A Btc Pilgrims Progress
Bitcoins anarchic adaptions are keeping it in business as a contender for ' The One ' enabler and master of the coming global matrix. P2P is a strong architecture for avoiding the ' Tyranny of structurelesness ' trap where informal hierarchy and clique's spoil crypto-anarchism's munificent blessings. The latest crash has actually flattened the OG pyramid somewhat creating more whole-coiners and a smaller harder, flatter target for attackers. With added stealth-carbon plating via remailers-mixers the Btc blockchain might now be said to be as atomic bomb-proof as, well . . . the net itself. Another reason anarchists have to pay attention - despite some foul-smelling Maxi bombast and critical-theorist bs - is the notion of ' Diversity of tactics " might be mapped onto Big Dog. When Btc is neither purely and simply ' money ' or ' gold ' then that adds a powerful diversity of approach. In the anarchist milieu this welcome diversity helps negate the states favorite ' divide and rule ' attacks ( usually led by the corpse media and invariable involving violence ) If bitcoiners follow our lead they will continue to argue for their favorite approach without becoming totally dogmatic, schismatic or self-negating about it. Some will hodl while others spend. Just as many anarchists won't join black blocs but agitate in alternative ways. The 'force-more-powerful' in the crypto-currency space has more competitive trials ahead - but I like what I've seen so far. If Big Dog can navigate a switch to lower energy mode and match current best-practice consumers service it will surely convert its first mover advantage into an unstoppable force. I may even have to become a whole-coiner myself before Cypherpunk 2027. ( Chorus ) God forbid! God forbid indeed! But Faustus has done it! ( Marlowe )
participants (1)
professor rat