 'work' for the 'capitalists'(thieves) Take a look at how corrupt the fascist cesspool you swim in is. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/goldman-sachs-revolving-door/ For example, former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is a former Goldman CEO; Arthur Levitt, the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission is a now a Goldman adviser; and former House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt is now a paid lobbyist for the firm. Our alphabetical list: Joshua Bolten Government: President George W. Bush's Chief of Staff from 2006-2009; Director of Office of Management and Budget from 2003-2006; White House Deputy Chief of Staff from January 20, 2001 - June 2003. Goldman: Executive Director of Legal Affairs for Goldman based in London aka the bank's chief lobbyist to the EU from 1994-1999. Kenneth D. Brody Government: President and Chairman of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (1993-1996). Goldman: Former general partner and member of the Management Committee at Goldman Sachs where he worked from 1971-1991. Kathleen Brown Government: Former California State Treasurer Goldman: Senior Advisor responsible for Public Finance, Western Region. Mark Carney Government: Governor of the Bank of Canada since 2008. Goldman: Mr. Carney had a thirteen-year career with Goldman Sachs in its London, Tokyo, New York, and Toronto offices. His progressively senior positions included Co-Head of Sovereign Risk; Executive Director, Emerging Debt Capital Markets; and Managing Director, Investment Banking. He stated at Goldman in 1995. Robert Cogorno Government: Former Gephardt aide and one-time floor director for Steny Hoyer (D-MD.), the No. 2 House Democrat. Goldman: Works for [Steve] Elmendorf Strategies, which lobbies for Goldman. Kenneth Connolly Government: Staff Director of the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee 2001-2006. Goldman: Vice President at Goldman from June 2008 - present. E. Gerald Corrigan Government: President of the New York Fed from 1985 to 1993. Goldman: Joined Goldman Sachs in 1994 and currently is a partner and managing director; he was also appointed chairman of GS Bank USA, the firm's holding company, in September 2008. Jon Corzine Government: Governor of New Jersey from 2006-2010; U.S. Senator from 2001-2006 where he served on the Banking and Budget Committees. Goldman: Former Goldman CEO. Worked at Goldman from 1975-1998. Gavyn Davies Government: Former chairman of the BBC from 2001 -2004. Goldman: Chief Economist at Goldman where he worked from 1986-2001. Paul Dighton Government: Chief executive of the London Operating Committee of the Olympic Games (LOCOG). Goldman: Former COO of Goldman where he worked for 22 years beginning in 1983. Mario Draghi Government: Head [Governor] of the Bank of Italy since January 2006. Goldman: Vice chairman and managing director of Goldman Sachs International and a member of the firm-wide management committee from 2002-2005. William Dudley Government: President Federal Reserve Bank of New York City (2009-present) Goldman: Partner and Managing Director. Worked at Goldman from 1986-2007. Steven Elmendorf Government: Senior Advisor to then-House minority Leader Richard Gephardt. Goldman: Now runs his own lobbying firm, where Goldman is one of his clients. Dina Farrell Government: Deputy Director, National Economic Council, Obama Administration since January 2009. Goldman: Financial Analyst at Goldman Sachs from 1987-1989. Edward C. Forst Government: Advisor to Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson in 2008. Goldman: Former Global Head of the Investment Management Division at Goldman where he worked from 1994-2008. Randall M. Fort Government: Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research from November 2006-Jan 2009. Goldman: Director of Global Security 1996-2006. Henry H. Fowler Government: Secretary of the Treasury from 1965-1968. Goldman: After leaving the Treasury Department, Fowler joined Goldman Sachs in New York City as a partner. Stephen Friedman Government: Chairman of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board and of the Intelligence Oversight Board; Chairman Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 2008- 2009; former director of Bush's National Economic Council. Economic Advisor to President Bush from 2002-2004. Goldman: Former Co-Chairman at Goldman Sachs and still a member of their board. Joined Goldman in 1966 Gary Gensler Government: Chairman of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission since 2009; Undersecretary to the Treasury from 1999 to 2001; Assistant Secretary to the Treasury from 1997-1999. Goldman: Former Co-head of Finance for Goldman Sachs worldwide. Worked at Goldman from 1979-1997. Lord Brian Griffiths Government: Head of the Prime Minister's Policy Unit from 1985 to 1990. Goldman: International Advisor since 1991. Jim Himes Government: Congressman from Connecticut (on Committee on Financial Services) since 2009. Goldman: Began working at Goldman in 1990 and was eventually promoted to Vice President. Robert D. Hormats Government: Under Secretary of State for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs-designate since July 2009; Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business affairs from 1981 to 1982. Goldman: Vice Chairman of Goldman Sachs International and Managing Director of Goldman Sachs & Co. He worked at Goldman Sachs from 1982-2009. Chris Javens Government: Ex-tax policy adviser to Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley. Goldman: Now lobbies for Goldman. Reuben Jeffery III Government: Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs from 2007-2009; Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission from 2005-2007. Goldman: Former Managing Partner of Goldman Sachs Paris Office. Worked at Goldman Sachs from 1983-2001. Dan Jester Government: Former Treasury Advisor. Goldman: Former Goldman Executive. James Johnson Government: Selected to serve on Obama's Vice Presidential section committee but stepped down. Goldman: Board of Director of Goldman Sachs since May 1999. Richard Gephardt Government: U.S. Representative (1977 to 2005); Goldman: President and CEO, Gephardt Government Affairs (since 2007). Hired by Goldman to represent its interests on issues related to TARP. Neel Kashkari Government: Interim head, Treasury's Office of Financial Stability from October 2008-May 2009; Assistant Secretary for International Economics (confirmed in summer 2008) Special assistant to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson from 2006-2008. Goldman: Vice President at Goldman Sachs from 2002-2006. Lori E Laudien Government: Former counsel for the Senate Finance Committee in 1996-1997. Goldman: Lobbyist for Goldman since 2005. Arthur Levitt Government: Chairman, SEC 1993-200; Goldman: Advisor to Goldman Sachs (June 2009- present). Philip Murphy Government: U.S. Ambassador to Germany since 2009. Goldman: Former Senior Director of Goldman Sachs where he worked from 1983-2006. Michael Paese Government: Top Staffer to House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank. Goldman: Director of Government Affairs/Lobbyist (2009) Mark Patterson Government: Treasury Department Chief of Staff since February 2009. Goldman: Lobbyist for Goldman Sachs from 2003-2008. Henry "Hank" Paulson Government: Secretary of the Treasury from March 2006 to January 2009; White House Domestic Council, serving as Staff Assistant to the President from 1972 to 1973; Staff Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense at the Pentagon from 1970 to 1972. Goldman: Former Goldman Sachs CEO. Worked at Goldman from 1974-2006. Romano Prodi Government: Two time prime minister of Italy. Goldman: From March 1990 to May 1993 and when not in public office, Mr. Prodi acted as a consultant to Goldman Sachs. Steve Shafran Government: Adviser to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. Goldman: Worked at Goldman from 1993- 2000. Sonal Shah Government: Director, Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation (April 2009); advisory board member Obama-Biden transition Project; former previously held a variety of positions in the Treasury Department from 1995 to early 2002. Goldman: Vice President 2004-2007. Faryar Shirzad Government: Served on the staff of the National Security Council at the White House from March 2003 -August 2006; Assistant Secretary for Import Administration at the U.S. Department of Commerce in the Bush Administration. Goldman: Global head of government affairs (Lobbyist) since 2006. Robert K. Steel Government: Under Secretary for Domestic Finance of the United States Treasury from 2006-08. Goldman: Former Vice Chairman of Goldman Sachs where he worked from 1976-2004. Adam Storch Government: COO of the SEC's Enforcement Division (October 2009-present). He was 29 years old at the time of his appointment. Goldman: Former Vice President at Goldman Sachs where he worked from 2004-2009. Richard Y. Roberts Government: Former SEC commissioner from 1990 to 1995. Goldman: Now working as a principal at RR&G LLC, which was hired by Goldman to lobby on TARP. Robert Rubin Government: Treasury Secretary from 1995-1999; Chairman of the National Economic Council from 1993-1995. Goldman: Former Co-Chairman at Goldman Sachs where he worked from 1966-1992. John Thain Government: CEO President of NYSE (2004-07) Goldman: President and Co- Chief Operating Officer from 1999-2004. Marti Thomas Government: Assistant Secretary in Legal Affairs and Public Policy in 2000. Treasury Department as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tax and Budget from 1998-1999; Executive Floor Assistant to Dick Gephardt from 1989-1998. Goldman: Joined Goldman as the Federal Legislative Affairs Leader from 2007-2009. Massimo Tononi Government: Italian deputy treasury chief from 2006-2008. Goldman: Former Partner at Goldman Sachs from 2004 - 2006. Malcolm Turnbull Government: Member of the Australian House of Representatives since 2004. Goldman: Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs Australia from 1997-2001 and Partner with Goldman Sachs and Co from 1998-2001. Sidney Weinberg Government: Served as Vice-Chair for FDR's War Production Board during World War II. Goldman: Worked at Goldman from 1907-1969, eventually becoming CEO after starting as a $3-a-week janitor's assistant. Kendrick Wilson Government: Advisor to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. Goldman: Senior investment banker at Goldman where he worked from 1998- 2008. Robert Zoellick Government: President of the World Bank since 2007. Goldman: Vice Chairman, International of the Goldman Sachs Group, and a Managing Director and Chairman of Goldman Sachs' Board of International Advisors (2006-07)

On Mon, 26 Aug 2019 01:09:39 +0800 jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
Probably your employer is a university, since the FBI shills mainly shill trooferism,
By the way, only two people on this list devoted around a hundred or more hysterical posts to 'refute' the fact that the US military blew up the so called 'world trade center' in 2001. The two agents who robotically parroted US military propaganda were the narcho-commie, anti-libertarian asshole razer(aka tazer) and....you. You being a far-right americunt jingo and tazer being a far-left americunt jingo. It makes sense for a US military shill like you james to accuse people of being shills...so as to deflect attention from hhe fact that you are a shill. Also, as I mentioned, jim.com has a fair a mount of links to libertarian material and it's clear that james donald never read any of it. My conclusion is that the US government agebnts who employ james donald are also responsible for creating part of 'his' site. Now sonny go back to sucking the cock of your orange trump-sex-doll. Oh yes, you're a trumpo shill as well. ps: considering where the 'loyalty' of agent donald lies, it seems like a good idea to regard any comment on crypto coming from him as highly suspicious.

Probably your employer is a university, since the FBI shills mainly shill trooferism,
On 2019-08-26 4:36 am, Punk wrote:
By the way, only two people on this list devoted around a hundred or more hysterical posts to 'refute' the fact that the US military blew up the so called 'world trade center' in 2001.
The refusal to commit thought crimes is the tell tale giveaway of a shill - it shows he is working on a computer owned by his employer, and that HR can see what he writes. Trooferism is an FBI operation to distract attention from the fact that they ignored the terrorists, being under orders from Mueller to ignore Muslim terrorism even when it got in their faces, and find white male Christian terrorism irrespective of whether it existed or not. You blame the military, because the left hates the military, but you will not blame the FBI, which is the organization that regularly creates fake crimes, and which behaved very suspiciously in ignoring the terrorists. And proof that Troofersim is an FBI shill operation is that Troofers will not criticize Mueller, or suggest his involvement, will not crticize the FBI, despite it being up to its neck in every real deep state conspiracy and they will not commit thought crimes. --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus

Obviously Epstein had a little bit of help in his suicide. From the screaming and the neck injuries, quite a lot of help. And obviously whoever gave him that help had a lot of power, since they got the prison system to cooperate. So, of the many many people who wanted him dead, the people in the best position to do it were the Clintons, who as we have seen in Inspector General Report, still have a lot of pull with the FBI. So, most likely suspect, FBI acting on behalf of the Clintons. That is one conspiracy theory you are not going to hear from Troofers. You should wonder why. --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus

On Mon, 26 Aug 2019 08:43:32 +0800 jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
You blame the military, because the left hates the military,
1) any decent person hates the military 2) all libertarians hate the military (corollary : 'libertarians' who don't hate the mlitary are fake libertarians) 3) the american left DOESN|T hate the military at all. The demrats(the party of slavery) are as militaristic as the rethuglicans. (We've established that in your deranged mind 'left' means silicon valley billionaires, so I'm playing along)
but you will not blame the FBI,
let me state the painfully obvious : the fbi, cia, nsa or any other soup letter 'agencies' that are part of the american mafia are co-conspirators. I don't need to 'blame' them one by one, ALL of them are part of the gang and all of them played their part.
Obviously Epstein had a little bit of help in his suicide.
and who says he's dead? Oh yeah. Your government. And no doubt you believe what the FBI says =)

Obviously Epstein had a little bit of help in his suicide.
On 2019-08-26 11:09 am, Punk wrote:
and who says he's dead?
If he is not dead, he is being tortured to reveal the locations of his stash of blackmail data, and will be killed when he reveals it. You are blowing smoke to direct attention to anyone other than the Clintons and the FBI. #ClintonBodyCount There are a whole lot of odd and suspicious deaths of people that the Clintons had reason to get rid of, Epstein's death being the most suspicious one yet. Epstein is dead, because people inconvenient to the Clintons tend to wind up dead. The criticism of #ClintonBodyCount is that this would require a vast and improbably competent criminal conspiracy. The FBI is vast, and you don't need to be competent in committing crimes if you have the FBI and the Justice Department in your pocket. Notice that the FBI is investigating Epstein in a manner that reveals it does not want to discover anything about his death. The striking difference between the way Barr is investigating, and the way the FBI is investigating, suggests FBI involvement in Epstein's suicide. The Justice Department was obviously in the Clintons' pocket until Barr was appointed, hence competent murder was not a requirement. You are blowing smoke in every direction other than the obvious and most likely direction. --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus

On 2019-08-27 2:49 pm, jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
Obviously Epstein had a little bit of help in his suicide.
On 2019-08-26 11:09 am, Punk wrote:
and who says he's dead?
If he is not dead, he is being tortured to reveal the locations of his stash of blackmail data, and will be killed when he reveals it.
You are blowing smoke in every direction to direct attention to anyone > other than the Clintons and the FBI.
Knowing bad things about the Clintons appears to be quite dangerous for one's health: https://lasvegas.cbslocal.com/2016/08/10/the-list-of-clinton-associates-whov... Obviously, if these deaths, or many of them, are caused by the Clintons, they could only get away with it if the FBI and the Justice Department were in their pocket. And events in the first year of the Trump presidency demonstrate that the FBI and the Justice Department were indeed in the Clinton's pocket. --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus

On Tue, 27 Aug 2019 14:49:50 +0800 jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
Obviously Epstein had a little bit of help in his suicide.
On 2019-08-26 11:09 am, Punk wrote:
and who says he's dead?
If he is not dead, he is being tortured
LMAO. He's not dead. He's on some island in the caribbean.
to reveal the locations of his stash of blackmail data,
Now that's kinda interesting and 'on topic'. You think a supreme scumbag like epstein who stole some 1000 millions didn't have some sort of 'contingency plan'? Some automated mechanism to publish data if/when he had some sort of 'accident'?
and will be killed when he reveals it.
You are blowing smoke to direct attention to anyone other than the Clintons and the FBI.
You are just parroting what the FBI says. Now, I think the clintons should be beaten to death, just like the orange monkey whose cock you constantly suck. That's the difference between a rethuglican partisan(you) and a libertarian. So please cut the crap. You're not talking to your pals the demrats. If the only thing you can do is parrot trumpist talking points, then shut the fuck up.
There are a whole lot of odd and suspicious deaths of people that the Clintons had reason to get rid of, Epstein's death being the most suspicious one yet.
Epstein is dead,
says the FBI and the retards who parrot what the FBI says.

On August 27, 2019 12:13:51 AM PDT, Punk <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
On Tue, 27 Aug 2019 14:49:50 +0800 douchebag wrote:
Obviously Epstein had a little bit of help in his suicide.
On 2019-08-26 11:09 am, Punk wrote:
and who says he's dead?
If he is not dead, he is being tortured
LMAO. He's not dead. He's on some island in the caribbean.
to reveal the locations of his stash of blackmail data,
Now that's kinda interesting and 'on topic'. You think a supreme scumbag like epstein who stole some 1000 millions didn't have some sort of 'contingency plan'? Some automated mechanism to publish data if/when he had some sort of 'accident'?
and will be killed when he reveals it.
You are blowing smoke to direct attention to anyone other than the Clintons and the FBI.
You are just parroting what the FBI says.
Now, I think the clintons should be beaten to death, just like the orange monkey whose cock you constantly suck. That's the difference between a rethuglican partisan(you) and a libertarian.
So please cut the crap. You're not talking to your pals the demrats. If the only thing you can do is parrot trumpist talking points, then shut the fuck up.
There are a whole lot of odd and suspicious deaths of people that the
Clintons had reason to get rid of, Epstein's death being the most suspicious one yet.
Epstein is dead,
says the FBI and the retards who parrot what the FBI says.
No. He's dead. They broke all the rules to put him, a pedobear, in general population for a bit and he saw what his life was going to be like as a fucktoy for Bubba and every gang member in prison and the high flying pimp who in reality wasn't much different than Charlie Manson checked out. Most likely self-garrotted. Even if his clothing was made of paper he could still do that by braiding a few strips. Now Kashoggi... He's alive. Too high value in the CIA's Islamist handling department with an uncle who has had long deep connections to US intel... Rr Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice with K-9 Mail

On 2019-08-27 3:13 pm, Punk wrote:
You are just parroting what the FBI says.
What I say, and what you will not say is that the number one suspect in the Epstein assisted suicide is the FBI acting on behalf of the Clintons. And what I say, and what you will not say is that a civilian airliner crashed into the two towers and into the pentagon, and the FBI and Mueller was complicit in that in that it turned a blind eye to the terrorists. And what I say is that you are a shill, and everything you write has to be acceptable to the Human Resources of the organization that is paying you to shill - for if you were not supervised by an organization with a Human Resources Department, you would be able to commit thought crimes. --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus
participants (3)