Cryptocurrency: Decentralized Deception (Documentary) decentralized deception one response A random avg joe's take Crypto is so much about this... hundreds millions people around the world each researching making their own evaluations and choices in things from philosphy to technical to markets to family, right or wrong, win or lose, talking with each other, learning, sharing ideas, expanding their thinking. Don't discount what the average Jane's around the world think and want. You can find lots of their tubes if you look around, linked herein two random, not even representative, examples. And a few, a *very* few not necessarily shown herein, are actually seeking truth, approaching and doing things responsibly. They are the ones bringing the future. Find and support and hear them out, the few real ones, among the colossal lot of retards, shills, scams, frauds, statists, fools, fooled, metoos, governments, banks, corporations, and the like. It's either fully distributed decentralized worldwide p2p transaction mineable privacy coins, in/out via IRL p2p and DEX and truly openly inspectable exchanges... or Fiat... pick one, or both in some fraction. They are mutually exclusive, there is no middle ground but fakery and witches. That has always been, and always will be, the story of cryptocurrency... DYOR... make the story a good one. It's not easy, but it's possible.
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