Yet another sign of Jim Bell's cognitive decline
I've already mentioned a few 1) He ignore the perfectly good " APster " in favor of the letters referring to Associated Press 2) He starts hangin' with known imbeciles and criminals - like Jeff Berwick 3) He now regards a clearly anti-social criminal as ' the enemy of my enemy " - very Assange 4) He openly prefers some numbskull non-ethic called " NAP ' to anarchism 5) He's chiming in on some of the lunatic LOL-GOP-Qanon garbage dropped off here by Gramps and 6 ) This just in - he's caving in like a whiny little bitch to the bait laid here by " Agent Truther " and one-man-Russian-Troll-Farm, Batshit Crazy. Crazy is the Alex Jones you have when you're not having cannibal Alex. Taking all this into account I suggest we collectively exercise some ' Soft APster " power and ask this Dumbell to leave. Failing that more stringent measures may be considered. Yes?
participants (1)
professor rat