Peaceful transition - THREAD - [PEACE] [AND] [POPCORN]

The show begins peepo - time for more Bilal Göregen polkka :) Y'all held the line admirably ... mostly :D ... so take heart, keep heart, and seriously, at this stage bunker down for at LEAST a week, specially all yuse yankee patriots - defend your castle and your loved ones, stay out of harms way, let the national guardsmen do their work. DC National Guard Chief Has Everyone Asking: Did He Just Say “Transition TO Military Power”? … He just said it!!!! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻😃😃😃😃😃👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 Head of DC National Guard, Major General William Walker: "25,000 National Guardsmen have come in from all 50 states to help support the Secret Service and the police departments with a peaceful transition to military power.” — 💞Lulu B💞 (@luluburt14) January 18, 2021 ... [ Nope, he didn't say "transition to military power", he said "peaceful transition to military power" ;) ]

Some pics have him with his ear lobe attached to his skanky face, some detached. When arrests start, need a plan for handling the real vs double... One assumes the SS are onto this.

Keep the faith, in God we trust. If you need an upper, X22 has the good stuff: Ep 2383b – Military Control, 11.3 Verifies As 1st Marker, Think Illegitimate … # youtube-dl \ -o X22Report-ep2383b-MilitaryControl--h5Ztb.caa.1-h5Ztb.caa.1.mp4 [Think: Flynn gave us the heads ups...]

On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 12:53:50PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Keep the faith, in God we trust.
If you need an upper, X22 has the good stuff:
Ep 2383b – Military Control, 11.3 Verifies As 1st Marker, Think Illegitimate
… # youtube-dl \ -o X22Report-ep2383b-MilitaryControl--h5Ztb.caa.1-h5Ztb.caa.1.mp4
[Think: Flynn gave us the heads ups...]
For many (especially) North Americans, this journey is often painful emotionally. Normies just joining us and those who crack when the uncertainty just becomes too much, may need your calm, your assistance in the face of their shock and pain when reality comes knocking. The dive down the rabbit hole tends to get deeper and deeper and can overwhelm. As layers upon layers of truth are uncovered, confronted arises. As the old meme goes, the more truth one discovers, the more insane you appear to your (often now 'old') friends. Our battle is to stand in the face of an evil which is very deep and very wide. What we thought might have been a 150 pound gorilla, turned out to be a family of 600 pound gorillas apparently lead by Satan himself, and yet here's the question each must face: what else am I going to do anyway - STOP standing against this evil? Go BACK to watching CNN? As events unfold, notwithstanding any outcome ("good" or "bad"), folks are inherently forced to face their very existence: if I don't stand against this, can I live with myself? This for some becomes extremely personally confronting. They often lash out, even at the one(s) who brought the awareness of the problem to them (easy target, since you demonstrated you have at least SOME discermment/trust, so for them you are now "a safe target" to lash out at; strange but true nature of humans…). Your stand in and of itself eventually gives rise to a dignity not previously known (for most) - finding that part of you that will finally say "enough is enough, I WILL do something about this" is a great place for folks to get to. Yes the sense of being betrayed, and actual betrayal, is one of the harshest teachers. But in this journey we are not the first, and we are not alone. We are discovering one another, many like minded Souls and "You Shall Not Pass!" red lines within ourselves, but also fellow travellers in this journey, as well as the flakes who expect or demand perfection from us and from others, which is prima facie ridiculous but again is the nature of humans. Go easy on yourself too... The biggest problems need the biggest solutions, and in the middle of war, which we are truly in, sometimes pawns are sacrificed. Think of the interruption and potential destruction to (very) long laid plans (the very future of the world of man) that some (ab)used "fist raising commies" could bring were they not otherwise distracted during a critical few days... and even also possible final unknowns unfolding - if YOU were making keystone decisions surely YOU would take all precautions? So give solace to those in need, and as the chela/student in training (aren't we all?) have patience with those who lash out at alleged "failure". This brief time in history is ultimately -very- healthy in a spiritual sense for "the average slowly waking up soccer mum and BBQ dad" - so "cutting 'em off forever more" might just create more pain, so perhaps consider where possible a touch of empathy or sympathy. And know that -your- greatest journey is not this external one... your Creator and heaven is found only within, all external successes and failures are imposters to the Soul. My maker, thank you for my life. Thank you for my mother and thank you for my father, and thank you for this experiential journey, my life. Bring your justice into this world, that evil be banished and that your heaven be brought to this Earth. Bring forth your justice that the innocent may be saved from despotism and that evil be vanquished in the sight of men. My pain within, I surrender it to you that you may receive my sacrifice for the upliftment of this world. Keep me strong in truth, justice and righeousness, in the face of my human frailty and failures. In the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, Amen

On 2021-01-19 12:23, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
[ Nope, he didn't say "transition to military power", he said "peaceful transition to military power" ;) ]
We are going to get a Napoleon eventually, and the sooner the better, but I regret that a transition to military power is probably premature. Everyone in the deep state thinks that with democratically elected president out of the way, they will be running the country, but there are far too many of them, they are all going to cut a deal with the radical left, and they are all going to find themselves with the short end of the stick.

On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 08:38:46PM +1000, wrote:
On 2021-01-19 12:23, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
[ Nope, he didn't say "transition to military power", he said "peaceful transition to military power" ;) ]
We are going to get a Napoleon eventually, and the sooner the better, but I regret that a transition to military power is probably premature.
Everyone in the deep state thinks that with democratically elected president out of the way, they will be running the country, but there are far too many of them, they are all going to cut a deal with the radical left, and they are all going to find themselves with the short end of the stick.
Welllp... For starters I have to technically concede to Punk, in that 20th Jan 2021 did not play out as I believed it would, Trump was not inaugurated yesterday, to the shock of many including (for the first few painful hours) myself. Holding faith during such dark nights is not easy... On the other hand, Flynn gave us 30 days starting 31 Dec 2021, and a few other tidbits are leaking out (blue sky security fencing), so we have about a week for that time frame. I remain very hopeful. If this be so, then it will soon be seen that Trump played a much bigger game than we all imagined, and rather than defeating just Biden and a few other swamp creatures, he put ALL the chips on the table, constitution, currencies, everything. And in this case, we're talking 4th March 2021 inauguration for Trump, and a great reset, only a great reset which is actually in the interests of all people - the world over. If this be true, we are blessed beyond what any of us deserves.

Massive hat tip to Biden's campaign to support the US troops and national guard protecting his sorry arse at the <ahem/> White House <cough/> by ordering about 5000 of them OUT of the White House and onto a cold ... cement ... underground ... lifeless and bare carpark - to sleep, and with only ONE power outlet and ONE toilet. Speaking of random acts of brutal plausility... well played, "Biden" :D Well fire trucking played muh grits. We bow in gratitude… Spectacular in fact. Tommy Strikes - trolling beyond belief. Now speaking of Tommy Strikes and those micro-unmentionables and off the charts blackmail rumours - HOLY JESUS FIRETRUCKING CHRIST!! Losing Cali wouldn't be the greatest loss but we can certainly understand the sanctity of human life which our side at least holds to... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Seriously now folks, y'all need to pray - every fricken day!!! This be one muffaDUCKa!!!!! The best is yet to come...

On 2021-01-21 22:01, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
For starters I have to technically concede to Punk, in that 20th Jan 2021 did not play out as I believed it would, Trump was not inaugurated yesterday, to the shock of many including (for the first few painful hours) myself. Holding faith during such dark nights is not easy...
We were screwed on January 6th when Trump abandoned his forces. For us to win, Trump needed to proclaim the insurrection act before January 6th and start organizing the unorganized militia.

On Sat, Jan 23, 2021 at 12:22:56PM +1000, wrote:
On 2021-01-21 22:01, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
For starters I have to technically concede to Punk, in that 20th Jan 2021 did not play out as I believed it would, Trump was not inaugurated yesterday, to the shock of many including (for the first few painful hours) myself. Holding faith during such dark nights is not easy...
We were screwed on January 6th when Trump abandoned his forces.
For us to win, Trump needed to proclaim the insurrection act before January 6th and start organizing the unorganized militia.
Ladies and gentlemen, Trump won the 2020 USA election, and he won the game from heaven a few years ago. A little primer has just been put together. It'll blow your mind: What you didn't know about our President Donald John Trump. Because they hid it from you! We are indeed blessed. And I never thought I'd be saying this: hat tip to MbS - yes, Mohammad bin Salman of the House of Saud. We can rest assured, a fantastic new day is not far away now a the last of the clean up is done. Peace all, this is a great day, and we are truly blessed to have Donald John Trump at the helm.

On Mon, 25 Jan 2021 07:51:28 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> vomited :
A little primer has just been put together. It'll blow your mind:
What you didn't know about our President Donald John Trump. Because they hid it from you!
the problem with you harnkess is that you are an evil asshole. Like the rest of trumpofascists of course.

some selected comments on the king of trumpofascists : "Trump is a rich guy from New York. He’s President of the United States, the most powerful person in the world. If he isn’t in the Ruling Class, who is? " "Trump doing justice? The man’s too busy carrying bucket-loads of water to Occupied Palestine shores." "They are still betting on the orange kike because the shame of being wrong and punished (again) is too immense." "The most Trump ever does is tweet, “Somebody should do something!” as if he’s not the president. Four years to get ahead of voter fraud and start investigating his (and our) enemies but golfed instead. " "Unfortunately, tweeting is what the Orange Orangutan does best and is passionate about next to serving the interests of Israel" "Both Assange and Snowden are anathema to the Deep State and that is a great tool for its destruction. But since Trump is a minion of the Deep State…I doubt he will pardon them. " "After reading comments here, I have to conclude that the USA is one of the most corrupt country in the World!"

On 2021-01-25 06:51, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Sat, Jan 23, 2021 at 12:22:56PM +1000, wrote:
On 2021-01-21 22:01, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
For starters I have to technically concede to Punk, in that 20th Jan 2021 did not play out as I believed it would, Trump was not inaugurated yesterday, to the shock of many including (for the first few painful hours) myself. Holding faith during such dark nights is not easy...
We were screwed on January 6th when Trump abandoned his forces.
For us to win, Trump needed to proclaim the insurrection act before January 6th and start organizing the unorganized militia.
Ladies and gentlemen, Trump won the 2020 USA election, and he won the game from heaven a few years ago.
A little primer has just been put together. It'll blow your mind:
What you didn't know about our President Donald John Trump. Because they hid it from you!
We are indeed blessed.
And I never thought I'd be saying this: hat tip to MbS - yes, Mohammad bin Salman of the House of Saud.
We can rest assured, a fantastic new day is not far away now a the last of the clean up is done.
Peace all, this is a great day, and we are truly blessed to have Donald John Trump at the helm.
We are screwed. We did not get the leadership we needed. No one else is going to save us, and we cannot save ourselves without a leader.

On Mon, 25 Jan 2021 15:23:34 +1000 wrote:
We are screwed. We did not get the leadership we needed. No one else is going to save us, and we cannot save ourselves without a leader.
that's right. You need your boss to tell you when you should go to the bathroom and how to make a pencil. That's how Capitalistic Civilization works.

Our education be speedin up. Yo ;) Spirit Science 12 The Human History Movie-_gtSKhcrqzI # ~1hr

Taking first the following from the bible about your cup runneth over: Cup Runneth Over Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Psalm 23:1-6 A Psalm of David. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. ... Questions: Could the cup overflowing have something to do with the kundalini? Could the "oil" be the sacred fluid originating from the pineal gland? When that fluid descends to the coccyx, and then rises back up, which vertebrae or other part of the brain is represented in the phrase the "cup overflowing"? Could it be that these "allegorical" phrases were used by Jesus because they did not at that time have words to describe (at least to the average person) the specific separate components of the brain? Could it be that the old and often joked about phrase from ministers to "stop it or you'll go blind", actually be some basic good advice in relation to achieving a certain ability of higher perception which most humans are currently not familiar with? Notwithstanding the specific Soul "Jesus Christ" or "Jesus the Christ" or "Jesus of the Christ", could Christ be a state of consciousness which we, through certain practices and austerities, are able to personally experience? Could this be what is loosely referred to as "a personal relationship with Christ" - that is, personally experiencing "the Christ state of consciousness"? Could it be that Jesus Christ was the first "manifestation" of the Christ in our era (13,000 year period), analogous to Krishna ("Krsta") in the previous period? Could it be that Jesus, in Christ consciousness, chose to live somewhat as Noah, Solomon and others of earier times did to a much older age (Noah allegedly to ~900 years), and is still in fact alive today? Just a few qwestions fo y'all ;)

There are more and more amazing, "out there", stunning possibilities for our collective future being bandied about. Next you're on TG, search for Hall Of Records. We are in a pivotal moment. Manifest love, creativity, connection with one another. Just think frens: the Star Trek era is ushering in, which is abundance previously (to normies) literally inconceivable. For those who are "out there" challenged, you can know this: in the VERY LEAST, the age of robotics (assuming we halt AI which either binds to consciousness, or becomes fully self reflective and wipes us out) means essentilly no one needs to work. You wanna go to shops? UBI will cover it. You prefer to grow your own veggies? No problems at all! When everything is "otherwise taken care of", a next challenge we face is how to maintain interest in life and advance ourselves. Start contemplating. Find your rocks, your answers for purpose and meaning in your life. Imagine utopia of great relationships, purpose and meaning in life. Seriously y'all, if you ain't in the loop - GET IN THE LOOP! There is a fantastic awakening happening on a daily basis! So seize your God given right and become a part of our future, right now. Read, listen, ask, chat, evolve, love. Fren, if you ain't done so, show up - you gonna be amazed ...

On Tue, Feb 02, 2021 at 05:47:21AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
There are more and more amazing, "out there", stunning possibilities for our collective future being bandied about.
Next you're on TG, search for Hall Of Records.
We are in a pivotal moment.
Manifest love, creativity, connection with one another.
Just think frens: the Star Trek era is ushering in, which is abundance previously (to normies) literally inconceivable.
For those who are "out there" challenged, you can know this: in the VERY LEAST, the age of robotics (assuming we halt AI which either binds to consciousness, or becomes fully self reflective and wipes us out) means essentilly no one needs to work.
You wanna go to shops? UBI will cover it. You prefer to grow your own veggies? No problems at all!
When everything is "otherwise taken care of", a next challenge we face is how to maintain interest in life and advance ourselves.
Start contemplating. Find your rocks, your answers for purpose and meaning in your life.
Imagine utopia of great relationships, purpose and meaning in life.
Seriously y'all, if you ain't in the loop - GET IN THE LOOP! There is a fantastic awakening happening on a daily basis!
So seize your God given right and become a part of our future, right now. Read, listen, ask, chat, evolve, love.
Fren, if you ain't done so, show up - you gonna be amazed ...
Some will struggle with this one, but hear this truth: "star trek"'s med beds are here, now, in this physical world! Full disclosure is coming, it is happening - all the despotic CIA programs, and all the good stuff too... Jump in, this water's awesome

People are waking up. Frens everywhere. Apu IS logos. Pepe BE logos. World looking beautiful, fren. People Are Finally Waking Up & Seinfeld is Horrifying | Owen Benjamin [alt:] People Are Finally Waking Up & Seinfeld is Horrifying | Owen Benjamin Logos Rising - Owen Benjamin Videos Owen Benjamin Philosophy

The storm is upon us, justice is coming: 93_executions-treason_in_the_US--video_2021-02-04_16-11-32.mp4 # ~5:20 # 93 of the 99 United States Senators voted to certify a fraudulent election of the Presidency. # This was an act of treason punishable by death. # 18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason # The following members of congress will be publicly executed in front of the American people by the United States Military. ... Pray for their Souls and leave the justive to God as the US military sends them to him for their ultimate judgement. Be at peace my friends - PANIC in D.C. - Patriots Are Now In Control May you find that which your Soul seeks for you.

On Thu, Feb 04, 2021 at 09:56:50PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
The storm is upon us, justice is coming:
93_executions-treason_in_the_US--video_2021-02-04_16-11-32.mp4 # ~5:20
# 93 of the 99 United States Senators voted to certify a fraudulent election of the Presidency. # This was an act of treason punishable by death. # 18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason # The following members of congress will be publicly executed in front of the American people by the United States Military. ...
Pray for their Souls and leave the justive to God as the US military sends them to him for their ultimate judgement.
Be at peace my friends - PANIC in D.C. - Patriots Are Now In Control
May you find that which your Soul seeks for you.
Watch the end of the second quater of the SuperBowl folksies - the show just might begin. Our Euro brethren seem to know more than we do :D <most satisfying, content and peaceful Kek smile> Get right with your Soul folks - as the age ole saying goes, go within... heaven is within. God is pleased with the righteous who seek justice.

On Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 03:55:11AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Our education be speedin up.
Yo ;)
Spirit Science 12 The Human History Movie-_gtSKhcrqzI # ~1hr
It's ON muffaduckas - get up to speed: Jesus is with ORITQ TIME TO WAKE UP 480p-nM9AYw62LFo # ~40mins -f18 is ~90MiB Enjoy your mind being blown frens,

On Sat, Feb 06, 2021 at 04:59:46PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 03:55:11AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Our education be speedin up.
Yo ;)
Spirit Science 12 The Human History Movie-_gtSKhcrqzI # ~1hr
It's ON muffaduckas - get up to speed:
Jesus is with ORITQ TIME TO WAKE UP 480p-nM9AYw62LFo # ~40mins -f18 is ~90MiB
Enjoy your mind being blown frens,
Here is her previous vid, which also links to her 'tube channel so you can subscribe: Farewell YouTube, HELLO 5D EARTH-07ENgLxWpcU

On Sat, Jan 23, 2021 at 12:22:56PM +1000, wrote:
On 2021-01-21 22:01, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
For starters I have to technically concede to Punk, in that 20th Jan 2021 did not play out as I believed it would, Trump was not inaugurated yesterday, to the shock of many including (for the first few painful hours) myself. Holding faith during such dark nights is not easy...
We were screwed on January 6th when Trump abandoned his forces.
For us to win, Trump needed to proclaim the insurrection act before January 6th and start organizing the unorganized militia.
Many of us agree that his Insurrection Act/ martial law declaration, ought to have been overt public, not covert. Perhaps ego? IDK. In any case, it's a mistake now made...

Buffalo Horn guy from Capitol Riot reveals as Military Special Ops-eyojuzOeZ2T2.mp4 # ~100MiB Courtesy Project Camelot (banned on Twatter, so Telegram for now). Buffalo Guy's rumble: Free energy and space travel patents and more... enjoy,

As you get up to speed with the Adrenochrome industrial scale 'harvesting', Jack Ma and a seemingly endless strind of celebrities from Cher to Howie Mandel, staying up to speed with this "conspiracy" theory will likely reduce your shock as this trickle of both facts and suppositions turns into a torrent of unsealings of court cases (many indictments listed below in summary) and which can literally lead to feeling physically ill, and for those way behind the 8-ball, can lead to apparrent insanity and consequent voluntary and/or involuntary commitment to a psychiatric institution (if you've experienced or seriously considered doing so, you shall be able to have empathy for those who follow, otherwise at least a little sympathy). Stay sane folks, this is only just beginning for most folks, and the 100th monkey has yet to kick in, and when it does, an avalanche of confront, upset, shock, anger and all around Soul searching is gonna kick in for literally millions of fellow humans. Some may quite literally need your support - remember the most effective is usually just a sympathetic listening ear with quiet and gentle nods - just enough to let them know, we're all in this together. Peace, P.S. for those who pray, please pray for the heads of the hydra to be made known to our patriot super soldiers and seals, that this war may finally be brought to a definitive end. Alternatively, your gentle contemplation may be sufficient to bring forth into your own awareness certain key facts or possibilities, in which case share that either here or on your preferred social media to get the ideas out there, to help bring forth closure and righteous justice in the sight of us all. Thank you very much.

On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 02:02:12AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
As you get up to speed with the Adrenochrome industrial scale 'harvesting', Jack Ma and a seemingly endless strind of celebrities from Cher to Howie Mandel, staying up to speed with this "conspiracy" theory will likely reduce your shock as this trickle of both facts and suppositions turns into a torrent of unsealings of court cases (many indictments listed below in summary) and which can literally lead to feeling physically ill, and for those way behind the 8-ball, can lead to apparrent insanity and consequent voluntary and/or involuntary commitment to a psychiatric institution (if you've experienced or seriously considered doing so, you shall be able to have empathy for those who follow, otherwise at least a little sympathy).
Stay sane folks, this is only just beginning for most folks, and the 100th monkey has yet to kick in, and when it does, an avalanche of confront, upset, shock, anger and all around Soul searching is gonna kick in for literally millions of fellow humans.
Some may quite literally need your support - remember the most effective is usually just a sympathetic listening ear with quiet and gentle nods - just enough to let them know, we're all in this together.
P.S. for those who pray, please pray for the heads of the hydra to be made known to our patriot super soldiers and seals, that this war may finally be brought to a definitive end. Alternatively, your gentle contemplation may be sufficient to bring forth into your own awareness certain key facts or possibilities, in which case share that either here or on your preferred social media to get the ideas out there, to help bring forth closure and righteous justice in the sight of us all. Thank you very much.
The first comment on this one is pure gold muh whigs :D TheStorm Ishere Jan 22, 2021 at 3:12 pm This is one mindfuck of an article. I believe every last thing thats written here, problem i have is digesting and registering it all. Everything we know, every last thing has been a lie. Our childhood heroes are villainous monsters that take pleasure in showing off to the world how fucked up they are. Thing is I cant even tell anyone about this because they’re nowhere near ready and will pronounce me as one cooked unit. But I need to get the word out. All aboard the TRUMP TRAIN. FKN CHOO CHOO!!!!! PPS: yes at this late stage of the game, many 'tubes and images are now missing, which is very unfortunate - but many are still there. Sadly whoever assembled this used many embedded links and failed to include local copies/backups etc. Failed Rule #1 of reporting - always make a local copy.

Why is Alice Cooper not on the Gitmo list?

For those who might be a little overwhelmed with what they are learning in these days, perhaps a soul cookie is in order.. Girl waves at police officer through her window every day… Then he decides to check her house…

On Fri, 29 Jan 2021 01:14:01 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Girl waves at police officer through her window every day… Then he decides to check her house…
lawl, now you are posting cop's cock sucking propaganda. What the fuck is wrong is you. On the other hand thanks, you keep revealing your true colors.

On Fri, Jan 29, 2021 at 01:14:07AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
For those who might be a little overwhelmed with what they are learning in these days, perhaps a soul cookie is in order..
Girl waves at police officer through her window every day… Then he decides to check her house…
Making this world a better place, step by little step: 'HELP!' Stray Cat Pleads For Helping His Friend Be Treated (Part 2) _ Animal in Crisis EP104-3lQaMypcyqc

The Sacred Secret of The Christ Within Presented by Santos Bonacci-pv7zvoL--qA # ~24mins, ~50MiB

P.S. for those who pray, please pray for the heads of the hydra to be made known to our patriot super soldiers and seals, that this war may finally be brought to a definitive end. Alternatively, your gentle contemplation may be sufficient to bring forth into your own awareness certain key facts or possibilities, in which case share that either here or on your preferred social media to get the ideas out there, to help bring forth closure and righteous justice in the sight of us all. Thank you very much.
Head of the hydra muffa's. Giraffed be all Sheeeeeeit! You/we are more free than we have ever been. Frens, envision, and create (y)our world, it's a rather nice world. Plenty memes doin the rounds on TG folks, enjoy :) And some music (and rescued chillun back in the day) for y'all. Peace, Same song, three versions - indulge in love, frens :) Michael Franti & Spearhead - Say Hey I Love You

TFW you listen to the boppy Dance Monkey mega hit by self made Aussie singer "Tones and I", and in the light of Q's essential and precautionary global lockdown and subsequent events (ahem, sorry I mean "conspiracies", yeah that's it...), you listen to Tones' Dance Monkey words quite literally and cry inside as her childhood reality hits.. Well, at least it could be heard that way... and her backstory could still of course be entirely true, just incomplete, one where that fateful Byron Bay evening brought forth certain childhood memories, and thankfully for her, she was finally able to transform the pain into a hit song. Tones, you take care now ya beautiful Soul. We praying for you, we love you for who you are. #PrayForTones

If the Orion Kings do in fact arrive in your reality, that is a very bad sign of bad things to come. They are not our friends. Be warned. Discerning truth: Lin Wood, [05.02.21 06:52] We are living in extraordinary times. Many are struggling to figure out who to trust and who not to trust? Who speaks truth and who spreads lies? Who is good and who is bad? Who is of sound mind and who is “crazy?” The enemy will try to deceive you. The enemy will falsely portray the trustworthy as untrustworthy, the truth-giver as a liar, the good person as a bad person, the sound minded as “crazy.” In reaching a conclusion about a person through the haze of deception, here are some practical tips: 1. Always consider the entire body of a person’s life work. Do some research from reliable sources. Think for yourself. 2. Determine whether a person’s positions are consistent with his or her life’s work? Watch out if there are significant inconsistencies. 3. Use your common sense. Does the accusation make sense? If not, watch out. And always remember that nonsense is nonsense! 4. Analyze the motivation and goals of the accused person. Is that person working for his or her good or for the good of others? 5. Analyze who is taking personal risks in asserting his or her position. The accuser or the accused? 6. Trust your instincts. 7. Today’s world requires the exercise of a high level of discernment. Best direction in exercising discernment comes from God. Pray and ask Jesus who to believe. He knows the answer. Listen and He will tell you. Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸 Update from the Netherlands: This is from the Netherlands. Europe knows more about what’s going on here than we do. It's done. Deep State collapses. The Best is coming NOW The official announcement of martial law and a legitimate military government, in effect since 12:00 AM on January 20, 2021, was made on Friday, January 29 at 6:00 PM EST (11:00 PM GMT). The official announcement of Biden's arrest along with 355 congressmen and 109 senators (464 elected) on January 24 and 25 was made on Sunday, January 31 at 4:35 PM EST (10:35 PM GMT - 11:35 PM Amsterdam / Brussels / Paris). These announcements were made on the dates and hours above to all American media (televisions, radios and national newspapers) and to all world news outlets. As expected by the legitimate military government that runs America, as well as Trump and Qforce, this official information was 100% censored by all official world media. The US military government knew this and wanted it that way. As with Biden and his party's coup d'état, the legitimate US government is allowing the US media to commit widespread treason by having them censor the legitimate government's official statements about measures of national security and immediate danger to the American nation. The Illuminati media of the 4th Reich have all fallen into a trap. Now the legitimate military government can take over (provisional) control of all such terrorist media whenever it wants, as dictated by law and the US Constitution. The US military government will take control (by force) of all official media (radios, televisions, newspapers) across the United States this Friday, February 5 at 6:00 pm EST (11:00 pm GMT or midnight in Amsterdam / Brussels / Paris). This includes the acquisition of all US channels on the broadcast satellites that broadcast live in Europe. This also means that all Europeans with a satellite reception antenna who receive US channels can no longer be censored and will therefore find out the truth from Friday evening February 5, 2021. Among other things, the US military will be obliged to broadcast on all these American mass media the revelations about Biden's coup d'état, his arrest with elected officials on Sunday, January 24 and Monday, January 25 ... Finally, on February 12, the US military government will officially (evidence submitted to all world governments and to the press internationally) publish all evidence of the conspiracy committed by the French, Chinese and other governments to create a false global epidemic. to overthrow the US government. This by ruining its economy and by destroying the entire world economy. It is an act of war that gives, among other things, the legitimate right of the US government to overthrow the Macron government and any other terrorist government.

On 2/5/21, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
If the Orion Kings do in fact arrive in your reality, that is a very bad sign of bad things to come.
If you bump into anyone or anything who is dangerously powerful, the thing to do is to put as many resources as possible into constantly teaching them to do things that help the situation be safer and better for everybody, and get them doing that themself to others. 💧2843 (02/20/19) - FEAR. The fun begins directly after. Will make the Super Bowl look like a puppy show.

cymatics Dr Emoto - water, consciousness and intent intention frequencies love manifestation Stars are not what you think they are [find it] "No matter what timeline they want us to manifest, we must always hold a space for the world we want. This is how we control our own consciousness." create our world

On Sat, Feb 06, 2021 at 06:57:23PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Dr Emoto - water, consciousness and intent
Stars are not what you think they are [find it]
"No matter what timeline they want us to manifest, we must always hold a space for the world we want. This is how we control our own consciousness."
create our world
Seeking for a voice in this time, consider Peace,

On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 01:23:44PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
The show begins peepo - time for more Bilal Göregen polkka :)
Here's a riddle for ya, frens: When is a diamond shaped dark cloud hovering motionless (!) over the Whitehouse, a UFO? A hint is in the attachment ;)

On Mon, Feb 08, 2021 at 12:50:27PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 01:23:44PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
The show begins peepo - time for more Bilal Göregen polkka :)
Here's another riddle for us: When are TWO diamond shaped dark clouds hovering motionless (!) over the Whitehouse, UFOs? Another hint attached.

An oldie but goodie: How To REPROGRAM Your Mind - Dr. Bruce Lipton-e71exrhEBQc # ~15mins Apropos about now...

Imagine a book laying out eternal truths in word-mem format, allegories and mischievous parable, still short and sweet, leaving you clubbed yet wisting for more? By the Blessings of the great Blessing machine in the non-sky, your imagination is born: Bronze Age Mindset, by Bronze Age Pervert ( And for those who prefer pdf, you might install Calibre and run something like: ebook-convert file.epub out.pdf And for an ascension overview: Oh, and for the time being, though there is unfortunately some censorship still, there's still a lot more free communication than on Satan's platforms: Though ascension the intention, the journey is ultimately an a barn dance (abundance) of possibilities from intentional communities to metaphorical volcanoes to turf oneself into to forge ya Soul muffaducka :) Willingly face your burden, take it up on your shoulders and hobble and shuffle along, one mangey step at a time if you have to. Your burden might be immediate such as your health, or another step out as a problem for a loved one which you ought help with. Do it. Not because there's any promise of success, but because we all desperatly want to cheer you on and celebrate your having a go. Do it because it's the right thing to do, even when there ain't a cheer squad watching you. Do what needs to be done. Enjoy the ride and create our world pepes,
participants (4)
Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0
Zenaan Harkness