[ot][spam][crazy] databit preference generating
present user with options user selects favorite, maybe most pleasant to boss. then prompt model with favorite, generate more options user again selects favorite, add to prompt when prompt is full, remove oldest example and add to output this way the prompt becomes more and more preferential forever
once the model learns user’s favorite, present user with pleasant and icky things to mind control user with behavior modification! means tracking bad stuff too
it was surprisingly hard to get this near running https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1CjTybvinmpBNv9BBFmCVOocqhzApFjte closer
i’ve developed inhibition around this colab associated with good and bad karma i appreciate the connection around karma being real, and the wonderful support idea around a karmic computer similar to facebook’s emoti9nal transfer research, that would intentionally and consensually develop good karma in environments, stimulating health and productivity. i’m looking for a good karma impact here. i have a mind control issue that values bad impact and stopping of behavior; the two components of nonviolence are sadly separated in my traumatic impact, such that good behaviors are stopped. i like the idea of considering the components separately, stopping vs doing, and good vs bad. i need good and i need doing. i need both of these badly.
a rough inference from the emotional transfer idea would be that doing could develop in a context where others are doing and mesaging supporting doing was dominant
participants (1)
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many