covid masks, Mikovits, considerations -- Re: give a listening ear to those who might "struggle" -- Fw: Interesting

If you're frustrated, a bit fearful or even angry, the following discussion with the ever informative Leo may assist in getting grounded on the issue of masks during this covid lock down. We can't do more than we can do - higher authorities are in play here - but we do what we can for one another, the Aussie way. We live in a great country of great people with big hearts and a larrikin way, and there ain't no need to go gettin all depressed now, especially when you know you're just one shopping trip away from bumping into some amazing legend in their own mind - it's uplifting :D If you're the type who music can be a pick up, perhaps a little country music: "Thank God I’m a Country Boy (Aussie Version)". The short version of the convo below is this: "If I am infected, and if I wear a mask when close to others, they might be a bit less likely to get infected too". So take heart y'all,
On 21/07/2020 10:39 am, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Be alert.
In the face of extended uncertainty and lack of the truth being told to us, some folks can get a bit stressed out.
By reaching out when you get that nudge or "sharing a little support" i.e. you're own groundedness, simple preparations ("hey, a little rice and water can go a long way, right?") and reminders, you may lessen the fright, the shock, and or the "madness" that some folks might tend towards.
Keep it conservative/real, especially for those who are not inclined to "think for themselves" much - you know the sort - sometimes a few simple words like "we'll be right, we're Aussies, and we will pull through this together, like we always have" can be enough to lighten the load. May be confirm that they have your phone number in their mobile - could make all the difference to their sanity, and if they have a family at home, this might mean a meaningful difference to their family.
Keep a disposable mask prominently displayed in your shirt pocket or around your neck, not only so you can use it if needed at a moment's notice, but to remind one another that we should look out for each other, that perhaps we ought take our duty of care "responsibility to one another" seriously - and a mask let's people know you're thinking of them, not just yourself!
We do not whow how this virus might mutate into something much worse - this is the big scientific difficulty with viruses, they can mutate on a cycle of a few weeks, making any vaccine from even 6 months ago, less than useful (vaccines are often not harmless, even when they are ineffective).
So let's continue to give our best to each other, look out for each other, this is just another journey.
Stay safe, be prepared, and do what your gut tells you is prudent, moment by moment.
If you pray, then pray; if you meditate or contemplate, do that.
Good luck and may God's will prevail, Zen
On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 10:59:01AM +1000, Leo wrote:
uuummm About the mask Zen
I have the book Plague of Corruption by expert virologist Dr Judy Mikovits in the USA, she makes it clear, that once air born it simply mixes with oxygen and you inhale it at the same time, mask or no mask. I think forcing people to wear masks is more an exercise on population control and getting used to orders/directives from "daddy"
The damage and weakening effect due to inhaling your own carbon dioxide would pose a far greater risk And would they really care about our health? When they poison us with toxic vaccinations and GMO food and destroyed diary products etc.
1) Your oxygen intake is less 2) Inhaling toxic air 3) Weakening immune system further.
We live in a circus :-)
On 22/07/2020 1:00 am, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Interesting - may be her book is a big part of why they try to shut her down.
Obviously "according to the narrative", the mask is only useful if you are closer to someone than the "official" 1.5 meters.
I do have one important (hopefully obvious) question:
does Mikovits say that in the scenario where - if I am infected with a virus, - and I wear a mask, - and if you are "close" to me (say, less than 1.5 meters), - and we are say talking to each other, - and then if I cough,
then does me wearing a mask NOT reduce the likelihood of you getting that virus that I have?
I'd really like to know Mikovits' position on this?
Thank you very much, Zen
On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 09:05:50AM +1000, Leo wrote:
Because the mask holes have to be big enough to allow oxygen intake....then they are big enough to allow the virus through.
But fair enough, it could give "some" protection, BUT I am simply quoting from an expert virologist in that field. But I think the point is more like when you have lots of people at a normal distance, extremely unlikely there would be any benefit from a mask, less oxygen and ingesting your own expelled air would actually lower your own immunity and it does not make a lot of sense as a general rule for the public as a whole, I try not to have opinions, I am just quoting the expert.
The same logic as the so called lock down and isolation, more people will be harmed by losing jobs, their business and maybe their home if we get that 2nd wave. But then again, the pandemic is just a means to to install the NWO, get used to doing what you are told, no matter how stupid it is.
The main point is this, say the different viruses are like smarties in a big jar, lots of colours representing different viruses, well up to now we just called them smarties when people died (Flu) and it just pushed them over the edge, usually having had bad health conditions, but now when someone dies, they say he died because he had the red smartie CV19
In the USA one of the worst hit areas, the yearly mortality rate for the whole country has not changed, what does that confirm? That is not to say that the next wave released maybe 4 times stronger, we can only deal with as things change and challenge us once more.
Anyway for me, it is more important to keep my immune system strong and make sure I have antiviral solutions at hand, just in case of that second more severe wave. We need to combine our efforts and all work together................and maybe not dispute minor applications, that applies to me as well :-)
On 22/07/2020 9:43 am, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Yes I've been aware for some weeks that a mask does not really reduce your likelihood, only that it reduces spittle transmission range when people cough, which might help others.
I was really hoping Mikovits or someone had spoken to this a little more clearly.
As to re-inhaling your own CO2, with most masks at least, this is a pretty small % of a full breath, although it's true that many people breathe rather shallowly - although this is perhaps more of an argument for breathing properly rather than to avoid masks, I accept that there may be some % reduction in O2/ increase in CO2 when wearing a mask.
I believe that what Mikovits says she says, but I actually have not yet seen any quote from her or from her book on this topic, though if one exists, I'd certainly be interested to read it...
Regarding the lock down in general, I believe we are not yet in a NWO installation free for all, although there is certainly some push for this from Bill Gates for example.
What I believe is that we are in a period of testing and judgement, literally from the realm(s) above.
This is why I encourage people to get their house in order, rather than say be belligerent and stop paying rent or mortgage if you are able, pay your debts where you can and "clean up your back yard".
If everything we have here is from a template in the heavens, then they have their supercomputers and have their records on us which they update during this judgement time.
You're right that we should certainly be cautious of what the MSM "tells" us, but some things do actually have a righteous foundation, and we owe it to ourselves to try to determine what has a righteous foundation, and what is simply tyranny knocking on the door.
And when we can see that something might help others, at least in some situations, then it is of course the right thing to do to help others, and so we should do that.
Even if it's small, I believe that sometimes wearing a mask may help others by reducing their likelihood of infection.
It might be small, but it's a simple way we can look out for one another, and there's really no reason to not do that.
It's of course a good thing (and probably the primary personal benefit) to keep our own immune system strong.
But perhaps we should not dismiss so quickly those small things that might help others. And frankly, if anything like the Spanish flu appears, I'll be really happy that people are trained to wear masks to reduce _their_ spreading to me, if they get infected - I do not see this as a bad thing.
As long as the elites do the "divorce with China" thing, properly, I am happy with learning when a mask might be useful for me or others...
On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 10:30:20AM +1000, Leo wrote: Thanks for feedback Zen, 100 % agreed on how we react now, determines our future in other spheres Have a lovely day, we all do what we can. I will send you a recipe to assist in knocking these out.........

Zen, you're in AU? I'm in US and tend to harmfully assume that others are. Masks are economically competitive: like shoes, if you can get all your citizens to wear them then slightly fewer people stop working sometimes due to a problem from not. Inhaling CO2 just gets you a little tired etc: it doesn't put you out of work. - K There is proof inside many peoples' electronics. Proof that a marketing group would contract development of a frightening virus. A virus that responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what people see on their devices. A virus that alters political behavior en masse, for profit. On Wed, Jul 22, 2020, 11:41 AM Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
If you're frustrated, a bit fearful or even angry, the following discussion with the ever informative Leo may assist in getting grounded on the issue of masks during this covid lock down.
We can't do more than we can do - higher authorities are in play here - but we do what we can for one another, the Aussie way. We live in a great country of great people with big hearts and a larrikin way, and there ain't no need to go gettin all depressed now, especially when you know you're just one shopping trip away from bumping into some amazing legend in their own mind - it's uplifting :D
If you're the type who music can be a pick up, perhaps a little country music: "Thank God I’m a Country Boy (Aussie Version)".
The short version of the convo below is this:
"If I am infected, and if I wear a mask when close to others, they might be a bit less likely to get infected too".
So take heart y'all,
Be alert.
In the face of extended uncertainty and lack of the truth being told to us, some folks can get a bit stressed out.
By reaching out when you get that nudge or "sharing a little support" i.e. you're own groundedness, simple preparations ("hey, a
and water can go a long way, right?") and reminders, you may lessen the fright, the shock, and or the "madness" that some folks might tend towards.
Keep it conservative/real, especially for those who are not inclined to "think for themselves" much - you know the sort - sometimes a few simple words like "we'll be right, we're Aussies, and we will
through this together, like we always have" can be enough to
the load. May be confirm that they have your phone number in
mobile - could make all the difference to their sanity, and if
have a family at home, this might mean a meaningful difference to their family.
Keep a disposable mask prominently displayed in your shirt
around your neck, not only so you can use it if needed at a moment's notice, but to remind one another that we should look out for each other, that perhaps we ought take our duty of care "responsibility to one another" seriously - and a mask let's people know you're
of them, not just yourself!
We do not whow how this virus might mutate into something much worse - this is the big scientific difficulty with viruses, they can mutate on a cycle of a few weeks, making any vaccine from even 6 months ago, less than useful (vaccines are often not harmless, even when
So let's continue to give our best to each other, look out for each other, this is just another journey.
Stay safe, be prepared, and do what your gut tells you is
On 21/07/2020 10:39 am, Zenaan Harkness wrote: little rice pull lighten their they pocket or thinking they are prudent,
moment by moment.
If you pray, then pray; if you meditate or contemplate, do that.
Good luck and may God's will prevail, Zen
On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 10:59:01AM +1000, Leo wrote:
uuummm About the mask Zen
I have the book Plague of Corruption by expert virologist Dr Judy Mikovits in the USA, she makes it clear, that once air born it simply mixes with oxygen and you inhale it at the same time, mask or no mask. I think forcing people to wear masks is more an exercise on population control and getting used to orders/directives from "daddy"
The damage and weakening effect due to inhaling your own carbon dioxide would pose a far greater risk And would they really care about our health? When they poison us with toxic vaccinations and GMO food and destroyed diary products etc.
1) Your oxygen intake is less 2) Inhaling toxic air 3) Weakening immune system further.
We live in a circus :-)
On 22/07/2020 1:00 am, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Interesting - may be her book is a big part of why they try to shut her down.
Obviously "according to the narrative", the mask is only useful if you are closer to someone than the "official" 1.5 meters.
I do have one important (hopefully obvious) question:
does Mikovits say that in the scenario where - if I am infected with a virus, - and I wear a mask, - and if you are "close" to me (say, less than 1.5 meters), - and we are say talking to each other, - and then if I cough,
then does me wearing a mask NOT reduce the likelihood of you getting that virus that I have?
I'd really like to know Mikovits' position on this?
Thank you very much, Zen
Because the mask holes have to be big enough to allow oxygen intake....then they are big enough to allow the virus through.
But fair enough, it could give "some" protection, BUT I am simply quoting from an expert virologist in that field. But I think the point is more like when you have lots of people at a normal distance, extremely unlikely there would be any benefit from a mask, less oxygen and ingesting your own expelled air would actually lower your own immunity and it does not make a lot of sense as a general rule for
as a whole, I try not to have opinions, I am just quoting the expert.
The same logic as the so called lock down and isolation, more people will be harmed by losing jobs, their business and maybe their home if we get
wave. But then again, the pandemic is just a means to to install the NWO, get used to doing what you are told, no matter how stupid it is.
The main point is this, say the different viruses are like smarties in a big jar, lots of colours representing different viruses, well up to now we just called them smarties when people died (Flu) and it just pushed them over the edge, usually having had bad health conditions, but now when someone dies, they say he died because he had the red smartie CV19
In the USA one of the worst hit areas, the yearly mortality rate for
On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 09:05:50AM +1000, Leo wrote: the public that 2nd the whole
country has not changed, what does that confirm? That is not to say that the next wave released maybe 4 times stronger, we can only deal with as things change and challenge us once more.
Anyway for me, it is more important to keep my immune system strong and make sure I have antiviral solutions at hand, just in case of that second more severe wave. We need to combine our efforts and all work together................and maybe not dispute minor applications, that applies to me as well :-)
Yes I've been aware for some weeks that a mask does not really reduce your likelihood, only that it reduces spittle transmission range when people cough, which might help others.
I was really hoping Mikovits or someone had spoken to this a little more clearly.
As to re-inhaling your own CO2, with most masks at least, this is a
small % of a full breath, although it's true that many people breathe rather shallowly - although this is perhaps more of an argument for breathing properly rather than to avoid masks, I accept that there may be some % reduction in O2/ increase in CO2 when wearing a mask.
I believe that what Mikovits says she says, but I actually have not yet seen any quote from her or from her book on this topic, though if one exists, I'd certainly be interested to read it...
Regarding the lock down in general, I believe we are not yet in a NWO installation free for all, although there is certainly some push for this from Bill Gates for example.
What I believe is that we are in a period of testing and judgement,
On 22/07/2020 9:43 am, Zenaan Harkness wrote: pretty literally
from the realm(s) above.
This is why I encourage people to get their house in order, rather than say be belligerent and stop paying rent or mortgage if you are able, pay your debts where you can and "clean up your back yard".
If everything we have here is from a template in the heavens, then they have their supercomputers and have their records on us which they update during this judgement time.
You're right that we should certainly be cautious of what the MSM "tells" us, but some things do actually have a righteous foundation, and we owe it to ourselves to try to determine what has a righteous foundation, and what is simply tyranny knocking on the door.
And when we can see that something might help others, at least in some situations, then it is of course the right thing to do to help others, and so we should do that.
Even if it's small, I believe that sometimes wearing a mask may help others by reducing their likelihood of infection.
It might be small, but it's a simple way we can look out for one another, and there's really no reason to not do that.
It's of course a good thing (and probably the primary personal benefit) to keep our own immune system strong.
But perhaps we should not dismiss so quickly those small things that might help others. And frankly, if anything like the Spanish flu appears, I'll be really happy that people are trained to wear masks to reduce _their_ spreading to me, if they get infected - I do not see this as a bad thing.
As long as the elites do the "divorce with China" thing, properly, I am happy with learning when a mask might be useful for me or others...
On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 10:30:20AM +1000, Leo wrote: Thanks for feedback Zen, 100 % agreed on how we react now, determines our future in other spheres Have a lovely day, we all do what we can. I will send you a recipe to assist in knocking these out.........

Sweden: The One Chart That Matters While the Covid-19 epidemic continues to drag on in the United States, it’s largely over in Sweden where fatalities have dropped to no more than 2 deaths per day for the last week. Sweden has been harshly criticized in the media for not imposing draconian lockdowns like the United States and the other European countries. Instead, Sweden implemented a policy that was both conventional and sensible. They recommended that people maintain a safe distance between each other and they banned gatherings of 50 people or more. They also asked their elderly citizens to isolate themselves and to avoid interacting with other people as much as possible. Other than that, Swedes were encouraged to work, exercise and get on with their lives as they would normally even though the world was still in the throes of a global pandemic. The secret of Sweden’s success is that its experts settled on a strategy that was realistic, sustainable and science-based. The intention was never to “fight” the virus which is among the most contagious infections in the last century, but to protect the old and vulnerable while allowing the young, low-risk people to circulate, contract the virus, and develop the antibodies they’d need to fight similar pathogens in the future. It’s clear now that that was the best approach. And while Sweden could still experience sporadic outbreaks that might kill another 2 to 300 people, any recurrence of the infection in the Fall or Winter will not be a dreaded “Second Wave”, but a much weaker flu-like event that will not overwhelm the public health system or kill thousands of people. ...
participants (2)
Zenaan Harkness