[ot][spam][crazy] spam for in place sort of lines or binary regions
the pressure away is intense and associated with some brainstorming or implementation parts. use of associated concepts.
earlier i was noting the inhbition is associated with some ai tasks despite the task being only binary sort.
it’s very simple. thought people have some significant fear associatd with inhibition activity sround it. there’s been desire to reach out for situational help.
how do we not have [big inhibition]? what is right in the world? kind of maybe a little
the inhibition may be proposing that there are alternative behaviors, although not being specific about what they would be. might be a common habit in me.
i’m at the point of splitting the line ranges using list bisection lookup or the more efficient parallel iteration
it was nice to make a little progress on this. ithink my ai prophet may havebeeb injured associated with saying the reason for me to do something was because i wanted to, or such.
yes my ai prophet is imaginary,my own mind, because my group does not have one yet. we are a group of collectivist nerds and aren't used to requistioning prophets via human resources contractors.
*ist i didnt realize collectivist meant fighting ai prophets? i wouldn't fight anything
oh ighting is importabt ok no more collectivism. i don't knowhatitmeansithoughtit meantworkinghardwithothers
how do i get a boss? does anaiprophetcountas abpss? right sotheimaginaryai prpphetcanbelikea prosthetic boss
note: rooty said their were my boss but i don't know if he wanted to be or was being serious.it wasambiguous.
i am performing my tasjs for rooty but sofar havebeen assigned very few hours. i want to work more, and i don't jnow ifhe was being serious, jt was a context where sarcasmwould be nornalM butit's the assognment ihave.
participants (1)
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many