[OT] list of addresses posting in 02:00-03:59h at night since 2014-04

Just an exercise in analytic numerology theory, interpret it as you wish ;) # list of addresses posting in 02:00-03:59h at night since 2014-04 # bugs are possible #emails address 312 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> 93 juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> 64 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> 52 coderman <coderman@gmail.com> 48 jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> 46 Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> 36 Mirimir <mirimir@riseup.net> 30 xorcist@sigaint.org 27 Cari Machet <carimachet@gmail.com> 25 "Cypher Piggie" <oinker9003@mail2tor.com> 24 Juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> 16 Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net> 14 rysiek <rysiek@hackerspace.pl> 14 =?UTF-8?Q?Lodewijk_andr=C3=A9_de_la_porte?= <l@odewijk.nl> 11 Sean Lynch <seanl@literati.org> 7 odinn <odinn.cyberguerrilla@riseup.net> 6 John Newman <jnn@synfin.org> 6 wirelesswarrior@safe-mail.net 6 "Shawn K. Quinn" <skquinn@rushpost.com> 5 tpb-crypto@laposte.net 5 Peter Gutmann <pgut001@cs.auckland.ac.nz> 4 Shelley <shelley@misanthropia.org> 4 Ryan Carboni <ryacko@gmail.com> 4 stef <s@ctrlc.hu> 3 Jason McVetta <jason.mcvetta@gmail.com> 3 Cannon <cannon@cannon-ciota.info> 3 "Dr. J Feinstein" <drjfeinstein@mail.com> 2 Troy Benjegerdes <hozer@hozed.org> 2 "Griffin Boyce" <datajanitor@sigaint.org> 2 "Odinn Cyberguerrilla" <odinn.cyberguerrilla@riseup.net> 2 Travis Biehn <tbiehn@gmail.com> 2 "Anonymous Remailer (austria)" <mixmaster@remailer.privacy.at> 2 Seth <list@sysfu.com> 2 Sampo Syreeni <decoy@iki.fi> 1 Luther Blissett <lblissett@paranoici.org> 1 Andrew <kyboren@riseup.net> 1 Deorge Chesterton <deorgie@gmail.com> 1 "nymble@gmail.com" <nymble@gmail.com> 1 Markus Ottela <oottela@cs.helsinki.fi> 1 Anton Nesterov <komachi@openmailbox.org> 1 justa <russia-insider.com@freedbms.net> 1 "Big 'Uns" <hugetits@sigaint.org> 1 Me <john@johnlgrubbs.net> 1 Michael Best <themikebest@gmail.com> 1 rooty <arfspoop@protonmail.com> 1 "James A. Donald" <jamesd@echeque.com> 1 Griffin Boyce <griffin@cryptolab.net> 1 "Xyrs" <xemself@sigaint.org> 1 John <jnn@synfin.org> 1 "&&cheeez" <izcreem@sigaint.org> 1 "EitShat" <EitShat@mail2tor.com> 1 Jack Liddy <jackeliddy@yahoo.com> 1 hellekin <hellekin@dyne.org> 1 No <nonomos@mail.com> 1 Felipe Felipe <fe.peressim@gmail.com> 1 Peter Fairbrother <peter@m-o-o-t.org> 1 anthony@cajuntechie.org 1 BizDevCon <bizdevcon@protonmail.ch> 1 Razer <g2s@riseup.net> 1 Gutem <gutemhc@gmail.com> 1 Alexis Wattel <alexiswattel@gmail.com> 1 greenblue <greenblue357@posteo.de> 1 "Cathal (phone)" <cathalgarvey@cathalgarvey.me> 1 Alfie John <alfiej@fastmail.fm> 1 "" <shakeitoff@ghostmail.com> 1 hozer@hozed.org 1 Wilfred Guerin <wilfred@vt.edu> 1 Rich Jones <rich@openwatch.net> 1 Douglas Lucas <dal@riseup.net> 1 "Stephen D. Williams" <sdw@lig.net> 1 Cubed <chasintail@emailcontrol.org> 1 <xxyyzz@tuta.io> 1 Fosforo <fosforo@gmail.com> 1 gwen hastings <gwen@shannon.permutation.net> 1 b0z0@sdf.org 1 Yush Bhardwaj <yushbhardwaj91@gmail.com> 1 nonomos <nonomos@mail.com> 1 rooty <fapspoof@protonmail.com> 1 badbiosvictim@ruggedinbox.com 1 Mark Steward <marksteward@gmail.com> 1 Nick Econopouly <nickeconopouly@gmail.com> 1 Jelena Jovanovic <jelena.jovanovic@pp-international.net> 1 Beaker Meeps <beaker@dropperbox.com> 1 "Dangerous Nic" <sharpknife@sigaint.org> 1 Subrosa Team <contact@subrosa.io> 1 tigrutigru@gmail.com 1 Flipchan <flipchan@riseup.net> 1 Steven Schear <schear.steve@gmail.com>

On 02/16/2017 07:28 AM, Georgi Guninski wrote:
Just an exercise in analytic numerology theory, interpret it as you wish ;)
# list of addresses posting in 02:00-03:59h at night since 2014-04 # bugs are possible
One of the 'bugs', insomnia aside, is related to the time zone of the poster. Rr Ps. This justa <russia-insider.com@freedbms.net> is Zzzzzzz... "freedbms.net" is one of it's many registered domains.
#emails address 312 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> 93 juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> 64 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> 52 coderman <coderman@gmail.com> 48 jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> 46 Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> 36 Mirimir <mirimir@riseup.net> 30 xorcist@sigaint.org 27 Cari Machet <carimachet@gmail.com> 25 "Cypher Piggie" <oinker9003@mail2tor.com> 24 Juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> 16 Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net> 14 rysiek <rysiek@hackerspace.pl> 14 =?UTF-8?Q?Lodewijk_andr=C3=A9_de_la_porte?= <l@odewijk.nl> 11 Sean Lynch <seanl@literati.org> 7 odinn <odinn.cyberguerrilla@riseup.net> 6 John Newman <jnn@synfin.org> 6 wirelesswarrior@safe-mail.net 6 "Shawn K. Quinn" <skquinn@rushpost.com> 5 tpb-crypto@laposte.net 5 Peter Gutmann <pgut001@cs.auckland.ac.nz> 4 Shelley <shelley@misanthropia.org> 4 Ryan Carboni <ryacko@gmail.com> 4 stef <s@ctrlc.hu> 3 Jason McVetta <jason.mcvetta@gmail.com> 3 Cannon <cannon@cannon-ciota.info> 3 "Dr. J Feinstein" <drjfeinstein@mail.com> 2 Troy Benjegerdes <hozer@hozed.org> 2 "Griffin Boyce" <datajanitor@sigaint.org> 2 "Odinn Cyberguerrilla" <odinn.cyberguerrilla@riseup.net> 2 Travis Biehn <tbiehn@gmail.com> 2 "Anonymous Remailer (austria)" <mixmaster@remailer.privacy.at> 2 Seth <list@sysfu.com> 2 Sampo Syreeni <decoy@iki.fi> 1 Luther Blissett <lblissett@paranoici.org> 1 Andrew <kyboren@riseup.net> 1 Deorge Chesterton <deorgie@gmail.com> 1 "nymble@gmail.com" <nymble@gmail.com> 1 Markus Ottela <oottela@cs.helsinki.fi> 1 Anton Nesterov <komachi@openmailbox.org> 1 justa <russia-insider.com@freedbms.net> 1 "Big 'Uns" <hugetits@sigaint.org> 1 Me <john@johnlgrubbs.net> 1 Michael Best <themikebest@gmail.com> 1 rooty <arfspoop@protonmail.com> 1 "James A. Donald" <jamesd@echeque.com> 1 Griffin Boyce <griffin@cryptolab.net> 1 "Xyrs" <xemself@sigaint.org> 1 John <jnn@synfin.org> 1 "&&cheeez" <izcreem@sigaint.org> 1 "EitShat" <EitShat@mail2tor.com> 1 Jack Liddy <jackeliddy@yahoo.com> 1 hellekin <hellekin@dyne.org> 1 No <nonomos@mail.com> 1 Felipe Felipe <fe.peressim@gmail.com> 1 Peter Fairbrother <peter@m-o-o-t.org> 1 anthony@cajuntechie.org 1 BizDevCon <bizdevcon@protonmail.ch> 1 Razer <g2s@riseup.net> 1 Gutem <gutemhc@gmail.com> 1 Alexis Wattel <alexiswattel@gmail.com> 1 greenblue <greenblue357@posteo.de> 1 "Cathal (phone)" <cathalgarvey@cathalgarvey.me> 1 Alfie John <alfiej@fastmail.fm> 1 "" <shakeitoff@ghostmail.com> 1 hozer@hozed.org 1 Wilfred Guerin <wilfred@vt.edu> 1 Rich Jones <rich@openwatch.net> 1 Douglas Lucas <dal@riseup.net> 1 "Stephen D. Williams" <sdw@lig.net> 1 Cubed <chasintail@emailcontrol.org> 1 <xxyyzz@tuta.io> 1 Fosforo <fosforo@gmail.com> 1 gwen hastings <gwen@shannon.permutation.net> 1 b0z0@sdf.org 1 Yush Bhardwaj <yushbhardwaj91@gmail.com> 1 nonomos <nonomos@mail.com> 1 rooty <fapspoof@protonmail.com> 1 badbiosvictim@ruggedinbox.com 1 Mark Steward <marksteward@gmail.com> 1 Nick Econopouly <nickeconopouly@gmail.com> 1 Jelena Jovanovic <jelena.jovanovic@pp-international.net> 1 Beaker Meeps <beaker@dropperbox.com> 1 "Dangerous Nic" <sharpknife@sigaint.org> 1 Subrosa Team <contact@subrosa.io> 1 tigrutigru@gmail.com 1 Flipchan <flipchan@riseup.net> 1 Steven Schear <schear.steve@gmail.com>

On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 09:50:58AM -0700, Mirimir wrote:
On 02/16/2017 08:28 AM, Georgi Guninski wrote:
Just an exercise in analytic numerology theory, interpret it as you wish ;)
# list of addresses posting in 02:00-03:59h at night since 2014-04 # bugs are possible
No, no UTC. "Date" from the message in the sender's timezone. On second thought it could be spoofed, but parsing headers is PITA. As pointed out wrong timezone, night shift, many people per actor are other reasons.

interpret it as you wish ;) insomnia? UTC? spoofed? night shift? multiples?
These bots are all obviously enemy even afraid of the night creatures, so they dump their turds into mailqueue for windowed delivery upon them while flying the globe chasing the sun in their solar power mail bomber?
participants (4)
Georgi Guninski