RE: The USA Fake Of The Moon Landings

It is not fake. We've got reflectors on the moon. We've got Lunar Laser Ranging experiment
oh... this mainstream argument is so expected. wau. The Wikipedia & USFake Nasa are the most reliable resources on earth, aren't they? *Those retro-reflectors were planted on the Moon by HUMAN BEINGS and they couldn't be planted by a moon-walker robot (like the Russians did before Apollo program)?...* right. And in the meantime, think about the following logical question: Why is it that today (almost 50 years AFTER the moon fairy tale), the Americans buy Russian engines in order to deliver their rockets into cosmic orbit? Where are the pooower engines of the "grand" Apollo program? There are no such. *Then on which engines Americans flew to the moon 50 years ago?* This technology was "lost" or stolen by the "bloody soviet agents"... or maybe it has never been existed like their human landings?! Moreover, there is very basic question like: Where is the solid evidence that these retro-reflectors are indeed American and not... Russian? The Russians sent to the moon several moonwalkers "Lunokhod" who left there a similar technique before the Americans mission began in the mid-60s. Also, we can question the whole Apollo program and not only the human landings - not only on which engines Americans flew to the moon, but what happened to the "hundreds" of kg of lunar soil, allegedly brought to earth by the the Apollo expeditions? We want them to give, let's say, 10 kg to an INTERNATIONAL (not USfake) scientific organization with Russian and Chinese scientists who will investigate it (oh, sorry, it's too secret and maybe too altruistic for the "God's chosen nation" which cares about the welfare of the whole world). And most of all, as i already said: *Where is the solid evidence that these retro-reflectors were delivered personally by HUMAN astronauts to the moon, and not by moonwalker as was done by the Russians years before the fake Apollo program?* *Тhere are no material, univocal and NON-american evidences for already over half a century.And the rest - is policy and propaganda. Very dirty. Like the fake tube that Colin Powell shook** in the UN before the invasion to Iraq.* ______ As my friend said "this moon folklore is too dear to their hearts", is'nt it? Well, it is not "more dear" than the folklore of the communist threat/Vietnam/Bosnia/Iraq/ 9-11/the bloody Putin. And the best of all is the folklore that "we are the chosen (by whom?!) leaders of the earth, => thus only we are the good guys and everyone else, who is not our economic slave, is BAD => and should be destroyed "for the sake of the world". *Question everything that has ever been done by all USA officials (especially the last 80 years). At least 90% of all their words and actions are lies, provocations and deceitful propaganda. There has never been in the human history such a rotten and vile government & ruling elite as it is in the USA (as a consequence, weak and deceived nation).* Those moon fake landings are just the edge of the iceberg. "He who has ears, let him hear" .

To be honest... is it still interesting, if the first (...) moon landing was real or not? I don't think so. Today we have Rosetta (Pluto), the Pathfinder-program (Mars) and many more projects running and in March 2016 there will start new ones... one from the NASA and one collaborative project from the EU & Russia Space-Program. It doesn't matter, what was real and not in the 50s, 60s ~ 70s...?! We are here in 2015 and now Europe, Russia, China, India, Japan, Brazil and also America have their own explorer-programs and~or cooperate. They use the engines of the other countries (most of the time to safe money, because most of the times they underfunded), use also the technology of their neighbours, have contracts and investments, using the same start & landing-platforms, they track the satellites of and for other countries and so on... and we have other (~private) commercial projects~companies like SpaceX or Blue Origin. And today you can hang on on their twitter-channels and watch live-video-transfers, can take a look at their raw-images in databases and can use own tracker-software-tools on your computer or telescope. Today also american, european and russian people are visiting the International Space Station ~ ISS and work there together, share the stations on the earth and sure - every country has also their own, "secret program and projects". But what we can see today, is most of the time verifiable, because all big nations watching the "sky" and have also the technology for it to proof cases. It is pointless to talk about the old 60s & 70s (and so on), because at this time most of the "successes" of american, russian, japanese or chinese trials where shown in the newsmedia as success and no country was telling the full truth about all failures and so on. It was a time, when we had the cold war and other strategic "problems" and everybody want to show is strongness. This means america, russia, china, europe, australia or japan. It doesn't matter - nobody was telling the full truth about all projects and events. Today it will be still the same, but we have more independent stations, also scientists, who grew up in an other country like japan, but studied in the US and now working in europe at the ESA. Or americans who work for the india space program and also russia people working in america or brazil. The time has changed and knowledge is shared (or will be shared, independent if it's allowed or not). So what is important, is what happens NOW, TODAY and TOMORROW on the moon, mars, pluto, sun, venus, jupiter and so one - because there are a lot of interesting stuff happen these days. And this is my opinion as european. It's boring to read every few month a discussion about something, that happend decades before - without any result or target in the discussions, expect just to say "You lie, you wrong, I know it better, it wasn't the truth ~ or the truth". Use the energy for interesting stuff. Todays explorer-projects or recent stuff like syria and so on. But not for old, blurred images 50~ years ago. That's just pointless. writes: It's boring to read every few month a discussion about something, that happend decades before (oh, yeah. it's much more interesting living in an illusive "here and now" without understanding what's going on because you don't know the past).
It is pointless to talk about the old 60s & 70s and so on. (i guess, for a limited person like you, it is pointless even to learn History or to talk about yesterday - you've got your "today")
I can't believe i read bullshit like these kind of arguments from educated persons. Well, i will try to answer in the most political-correct manner. It's my last comment on the Moon issue, i promise. It is not pointless at all, buddy. Because the past SHAPES the present. There is NO today without yesterday. And there is NO "good" today with "rotten" yesterday (part of which is the moon flam). We are talking here about a lie. A LIE as big as the size of the moon. *And if a state can lie such lies, this kind of state has no right to call itself "democratic/special/good/free/honest" state... or the leader of the human race. Not talking about bombing other states "for the good sake of all the others". Such State should be called with an appropriate name. And have no rights on the world stage, not to mention a Leadership.* It is indeed pointless to talk about the "great new world of today" which you and many others see through pink glasses (and there is no such world today). Because the US fabrication like the "moon" lie is shaping our present (which you love so much), and even more - *it is continuing to happen "HERE & NOW".* Now, the US lie is not about the "moon" but about the bad Assad in Syria, chemicals in Iraq, freedom to Lybian people, Russian invasion to Ukraine...etc. It's all happening right here and right now, buddy (On 20/12/2015). *And will continue to happen until good and smart people will believe in these lies *(this is the cause i write to this list trying to prevent this)*. Or until there will be "sheeple" like you, who live in an illusive "here & now" without caring about their yesterday/the truth.* You missed the whole CORE point. Or misleaded the discussion on purpose. Well, you have failed.

Sorry, you've failed - because you discuss a science-topic about moon landing 50 years ago on a mailinglist like this. Why you don't talk with russian, european, japanese, american space-scientists directly (write a mail or call them) or at specific mailinglists (there are a lot of them, from NASA, ESA, FKA and so on) with these kind of topics and discuss there more specific - with more facts and more background? For your personal information: I know, that america, syria, irak and so on is based on "lies" and it's a game of strategic, political targets. Nothing new, we all know that. I'm a europan and not a friend of americans. And for your suprise, I'm more on the east side (which means part of europe and russia opinion). But it doesn't matter for this case. You discuss a specific topic - and thousands of people have discussed about it since decades on IRC-Channels, BBS, Chats and so on. Youtube is exploding of "facts & secrets"-videos, there are thousand blogs with this specific case, there are hundreds of books about it. Everything is shapping the present and the future. World War I, II, 30 year war, Vietnam, Iraq, Falkland, Syria today and so on. Snowden. Facebook. Twitter. RT. BBC. But to "create" a new shape or a "real, correct view" here with this kind of discussion is pointless. To proof, that something was~is a fake, you need "facts" today. And not talks about about how bad a country or their people are and that's the reason, it must be a lie - because that's not the answer for a change in the world. Give us or me ----- new ------ facts, which are really new. All of the discussion in the last years, point to the same videos, pages, books and so on and again and again showing the same stuff, which was discussed before... without new results. So it halted. Example: We all knew, that there was mass-surveillance. Nothing new since years and their were endless discussions and fights about this topic. But then people like snowden or other ones show NEW, hard facts, new documents, new photos, new protocols, new accounts - stuff, that wasn't available before. THAT is something, that change(d) views and shapes of the future. Or stuff like that with the catalog and a story about it: This is something, we can use to work with it. \o/ But I can't see any of these things here at this topic. If you REALLY want to find out, what was happend a decade before, you won't use your time to discuss popular opinions from the web, videos and books in this list... instead you will contact people from this time, members of the NASA, scientists, companies, journalists, study this science and so on to find new findings, secrets or opinions, tracks and tales. After that you will create new documents, work on them, collect more facts, proof everything and together with other people or journalists - and THEN present them to us and the news-media worldwide. And THIS WILL change shapes of the past, present and future, opinions and the world itself. But not with an discussion nr. 238290 about a window and a camera-shoot, based on the same old 1-2 shoots with the same results and the same opinions at the end. My friend: "You missed the whole CORE point." No, I've HIT the whole core point. Everybody can talk. Everybody can tell stories. Everybody can discuss. True stories or fakes. There is no art or secret behind that. But hard facts are the really power of these world today. Documents, records, videos or people, who were working their and give new, testable informations. Everything else is playing in the sandpit... and this is more and more "modern" in mailinglists these days, which is sad, because it won't help to correct things in this world. :/ I'm not educated enough to create my own sonde~satellite for the space or to land on the moon to proof everything. So I don't talk about facts, that I can't test or change their results. And I know that americans, europeans and also russia and other politics, intelligence services and so on talking bullshit most of the time. But this knowlege change only opinions, not facts. And that's the problem and whole point here.

Dnia niedziela, 20 grudnia 2015 11:20:49 Александр pisze:
I can't believe i read bullshit like these kind of arguments from educated persons.
Self-reference much? -- Pozdrawiam, Michał "rysiek" Woźniak Zmieniam klucz GPG :: GPG Key Transition ::

Александр wrote:
> It is not fake. We've got reflectors on the moon. We've got Lunar Laser Ranging experiment >
oh... this mainstream argument is so expected. wau. The Wikipedia & USFake Nasa are the most reliable resources on earth, aren't they?
No... but they're UNDOUBTEDLY more reliable then your sources. Elective readings:
*Those retro-reflectors were planted on the Moon by HUMAN BEINGS and they couldn't be planted by a moon-walker robot (like the Russians did before Apollo program)?...* right.
If you think a'moon-walker robot' could move something that size, go ahead, true believer
And in the meantime, think about the following logical question: Why is it that today (almost 50 years AFTER the moon fairy tale), the Americans buy Russian engines in order to deliver their rockets into cosmic orbit? Where are the pooower engines of the "grand" Apollo program? There are no such. *Then on which engines Americans flew to the moon 50 years ago?* This technology was "lost" or stolen by the "bloody soviet agents"... or maybe it has never been existed like their human landings?!
That's NOT a 'logical question'. That's a leading question containing a statement...
Moreover, there is very basic question like: Where is the solid evidence that these retro-reflectors are indeed American and not... Russian? The Russians sent to the moon several moonwalkers "Lunokhod" who left there a similar technique before the Americans mission began in the mid-60s. Also, we can question the whole Apollo program and not only the human landings - not only on which engines Americans flew to the moon, but what happened to the "hundreds" of kg of lunar soil, allegedly brought to earth by the the Apollo expeditions? We want them to give, let's say, 10 kg to an INTERNATIONAL (not USfake) scientific organization with Russian and Chinese scientists who will investigate it (oh, sorry, it's too secret and maybe too altruistic for the "God's chosen nation" which cares about the welfare of the whole world).
And most of all, as i already said: *Where is the solid evidence that these retro-reflectors were delivered personally by HUMAN astronauts to the moon, and not by moonwalker as was done by the Russians years before the fake Apollo program?*
Dast I say... "The 'solid evidence' is up your ass and your asshole's so big you can't tell it's there"? The rest below is just as idiotic, full of speculation, and not worth responding to. -- RR "You might want to ask an expert about that - I just fiddled around with mine until it worked..."
* Тhere are no material, univocal and NON-american evidences for already over half a century. And the rest - is policy and propaganda. Very dirty. Like the fake tube that Colin Powell shook***in the UN* before the invasion to Iraq.* ______
As my friend said "this moon folklore is too dear to their hearts", is'nt it? Well, it is not "more dear" than the folklore of the communist threat/Vietnam/Bosnia/Iraq/ 9-11/the bloody Putin. And the best of all is the folklore that "we are the chosen (by whom?!) leaders of the earth, => thus only we are the good guys and everyone else, who is not our economic slave, is BAD => and should be destroyed "for the sake of the world".
*Question everything that has ever been done by all USA officials (especially the last 80 years). At least 90% of all their words and actions are lies, provocations and deceitful propaganda. There has never been in the human history such a rotten and vile government & ruling elite as it is in the USA (as a consequence, weak and deceived nation).*
Those moon fake landings are just the edge of the iceberg. "He who has ears, let him hear" .
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