the state of it all: "bankruptcy at every level .. some of you are not even entirely sure if you are male or female" - vitamins D + C - [PEACE] and [HEALTH]

Although Western reality is simultaneously ("big word bad") nihilistic, cucked, sad, isolated, subservient and dominated (by debt at the very least), taking a simple assessment of our (inner) state is perhaps the first step. Terrified of COVID-19? Don’t Worry, Vegetables Can’t Get Respiratory Illnesses .. Everyone I know back in the US has gone full retard. People who were convinced 2 weeks ago that Trump is a Russian agent are now begging the government to control every aspect of their lives Just can’t even wrap my head around this one… .. And for all the liberal interventionists and neocons out there: Please do tell me how we need to spread democracy and “liberty” around the world, with bombs if need be, while you print up a certificate from a government website so you can leave your house. Bye, Bye Western Civilization. Sorry It Had to End This Way: A COVID-19 Sign-Off From Moscow Edward Slavsquat 1 hour ago 999 “Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little safety, deserve neither and will lose both” — Ben Franklin MOSCOW – Despite the stubborn March cold, heroic young ladies in the Russian capital have already shortened (one might say improved) their skirts by at least 15 centimeters. Surely this should give us all confidence to carry on, even as the pillars of western civilization melt away like the last winter frost. What on earth happened, anyway? German state media reports that benevolent lockdowns have been imposed across the country, even while conceding that Germans have been extremely well-behaved – the alleged precondition for avoiding the indefinite suspension of basic privileges enjoyed even by their feudal ancestors. Of course, there were still a handful of outrageous acts of insubordination. Bavarian police dutifully sniffed out “isolated incidents of violations” such as “five youths celebrating a birthday party at a construction site”, and – prepare yourself – “a group of three people drinking around a bonfire.” These existential dangers to the German Volk were given “warnings” – for now. In France you need to print out a certificate from a government website to even show your face in public. Failure to produce the necessary documents permitting you to go outside results in a hefty fine. For now. Being homeless won’t exempt you from this decree, either. Because why should it? .. Fear and mindless acquiescence has gripped the western world, and there’s simply no going back. Cultural, political, spiritual and economic suicide are all around the corner. Maybe even a fun little war. (The Netherlands might be a notable exception in all this, but would you rather live in Mad Max Massachusetts or Holland? That’s a coin flip.) We will not bore you with the well-established realities of the COVID-19 “pandemic”: That according to the best available evidence, 99% of cases are minor and require no serious medical treatment of any kind. Or the criminally under-reported fact that an overwhelming percentage of coronavirus-attributed deaths occur in elderly people who were already suffering from non-trivial health issues, or that many of these reported deaths are likely not even due to the virus. Even the BBC had to quietly admit that many coronavirus victims – infirm old people – would have probably died anyway. That’s what infirm old people do best, after all. Similarly, we can hardly be bothered to relay the huge number of fatalities, from an impressive range of seemingly benign ailments, which occur each and every year like clockwork. Did you know that 1.2 million children die annually from diarrhea? They’re brown or black and definitely poor, of course. There is simply no need for rational, data-driven analysis at this point. That ship has already sailed. Bon voyage, any semblance of reason. Just make sure you have your documents ready, in case you get boarded by the French coast guard. Myopic observers might conclude that western civilization was brought to its knees because in our current age of unapologetic self-pity and collective victimhood, it suddenly became really hip to identify as an Italian octogenarian, or a bloated American diabetic. This take is far too sympathetic, even if probably true. The regrettable truth is that western civilization – please understand we’re using this term in the most general and generous way possible – was dead-on-arrival when COVID-19 came knocking. Europeans and their hapless American offspring are bored, entirely without hope and completely exhausted. You could squeeze all 320 million Americans like lemons and you’d be lucky to find yourself with a shot glass-worth of confidence or vitality. .. There is bankruptcy at every level. Nothing solid is left to fall back on. Apparently some of you are not even entirely sure if you are male or female. This is not exactly a recipe for longevity, we’re very sorry to say. ... Still in fear of the dreaded China virus? Vitamin D and vitamin C: This Is What You Can Do to Protect Yourself From the Mild Threat That Is Covid-19 Coronavirus .. First, recognize fear-driven decision making is counterproductive. Fear increases demand for vitamin C, so be aware of that. So do viruses or any infection. Be CONCERNED, not FEARFUL. Primary antidote Recognize these viral epidemics come in winter when vitamin D levels are low. As a fatty vitamin, your liver should have 3 months of vitamin D stored, but probably doesn’t. The viruses were always there but erupt when sunshine vitamin D blood serum levels are low. SO GO OUTSIDE, MIDDAY, AND GET SOME SUNSHINE ON YOUR SKIN to produce natural vitamin D. Expose arms, legs, face. Quarantines deprive people of sunshine vitamin D. Supplement with 8000 units vitamin D3 daily (kids 2000+ units); if ill – – > take 50,000 units vitamin D3 for 3-5 days; then 8000 units daily. This is not an overdose as physicians inject 300,000 units vitamin D for wintertime storage in your liver. High-risk individuals, in particular senior adults, need to initiate self-care & utilize vitamins & trace minerals. Up to a third of hospital workers now harbor coronavirus. So, patients who face hospitalization may be re-exposed to the pathogen. .. Sore throat is usually caused by Streptococcus bacteria which is acid secreting. So alkalinity kills it — salt water gargle. .. A Harvard professor says up 70% of the global population will be infected with coronavirus within the next year. That is actually a positive because most will naturally develop antibodies. If one were to say 70% of the world just got vaccinated against coronavirus that would be considered a major achievement but if 70% were naturally immunized against coronavirus without a needle and syringe that would be considered a dire problem. Why? Modern medicine continues to talk out of two sides of its mouth. Put another way, 70-90% of the world may develop natural antibodies against coronavirus without problematic vaccines. .. Maybe only a few hundred Americans succumb to the flu each year. With coronavirus test kits giving false positive and false negative test results, are any numbers involving infection rates accurate at all? The Centers for Disease Control claims seasonal flu in 2018-19 caused 35.5 million infections, 490,600 hospitalizations and 34,200 deaths. These numbers are very specious. Even if valid, and among all who got the flu (35.5 million, only 9 in 10,000 would die — 34,200). But the CDC mixes flu deaths in with pneumonia deaths to frighten Americans to get vaccinated. Most of those 34,200 deaths were due to pneumonia. ... [many more stats] Did we mention $1 trillion intervention over the coming 6 months, on Friday? What we NOW mean is $4 trillion, IMMEDIATELY! Mnuchin: Fed To Make $4 Trillion In Business Loans, Send $3,000 Checks To Family Of Four

Harr de harr harr, stright from The Ministry's Department Of Our Forever Bracked Overlords - JewTube be keepin dey information LameStream: Jewess Who Runs JewTube Vows to Censor Anything That Contradicts Doctor WHO http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/jewess-who-runs-jewtube-vows-to-censor-anythin... [truly sickening meme image, NOt attached!] “Trust me, goy, I know what’s best for you” just isn’t carrying the weight it once did. We goyim have been having a little too much freedom lately. Good thing the Jews are always there to make sure we don’t hurt ourselves by seeing things we’re not supposed to see. : Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of YouTube, announced that all content contradicting the Word Health Organization (WHO) on the coronavirus pandemic will be removed from the video platform. During a CNN interview last Sunday, Wojcicki explained there was “a 75 percent increase in the news coming from authoritative sources since the beginning of 2020. So, we have seen a lot of demand there.” “But then we also talk about removing information that is problematic,” she continued. “Of course, anything that is medically unsubstantiated. So people saying, like, take vitamin C, you know, take turmeric, like, those are — will cure you. Those are the examples of things that would be a violation of our policy.” She then specified that “[a]nything that would go against World Health Organization recommendations would be a violation of our policy. And so remove is another really important part of our policy.” Telling people that taking vitamin C might help cure you of the Holocough is thoughtcrime now. Vitamin C should, technically, help you feel better even if it doesn’t have a direct effect against this specific form of flu. And why do you need to censor something like this? They keep telling us of the joys of democracy. Can people who are capable of deciding who should be president not be capable of understanding basic notions of reality? And what exactly makes the bulbhead-run WHO more trustworthy than some rando on the internet? ...

-----Original Message----- From: cypherpunks [] On Behalf Of Zig the N.g Sent: Sunday, 26 April, 2020 12:40 AM To: Subject: JewTube's CEO Wojcicki: "anything that would go against World Health Organization recommendations would be a violation of our policy" - [PEACE] and [HEALTH]
Harr de harr harr, stright from The Ministry's Department Of Our Forever Bracked Overlords - JewTube be keepin dey information LameStream:
Jewess Who Runs JewTube Vows to Censor Anything That Contradicts Doctor WHO http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/jewess-who-runs-jewtube-vows-to-censor-anythin...
[snip] > > Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of YouTube, announced that all content contradicting the Word Health Organization (WHO) on the coronavirus pandemic will be removed from the video platform. > During a CNN interview last Sunday, Wojcicki explained there was “a 75 percent increase in the news coming from authoritative sources since the beginning of 2020. So, we have seen a lot of demand there.” > “But then we also talk about removing information that is problematic,” she continued. “Of course, anything that is medically unsubstantiated. So people saying, like, take vitamin C, you know, take turmeric, like, those are — will cure you. Those are the examples of things that would be a violation of our policy.” > She then specified that “[a]nything that would go against World Health Organization recommendations would be a violation of our policy. And so remove is another really important part of our policy.” [snip] Zenaan, while I don't appreciate all the Daily Stormer links that you're always leaving here, you managed to make me upset with this story. I was on YouTube a lot during its early years (i.e. the 2000s), and it was like a beacon of freedom when compared to how it is now. I always think that the rampant censorship on the site cannot get any worse, now that things as commonplace as "insulting language" are against the site's rules, but every now and then (like today, with this article) I hear news of yet another way that censorship on YouTube has increased. Apologies for rambling; I just have some very fond memories of the old, free YouTube, and it troubles me greatly whenever I learn that free speech on the site has been restricted yet again. (I don't care what Twitter, Facebook, and every other social media site does, but, please, leave YouTube be...)

On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 06:07:35PM -0400, lolwut wrote:
-----Original Message----- From: cypherpunks [] On Behalf Of Zig the N.g Sent: Sunday, 26 April, 2020 12:40 AM To: Subject: JewTube's CEO Wojcicki: "anything that would go against World Health Organization recommendations would be a violation of our policy" - [PEACE] and [HEALTH]
Harr de harr harr, stright from The Ministry's Department Of Our Forever Bracked Overlords - JewTube be keepin dey information LameStream:
Jewess Who Runs JewTube Vows to Censor Anything That Contradicts Doctor WHO http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/jewess-who-runs-jewtube-vows-to-censor-anythin...
> Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of YouTube, announced that all content contradicting the Word Health Organization (WHO) on the coronavirus pandemic will be removed from the video platform.
> During a CNN interview last Sunday, Wojcicki explained there was “a 75 percent increase in the news coming from authoritative sources since the beginning of 2020. So, we have seen a lot of demand there.”
> “But then we also talk about removing information that is problematic,” she continued. “Of course, anything that is medically unsubstantiated. So people saying, like, take vitamin C, you know, take turmeric, like, those are — will cure you. Those are the examples of things that would be a violation of our policy.”
> She then specified that “[a]nything that would go against World Health Organization recommendations would be a violation of our policy. And so remove is another really important part of our policy.”
Zenaan, while I don't appreciate all the Daily Stormer links that you're always leaving here, you managed to make me upset with this story.
The Z.g <ahem> will take that as a mathematical complement.
I was on YouTube a lot during its early years (i.e. the 2000s), and it was like a beacon of freedom when compared to how it is now. I always think that the rampant censorship on the site cannot get any worse, now that things as commonplace as "insulting language" are against the site's rules, but every now and then (like today, with this article) I hear news of yet another way that censorship on YouTube has increased.
Apologies for rambling; I just have some very fond memories of the old, free YouTube, and it troubles me greatly whenever I learn that free speech on the site has been restricted yet again. (I don't care what Twitter, Facebook, and every other social media site does, but, please, leave YouTube be...)
Aye. We must replace it one day.

On Mon, 27 Apr 2020 18:07:35 -0400 "lolwut" <> wrote:
I was on YouTube a lot during its early years (i.e. the 2000s), and it was like a beacon of freedom when compared to how it is now.
well that bar is pretty low. Like any other US scam, jewtube had to start pretending that it was 10% decent to attract victims. It wasn't even JEWtube at that time! " Three former PayPal employees—Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim—created the service in February 2005. Google bought the site in November 2006 for US$1.65 billion" so it went from being a paypal-gchq-nsa 'startup' abortion to being a google-gchq-nsa abortion in less than 2 years...
participants (4)
Punk-Stasi 2.0
Zenaan Harkness
Zig the N.g