SURE I’d like to see my dread-butt-pirate friend go free - maybe take out some more 3/4 million contracts on certain members of the peace-loving agorist community. POOTER must poisoned Snowball Why else would this prize chump be bloviating about " … reform American laws—and strengthen our rights…"? Hawaii Five Eye is still operating - there’s no caps on their take. Spies don’t give a flying fuck about laws and rights. Clap hands if you believe in Fairies. Then, as for Julian...if you want more journalists running around lying about cypherpunks and running down crypto-currencies, then you must be a masochist. None of these three stooges is a crypto-anarchists arsehole. Useful idiot or willing dupe at best - cannon fodder. Totally expendable.
participants (1)
professor rat