This seems uncontroversial - open borders in the absence of a command economy and full-spectrum welfare ie national-healthcare-style state is decidedly pro-market, pro-freedom, and pro-peace. Certainly open-borders are as intrinsic to crypto-anarchism as diversity-of-tactics. That is certainly uncontroversial. It may be that some self-described cypherpunk might decide to advocate for border controls for some reason. The onus is then on them to prove their case. Such as in Jeff Berwick Vs John Galton However no crypto-anarchist will be caught dead arguing for nationalist borders; I promise youse.

On Fri, 13 Aug 2021 01:43:23 +0000 (UTC) professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
This seems uncontroversial - open borders in the absence of a command economy and full-spectrum welfare
what? Again, enforcement of govcorp borders is a crime independent of any other govcorp crime and can and should be stopped regardless of what happens with other govcorp crimes. Open borders with a 'welfare state' is perfectly fine...as far as borders go. The welfare state is a different problem to be 'solved' (i.e. exterminated)
Certainly open-borders are as intrinsic to crypto-anarchism as diversity-of-tactics. That is certainly uncontroversial.
yes, open borders, regardless of any 'welfare state' or anything else. NOTICE that p. turd is the same guy morally responsible for kidnapping 1000s of millions of people because of the pfizer fake flu farce. The clown is defending open borders while puting the world under house arrest.
It may be that some self-described cypherpunk might decide to advocate for border controls for some reason. The onus is then on them to prove their case.
Such as in Jeff Berwick Vs John Galton
However no crypto-anarchist will be caught dead arguing for nationalist borders; I promise youse.

Borders... that flowing and natural transition buffer zone among peoples all existing under a greater nature that is apparently disinterested in and incapable of homogenizing them. Tribes the evolved, and seemingly hardly evolvable from, natural formation. A line wrongly distorted and violenced by illegitimate politicians on each side. A zone where more rather than piked heads and guns the old greeting, flowers might be hung such that all who seek to cross shall have already adopted the other side as their own and paused there a moment in personal solitude to affirm their own transition... https://img.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2022/08/31/DSC03675-1200x1800.j... Too many politicians, and too many crossers who seek to and abuse the other side rather than adopt them there. All ye who pass here, leave your old ways behind, or return back on the path, back to that which ye still value most. Therein may lie at least some amount of peace. Suffice it, humans and most certainly politicians have never, and will never really solve it. And the worldwide tension from forced and even gracious attempts at integrating non-integratables is rising. Do not discount why top-level depopulation "conspiracies" may have become observable in recent decades.

On Sat, 3 Sep 2022 01:43:53 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
the worldwide tension from forced and even gracious attempts at integrating non-integratables is rising.
oh look, lowest kind of pentagon turd grancrap is defending the borders of his KKK state. Shocking! is there a single fascist crime that is NOT routinely defended by govt agents like grancrap, bell, yahoo.au, etc etc etc ?
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professor rat
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