Psychonauts Tripping to Santa Cruz, Oakland, Denver "cultures around the world have long respected entheogenic plants and fungi for providing healing, knowledge, creativity and spiritual connection with nature" "acknowledging the impact that the war on drugs has had on communities while at the same time giving people the liberty to choose how to address their medical needs, providing a potent tool to address issues like PTSD, addiction, and depression" Who got dibs on rayz 1968 pink couch...
On 1/29/20 10:45 PM, grarpamp wrote:
"cultures around the world have long respected entheogenic plants and fungi for providing healing, knowledge, creativity and spiritual connection with nature" "acknowledging the impact that the war on drugs has had on communities while at the same time giving people the liberty to choose how to address their medical needs, providing a potent tool to address issues like PTSD, addiction, and depression"
Who got dibs on rayz 1968 pink couch...
This is what you get for reading MSM "news". All the 'law' did was allegedly put 'ethnogenic' buzz material at the bottom of the PD's priorites list. Yeah... unhunh... Prop K (now moot) did that for pot, and the oversight commission, which NEVER met or achieved a quorum, was full of Cops. Don't believe the bullshit. This is a GODSEND for the already over-staffed SCPD, who will be able to market every freakout (lots of them everyday especially at the end of the month when whatever it is that keeps them calm runs out) to the FEARFUL COMPUTER INDUSTRY PSEUDO-GENTRY being attracted to this CLIPJOINT for idiots who think they have money because their credit cards still work, as a threat (their vacuum-brained 'trophy wives' and high-heeled 'administrative assistant's fear of anything that doesn't look like a potted plant) that keeps the Police, Pseudo-pigs, and quasi-cops infesting the public street downtown shopping mall as a very expensive 'private patrol' in paychecks because those spun huns need to be patrolled and controlled.... along with the massive number of urban Junkies, Crackhead, and Methheads attracted to ScruzLoose because they can be ripoff skanks and strong arm panhandle people, including less-vicious homeless people and the huge number of displaced-to-doorways local seniors, without the risk of ending up dead in an alley in short order... Usually. Then they meet me. It goes badly for them. You should come live at this socio-cultural shithole where 'weird' means 'acting out' for an SSI check housing and benefits, and people who want to actually work and be part of a (no longer existent) community get run off as a fern-bar-binge-drinking-party-night threat to all those UCSC students vying for low-wage no bennies part time jobs, so they can treat you to an 'It's not my pleasure to serve you' shopping 'experience'. Rr
participants (2)