Trump Says, 'Look What's Happening In Sweden.' Sweden Asks, 'Wait, What?'

Trump Says, 'Look What's Happening In Sweden.' Sweden Asks, 'Wait, What?' ===== Thanks a lot to all the people who wrote me in private. Appreciated very much the heads-up, but I won't respond to the troll. Sorry, I am pretty busy now - almost finishing my manicure, ho ho! - and I won't waste my 'amazing wow awesomeness' with haters, hahaha!! ;D And, well, I admit I'm feeling like Sweden. 'Wait, what this "intergluteal cleft" is saying about me?' Aff, he should not use my sacred name in vain... :( ------- "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live." - Mae Jemison

From: Cecilia Tanaka <>
Trump Says, 'Look What's Happening In Sweden.' Sweden Asks, 'Wait, What?'
From the article × "On Saturday in Melbourne, Fla., Trump's comments at a campaign-style rally seemed to indicate that something terrible had taken place the night before in Sweden. "You look at what's happening in Germany. You look at what's happening last night in Sweden ... Sweden ... who would believe this? Sweden, they took in large numbers, they are having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what's happening Brussels, you look at what's happening all over the world.""
Notice the comment above: "seemed to indicate that something terrible had taken place the night before in Sweden. So, Trump is being lambasted for what NPR said Trump "seemed to indicate", not what Trump actually said and meant. Actual rape case by Afghans in Sweden: I don't see any indication from what Trump ACTUALLY said that he was referring to a 'terrorism incident'. It is this kind of wacky misinterpretation by the lamestream media which is further destroying their credibility. Jim Bell ×

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 05:38:10AM +0000, jim bell wrote:
From: Cecilia Tanaka <>
Trump Says, 'Look What's Happening In Sweden.' Sweden Asks, 'Wait, What?'
From the article × "On Saturday in Melbourne, Fla., Trump's comments at a campaign-style rally seemed to indicate that something terrible had taken place the night before in Sweden. "You look at what's happening in Germany. You look at what's happening last night in Sweden ... Sweden ... who would believe this? Sweden, they took in large numbers, they are having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what's happening Brussels, you look at what's happening all over the world.""
Notice the comment above: "seemed to indicate that something terrible had taken place the night before in Sweden. So, Trump is being lambasted for what NPR said Trump "seemed to indicate", not what Trump actually said and meant. Actual rape case by Afghans in Sweden: I don't see any indication from what Trump ACTUALLY said that he was referring to a 'terrorism incident'. It is this kind of wacky misinterpretation by the lamestream media which is further destroying their credibility.
Jim Bell
Indeed. Soon from CNN: "I did NOT host this show!" Soon from WaPo: "I did NOT write this biased op-ed!" Soon from CIA: "I did NOT fake this fake news!" And of course the ever classic Bill "I did NOT sex this woman" Clinton.

Jim, I respect you, but I don't agree with 80% of your opinions, sorry. Maybe Sweden government, the whole 'Internets', all the media and I have misunderstood your President, but I sincerely believe he should study more and watch less TV. It would be much better for him and the rest of the world. OK, I admit all the jokes and memes about Trump are hilarious and Saturday Night Live is making me lol a lot, but I swear I would thank all the Gods and Goddesses of Universe if your President becomes a more rational and logical person. Sorry, you know I don't respect stupidity and ignorance and Trump... Well, you already know. :(( # Everyone Is Super Confused About Trump’s "Last Night In Sweden" Comments # Trump Says He Was Talking About A TV Show On Sweden, Okay? " On Saturday, the president told supporters to “look what’s happening last night in Sweden.” On Sunday, he said he was referring to a Fox News segment that aired Friday night, not an actual incident in the country. " # President Trump declared the news m edia is "The Enemy Of The American People" , oooooh! Pretty impressive, all his stupid mistakes are a 'media conspiration'. Everything he disagrees is considered as "fake news" and he tells lies saying they are "alternative facts". Sorry, I had stray cats and dogs more intelligent and expressive than him. All of them were more beautiful and polite too. I am so sorry for your country, but the sad truth is the USA has a joke as President. Well, all politicians are bad taste jokes, but some are more than others. Your ridiculous President, for example, already gave me material for several sketches and laughs. Viva Trump cabron, hahaha!! ;) Well, don't feel so upset. I don't have any respect for the actual President of my country too. Another bad joke, aff... :((( PS: - I pray all the days begging to an eventual God to protect us of nuclear explosions and wars, because this dawn orange disgrace will f_ck the rest of the world with him. ------- "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live." - Mae Jemison

On 02/20/2017 01:32 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
Jim, I respect you, but I don't agree with 80% of your opinions, sorry. Maybe Sweden government, the whole 'Internets', all the media and I have misunderstood your President, but I sincerely believe he should study more and watch less TV. It would be much better for him and the rest of the world.
OK, I admit all the jokes and memes about Trump are hilarious and Saturday Night Live is making me lol a lot, but I swear I would thank all the Gods and Goddesses of Universe if your President becomes a more rational and logical person. Sorry, you know I don't respect stupidity and ignorance and Trump... Well, you already know. :((
# Everyone Is Super Confused About Trump’s "Last Night In Sweden" Comments
# Trump Says He Was Talking About A TV Show On Sweden, Okay?
" On Saturday, the president told supporters to “look what’s happening last night in Sweden.” On Sunday, he said he was referring to a Fox News segment that aired Friday night, not an actual incident in the country. "
President Trump declared the news
m edia is "The Enemy Of The American People" , oooooh! Pretty impressive, all his stupid mistakes are a 'media conspiration'. Everything he disagrees is considered as "fake news" and he tells lies saying they are "alternative facts".
Sorry, I had stray cats and dogs more intelligent and expressive than him. All of them were more beautiful and polite too. I am so sorry for your country, but the sad truth is the USA has a joke as President. Well, all politicians are bad taste jokes, but some are more than others. Your ridiculous President, for example, already gave me material for several sketches and laughs. Viva Trump cabron, hahaha!! ;)
Well, don't feel so upset. I don't have any respect for the actual President of my country too. Another bad joke, aff... :(((
Seriously - maybe it is time to do away with Presidents. They just have too much power and they tend to be elected as a person rather than by principles If a country needs an elected monarch they should be symbolic like the current monarch of Britain - so tied down that they have no real power. I have loathed all the Presidents of the US since Jimmy Carter, but the current joke has made me appreciate the others more in comparison. It seems US presidents compete on being the "worst president ever".
PS: - I pray all the days begging to an eventual God to protect us of nuclear explosions and wars, because this dawn orange disgrace will f_ck the rest of the world with him.
------- "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live." - Mae Jemison

From: Cecilia Tanaka <>
Jim, I respect you, but I don't agree with 80% of your opinions, sorry. Maybe Sweden government, the whole 'Internets', all the media and I have misunderstood your >President, but I sincerely believe he should study more and watch less TV. It would be much better for him and the rest of the world. I hope you are using that "your President" term in the most generic sense, as in 'Jim Bell is American, so Trump is his president". I voted for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate. So arguably, he is just as much "not my President" as the various people (Obviously, supporters of Hillary Clinton) who, even yesterday, were LOUDLY protesting that Trump is "not my President!!!". In the large majority of cases, when there is a controversy based on what Trump is supposed to have said or did, and I trace it down by Google searches, I find that the MSM is misrepresenting what he said or did. Or, they are otherwise engaging in dishonesty. Two examples: Recall in about July 2016, Trump and Hillary were invited by the Mexican president to Mexico; only Trump went, for reasons which were never made clear. Initially, the media speculated on whether Trump attempted to negotiate payment for the construction of the wall; Trump denied it. At THAT point, the MSM 'piled on' Trump, saying, more or less, 'He failed to negotiate the cost of the wall!!! How awful!!!'. Problem was, the Logan Act arguably prohibited a private citizen engaging in diplomacy with a foreign government. So, again arguably, if Trump had indeed attempted to negotiate that payment, he would have been declared A CRIMINAL (!!!), for doing exactly that. But since Trump didn't, the MSM went to 'Plan B', They accused him of FAILING to do those negotiations, the ones that would have arguably made him a criminal. "Damned if you do, damned if you don't". I raised this issue many months ago, on CP. I have no doubt at all that this didn't just happen by accident; it was clearly a trap intended by the news media, and probably Hillary Clinton's campaign as well. Example 2: Within less than the last week, I saw an anchor of one of the three major evening news programs (CBS, NBC, ABC) actually repeat the longstanding LIE that Trump had called for the Russians to 'hack' Hillary's email server for those missing (deleted on Hillary's own orders, BTW) emails. Problems: Trump actually had said, calling on Russia in what I saw was a humorous statement, to try to FIND those emails, NOT hack them. Another problem: Hillary's server, on which those emails once existed, had probably been shut down a year earlier, so their is no possible way (other than time-travel) for anybody to have actually acted on Trump's request. But, at the time, it was a very common theme by the (lying) MSM that Trump had somehow called on Russia to 'hack' SOMETHING. It was never made clear by the MSM what Trump was asking Russia to 'hack'. As an example of this continued lying, I present this article: That article claimed: "In July when news of the hacking first broke, Trump openly encouraged Russia to continue spying on his opponent.“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said at a news conference then. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”"[end of very revealing quote from the article, itself seeming to quote what Trump said] How Salon gets from that statement, presumably an exact quote by Trump, to saying "Trump openly encouraged Russia to continue spying on his opponent", it is very hard to see. I wouldn't have been surprised if one over-enthusiastic lying MSM person had made that claim, ONCE, but the push-back on that must have been fierce. Obviously, and precisely as Trump stated, he wanted Russia (or anyone else, presumably) to FIND FIND FIND those missing emails. That request, if it had a hope of being successful, presumes that prior to Hillary's ordered deletion of those emails, SOMEBODY obtained them, perhaps an outside person, or possibly an inside person. (For the life of me, I can't figure out what kind of specific arrangement they must have had with Platte River Systems, the ISP that handled that system. The highest priority to such an organization, I imagine for ANY customer, would have been to ensure that the database of emails NOT be lost, either due to hardware failure, or other problems. I'd be very surprised to hear that they didn't have some sort of automatic, daily backup policy, to guarantee that in no circumstance, more than one day of emails might be lost due to such an eventuality. These were only emails, probably 99% text-only emails at that. How big could the database be? How they ended up even THINKING they had somehow deleted every copy of those emails, is well beyond my imagination. This leads me to the inexorable conclusion that Platte River MUST have been 'in on it', along with virtually every other significant Hillary Clinton staff member. )×
No 'hacking' by Russia would have been needed, in the then-future. So there was simply no way that Trump could have been properly accused of asking Russia to "continue spying on his opponent". × I think the answer here is obvious. Ever hear of a 'strawman'? It's a logical fallacy, which is also a FACTUAL fallacy too. It's based on the principle that it's far easier to attack a deliberately-sabotaged, phony position that the other person DIDN'T make, In almost every case where a Trump statement or action is picked up and criticized by the MSM, what has actually happened is that the people in that MSM are deliberately misrepresenting what he said or did. That's not to say Trump never makes mistakes. Of course he does! And, he does it enough so that the MSM would have plenty of material to focus on, honestly, if they chose to limit themselves to that. But they don't. The simply lie about what Trump said, or did. That might please their base, the disappointed pro-Hillary people, but it angers people who actually value logic and accuracy, even if they didn't vote for Trump in the first place. Jim Bell

On 02/20/2017 12:33 PM, jim bell whined about people who claim:
Trump is "not my President!!!".
Donald Trump is not A president. He's a so-called president who has no understanding of how the government he finds himself in charge of works, nor does he have the collaborative and diplomatic capabilities the job requires domestically, and certainly not internationally. For instance. As the UK House of Commons discusses allowing the putz to speak, his old tweets come back to haunt him. I'd assume you know who "Kate" is? The electoral college should have rejected him as incapable of performing the necessary functions of the orifice, but the electoral college has been a bought-off joke for, literally, centuries. Rr "...all the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre -- the man who can most easily (and) adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum. The presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." - H.L. Mencken, July 26 1920 Baltimore Sun -

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017, at 5:33 PM, jim bell <> wrote:
*From:* Cecilia Tanaka <>
Jim, I respect you, but I don't agree with 80% of your opinions, sorry. Maybe Sweden government, the whole 'Internets', all the media and I have misunderstood your >President, but I sincerely believe he should study more and watch less TV. It would be much better for him and the rest of the world.
I hope you are using that "your President" term in the most generic sense, as in 'Jim Bell is American, so Trump is his president".
Yes, I said "your President" because the President of your country is Trump. In my case, for example, I did't want it, but unfortunately Temer is "my President" because is the Brazil's actual President, so their bad and good decisions will be effective in my life and the whole country. When I say "my President is f*cking my country", it doesn't mean he is mine or that I am giving support to his acts. Sorry, I should be clearer. Someone asked me why I said I respect you. I didn't said it in the sense of "Oh, Jim is a human being and I need to respect all lives". I was talking about your past, Jim. You fighted and protested for your beliefs and it is a thing I respect a lot. Nowadays, your convictions are very different from mine in several aspects, but when you complain about a subject, I know you really believe you are right. You usually have coherence. I detest when someone is hypocrite and more false than fake news or just want to hurt and annoy people. Zzzz, for example, oscillates more than all my bipolar friends together, and just wants to grant benefits at any cost because has no ethics and moral. Few months ago, he was whining all the days about how the USA were the most disgusting and evil country in the whole world, all citizens included, obviously. Now, he licks Trump orange balls in public all the days, always saying how amazing are the USA and their politicians. Few months ago, he was always saying Razer was the "guardian of this list", a "great soul", a "huge heart", a "loyal and superior human being", "the bastion of truth", and giving him a lot of strange titles all the days. I swear I was always thinking "Oh, the jerk had any success with me, so is trying to flirt and have sex with Razer. Needy weirdo, hahaha!!". Now he offends Razer all the weeks. Maybe he is feeling rejected. "No sex with Ceci, no sex with Razer, Putin never answered to my love letters... Let's try Trump! He loves bizarre sex and I can show him how kangoroos make wild sex!" Now he likes to offend Mirimir too, but few months ago, this hypocrite was always sending off-list messages to Mirimir and copying me. I never understood why the heck he was copying me in his private conversations. I think he was trying to make me feel "jealous" - hahaha!! - because he was openly flirting with Mirimir in his messages, almost licking the guy after discovering his nick had Russian origins. It was pretty embarrasing all the times. :P Well, after several months of contradictions, there are lots of reasons to think his opinions don't have any credibility or value. My theory about his mental absence of sanity is he is probably mixing alcohol (Please, don't drive drunk, selfish creature! You are not important to anyone, but drunk drivers like you can kill good people!), his bizarre foods (he sent me some creepy recipes, trying to impress me and wrote millions of times that I should try his salad sauce, even after being ignored, with no answers of mine in private, for several weeks, ugh! Can you understand why I am always saying he is slow?), and also very strong drugs, because now he thinks the USA are more magical than pink unicorns dancing on the rainbows... :P Another person here that I can't understand is Donald. He is zillions of times more intelligent than Zzzz, but is cruel and likes to hurt and humiliate people. He can say something he knows it is *not* true only to hurt, provoke and offend people, to have fun, a perverse kind of pleasure. :( I can't say you are like them, Jim. In all my time on CP list, you were always coherent. I don't agree with 80% (or even more) of your opinions, but you are defending your beliefs, not just disturbing the list for spreading hate and intolerance. You, Ju@n and Razer are heard-headed guys, but I respect you all. And when Ju@n and Razer are not kicking me, they are pretty fun and interesting. I don't agree with them in a lot of subjects too, but both sincerely like to teach people. In some moments, J wanted to kill me, but even when he was very very angry with me, he always answered to my doubts about all kind of things (bad words, grammar, Argentine's food, interesting bibliography, good sci-fi movies, religion, etc). Ju@n and Razer have a good heart, even wanting my death in some moments, hihi... ;) I don't think you are a bad person, Jim, but I can't agree with your point of view and I can't respect Trump because he doesn't respect people and their intelligence. It's pretty offensive and illogical to say that "something is this way simply because I am saying it is this way and the people who don't agree with me are spreading fake news and lying". Sorry, the world, the life doesn't work this way. :( Take care, dear all. Sorry, I won't answer to all the theories about Sweden, rapes, news media conspirations, etc. Everybody here already knows my opinions and I just want a bit of peace now. We need more crypto, privacy and infosec posts, more interesting subjects here than only Trump's mess. This kind of information is very useful, we need to know what's happening in the world and how politics work, but we already know the problems and now we need to focus in how we will survive to them. Kisses, be well. <3 PS: - I need to write a lot of private answers, but they are more delicate and deserve much more time and attention. And in some moments, I don't feel strong enough to respond, sorry. I never told to John N. why I am always reading books written by neuroscientists because I always cry when I try to answer him with more details, giving more background. My best friend was studying neuroscience, psychiatry and psychology a lot when suicided and I used to study with him to give some support. We always studied together since we meet each other because he was a genius, but very shy and insecure. More than 15 years studying and listening to music together. Some of my favorite authors are neuroscientists and I loved deeply Oliver Sacks, already deceased. He and my boyfriend, two of the most intelligent and interesting persons I had the chance to exchange some ideas about life and death, both said me that stupid thing about being a lone wolf that I mentioned once here. It was the most cruel curse that I received in my whole life and I tried to kill myself when I noticed they were right. I didn't died, obviously. The Hell doesn't have Internet. ;)

I am hugely entertained by the fact that the vast majority of white formerly Christian converts to Islam are single fertile age females, and that very few converts from Islam to Christianity are fertile age females. This may well explain the voting patterns we see, where it is primarily women that vote to import the rapeugees, and well explain the fact that ads and articles seeking popular support for further imports of rapeugees show manly black men rather than cute children. Revealed preference, female behavior, suggests that female emancipation was a shit test that white Christian males failed, and that conservative Muslim males passed. I expect that if Islamic State was in the business of kidnapping white Christian women, chaining them up in shipping containers, and shipping them to Islamic state to be sold to the highest bidder, we would see a lot of white single chicks hanging around shipping containers with high hopes.

On 02/21/2017 05:04 AM, James A. Donald wrote:
I am hugely entertained by the fact that the vast majority of white formerly Christian converts to Islam are single fertile age females, and that very few converts from Islam to Christianity are fertile age females.
This may well explain the voting patterns we see, where it is primarily women that vote to import the rapeugees, and well explain the fact that ads and articles seeking popular support for further imports of rapeugees show manly black men rather than cute children.
Revealed preference, female behavior, suggests that female emancipation was a shit test that white Christian males failed, and that conservative Muslim males passed.
I expect that if Islamic State was in the business of kidnapping white Christian women, chaining them up in shipping containers, and shipping them to Islamic state to be sold to the highest bidder, we would see a lot of white single chicks hanging around shipping containers with high hopes.
There are guerilla groups fighting ISIS that are recruiting. Why not go and fight ? Heck if i was not so old and decrepid i would be over there now. It hurts me to be left out of the fight. I mean they would hate your racist attitudes but i am sure they would take just about anyone willing to lob lead at ISIS.

On 2/22/2017 2:01 AM, Marina Brown wrote:
There are guerilla groups fighting ISIS that are recruiting. Why not go and fight ?
Islamic state is not my problem, except that it is, or very recently was, being funded by the State Department, through the State Department/CIA program of funding and arming supposedly "Moderate Islamic Opposition" - which opposition in practice somehow turns out to be not very moderate at all. Which makes the State Department and the CIA my, and Trump's, problem, rather than Islamic State.

On 02/21/2017 05:58 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
On 2/22/2017 2:01 AM, Marina Brown wrote:
There are guerilla groups fighting ISIS that are recruiting. Why not go and fight ?
Islamic state is not my problem, except that it is, or very recently was, being funded by the State Department, through the State Department/CIA program of funding and arming supposedly "Moderate Islamic Opposition" - which opposition in practice somehow turns out to be not very moderate at all.
Geez you don't even know what you are talking about. The "Moderate Opposition" was Al Queda. ISIS spun off from them because they were too moderate. ...but yeah it is true that these scumbags were funded by the State Dept to get rid of Assad.
Which makes the State Department and the CIA my, and Trump's, problem, rather than Islamic State.
The State Dept and CIA have been trying to mop up their mess for quite a while. The US has a habit of creating monsters. Do you recall Reagan calling the Mujahideen in Afghanistan the equivalent of the founding fathers ? Do you know who they evolved into ? Al Queda. ...Al Queda was funded and created by Reagan to get the Soviets out of Afghanistan. ISIS is an Al Queda spin off. So it is Reagans fault. The US needs to stop funding and creating monsters.

On 02/21/2017 03:41 PM, Marina Brown wrote:
The "Moderate Opposition" was Al Queda. ISIS spun off from them because they were too moderate.
...but yeah it is true that these scumbags were funded by the State Dept to get rid of Assad.
Actually ISIS traces farther back.... To Libya. Remember Libya? We turned it into an ashtray. A failed state like Somalia... but with modern oil infrastructure. The group's official name was the LIFG. The US State Department and CIA hired them to sodomize Muammar al-Gadaffi with a bayonet and provided Special Operators and NATO air strike to assist in that goal. THEN they began looting weapons from Libya's armories and taking them to Syria, as the DIA watched and wrote un-acted-on memos => <>. THEN they ran into all the Iraq baathists who had fled Iraq to Syria. THEN we see the inception of what was initially known as ISIS. I seriously doubt the Baathists are still involved though. As to Why The US Wanted Muammar al-Gadaffi Dead... The War On Libya Is A War On Most Of Africa PS. You might also note that just about the time they were killing Christopher West, West Point was releasing a study saying the LIFG-affilated areas of Libya supplied the fighters in Iraq most likely to be killing US troops.

On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 05:46:22PM -0800, Razer wrote:
On 02/21/2017 03:41 PM, Marina Brown wrote:
The "Moderate Opposition" was Al Queda. ISIS spun off from them because they were too moderate.
...but yeah it is true that these scumbags were funded by the State Dept to get rid of Assad.
Actually ISIS traces farther back.... To Libya. Remember Libya? We turned it into an ashtray. A failed state like Somalia...
"failed state"? NOW it's a failed state. Before the West turned it into an ashtray it was where African emmigrants to Europe usually stopped, got work and settled down, making Libya one of the most prosperous and stable African nations for many years. See also da Wiki: "From 1977 onward, per capita income in the country rose to more than US $11,000, the fifth-highest in Africa,[59] while the Human Development Index became the highest in Africa and greater than that of Saudi Arabia.[60] This was achieved without borrowing any foreign loans, keeping Libya debt-free.[61]"
As to Why The US Wanted Muammar al-Gadaffi Dead...
The War On Libya Is A War On Most Of Africa
The great quote from the top of that page: "The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion, but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do.”" ~~~~ Samuel P. Huntington Certainly that "financially independent, no foreign debt" was a standout for Libya under Qaddafi, backed by his building a solid gold bullion store for the country (nearly 150 tonnes). Western meddling in foreign nations is disheartening and fundamentally abominable.

On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 08:58:23AM +1000, James A. Donald wrote:
On 2/22/2017 2:01 AM, Marina Brown wrote:
There are guerilla groups fighting ISIS that are recruiting. Why not go and fight ?
Islamic state is not my problem, except that it is, or very recently was, being funded by the State Department, through the State Department/CIA program of funding and arming supposedly "Moderate Islamic Opposition" - which opposition in practice somehow turns out to be not very moderate at all.
"Razer" would most likely disagree with you - just a little murder and head chopping (or other razer's edge "problem solving"). "Funny" that he then also rails against waterboarding. "Funny" guy that Razer..
Which makes the State Department and the CIA my, and Trump's, problem, rather than Islamic State.
Tillerson hopefully on the job: Always good to clean house (despite the MSM negative spin):

A worthy follow up read, on the topic of political appointments and a man who certainly bucked the establishment expectations during his career - I'm the haters will hate, yet it's hard to avoid that twinge of inspiration when a serving army Major at the time (Vietnam), goes public with a scathing report on the parochial interests of his superiors: Trump appoints HR McMaster as national security adviser

On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 12:06:49PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
A worthy follow up read, on the topic of political appointments and a man who certainly bucked the establishment expectations during his career - I'm the haters will hate, yet it's hard to avoid that twinge of inspiration when a serving army Major at the time (Vietnam), goes public with a scathing report on the parochial interests of his superiors:
Trump appoints HR McMaster as national security adviser
Counter view:

On 2/21/2017 7:09 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
It's pretty offensive and illogical to say that "something is this way simply because I am saying it is this way and the people who don't agree with me are spreading fake news and lying". Sorry, the world, the life doesn't work this way. :(
But that is exactly the reverse of what happens. You are totally certain that Trump was wrong about Sweden, and need absolutely no evidence to conclude he was lying or deluded and the mainstream media is telling the truth. When I and others present lots of evidence from multiple sources that Trump was telling the truth about Sweden, and the mainstream media were lying, you find that no evidence can possibly be good enough. In your eyes, no evidence is required to prove Trump wrong, and no evidence can possibly be good enough to prove him right.

On 02/21/2017 05:14 AM, James A. Donald wrote:
On 2/21/2017 7:09 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
It's pretty offensive and illogical to say that "something is this way simply because I am saying it is this way and the people who don't agree with me are spreading fake news and lying". Sorry, the world, the life doesn't work this way. :(
But that is exactly the reverse of what happens. You are totally certain that Trump was wrong about Sweden, and need absolutely no evidence to conclude he was lying or deluded and the mainstream media is telling the truth.
When I and others present lots of evidence from multiple sources that Trump was telling the truth about Sweden, and the mainstream media were lying, you find that no evidence can possibly be good enough.
In your eyes, no evidence is required to prove Trump wrong, and no evidence can possibly be good enough to prove him right.
C'mon Trump and his crew just pulls things out of their asses to prove whatever program they wants to do. Admitt it and you will be better for it.

On 02/21/2017 07:57 AM, Marina Brown wrote:
On 02/21/2017 05:14 AM, James A. Donald wrote:
On 2/21/2017 7:09 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
It's pretty offensive and illogical to say that "something is this way simply because I am saying it is this way and the people who don't agree with me are spreading fake news and lying". Sorry, the world, the life doesn't work this way. :( But that is exactly the reverse of what happens. You are totally certain that Trump was wrong about Sweden, and need absolutely no evidence to conclude he was lying or deluded and the mainstream media is telling the truth.
When I and others present lots of evidence from multiple sources that Trump was telling the truth about Sweden, and the mainstream media were lying, you find that no evidence can possibly be good enough.
In your eyes, no evidence is required to prove Trump wrong, and no evidence can possibly be good enough to prove him right.
C'mon Trump and his crew just pulls things out of their asses to prove whatever program they wants to do. Admitt it and you will be better for it.
You meant to put that 'prove' in scare quotes, right? Rr

On 02/21/2017 05:14 AM, James A. Donald wrote:
In your eyes, no evidence is required to prove Trump wrong, and no evidence can possibly be good enough to prove him right.
On 2/22/2017 1:57 AM, Marina Brown wrote:
C'mon Trump and his crew just pulls things out of their asses to prove whatever program they wants to do
We have been presenting a pile of evidence that Trump told the unmentionable truth about Sweden. Neither you nor the mainstream media can be bothered to present any evidence that Trump is wrong or lying, and the Mainstream Media telling the truth.

On Wed, 22 Feb 2017 08:43:23 +1000 "James A. Donald" <> wrote:
We have been presenting a pile of evidence that Trump told the unmentionable truth about Sweden.
That's a fuckinly stupid lie. What your evidence shows actually is that you a not only very dishonest but very stupid.

"James A. Donald" <> wrote:
We have been presenting a pile of evidence that Trump told the unmentionable truth about Sweden.
On 2/22/2017 9:38 AM, juan wrote:
That's a fuckinly stupid lie.
We present evidence, and no matter how much evidence we present, you just say to us, as you say of Trump "lie"

On Wed, 22 Feb 2017 10:54:14 +1000 "James A. Donald" <> wrote:
"James A. Donald" <> wrote:
We have been presenting a pile of evidence that Trump told the unmentionable truth about Sweden.
On 2/22/2017 9:38 AM, juan wrote:
That's a fuckinly stupid lie.
We present evidence,
You presented evidence of the swedish rape statistics being (even more) cooked since 2005. They are cooked by the feminazis. Do you understand what I'm saying? Course you do...But since your only purpose here is trolling (just like your comrade rayzer), it doesn't matter how many times your bullshit gets 'debunked', you'll just keep repeating it.
and no matter how much evidence we present, you just say to us, as you say of Trump "lie"

On Wed, 22 Feb 2017 11:59:02 +1000 "James A. Donald" <> wrote:
On 2/22/2017 11:03 AM, juan wrote:
You presented evidence of the swedish rape statistics being (even more) cooked since 2005. They are cooked by the feminazis.
We also have a pile of anecdotes about legitimate rape reaching terrifying levels.
die motherfucker

On 02/21/2017 07:54 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
"James A. Donald" <> wrote:
We have been presenting a pile of evidence that Trump told the unmentionable truth about Sweden.
On 2/22/2017 9:38 AM, juan wrote:
That's a fuckinly stupid lie.
We present evidence, and no matter how much evidence we present, you just say to us, as you say of Trump "lie"
You gave no evidence - just stuff from a propaganda outfit. I don't believe a word from any organization with Dershowitz on the board he has a clear agenda and he has for years. He might have been a great defense lawyer but nowadays his main occupation seems to be defending the actions of Israel against Palestinians. Dershowitz was a terrible dissapointment.

"James A. Donald" <> wrote:
We present evidence, and no matter how much evidence we present, you just say to us, as you say of Trump "lie"
On 2/22/2017 11:50 AM, Marina Brown wrote:
You gave no evidence - just stuff from a propaganda outfit.
Reality is propaganda in your eyes. To you the only source of truth is your own navel.

On Tue, 21 Feb 2017 20:14:01 +1000 "James A. Donald" <> wrote:
When I and others present lots of evidence from multiple sources that Trump was telling the truth about Sweden,
So let me wrap this up. Antifag, pro-fascist-trump helpfully provided this link : Here are some key points : "Sweden reformed its sex crime legislation and made the legal definition of rape much wider in 2005" OOOPPSS! That's exactly the point in time when 'statistics' started to 'go through the roof'. Who would have thought it... "The Swedish police also record each instance of sexual violence in every case separately, leading to an inflated number of cases" And last but not least, the swedish cesspool, a small province of the americunt empire " has been ranked as the number one country in gender equality" Anyway, looks like your stupid lies have been thouroughly exposed james.
and the mainstream media were lying, you find that no evidence can possibly be good enough.
In your eyes, no evidence is required to prove Trump wrong, and no evidence can possibly be good enough to prove him right.

Hi, shiny happy people! :D I promised to thank Trump publicly when he was able to do a thing I really appreciate. Due to his silly, very incompetent administrative and economic actions and decisions, the dollar lost a lot of its value in my country and today I paid 30% less in a bottle of imported wine than I paid in last October. Thank you for being so stupid, Mr. Trump! All the times you destroy your country's economy, the dollar loses value and importance in the whole world, wheee!!! :D

PS: On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 2:38 AM, jim bell <> wrote:
It is this kind of wacky misinterpretation by the lamestream media which is further destroying their credibility.
Well, at least news media had credibility. Your President never had any credibility. You should be happy for him, nobody can destroy something that never existed.

On Feb 20, 2017, at 2:38 AM, James A. Donald <> wrote:
On 2/20/2017 4:35 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote: Well, at least news media had credibility.
I have not checked every dispute, or even many disputes, but those where I knew the facts, Trump told the truth, and the press lied.
You're joking right? You're a clown, just like Trump.

On 02/20/2017 02:38 AM, James A. Donald wrote:
On 2/20/2017 4:35 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
Well, at least news media had credibility.
I have not checked every dispute, or even many disputes, but those where I knew the facts, Trump told the truth, and the press lied.
Yeah - like terrorist incidents that never happened. Unlike you - i knew Trump once. He was an asshole in the 90's and he has perfected his assholism.

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 5:06 AM, Marina Brown <> wrote:
Unlike you - i knew Trump once. He was an asshole in the 90's and he has perfected his assholism.
By the way, still talking about assholes, I tried to be a little bit more polite and used the expression " intergluteal cleft" instead "asscrack", but a friend asked me why a "intergluteal cleft" , so Zzzzz did probably not understand the reference too, uff... :((

James A. Donald wrote:
I have not checked every dispute, or even many disputes, but those where I knew the facts, Trump told the truth, and the press lied.
On 2/20/2017 6:06 PM, Marina Brown wrote:
Yeah - like terrorist incidents that never happened.
Trump did not say that there was a terrorist incident in Sweden. The press made that up. Fake News. CNN is the Counterfeit News Network. I watched his rally, and when he mentioned Sweden I knew what incidents he was referring to.

On Feb 20, 2017, at 6:06 AM, James A. Donald <> wrote:
James A. Donald wrote:
I have not checked every dispute, or even many disputes, but those where I knew the facts, Trump told the truth, and the press lied.
On 2/20/2017 6:06 PM, Marina Brown wrote: Yeah - like terrorist incidents that never happened.
Trump did not say that there was a terrorist incident in Sweden. The press made that up.
Fake News. CNN is the Counterfeit News Network.
I watched his rally, and when he mentioned Sweden I knew what incidents he was referring to.
He was referring to a fox news segment, as is well documented (by Trump himself). The POTUS gets most of his info off of fucking fox news (where only Chris Wallace has started to refuse to toady to him). It's a fucking joke ;) You are fooling yourself in your huge overestimation of Trump. But i suppose that's not much of a stretch, coming from such a regressive, fucked up wanna-be slave-owner/rapist like yourself.

James A. Donald <> wrote:
Trump did not say that there was a terrorist incident in Sweden. The press made that up.
Fake News. CNN is the Counterfeit News Network.
I watched his rally, and when he mentioned Sweden I knew what incidents he was referring to.
On 2/21/2017 12:46 AM, John Newman wrote:
He was referring to a fox news segment, as is well documented (by Trump himself).
Liar He was referring not to the Fox News segment, but to the events described in many places, described in that Fox News segment among others. Big difference.

On Feb 20, 2017, at 7:04 PM, James A. Donald <> wrote:
James A. Donald <> wrote:
Trump did not say that there was a terrorist incident in Sweden. The press made that up.
Fake News. CNN is the Counterfeit News Network.
I watched his rally, and when he mentioned Sweden I knew what incidents he was referring to.
On 2/21/2017 12:46 AM, John Newman wrote: He was referring to a fox news segment, as is well documented (by Trump himself).
He was referring not to the Fox News segment, but to the events described in many places, described in that Fox News segment among others.
Big difference.
He SAID SO HIMSELF! Unless his own twitter feed it "FAKE NEWS" ? Haha, which it of course is! Go write some more rape fantasy Jim, it's more your forte.

On 02/20/2017 10:28 PM, John Newman wrote:
On Feb 20, 2017, at 7:04 PM, James A. Donald <> wrote:
James A. Donald <> wrote:
Trump did not say that there was a terrorist incident in Sweden. The press made that up.
Fake News. CNN is the Counterfeit News Network.
I watched his rally, and when he mentioned Sweden I knew what incidents he was referring to.
On 2/21/2017 12:46 AM, John Newman wrote: He was referring to a fox news segment, as is well documented (by Trump himself).
He was referring not to the Fox News segment, but to the events described in many places, described in that Fox News segment among others.
Big difference.
He SAID SO HIMSELF! Unless his own twitter feed it "FAKE NEWS" ? Haha, which it of course is!
Go write some more rape fantasy Jim, it's more your forte.
Trump IS fake news ! Ha !

James A. Donald <> wrote:
He was referring not to the Fox News segment, but to the events described in many places, described in that Fox News segment among others.
Big difference.
On 2/21/2017 1:28 PM, John Newman wrote:
Liar. His twitter feed says "story broadcast on Fox" That word "story" makes all the difference. The story in question, being confirmed from many, many sources, being that Sweden now has extraordinarily high levels of rape. For another source of *that* *same* *story* that was broadcast on fox: "Sweden is now number two on the list of rape countries, surpassed only by Lesotho in Southern Africa."

On 02/20/2017 07:57 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
The story in question, being confirmed from many, many sources, being that Sweden now has extraordinarily high levels of rape.
Orlando, where trump said that stupid thing, had more rapes last year (7,537) than all of Sweden (5,920) Sources here:

From: Razer < On 02/20/2017 07:57 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
The story in question, being confirmed from many, many sources, being that Sweden now has extraordinarily high levels of rape.
Orlando, where trump said that stupid thing, had more rapes last year (7,537) than all of Sweden (5,920)
Sources here: I wonder what that tells us about the demographics of Orlando vs. Sweden? (I'd say more, but it wouldn't be Politically Correct.) Jim Bell

On 02/20/2017 08:11 PM, jim bell wrote:
*From:* Razer <
On 02/20/2017 07:57 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
The story in question, being confirmed from many, many sources, being that Sweden now has extraordinarily high levels of rape.
Orlando, where trump said that stupid thing, had more rapes last year (7,537) than all of Sweden (5,920)
Sources here:
I wonder what that tells us about the demographics of Orlando vs. Sweden? (I'd say more, but it wouldn't be Politically Correct.)
Jim Bell
Orlando probably has a lot of sexual predators hanging around b/c DisneyWorld ... meaning young female tourists and college students. It also has quite the population of Cuban racketeering Gusanos and ex-mercenaries like the guy who shot up that Gay bar. Young women around mobsters and mercs = high rape risk. Point is Sweden is NOT the "Rape capital of the world", and the number of rapes is DOWN considerably since 2014. Rr

On Feb 20, 2017, at 10:57 PM, James A. Donald <> wrote:
James A. Donald <> wrote:
He was referring not to the Fox News segment, but to the events described in many places, described in that Fox News segment among others.
Big difference.
On 2/21/2017 1:28 PM, John Newman wrote: He SAID SO HIMSELF!
His twitter feed says "story broadcast on Fox"
That word "story" makes all the difference.
Rofl. You are grasping at straws with this absurd line of defense... His twitter feed says precisely: "My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden." -In reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews.- You're a mental incompetent, it's obvious what he meant, just as it's obvious you're twisting yourself up into all sorts of contortions trying to make it something else.
The story in question, being confirmed from many, many sources, being that Sweden now has extraordinarily high levels of rape.
What the fuck do you care anyway? According to you women always enjoy rape and only the husband is hurt by it. I guess you and Trump are crying over all those hurt husbands :)
For another source of *that* *same* *story* that was broadcast on fox: "Sweden is now number two on the list of rape countries, surpassed only by Lesotho in Southern Africa."
Hey, you took my advice and got back to writing rape fantasy! Good on you. Here are a couple of *random links* that point out the absurdity of your claim.

His twitter feed says "story broadcast on Fox"
That word "story" makes all the difference.
Rofl. You are grasping at straws with this absurd line of defense
"My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews"
Which you, and the news media, kept paraphrasing not as "story" but as "segment", or "show", as if he was referencing a skit on Saturday night live. Swedish rape statistics are attached. *This* is the story that he was referencing.

On Tue, 21 Feb 2017 14:56:45 +1000 "James A. Donald" <> wrote:
Swedish rape statistics are attached.
those are incomplete and meaningless and DO NOT SHOW that "rape [numbers] have gone through the roof." your data only shows ONE FIGURE FOR ONE YEAR. What you stupid scumbag need to show is a TIME SERIES, for starters.
*This* is the story that he was referencing.

On 2/21/2017 3:04 PM, juan wrote:
On Tue, 21 Feb 2017 14:56:45 +1000 "James A. Donald" <> wrote:
Swedish rape statistics are attached.
those are incomplete and meaningless and DO NOT SHOW that "rape [numbers] have gone through the roof."
Your wish is my command. Here are Swedish rape statistics over time, which start off at normal northern European levels, then go through the roof. Pretty much as Trump told us, and the Fake News Networks concealed. Next question: Origin of rapist. Sweden does not reveal origin of rapist, though anecdotally, all stranger/assault type rapes - all of them - 100% - are by Muslims. Norway, which is pretty similar to Sweden, does track origin of rapist: And yes, in Oslo Norway, all stranger/assault type rapes, all of them, are by Muslims.

On Tue, 21 Feb 2017 15:17:50 +1000 "James A. Donald" <> wrote:
On 2/21/2017 3:04 PM, juan wrote:
On Tue, 21 Feb 2017 14:56:45 +1000 "James A. Donald" <> wrote:
Swedish rape statistics are attached.
those are incomplete and meaningless and DO NOT SHOW that "rape [numbers] have gone through the roof."
Your wish is my command. Here are Swedish rape statistics over time,
Too bad you don't have any source for that little image. Maybe it's the 'official' numbers, maybe it's garbage made up by timbro or some other swedish fascists. So I suggest you get an 'official' link, for starters. But assuming your 'statistics' come from the official swedish fascists, aka the swedish crown, I'll mention for the third time that sweden is ruled by the feminazis, and the fucking joo-kristian conservatives who of course are close cousins of the feminazis. To them anything can be 'rape'. Anyway, what the graph shows is that in 2004 there was an increase in the curve's rate of change. So the obvious question is : what happened in 2004? Perhaps the feminazis came up with a new legal definition for rape? What do you think happened in 2004?
which start off at normal northern European levels, then go through the roof.
Pretty much as Trump told us, and the Fake News Networks concealed.
did trump said that alleged rapes started to increase in 2004? No, I don't think he said that. So your are just making shit up. As always.
Next question: Origin of rapist.
Sweden does not reveal origin of rapist, though anecdotally, all stranger/assault type rapes - all of them - 100% - are by Muslims.
But didn't you just say that the graph "starts off at normal northern European levels," ? Was that 'normal' level of rape due to white joo-kkkristian rapists?
Norway, which is pretty similar to Sweden, does track origin of rapist:
And yes, in Oslo Norway, all stranger/assault type rapes, all of them, are by Muslims.

On 2/21/2017 3:56 PM, juan wrote:
But didn't you just say that the graph "starts off at normal northern European levels," ?
Was that 'normal' level of rape due to white joo-kkkristian rapists?
Sweden, infamously, has an "expansive" definition of rape. But until recently good old fashioned stranger-grabs-a-girl-in-the-street-and-breaks-her-face rape was rare. Which may well be why the Swedish women voted to import the rapeugees. They found Swedish men insufficiently manly and hungered for a bit of the rough stuff.

The Sweden Democrats, and the people who vote for them, know what is happening in Sweden. And they say Trump is right. And the way the wind blows, they will be in government come the next Swedish election, or the one after that. AS SWEDEN faces an existential crisis with the police in turmoil amid a surge in violent crime across the nation, the once liberal country could see its left-wing government ousted from power. And here is a Swedish prog, bemoaning Sweden being insufficently generous to Muslims, thereby preventing them from magically becoming good Swedish taxpayers: The awful truth is that Trump was right to say they are dealing with problems that they never imagined. Who, for example, would have thought Sweden would be Europe’s greatest exporter of jihadis? He thinks that if you pour more money over the heads of Muslims they will not become jihadis.

On 02/20/2017 10:57 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
James A. Donald <> wrote:
He was referring not to the Fox News segment, but to the events described in many places, described in that Fox News segment among others.
Big difference.
On 2/21/2017 1:28 PM, John Newman wrote:
His twitter feed says "story broadcast on Fox"
That word "story" makes all the difference.
The story in question, being confirmed from many, many sources, being that Sweden now has extraordinarily high levels of rape.
For another source of *that* *same* *story* that was broadcast on fox: "Sweden is now number two on the list of rape countries, surpassed only by Lesotho in Southern Africa." The composition of the board of directors says it all. This is not a reliable source of information. It is a consistant source of propaganda.

On 02/21/2017 08:12 AM, Marina Brown wrote:
The composition of the board of directors says it all. This is not a reliable source of information. It is a consistant source of propaganda.
For a while, for reasons I can't even imagine except perhaps he was misled, or the 'institute' policy did a complete about face, Pepe Escobar was on their author's list. He's not listed anymore. Rr

First off, the word "Immigrant", as it's being used to describe what's happening due to NATO's nasty wars is just a cutesy MISUSED term for "Displaced War Refugees" The "Rioting problem" is the 'ghetto-ization' not the immigrants themselves. If you were displaced and stuck in a slum after YOUR country was destroyed you'd be a little disenfranchised and angry too. Especially your children. Even economic immigrant children have issues. And yes... That's absolutely an apologia for people displaced by the wars the West creates to loot extractive resources. But let's talk about "Economic Immigrants" not traumatized by war and left without any good psychological care or community support... which was left in the airstrike and artillery rubble of their homeland... For instance where I live; an area of California with a large population of Mexicans. The parents are hard working and for the most part fastidiously law-abiding, but the children, if the family isn't careful, become gangstas and drug dealers. But truth be told, for not-so-different sociological reasons, white middle class parents around here are, for the most part, hard working ... but the NA and AA halls are full of their kids, who also 'pack up' occasionally to terrorize the local displaced workers. AKA the "Homeless". Something Chicano kids, in my 40 years here have NEVER done. From the Washington Post... "In 2015, when the influx of refugees and migrants to Europe from Africa, the Middle East and Asia was highest, Sweden took in the greatest number per capita. By and large, integration has been a success story there, save for incidents such as Monday night's, which have taken place in highly segregated neighborhoods. The newspaper Dagens Nyheter analyzed crime statistics between October 2015 and January 2016 and came to the conclusion that refugees were responsible for only 1 percent of all incidents. That has done little to assuage the perceptions, even among Swedes, that foreigners are culpable for the crime that does happen. A Pew Research Center study conducted in early 2016 indicated that 46 percent of Swedes believed that “refugees in our country are more to blame for crime than other groups.” Ripe ground for Fascism. As with Norway where there's been a hard swing to the right as their petro-based economy flounders, it's been seen that Socialism of the Nationalist variety... The kind that stops at your national borders, easily becomes National Socialism when times get economically or socially stressful. And so it is in 'Merica too. Which despite it's crapitialist underpinnings has required a so-called Welfare State (Nationalist Socialism) to remain... for some part of the population... mostly the white part... stable. Rr

From: James A. Donald <> James A. Donald wrote:
I have not checked every dispute, or even many disputes, but those where I knew the facts, Trump told the truth, and the press lied.
Yeah - like terrorist incidents that never happened. Trump did not say that there was a terrorist incident in Sweden. The
On 2/20/2017 6:06 PM, Marina Brown wrote: press made that up. Yes, you are absolutely correct about this. In many cases, people who comment about this negatively simply inserted the "terrorism" subject into it. See this article for many examples: It's what I previously mentioned: A 'strawman': Simply invent something that your rhetorical opponent DIDN'T say, and 'disprove' it, to great applause by the clueless masses.
Fake News. CNN is the Counterfeit News Network.
I watched his rally, and when he mentioned Sweden I knew what incidents he was referring to. So did I, at least I remembered enough incidents about rape by Muslim immigrants in Sweden. If Trump had wanted to mean "terrorism", he is smart enough to have used the term. He didn't.
× Jim Bell

On 02/20/2017 12:45 PM, jim bell wrote:
Trump did not say that there was a terrorist incident in Sweden. The press made that up.
No they didn't. They reported he implied... Bloggers claimed he was discussing a terorist incident: The Guardian for example: "Donald Trump appears to invent..." The New York Times: " President Trump escalated his attack on Sweden's migration policies on Monday, doubling down on his suggestion — based on a Fox News report — that refugees in the Scandinavian country were behind a surge in crime and terrorism." Which WAS the subject he was discussing when he brought up that (also non-existent) "Crime Wave" by immigrants to Sweden Stop lying to support your fascist, fascist. Rr

I watched him speak, and he did not imply that to me.
On 2/21/2017 9:08 AM, Razer wrote:
I don't give a fuck WHAT you think troll.
You don't give a fuck about reality. You don't care what he said, because you have total confidence that fake news is true, and if it is not true, you don't care. I see the media lying all the time, and Trump speaking truth all the time, and this is one more such incident of many. You want to live in a world of your own, and you want everyone who brings up unwanted reality gotten rid of.

Here's the reality Troll:
Over the weekend, President Donald Trump told attendees at a rally in Florida that there had been an “incident” involving Muslim immigrants in Sweden late last week, despite the fact that no terrorist attack in Sweden occurred at that time.
The source for the president’s claim was a segment on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show that featured filmmaker Ami Horowitz, who talked about the purported rise in crime that has resulted from Sweden accepting Syrian refugees.
Two Swedish police officers who were interviewed by Horowitz as part of his recent film on Muslim immigration in Sweden now say, however, that the filmmaker completely misconstrued their comments about crime in their country.
In an interview with Swedish publication, Anders Göranzon and Jacob Ekström described Horowitz as a “madman” who dishonestly edited their words to make it appear as though Sweden is being overwhelmed by a migrant crime wave.
“He has edited the answers,” Göranzon told the publication. “We were answering completely different questions in the interview. This is bad journalism.”
Horowitz interviewed the two officers while making a video report in which he claimed Muslim immigrants have forced Swedish law enforcement officials to designate some areas as “no-go zones” where they are too afraid to enter.
The officers, however, say that Horowitz simply asked them about the difficulties in policing high-crime areas — and that he never once asked them anything specifically about Muslim refugees.
“The excerpt they showed doesn’t say anything, we answered a different question,” said Göranzon. “We don’t stand behind what he says. He is a madman.” Quote source:

On 02/20/2017 07:01 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
I watched him speak, and he did not imply that to me.
On 2/21/2017 9:08 AM, Razer wrote:
I don't give a fuck WHAT you think troll.
You don't give a fuck about reality. You don't care what he said, because you have total confidence that fake news is true, and if it is not true, you don't care.
I see the media lying all the time, and Trump speaking truth all the time, and this is one more such incident of many.
You want to live in a world of your own, and you want everyone who brings up unwanted reality gotten rid of.
I used to fly out of the same airport as Trump. All he cares about is winning when he bullies people. Truth and Trump don't belong in the same sentence. Trump is about building himself up - nothing else.

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 03:08:52PM -0800, Razer wrote:
On 02/20/2017 03:01 PM,a troll wrote:
I watched him speak, and he did not imply that to me.
I don't give a fuck WHAT you think troll.
Well, your purported improprietary of expressing random irrelevant thoughts certainly never stopped you, for example right here: "I don't give a fuck WHAT you think troll." So Razer, why should we give a "f" about your thoughts on someone else expressing their apropos thoughts? You're one mighty tautologically ironic troll, Razer!

Trump did not say that there was a terrorist incident in Sweden. The
From: Razer <> On 02/20/2017 12:45 PM, [somebody] wrote: press made that up.
No they didn't. They reported he implied... Bloggers claimed he was discussing a terorist incident: That's misleading. Trump referred to SOMETHING. The biased lying MSM chose a specific classification, "terrorism", as if Trump had specifically said it.Trump was speaking extemporaneously, which of course he has a lot of experience doing. But nevertheless, he was vague about what had happened. But the MSM decided to focus on the "terrorism" angle, precisely because they knew it was false: They knew there had been no obvious 'terrorism' incident, which made it useful to misrepresent Trump's intent.
The Guardian for example: "Donald Trump appears to invent..." Blaming how the media gets it wrong won't help you, Razer.
The New York Times: " President Trump escalated his attack on Sweden's migration policies on Monday, doubling down on his suggestion — based on a Fox News report — that refugees in the Scandinavian country were behind a surge in crime and terrorism." At least that references sounds relatively accurate: There IS a "surge in crime" for which Muslim immigrants are obviously responsible.
Which WAS the subject he was discussing when he brought up that (also non-existent) "Crime Wave" by immigrants to Sweden Definitely not "non-existent". × This cite is, of course, merely a single incident. × But you need to define what YOU refer to when you mean "crime wave". Jim Bell

On 02/20/2017 03:04 PM, jim bell wrote:
The biased lying MSM chose a specific classification, "terrorism", as if Trump had specifically said it.
Show me an MSM headline, with link to the article, or any copy from an MSM article and link, that claims Trump was specifically referring to terrorism. They knew very well he was discussing a non-existent crime wave and EVERYONE is still wondering what incident recently 'in Sweden' he was referring to, as is the Swedish government. Maybe it's this one: Attack in Sweden by neo-Nazis on a refugee centre The use of vague speech (allowing for plausible deniability) as a propaganda tool is well known and all the bs bloggers created with the 'terrorism' claim THEY created is diverting attention away from the fact that Trump was really making up a 'Swedish Refugee Crime Wave' claim that's just as much bullshit, and allows creeps like you to point away from the LIE he told, and idiots, alot like you, believe it.,. The propaganda tool used here, Diversion. Rr

As I said. Your boy is a bullshit artist apparently working in collusion with FauxNews:
Over the weekend, President Donald Trump told attendees at a rally in Florida that there had been an “incident” involving Muslim immigrants in Sweden late last week, despite the fact that no terrorist attack in Sweden occurred at that time.
The source for the president’s claim was a segment on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show that featured filmmaker Ami Horowitz, who talked about the purported rise in crime that has resulted from Sweden accepting Syrian refugees.
Two Swedish police officers who were interviewed by Horowitz as part of his recent film on Muslim immigration in Sweden now say, however, that the filmmaker completely misconstrued their comments about crime in their country.
In an interview with Swedish publication, Anders Göranzon and Jacob Ekström described Horowitz as a “madman” who dishonestly edited their words to make it appear as though Sweden is being overwhelmed by a migrant crime wave.
“He has edited the answers,” Göranzon told the publication. “We were answering completely different questions in the interview.
More, with link to the article: On 02/20/2017 03:46 PM, Razer wrote:
On 02/20/2017 03:04 PM, jim bell wrote:
The biased lying MSM chose a specific classification, "terrorism", as if Trump had specifically said it.
Show me an MSM headline, with link to the article, or any copy from an MSM article and link, that claims Trump was specifically referring to terrorism. They knew very well he was discussing a non-existent crime wave and EVERYONE is still wondering what incident recently 'in Sweden' he was referring to, as is the Swedish government.
Maybe it's this one: Attack in Sweden by neo-Nazis on a refugee centre
The use of vague speech (allowing for plausible deniability) as a propaganda tool is well known and all the bs bloggers created with the 'terrorism' claim THEY created is diverting attention away from the fact that Trump was really making up a 'Swedish Refugee Crime Wave' claim that's just as much bullshit, and allows creeps like you to point away from the LIE he told, and idiots, alot like you, believe it.,.
The propaganda tool used here, Diversion.

On 2/21/2017 9:46 AM, Razer wrote:
Show me an MSM headline, with link to the article, or any copy from an MSM article and link, that claims Trump was specifically referring to terrorism. They knew very well he was discussing a non-existent crime wave
You are changing your own story. A short while ago you were totally certain Trump had said terrorism. The massive wave of Muslim crime, and especially rape, in Sweden, is glaringly and embarrassingly obvious, another area where Trump speaks the truth, and mainstream media reports fake news. If a Muslim is not murdering infidels, and raping children, he is a bad Muslim. No doubt seventy percent of Muslims are very nice people, but Islam is inherently at war with Dar al Harb, always have been, and always will be. Christians spread their religion by getting non Christians to celebrate Christmas and then wishing them "Happy Christmas". Muslims spread their religion by cutting off people's heads and enslaving enemy women. Over the last thirteen hundred years, many peoples, nations, kingdoms, religions, and such, have tried to find a way to coexist with Islam. None have succeeded. We will not be the first. We will convert, or we will die, or we will kill.

On Tue, 21 Feb 2017 10:30:14 +1000 "James A. Donald" <> wrote:
Christians spread their religion by getting non Christians to celebrate Christmas and then wishing them "Happy Christmas".
hey james, are you still alive? Too bad you haven't had an 'accident' yet...

On 02/20/2017 07:30 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
On 2/21/2017 9:46 AM, Razer wrote:
Show me an MSM headline, with link to the article, or any copy from an MSM article and link, that claims Trump was specifically referring to terrorism. They knew very well he was discussing a non-existent crime wave
You are changing your own story. A short while ago you were totally certain Trump had said terrorism.
The massive wave of Muslim crime, and especially rape, in Sweden, is glaringly and embarrassingly obvious, another area where Trump speaks the truth, and mainstream media reports fake news.
If a Muslim is not murdering infidels, and raping children, he is a bad Muslim. No doubt seventy percent of Muslims are very nice people, but Islam is inherently at war with Dar al Harb, always have been, and always will be. Christians spread their religion by getting non Christians to celebrate Christmas and then wishing them "Happy Christmas". Muslims spread their religion by cutting off people's heads and enslaving enemy women.
Over the last thirteen hundred years, many peoples, nations, kingdoms, religions, and such, have tried to find a way to coexist with Islam. None have succeeded. We will not be the first. We will convert, or we will die, or we will kill.
Um dude, the crusades are over. Go to a renfaire for your cosplay and take it somewhere else.

The massive wave of Muslim crime, and especially rape, in Sweden, is glaringly and embarrassingly obvious, another area where Trump speaks the truth, and mainstream media reports fake news. ... Over the last thirteen hundred years, many peoples, nations, kingdoms, religions, and such, have tried to find a way to coexist with Islam. None have succeeded. We will not be the first. We shall convert, or we shall die, or we will kill.
On 2/21/2017 1:54 PM, Marina Brown wrote:
Um dude, the crusades are over
The Crusades are not over until Islam agrees that they are over. It takes two to make peace. And what is happening in Sweden does not look much like peace.

On 02/20/2017 11:15 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
The massive wave of Muslim crime, and especially rape, in Sweden, is glaringly and embarrassingly obvious, another area where Trump speaks the truth, and mainstream media reports fake news. ... Over the last thirteen hundred years, many peoples, nations, kingdoms, religions, and such, have tried to find a way to coexist with Islam. None have succeeded. We will not be the first. We shall convert, or we shall die, or we will kill.
On 2/21/2017 1:54 PM, Marina Brown wrote:
Um dude, the crusades are over
The Crusades are not over until Islam agrees that they are over.
It takes two to make peace. And what is happening in Sweden does not look much like peace.
Um Trump is a deluded individual who really does not know the difference between truth and his own fabrications. The Swedish attack did not happen. It is sad when the racism of otherwise intelligent people allows them to be manipulated by psychopathic leaders like Trump.

James A. Donald wrote:
The Crusades are not over until Islam agrees that they are over.
It takes two to make peace. And what is happening in Sweden does not look much like peace.
On 2/22/2017 2:08 AM, Marina Brown wrote:
Um Trump is a deluded individual who really does not know the difference between truth and his own fabrications. The Swedish attack did not happen.
Lots of Swedish attacks did happen, and are happening right now. Google rape sweden.

On 02/21/2017 06:03 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
James A. Donald wrote:
The Crusades are not over until Islam agrees that they are over.
It takes two to make peace. And what is happening in Sweden does not look much like peace.
On 2/22/2017 2:08 AM, Marina Brown wrote:
Um Trump is a deluded individual who really does not know the difference between truth and his own fabrications. The Swedish attack did not happen.
Lots of Swedish attacks did happen, and are happening right now. Google rape sweden.
The KKK always made up rape accusations too. The last time i bumped into a KKK demo there was a lot of heavy chunks of metal flying. It's past the statute of limitations so i can talk about it HA !

For a good summary of the relevant evidence on Trump and Sweden: But you guys will just stick your heads in the sand and say that anyone who is in the slightest contact with reality is obviously a nazi and should be physically attacked, so you should not listen to anything he says.

On 02/21/2017 06:21 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
For a good summary of the relevant evidence on Trump and Sweden:
But you guys will just stick your heads in the sand and say that anyone who is in the slightest contact with reality is obviously a nazi and should be physically attacked, so you should not listen to anything he says.
I never called you a nazi. You obviously are a white nationalist. Me - i really don't give a rats ass about all your concern about the white race. You seem to think you are in a group of white people arguing about whether your racism is warrented. Some of us are are not white and some of us are serious enemies of white nationalists. You are not going to convince anyone of your crap.

On 02/21/2017 06:21 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
For a good summary of the relevant evidence on Trump and Sweden:
But you guys will just stick your heads in the sand and say that anyone who is in the slightest contact with reality is obviously a nazi and should be physically attacked, so you should not listen to anything he says.
On 2/22/2017 9:33 AM, Marina Brown wrote:
You are not going to convince anyone of your crap.
Because you are utterly indifferent to truth and reality.

On 02/21/2017 07:57 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
On 02/21/2017 06:21 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
For a good summary of the relevant evidence on Trump and Sweden:
But you guys will just stick your heads in the sand and say that anyone who is in the slightest contact with reality is obviously a nazi and should be physically attacked, so you should not listen to anything he says.
On 2/22/2017 9:33 AM, Marina Brown wrote:
You are not going to convince anyone of your crap.
Because you are utterly indifferent to truth and reality.
I know reality - This swedish thing is just like the Emmett Till Lynching. ....And decades later the white woman admitted she fabricated it all. Same shit different decade.

On 2/22/2017 11:42 AM, Marina Brown wrote:
I know reality - This swedish thing is just like the Emmett Till Lynching.
Emmett Till was not lynched. He was quietly and furtively murdered for hitting on someone else's wife. For it to be a lynching, has to be done openly by high status people in front of a crowd. Men are still today killed for hitting on someone else's woman. Happens all the time. Has nothing to do with race. If Emmett Till is your lynching poster boy, you do not have any plausibly wrongful lynchings. Emmett Till is a plausibly wrongful murder. But not a lynching.

On 02/21/2017 10:36 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
On 2/22/2017 11:42 AM, Marina Brown wrote:
I know reality - This swedish thing is just like the Emmett Till Lynching.
Emmett Till was not lynched. He was quietly and furtively murdered for hitting on someone else's wife.
For it to be a lynching, has to be done openly by high status people in front of a crowd.
Men are still today killed for hitting on someone else's woman. Happens all the time. Has nothing to do with race.
If Emmett Till is your lynching poster boy, you do not have any plausibly wrongful lynchings.
Emmett Till is a plausibly wrongful murder. But not a lynching.
Most lynchings were just like the murder of Emmett Till. The man was wrongfully accused of hitting on a white woman and murdered for it. The woman who accused Emmett Till of hitting on her recently admitted she fabricated the whole thing. The movie "The birth of a nation" showed how white people liked to murder black people and use the excuse of rape. All too real. You sound a lot like David Duke.

On 2/22/2017 1:53 PM, Marina Brown wrote:
Most lynchings were just like the murder of Emmett Till. The man was wrongfully accused of hitting on a white woman and murdered for it
Emmet did hit on her - just not in the crude and offensive way he was wrongfully accused of doing. But murders are not lynchings. You are apt to be murdered today regardless of race for hitting on another man's woman even if you do not do so in a crude and offensive way. Emmett Till was killed furtively and secretively, not lynched. Happens today all the time, regardless of race. For it to be a lynching, has to be done openly with social approval. The accusation is that it was socially acceptable for white people to openly kill blacks for frivolous cause. Name a black man who was wrongfully lynched - killed openly and publicly for with social approval for frivolous cause.
The movie "The birth of a nation" showed how white people liked to murder black people and use the excuse of rape. All too real.
Liar. "The birth of a nation" depicts black men who actually did rape women being rightfully and justly hung for their crimes. In every actual real life lynching, where the offender was executed publicly and openly with social approval, there was reasonable evidence of serious criminal offenses. And if there was a single case where the evidence was thin or the offense trivial, you would be using that case, not Emmett Till.

On 02/21/2017 11:34 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
On 2/22/2017 1:53 PM, Marina Brown wrote:
Most lynchings were just like the murder of Emmett Till. The man was wrongfully accused of hitting on a white woman and murdered for it
Emmet did hit on her - just not in the crude and offensive way he was wrongfully accused of doing.
No he did not. The woman fabricated it.
But murders are not lynchings. You are apt to be murdered today regardless of race for hitting on another man's woman even if you do not do so in a crude and offensive way. Emmett Till was killed furtively and secretively, not lynched. Happens today all the time, regardless of race.
For it to be a lynching, has to be done openly with social approval. The accusation is that it was socially acceptable for white people to openly kill blacks for frivolous cause.
Name a black man who was wrongfully lynched - killed openly and publicly for with social approval for frivolous cause.
How about the Tulsa massacre ? I am sure you have some excuse for that.
The movie "The birth of a nation" showed how white people liked to murder black people and use the excuse of rape. All too real.
"The birth of a nation" depicts black men who actually did rape women being rightfully and justly hung for their crimes.
In every actual real life lynching, where the offender was executed publicly and openly with social approval, there was reasonable evidence of serious criminal offenses.
Nonsense. A lot of times they were killed for standing up to whites. Sometimes union organizers were murdered for standing up to bosses.
And if there was a single case where the evidence was thin or the offense trivial, you would be using that case, not Emmett Till.
You REALLY are a hard core racist. The time of white supremacy is past. This is just a tiny bubble. Anyway i have wasted enough time with you. You are the worst type of trash. I know i can never reason with you. PLONK !

No he did not. The woman fabricated it.
She spent a short time alone with Till, during which time she now says nothing happened. After that short time, Till whistled at her, which caused her husband to believe that something had happened. Till did not deserve to be killed for whistling at her, but today it often enough happens that people are killed for similar acts. I was in an elevator with a young lady. A man said "Hello" to that lady and smiled at her. I placed my hand on her shoulder and stared at him expressionlessly and silently. From his reaction I am pretty sure he feared I was going to kill him, even though my expression was totally neutral, blank, and stone faced. Because people do get killed for that sort of thing today. Race has nothing to do with it. That was a murder, not a lynching, and similar murders happen today all the time.
But murders are not lynchings. You are apt to be murdered today regardless of race for hitting on another man's woman even if you do not do so in a crude and offensive way. Emmett Till was killed furtively and secretively, not lynched. Happens today all the time, regardless of race.
For it to be a lynching, has to be done openly with social approval. The accusation is that it was socially acceptable for white people to openly kill blacks for frivolous cause.
Name a black man who was wrongfully lynched - killed openly and publicly for with social approval for frivolous cause.
How about the Tulsa massacre ? I am sure you have some excuse for that.
The Tulsa massacre was the murder of ten white men by racist blacks, followed by whites ethnically cleansing the infestation of dangerous blacks from their town. A black man assaulted a white woman. He was arrested. Believing he was likely to be lynched a group of 75 armed blacks went to the courthouse and politely asked that he be secured to receive a fair trial - the white sheriff told them he would receive a fair trial and politely asked them to go home. These seventy five armed black men confronted a large group of white men in a predominantly white area, some of them armed, who they suspected intended to lynch the black youth who had assaulted a white woman. The blacks opened fire, killing ten of the white men. In short, blacks started it, and whites finished it. If the whites had actually grabbed the youth from the courthouse you would have a point. But the blacks opened fire on suspicion that the whites might grab the youth from the courthouse, which is much the same thing as blacks lynching whites on vague suspicion, and very different from whites lynching blacks on vague suspicion.
And if there was a single case where the evidence was thin or the offense trivial, you would be using that case, not Emmett Till.
You REALLY are a hard core racist.
So produce your example of someone wrongfully lynched.

On Wed, 22 Feb 2017 09:21:32 +1000 "James A. Donald" <> wrote:
For a good summary of the relevant evidence on Trump and Sweden:
hint : your fuckingly stupid conservative propaganda is not 'evidence'. Or it is 'evidence' of the fact that you are a retarded right winger who parrots propaganda. Nothing more, nothing less.

On Wed, 22 Feb 2017 09:21:32 +1000 "James A. Donald" <> wrote:
For a good summary of the relevant evidence on Trump and Sweden:
On 2/22/2017 9:51 AM, juan wrote:
hint : your fuckingly stupid conservative propaganda is not 'evidence'.
You live in a world of your own, entirely impervious to external reality.

On Wed, 22 Feb 2017 11:57:21 +1000 "James A. Donald" <> wrote:
On Wed, 22 Feb 2017 09:21:32 +1000 "James A. Donald" <> wrote:
For a good summary of the relevant evidence on Trump and Sweden:
On 2/22/2017 9:51 AM, juan wrote:
hint : your fuckingly stupid conservative propaganda is not 'evidence'.
You live in a world of your own, entirely impervious to external reality.
are you still alive james? DAmn....

On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 09:21:32AM +1000, James A. Donald wrote:
For a good summary of the relevant evidence on Trump and Sweden:
But you guys will just stick your heads in the sand and say that anyone who is in the slightest contact with reality is obviously a nazi and should be physically attacked,
Or, according to Razer, murdered or in the very least killed, or possibly just put "six feet under" or partially "made dead". Razer says he needs to kill all those who discuss a pro-ethnic nationalist viewpoint. Apparently because "muh 6 million".

On Wed, 22 Feb 2017 12:23:17 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Or, according to Razer, murdered or in the very least killed, or possibly just put "six feet under" or partially "made dead".
Now what about trumpo and his supporters? You might have not noticed but trumpo's political system is pretty much the same totalitarian system that rayzer advocate. Trumpo's philosophy? Obey or die. So where do you stand now? Your trumpo posts and spam are just a different flavor of poltical garbage, but nonetheless they are pure garbage.
Razer says he needs to kill all those who discuss a pro-ethnic nationalist viewpoint. Apparently because "muh 6 million".

On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 10:38:48PM -0300, Juan wrote:
On Wed, 22 Feb 2017 12:23:17 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Or, according to Razer, murdered or in the very least killed, or possibly just put "six feet under" or partially "made dead".
Now what about trumpo and his supporters? You might have not noticed but trumpo's political system is pretty much the same totalitarian system that rayzer advocate. Trumpo's philosophy? Obey or die.
So where do you stand now? Your trumpo posts and spam are just a different flavor of poltical garbage, but nonetheless they are pure garbage.
I shall judge him by the results of his actions. He's only a month in yet... and I can say for sure, the entertainment vector has a reasonably high magnitude so far.. And one prime benefit at least - Trump's presidency has drawn out Razer's true self into his very public pro-murder position; that's at least a data point that may be useful to some one in the future. And Trump's wall seems to have inspired Mexico to build a wall on their southern borders, the DNC has walled their grounds and so the Trump voters should be content on that policy front <cheeky grin>
Razer says he needs to kill all those who discuss a pro-ethnic nationalist viewpoint. Apparently because "muh 6 million".

From: Razer <> On 02/20/2017 03:04 PM, jim bell wrote:
The biased lying MSM chose a specific classification, "terrorism", as if Trump had specifically said it.
Show me an MSM headline, with link to the article, or any copy from an MSM article and link, that claims Trump was specifically referring to terrorism. They knew very well he was discussing a non-existent crime wave and EVERYONE is still wondering what incident recently 'in Sweden' he was referring to, as is the Swedish government.
Here's an excellent one, assuming you agree that is MSM [quote begins]J.K. Rowling has the best response to Trump's non-existent Sweden attack. The internet can't get enough of President Donald Trump's "last night in Sweden" remarks, including, of course, J.K. Rowling. Never one to shy from a little fun at the expense of the U.S. president, the author joined in on Twitter's response to Trump's confusing reference to a terrorist attack that didn't actually happen. SEE ALSO: Internet turns to @Sweden after Trump appears to invent terror attack [end of quote]× Clearly, the MSM is repeatedly inventing the assertion that Trump was referring to "terrorism". Jim Bell
Maybe it's this one: Attack in Sweden by neo-Nazis on a refugee centre
The use of vague speech (allowing for plausible deniability) as a propaganda tool is well known and all the bs bloggers created with the 'terrorism' claim THEY created is diverting attention away from the fact that Trump was really making up a 'Swedish Refugee Crime Wave' claim that's just as much bullshit, and allows creeps like you to point away from the LIE he told, and idiots, alot like you, believe it.,. The propaganda tool used here, Diversion. Rr

Mashable quoting Rowling isn't the MSM reporting anything except Rowling's statement. Here's what MASHABLE said.
A quick refresher: During a speech at a rally in Melbourne, Florida, held Saturday night, Trump sandwiched a vague reference to Sweden between references to recent terrorist attacks in Germany, France and Belgium.
Which IS accurate. Listen Jim. I wrote, proofed and fact-checked MSM news copy for an 'alt-news radio personality' for over a decade of my life. Handing off crap like that as "MSM reporting Trump said" is laughable, and in reality, a weak attempt at creating alt-facts that only an moron would accept as truth. But that IS your alt-right's target market. Desperate Morons. And that's why the so-called 'alt-right' will fail. Morons are vicious midgets, and turn on their pwnrs the second they don't get what they want out of the deal b/c 'infantile', and the 'deal' is, in reality, not to their advantage at all... It can't happen too soon. It will be HILARIOUS to watch. Rr On 02/21/2017 12:18 AM, jim bell wrote:
*From:* Razer <> On 02/20/2017 03:04 PM, jim bell wrote:
The biased lying MSM chose a specific classification, "terrorism", as if Trump had specifically said it.
Show me an MSM headline, with link to the article, or any copy from an MSM article and link, that claims Trump was specifically referring to terrorism. They knew very well he was discussing a non-existent crime wave and EVERYONE is still wondering what incident recently 'in Sweden' he was referring to, as is the Swedish government.
Here's an excellent one, assuming you agree that is MSM
[quote begins] J.K. Rowling has the best response to Trump's non-existent Sweden attack.
The internet can't get enough of President Donald Trump's "last night in Sweden" remarks, including, of course, J.K. Rowling.
Never one to shy from a little fun <> at the expense of the U.S. president, the//author joined in on Twitter's response <> to Trump's confusing reference to a terrorist attack that didn't actually happen.
SEE ALSO:Internet turns to @Sweden after Trump appears to invent terror attack <>
[end of quote]
Clearly, the MSM is repeatedly inventing the assertion that Trump was referring to "terrorism".
Jim Bell
Maybe it's this one: Attack in Sweden by neo-Nazis on a refugee centre
The use of vague speech (allowing for plausible deniability) as a propaganda tool is well known and all the bs bloggers created with the 'terrorism' claim THEY created is diverting attention away from the fact that Trump was really making up a 'Swedish Refugee Crime Wave' claim that's just as much bullshit, and allows creeps like you to point away from the LIE he told, and idiots, alot like you, believe it.,.
The propaganda tool used here, Diversion.

On Feb 20, 2017, at 6:04 PM, jim bell <> wrote:
From: Razer <>
On 02/20/2017 12:45 PM, [somebody] wrote:
Trump did not say that there was a terrorist incident in Sweden. The press made that up.
No they didn't. They reported he implied... Bloggers claimed he was discussing a terorist incident:
That's misleading. Trump referred to SOMETHING.
This is beyond ridiculous. What the fuck do you think he was referring to, the price of swedish meatballs? Of course he was implying that something to do with security had happened - stop pussyfooting around as if it isn't utterly obvious. It's all a big fucking joke anyway. He was referencing some FAKE NEWS (his and your own favorite word) from what is surely a MSM outlet, Fox, and also a segment that has been debunked. Stop your libertarian pretense when you clearly love this orange fucking cheeto so much and defend him at every turn. I can understand why you hate the clintons but the election is OVER (Although someone needs to tell moron Trump that, he can't stop mentioning and lying about his victory, nor continuing to have his little feel-good rallies)

Here's a one minute synopsis of the horror (horror I say!) that happened in Sweden Friday night: Also see this footage of the latest terror attack (CCTV, no audio): Rr Ps. There were more people murdered in Orlando (where Trump said that stupid thing) last year than all of Sweden. On 02/20/2017 07:09 PM, John Newman wrote:
On Feb 20, 2017, at 6:04 PM, jim bell < <>> wrote:
*From:* Razer < <>>
On 02/20/2017 12:45 PM, [somebody] wrote:
Trump did not say that there was a terrorist incident in Sweden. The press made that up.
No they didn't. They reported he implied... Bloggers claimed he was discussing a terorist incident:
That's misleading. Trump referred to SOMETHING.
This is beyond ridiculous. What the fuck do you think he was referring to, the price of swedish meatballs? Of course he was implying that something to do with security had happened - stop pussyfooting around as if it isn't utterly obvious. It's all a big fucking joke anyway. He was referencing some FAKE NEWS (his and your own favorite word) from what is surely a MSM outlet, Fox, and also a segment that has been debunked.
Stop your libertarian pretense when you clearly love this orange fucking cheeto so much and defend him at every turn. I can understand why you hate the clintons but the election is OVER (Although someone needs to tell moron Trump that, he can't stop mentioning and lying about his victory, nor continuing to have his little feel-good rallies)

Attached are Sweden's rape statistics. Which you are not going to hear or see on the Counterfeit News Network, but you will get alerted to by Trump.

As far as I know, every single dispute between Trump and the mainstream media turns out this way. The mainstream news lies, Trump tells the truth, and you guys burst a blood vessel because news you would prefer to conceal becomes generally known. At least that is how it turned out with the Swedish rape story, and with every story that has come to my attention so far. Maybe on some matter that I did not check out, or was not familiar with, Trump was lying. But on every matter that I know about, Trump told the truth, and you lot could not handle the truth.

On Tue, 21 Feb 2017 14:32:38 +1000 "James A. Donald" <> wrote:
At least that is how it turned out with the Swedish rape story, and with every story that has come to my attention so far
you just provided a picture with NO SOURCE. Anybody can draw a graph, you know... And your data flatly contradicts what Jim B. linked. let us know when you get some fake but at least 'offcial' data, for starters. .
Maybe on some matter that I did not check out, or was not familiar with, Trump was lying. But on every matter that I know about, Trump told the truth, and you lot could not handle the truth.

On Feb 20, 2017, at 11:32 PM, James A. Donald <> wrote:
As far as I know, every single dispute between Trump and the mainstream media turns out this way.
You mean Trump spouts a line of utter nonsense that is quickly denounced? Pretty much. You're a clown, just like your man Trump is a pathological liar. I love how you give yourself a little out every time you repeat this line of shit "maybe on some matter i did not check" - because even you must know what a huge load of bullshit has come out of the handsome cheetos mouth. Why the fuck you think any of this is relevant to this list is beyond me. You seem to have a loyal base of sycophants on your blog (and moderation to keep anyone else out), so why not fuck off back to it?

As far as I know, every single dispute between Trump and the mainstream media turns out this way.
On 2/21/2017 5:13 PM, John Newman wrote:
You mean Trump spouts a line of utter nonsense that is quickly denounced? Pretty much.
Denounced indeed - but the evidence that Trump spoke the truth and the media lied and continued to lie just piles up, and up, and up. As in the case of events in Sweden, so too in every other case where I am familiar with the facts.

On February 21, 2017 3:25:28 AM EST, "James A. Donald" <> wrote:
As far as I know, every single dispute between Trump and the mainstream media turns out this way.
On 2/21/2017 5:13 PM, John Newman wrote:
You mean Trump spouts a line of utter nonsense that is quickly denounced? Pretty much.
Denounced indeed - but the evidence that Trump spoke the truth and the media lied and continued to lie just piles up, and up, and up.
As in the case of events in Sweden, so too in every other case where I am familiar with the facts
How about the 3million+ illegal votes he repeatedly brings up? His claim that his win was the biggest electoral win in decades? His claim the US murder rate is the highest in 47 years? He said only 109 people were affected by his immigration executive order? Oh, an oldy but a goody - he NEVER made fun of the disabled reporter, right? It goes on and on and on, I could research this and just keep piling them on, but I wont bother. All politicians lie, it's in their nature. However Trump takes it to an extreme that I've never seen, and hilariously often lies about completely inconsequential shit. Your die-hard defense of him (in fact you LITERALLY want a King Trump - "vivat rex", LOL) speaks volumes about your own credulity and the fantasy world you crave: only white males who, again literally, own their wives, with a medieval sense of social mores. You are a special kind of sick, a special kind of stupid, and I'm adding you to a special kind of mail filter so I don't keep losing my shit and replying to your insane bullshit. John -- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

On 02/21/2017 02:25 PM, John Newman wrote:
On February 21, 2017 3:25:28 AM EST, "James A. Donald" <> wrote:
As far as I know, every single dispute between Trump and the mainstream media turns out this way.
On 2/21/2017 5:13 PM, John Newman wrote:
You mean Trump spouts a line of utter nonsense that is quickly denounced? Pretty much.
Denounced indeed - but the evidence that Trump spoke the truth and the media lied and continued to lie just piles up, and up, and up.
As in the case of events in Sweden, so too in every other case where I am familiar with the facts
How about the 3million+ illegal votes he repeatedly brings up?
His claim that his win was the biggest electoral win in decades?
His claim the US murder rate is the highest in 47 years?
He said only 109 people were affected by his immigration executive order?
Oh, an oldy but a goody - he NEVER made fun of the disabled reporter, right?
It goes on and on and on, I could research this and just keep piling them on, but I wont bother. All politicians lie, it's in their nature. However Trump takes it to an extreme that I've never seen, and hilariously often lies about completely inconsequential shit. Your die-hard defense of him (in fact you LITERALLY want a King Trump - "vivat rex", LOL) speaks volumes about your own credulity and the fantasy world you crave: only white males who, again literally, own their wives, with a medieval sense of social mores. You are a special kind of sick, a special kind of stupid, and I'm adding you to a special kind of mail filter so I don't keep losing my shit and replying to your insane bullshit.
I've protested every president since and including Reagan. They all seem to be obsessed with increasing the power of the presidency. Trump is the most blatent about it but Obama and W were quite effective at contributing to the imperial presidency. To Obamas credit - i may be wrong in giving him any credit - i did see him give up some cyberweapons when people associated with the NSA told the TOR project about the certificate pinning holes in the TOR browser. It seemed to me he did not want either Hillary or the Orange shit baboon to have that cyberweapon. I might be wrong if he had anything to do with it but i think he did. I think as cypherpunks we should focuss on our duty to use cryptography to mitigate governmental power. I really find it beyond the pale to have one of our number advocating for an authoritarian. What does James think about the CBP demanding passwords of people ? Siezing devices. I am sure that that key escrow will come up again. Will he support it now that his dude is in power ? Is he only a cypherpunk for white people ?

On 2/21/2017 5:13 PM, John Newman wrote:
You mean Trump spouts a line of utter nonsense that is quickly denounced? Pretty much.
"James A. Donald" >> Denounced indeed - but the evidence that Trump spoke the truth and the
media lied and continued to lie just piles up, and up, and up.
As in the case of events in Sweden, so too in every other case where I am familiar with the facts
On 2/22/2017 5:25 AM, John Newman wrote:
How about the 3million+ illegal votes he repeatedly brings up?
A reasonable estimate: Recall Obama calling upon illegal immigrants to vote. Unless millions of illegals were voting, would Hillary and Obama bother to go after their votes? The reason that there "is no evidence of illegals voting" is that we are on the honor system. No one is allowed to look for evidence of illegals voting. There is absolutely no check to prevent them from voting, and no way of detecting it if they do.
His claim that his win was the biggest electoral win in decades?
In the electoral college, which is what he was targeting, it was. If we had a system where the largest plurality won, his campaign, and Hillary's would have campaigned differently. Hillary won the popular vote largely because she misjudged which states were in play. Trump had his ear to the ground, knew which states were in play, and she did not.
His claim the US murder rate is the highest in 47 years?
He was wrong - but the murder rate did show a dramatic increase under Obama, the largest *increase* in 47 years.
He said only 109 people were affected by his immigration executive order?
Not what he said.
Oh, an oldy but a goody - he NEVER made fun of the disabled reporter, right?
No, he never made fun of a disabled reporter - he has used that gesture in other contexts.

On 02/20/2017 11:32 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
As far as I know, every single dispute between Trump and the mainstream media turns out this way. The mainstream news lies, Trump tells the truth, and you guys burst a blood vessel because news you would prefer to conceal becomes generally known.
At least that is how it turned out with the Swedish rape story, and with every story that has come to my attention so far.
Maybe on some matter that I did not check out, or was not familiar with, Trump was lying. But on every matter that I know about, Trump told the truth, and you lot could not handle the truth.
Trump alway lies. It is sad how quickly a libertarian like you became an authoritarian.

On 02/20/2017 11:32 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
Maybe on some matter that I did not check out, or was not familiar with, Trump was lying. But on every matter that I know about, Trump told the truth, and you lot could not handle the truth.
On 2/22/2017 2:05 AM, Marina Brown wrote:
Trump alway lies.
You keep saying this, but you, and the mainstream media just say it, without bothering with the inconvenience of evidence. And when people present evidence for Trump's version and against the Mainstream Media version, no evidence can possibly suffice.

On 02/21/2017 06:01 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
On 02/20/2017 11:32 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
Maybe on some matter that I did not check out, or was not familiar with, Trump was lying. But on every matter that I know about, Trump told the truth, and you lot could not handle the truth.
On 2/22/2017 2:05 AM, Marina Brown wrote:
Trump alway lies.
You keep saying this, but you, and the mainstream media just say it, without bothering with the inconvenience of evidence.
And when people present evidence for Trump's version and against the Mainstream Media version, no evidence can possibly suffice.
Trump never bothers with evidence.

You don't like statistics: OK: Here is a large connection of anecdotes: Mostly about Swedish swimming pools being closed down as a result of Islamic sexual assaults: Which you are not going to hear on the Counterfeit News Network.

On Tue, 21 Feb 2017 17:45:29 +1000 "James A. Donald" <> wrote:
You don't like statistics: OK:
is that directed at me? I know how to read statistics. Of course you don't like that. Now, if you are so kind, provide the source for the pic you attached. If you don't, then it may be safe to assume it's fake.

On 2/21/2017 1:09 PM, John Newman wrote:
This is beyond ridiculous. What the fuck do you think he was referring to, the price of swedish meatballs? Of course he was implying that something to do with security had happened - stop pussyfooting around as if it isn't utterly obvious. It's all a big fucking joke anyway. He was referencing some FAKE NEWS (his and your own favorite word) from what is surely a MSM outlet, Fox, and also a segment that has been debunked.
Trump was referencing the entirely real news that rape in Sweden has risen to extraordinary, intolerable and shocking levels, and that nearly all the rapists are young recent Muslim asylum seekers, who claimed to be children, but have no identity documents that would show their age and who for the most part look substantially older than "children".

On 02/20/2017 10:51 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
On 2/21/2017 1:09 PM, John Newman wrote:
This is beyond ridiculous. What the fuck do you think he was referring to, the price of swedish meatballs? Of course he was implying that something to do with security had happened - stop pussyfooting around as if it isn't utterly obvious. It's all a big fucking joke anyway. He was referencing some FAKE NEWS (his and your own favorite word) from what is surely a MSM outlet, Fox, and also a segment that has been debunked.
Trump was referencing the entirely real news that rape in Sweden has risen to extraordinary, intolerable and shocking levels, and that nearly all the rapists are young recent Muslim asylum seekers, who claimed to be children, but have no identity documents that would show their age and who for the most part look substantially older than "children".
I see - identity papers make people safe. Ummm, yeah. Most murderers have identity papers. You remind me of the time i passed through E. Germany in 1973. PAPERS PLEASE !

On 02/20/2017 10:09 PM, John Newman wrote:
On Feb 20, 2017, at 6:04 PM, jim bell < <>> wrote:
*From:* Razer < <>>
On 02/20/2017 12:45 PM, [somebody] wrote:
Trump did not say that there was a terrorist incident in Sweden. The press made that up.
No they didn't. They reported he implied... Bloggers claimed he was discussing a terorist incident:
That's misleading. Trump referred to SOMETHING.
This is beyond ridiculous. What the fuck do you think he was referring to, the price of swedish meatballs? Of course he was implying that something to do with security had happened - stop pussyfooting around as if it isn't utterly obvious. It's all a big fucking joke anyway. He was referencing some FAKE NEWS (his and your own favorite word) from what is surely a MSM outlet, Fox, and also a segment that has been debunked.
Stop your libertarian pretense when you clearly love this orange fucking cheeto so much and defend him at every turn. I can understand why you hate the clintons but the election is OVER (Although someone needs to tell moron Trump that, he can't stop mentioning and lying about his victory, nor continuing to have his little feel-good rallies)
Dunno how so many so called libertarians swoon over that orange authoritarian. Real self delusion.

Reality that Trump tells us, and that Fake News networks will not tell us, is that Muslim immigration has made Sweden the rape capital of the west. Just check Sweden's own rape statistics, which have gone through the roof. Of course their rape statistics do not show who is doing the raping, but there are plenty of sexual assault videos that do show who is doing the raping. The rapists are military age Muslim "asylum seekers" who were admitted because they claimed to be children, despite having no proof of age and looking a lot more like draft dodgers than children.

On Tue, 21 Feb 2017 14:08:26 +1000 "James A. Donald" <> wrote:
Reality that Trump tells us, and that Fake News networks will not tell us, is that Muslim immigration has made Sweden the rape capital of the west. Just check Sweden's own rape statistics, which have gone through the roof.
Where are the links to back your claims? What's the problem? You are so computer-illiterate that you can't even copypasta a couple of links. Oh and if you ever manage to copypasta some bullshit propaganda from the swedish gov't bear in mind that in sweden looking at girl for more than 3 seconds is probablly considered 'rape'.

From: juan <> To: Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 8:30 PM Subject: Re: Trump Says, 'Look What's Happening In Sweden.' Sweden Asks, 'Wait, What?' On Tue, 21 Feb 2017 14:08:26 +1000 "James A. Donald" <> wrote:
Reality that Trump tells us, and that Fake News networks will not tell us, is that Muslim immigration has made Sweden the rape capital of the west. Just check Sweden's own rape statistics, which have gone through the roof.
Where are the links to back your claims? This is a source, but it's from the notoriously hard-right Mother Jones magazine. ×

On 02/20/2017 08:36 PM, jim bell wrote:
*From:* juan <> *To:* *Sent:* Monday, February 20, 2017 8:30 PM *Subject:* Re: Trump Says, 'Look What's Happening In Sweden.' Sweden Asks, 'Wait, What?'
On Tue, 21 Feb 2017 14:08:26 +1000 "James A. Donald" < <>> wrote:
Reality that Trump tells us, and that Fake News networks will not tell us, is that Muslim immigration has made Sweden the rape capital of the west. Just check Sweden's own rape statistics, which have gone through the roof.
Where are the links to back your claims?
This is a source, but it's from the notoriously hard-right Mother Jones magazine.
Orlando Sentinel reporting the city's own stats and a Swedish news outlet using the government's stats linked here: Any questions... Direct them to the sources. Rr

On Tue, 21 Feb 2017 04:36:28 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <> wrote:
Reality that Trump tells us, and that Fake News networks will not tell us, is that Muslim immigration has made Sweden the rape capital of the west. Just check Sweden's own rape statistics, which have gone through the roof.
Where are the links to back your claims?
This is a source, but it's from the notoriously hard-right Mother Jones magazine.
And there isn't of course NO PROOF that "rape statistics, which have gone through the roof." Thanks for making my point Jim B. Furthermore as I mentioned "Swedish law has an extremely expansive definition of what qualifies as rape under the law" In other words, the 'rape' statistics from swedish feminazis are a joke. But even taking that into account, there's NO PROOF at all that "rape statistics...have gone through the roof."
So unlike the fascist clown james donald you were able to copypaste a link. Thank you. Your link clearly makes MY points.

On 02/20/2017 06:06 AM, James A. Donald wrote:
James A. Donald wrote:
I have not checked every dispute, or even many disputes, but those where I knew the facts, Trump told the truth, and the press lied.
On 2/20/2017 6:06 PM, Marina Brown wrote:
Yeah - like terrorist incidents that never happened.
Trump did not say that there was a terrorist incident in Sweden. The press made that up.
Fake News. CNN is the Counterfeit News Network.
I watched his rally, and when he mentioned Sweden I knew what incidents he was referring to.
Yeah - it was when a white supremacist shot up a socialist youth camp.

Sorry, forgot to wish the USA cypherpunks a Happy President’s Day! We don't have this celebration or the Black History Month here. Why only one month to remember sad *real* facts of the History of your country? :( (This post made me cry a lot and some of the comments are really touching.) ------- "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live." - Mae Jemison

On 2/20/2017 1:32 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
Trump Says, 'Look What's Happening In Sweden.' Sweden Asks, 'Wait, What?'
Sweden has not recently had a terror act, but what it does have is intolerable and extraordinary levels of rape and sexual assault by Muslims against white women happening in public, in front of everyone.
participants (8)
Cecilia Tanaka
James A. Donald
jim bell
John Newman
Marina Brown
Zenaan Harkness