A problem with the ICC - Assange - Fw: Preliminary Investigation Request delivered to The Hague: The International Criminal Court

There is a problem with "the Hague" ICC or International Criminal Court: The authority you go to, is the authority you give power to. It is evident that globalist institutions have failed us, and are part of the despotic globalist agenda. Of this dichotomy, Nationalism is a less chaotic solution for the world. Perhaps we could see the Brits stap up to the plate and build a little standing in the Crown - there is dignity in doing so, rationalism from a national sovereignty perspective, it is better than the globalist ICC authority for many reasons still. The people are another authority we can go to, but they are overly frouridated vaccinated schooled and "entertained", so generally asleep, and thus a hard haul to motivate into action... Trump did a little of that when he put out the somewhat successful call to "uphold your great second amendment" after which we saw a number of cases of "red necks" defending various local businesses, which was great to see. The authority you go to, is the authority you give power to. Choose wisely, ----- Forwarded message from "Phillip Adams via Change.org" <change@e.change.org> ----- From: "Phillip Adams via Change.org" <change@e.change.org> Date: Tue, 04 Aug 2020 22:53:18 +0000 Subject: Preliminary Investigation Request delivered to The Hague: The International Criminal Court List-Id: <spc.222165.2.sparkpostmail.com> Phillip Adams shared an update on <em>Free Julian Assange, before it's too late. Sign to STOP the USA Extradition</em> Check it out and leave a comment: Petition Update Preliminary Investigation Request delivered to The Hague: The International Criminal Court Hi All, This petition has now notified the the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court also known as the Hague, that we we request the initiation of what is termed "An initial Investigation" by the "Office of the Prosecutor". I have extensively investigated the procedure for taking the matter to The Hague and I believe we have a vase of a "Crime Against Humanity" as... https://click.e.change.org/f/a/-OVB2Pta1BzBGdgadfrigg~~/AANj1QA~/RgRhDGveP4Q... Discover petitions promoted by Change.org users Support Mark McGowan to keep the West Australian border closed Say “NO” to the proposed quarry at Rangiora Racecourse Air Hillary Clinton Testifying on LIVE TV Bring back johno's license Section 48 of the Australian Migration Act ----- End forwarded message -----
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness