Special Source Operations puzzles

in the SSO overview slide there are three colors: https://peertech.org/files/sso-in-mah-tubes.jpg --- i fancy them as follows: GREEN: legally compelled and gagged plaintext access through service providers, like BLARNEY and PRISM RED: financially motivated secret agreement with "special partners" for filthy lucre. e.g. GTE fiber access. BLUE: unilateral / non-cooperative operations; covert black bag taps. --- if most facilities, like room 641A, are in RED zones, then recent ground breaking improvements in BLUE may be miniaturized and covert taps with selectors and large local cache. alternatively, new capability could be upgrades to the RED facilities where BLUE traffic is conveniently co-processed, cached, and UPSTREAM'ed. paging Top Level Telecom, ;)
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