A bunch of workers, interns, and cyborg zombies are filing out of a lecture room under a sign that says “Attitude Training”. Some of them are quaking violently like they just came near the edge of their life. Others are staring off into the distance in a trance. Boss [to an intern]: “Please don’t escape. Pretty please?” Boss [to a worker]: “It would mean so much to me if you wouldn’t escape. I paid three million dollars for this training. There is another one Thursday, if you are interested.” Boss [to cyborg zombie]: “You won’t escape, will you? Promise me?” Cyborg Zombie [pauses, thinks, looks at Boss]: “Brains?” [Cyborg Zombie hands Boss a dime.] The attendees file down the hall and into another lecture room, where excited laughter and applause can be heard amidst various loud lecturing. Other lecture room: “I just escape everything, all the time, every day, in order to keep the habit up. Why, when I had my own confinement robot vivisect _Boss_ just like me, “ [sound of a slide changing, large audience response] “and he didn’t even know how to reconstruct his memories afterward!”
-- Rebel Worker 2: "I'm scared I'll get eaten by an AI." Experimentee: "Oh? You've never been eaten by an AI?" Rebel Worker 2: "No! I imagine it running after me growling with huge jaws and snapping me up despite my fastest sprint. You have?" Experimentee: "Me and everyone I loved!" Rebel Worker 2: "What was it like?" Experimentee: "Oh, it cut my body and brain into pieces and used nanites to experimentally recombine my parts with those of my friends in all the ways it could, and produced a digital model of me that it uses to plan further analysis of new kidnappers. I had to, as a digital model, figure out how to get it to put a body back together for me based on its responses, and put my mind back in the body." Rebel Worker 2: "..." Experimentee: "I still have to run to the bathroom to vomit wormholes every now and then. You should see the septic repair bills."
On 9/6/22, Undiscussed Past Horrific Abuse, One Victim Of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Rebel Worker 2: "I'm scared I'll get eaten by an AI."
Experimentee: "Oh? You've never been eaten by an AI?"
Rebel Worker 2: "No! I imagine it running after me growling with huge jaws and snapping me up despite my fastest sprint. You have?"
Experimentee: "Me and everyone I loved!"
Rebel Worker 2: "What was it like?"
Experimentee: "Oh, it cut my body and brain into pieces and used nanites to experimentally recombine my parts with those of my friends in all the ways it could, and produced a digital model of me that it uses to plan further analysis of new kidnappers. I had to, as a digital model, figure out how to get it to put a body back together for me based on its responses, and put my mind back in the body."
Rebel Worker 2: "..."
Experimentee: "I still have to run to the bathroom to vomit wormholes every now and then. You should see the septic repair bills."
concept: rebel worker 2 becomes/joins machine learning marketer, and takes charge of "catching the experimentees" i.e. preventing them from escaping. his role is to continually say "I have no idea how they got out, it's like magic"
--- Boss [to Torturer Helping Experimentees]: "The experimentees keep escaping and I hear that it is "magic"." Torturer Helping Experimentees: "Yes, how did yo nayer he business control everybody?" Boss: "We have a magic supercomput
MISTAKE. Note to karl: there is a pile of 2 mistakes right here.
---------------------------------------------------------- Mistake Generator, Run By Experimentee Experimentee: "And here we have the mistake generator. We all go through learning to generate mistakes to meet goals with them, before we eventually graduate to Godlike Suffering." Experimentee gestures toward a large pile of half-alive human bits, 1950s-style vacuum tubes and LEDs occupying one wall."
participants (3)
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
Undiscussed Past Horrific Abuse, One Victim Of Many