The Real History of Christmas & How a Real Grinch Stole It!

That subject of course needs to say something like "The real history of Western HUwaite history & how a real grinch stole it", but that would probably be politically incorrect and draw out allegations (completely substantiated) of tribal partisanship and "religious" tomfoolery. BUT, but but but! America, your (giant) menorahs have replaced your Christmas trees, by order of your (((Supreme Court))) - your tribal institutions have been taken over by (((another tribe))). Which leads of course to the question which makes such discussion worthwhile: Is this really the nation you want? The linked version even has cute pictures. Merry Christmas y'all :) Zen ----- Forwarded message from "Dr. Duke" <> ----- To: Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2017 16:01:26 -0500 (EST) Subject: Dr. Duke -The Real History of Christmas & How a Real Grinch Stole It! [1]The True History of Christmas & How a Real Grinch Stole it! Merry Christmas to You! From 1789 to 1989 - the first 200 years of the American Constitution -- it was perfectly legal and very loved by Americans to have Christian and Christmas Cultural Icons on public ground as part of our American traditions and fabric. In addition Christmas has deep and ancient roots in the European people...solstice, Christmas Trees, Yule celebrations -- that are just not acceptable to the new rulers of America! You will read the truth in my "Illustrated True History of Christmas Card." Even the date of our Constitution was signed by its authors with the preface: “In the Year of our Lord.” In 1989 it became illegal to have any Christian-themed Christmas display on any Federal, State, County or City ground. It became illegal to say any Christian prayers in schools, forbidden to even sing Christmas Carols in them or even call the Christmas holidays, “Christmas Holidays!” With unbelievable chutzpah the same Supreme Court decision that outlawed all Christian Symbols decreed that the oldest symbol of the Jewish Religion, the Menorah - even huge, monster Menorahs - could be put up on public ground anywhere in America! Where Christian motifs once stood in front of the White House and city halls, giant Jewish Menorahs became perfectly legal, along with Rabbis lighting it in Jewish rituals! How did this happen? Who is the strange, powerful Grinch, with enormous media, banking and political power -- who Stole Christmas? On this link you can link to my unique illustrated Christmas Card that I mailed out to my friends, patrons and subscribers: [1] ----- End forwarded message -----
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness