On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 11:02:29PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
Lol, the fbi doxing clinton... a lot of blanked stuff in the pdf. Zenaan and Александр should sent rubles to the fbi for the trolling service.

hi hi gEorGi - BeEF -------- Original Message -------- On Oct 19, 2016, 8:52 AM, Georgi Guninski wrote: On Wed, 19 Oct 2016 08:15:58 -0700 Razer <rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
It doesn't matter a fucking ┌∩┐ bit if it was 2 million Jews or 6 Million or 10... or 5,999,999. What matters is "Holocaust Denier Baiting" is being used as a diversion from the FACT the genocide continues today against other people on the planet. A LOT of other people.
Right. But not repeating word by word the exact propaganda figures of the anglo-americans and the zionists is a mortal sin. A lot of people were killed in the two world wars including of course jews and the numbers are always going to be manipulated.
That CURRENT GENOCIDE is being committed mostly by the countries who disenfranchise and criminalize so-called 'deniers' and "the ad hom "Holocaust Denier!" is parroted by people globally who are ABSOLUTELY FINE with that ongoing current slaughter.
Hardly surprising. The 'judeo' christian anglo americans and other western imperialists keep harping on one particular atrocity (which by the way they didn't lift a finger to prevent) as a means to divert attention from all the other atroticites they daily commit. As you note below.
Here's a corollary to "People who don't learn from the past are condemned to repeat it"
People who are STUCK IN THE PAST are the people who WILLINGLY REPEAT IT.
Fuck "Israel" ┌∩┐. Fuck Zionism ┌∩┐. Fuck ┌∩┐┌∩┐┌∩┐ every government and person on earth who'd use MY DEAD RELATIVES to hide their own participation in genocide occurring now.
Use your OWN fucking ┌∩┐ holocausts as example and stop using MY relatives for YOUR HYPOCRITICAL Public Relations "Holier than thou" purposes, scumbuckets.

On 10/19/2016 12:25 PM, dEFECTIVEbOT rootytootyawreetyrighty wrote:
hi hi gEorGi - BeEF
...and then used Juan's text from an entirely different thread (12:03 'Holocaust deniers')
Right. But not repeating word by word the exact propaganda figures of the anglo-americans and the zionists is a mortal sin. A lot of people were killed in the two world wars including of course jews and the numbers are always going to be manipulated.
-------- Original Message -------- On Oct 19, 2016, 8:52 AM, Georgi Guninski wrote: On Wed, 19 Oct 2016 08:15:58 -0700 Razer <rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
It doesn't matter a fucking ┌∩┐ bit if it was 2 million Jews or 6 Million or 10... or 5,999,999. What matters is "Holocaust Denier Baiting" is being used as a diversion from the FACT the genocide continues today against other people on the planet. A LOT of other people.
Right. But not repeating word by word the exact propaganda figures of the anglo-americans and the zionists is a mortal sin. A lot of people were killed in the two world wars including of course jews and the numbers are always going to be manipulated.
That CURRENT GENOCIDE is being committed mostly by the countries who disenfranchise and criminalize so-called 'deniers' and "the ad hom "Holocaust Denier!" is parroted by people globally who are ABSOLUTELY FINE with that ongoing current slaughter.
Hardly surprising. The 'judeo' christian anglo americans and other western imperialists keep harping on one particular atrocity (which by the way they didn't lift a finger to prevent) as a means to divert attention from all the other atroticites they daily commit.
As you note below.
Here's a corollary to "People who don't learn from the past are condemned to repeat it"
People who are STUCK IN THE PAST are the people who WILLINGLY REPEAT IT.
Fuck "Israel" ┌∩┐. Fuck Zionism ┌∩┐. Fuck ┌∩┐┌∩┐┌∩┐ every government and person on earth who'd use MY DEAD RELATIVES to hide their own participation in genocide occurring now.
Use your OWN fucking ┌∩┐ holocausts as example and stop using MY relatives for YOUR HYPOCRITICAL Public Relations "Holier than thou" purposes, scumbuckets.
participants (4)
Georgi Guninski