http://kotaku.com/people-have-started-hacking-nintendos-nes-classic-and-a-17... https://www.reddit.com/r/nesclassicmods/ It was only a matter of time before people found a way to hack Nintendo’s NES Classic, and that time has come. Earlier this week, modders trading tips on a Russian forum discovered a way to add ROMs to add extra games to the system that was previously limited to only thirty. A modder going by the name madmonkey posted a guide to hacking Nintendo’s NES Classic on a Russian forum last Wednesday. His method requires having a save file in the starting slot for Super Mario Bros., but no actual mechanical or electronic alterations to the hardware, allowing owners to potentially add ROMs of old NES games to the hardware if they are brave enough to be on the front lines of experimenting with new hacks. The exploit involves connecting the console to a computer via a USB cable... Now with 700+ games.
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