Privacy has always been a fight against rulers and funders

Verifying US-UK concordance, with FBI head, Director of NSA said much the same as GCHQ to the US Chamber of Commerce on October 28, 2014: These heads of spy and LE agencies are proposing that companies and citizens continue to serve and become spies, agents, informers, coverts in mirroring their enemies of their security states. And not only are asking for patriotic volunteers by sticks of fear and aiding the enemy but contracting for services by carrots of privileged briefings, access, profits and tax write-offs. No wonder oligarchs are increasing and are rushing to aid and abet spies in all countries. Will First Look's Racket magazine come to life to join The Intercept, so buzzworthily named to fit what they do: front for First Look Media's invention and distribution of comsec products which if true to the ancients' practice will spy on the populace with everylasting panoptic look. This is hardly new, indeed is as old as governments and their precursor "lawful" rulers of the populace which cannot be trusted with anarchic self-rule, much less armed with treasonous cryptoanarchy for absolute right to privacy from rulers. Even this list of rogues was founded and struggles to survive on its impossible mission to resist this ancient history and current fervor of duplicity and dual-use of the ever growing family of securities -- personal, home, clan, region, nation, global, religion, ideology -- deployed to simultaneously attack and protect the populace by declaring who is insider and who is outsider, take your pick, save your life. Us or them. Divide and conquer. Praise and smear. Lop heads and drone. Imprison and exile. Significantly for this clan, comsec remains an essential tool for attacking and protecting. It annoys the masters of comsec no end for rogues to mess with their command and control communications and ubiquitous civic spying operations. It requires recruitment of comsec rogues to mess with rogues, as amply demonstrated here and other security fora where coders and hackers are prime candidates for quietly switching sides, remaining in place, covertly informing, sabotaging, implanting, faulting, I/O erroring, pretending opposition to the state, stashing their fees, teaching cryptology, advising NGOs, counseling dissidents, whistling Dixie for media and audiences, advocating openness, disclosing shallow vulns to hide the deeper. This list goes on, as evidenced here and on the gobs of freedom of information outlets which have spread as widely as the Internet, black net, deep net, chats, OTRs, Tor, and now cellphone webs and swarms of earnest instigators indistinguishable from TLAs taking 100% and giving back at best 50%, with bountiful support from freedom-loving oligarchs, soliciting volunteers, paying overseers of volunteers, accruing profits by shifting taxation to the populace for their protection and spying on it to assure system security, oiled with bounties, bonuses and Sabu-grade walk-frees awards for whistleblowing on the whistleblowing, and not least, enduring legal fees for ACLU- grade justice tipped against oppostion to civil liberties racketeering aided and abetted by backdoored comsec also known as rule of law.
participants (1)
John Young