How to isolate/figure out whispers in audio clip?

Hey cypherpunks, I have an .MP4 clip of Joe Biden whispering to 13-year-old Maggie Coons before trying to kiss her: The relevant portion of the clip begins at approx 1:05. Biden whispers: "By the way, if you want to know how important it is, being thirteen" and then I can't make out the rest, I think due to the loud camera shutter. Can anyone suggest an audio program (preferably for Linux) that can help isolate Biden's voice? Computery techniques I could use, or you could use, to help figure out what he's whispering? For reference, the event this clip is from took place on January 6, 2015, and the full video is here: Doug
That entire press session and a few others were going around the right-pundits due to it being full of Joe getting creepy with a bunch of girls and them being cringed out. Just search creepy Joe Biden / Biden girls / Biden pedo, etc. Some of them were posted to this list for reference over in the elections thread.
Can anyone suggest an audio program (preferably for Linux) that can help isolate Biden's voice? Computery techniques I could use
What you want is a parametric equalizer. It allows you to set a bandwidth around a chosen center frequency and boost or cut only that. You'll probably need to use four to six centers... 2 x camera clatter, 2 x background voice and HVAC, 1 x Joe and play with the widths to get the selective filtration you need. Use a spectrum analyzer to help pick centers and bands. There are hardware PEQ's on Ebay, but they usually have only a couple centers without paying big broadcast money, can be noisy, don't stack, etc. Similar issues with HW SE's. These days software is going to be far better and free. Search for PEQ and SE functions in opensource audio editors / nonlinear production, or ask the audio processing / NLP forums. You'll probably have to hack the source to add in more centers since most are likely to inherit two as default from the hardware days. Also consider asking for better raw source from CSPAN, the press pool, the major media outlets, and FOIA security footage, all of which were there. What they post online is usually lossy compressed versions of their raw archival camera feed.

Since it's only Joe's annoying voice you want, a general damp of everything left and right of it could help too in addition to the selective cuts. Old school analog PE applies curves from boring circuits. New digital math is perhaps capable of much more at the research whitepaper and secret levels, such as shaping the curves, following a center as it moves across the spectrum, etc.

Look into DSP, or Digital Signal Processing.ICs that do that haven been available since the late 1970's, but for non-real-time analysis, it should be available in software. See TI (Texas Instruments), as I recall. You will probably want a synthetic filter whose passband is dynamically adjusted. On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 11:52 PM, grarpamp<> wrote: Since it's only Joe's annoying voice you want, a general damp of everything left and right of it could help too in addition to the selective cuts. Old school analog PE applies curves from boring circuits. New digital math is perhaps capable of much more at the research whitepaper and secret levels, such as shaping the curves, following a center as it moves across the spectrum, etc.

Another thing:. google-search 'DSP voice recovery'. This is presumably a very old need. One result: A voice can be modeled as a frequency, modulated in frequency somewhat, and also modulated in amplitude. See the movie, The Conversation" with Gene which a filter was applied to remove some high-frequency interference. Great Movie Scenes: Episode 9 - The Conversation | | | | | | | | | | | Great Movie Scenes: Episode 9 - The Conversation | | | | 5:40-6:50. After filtering, the man was heard to say: "He'd kill us if he got the chance". On Tue, Jun 29, 2021 at 12:45 AM, jim bell<> wrote: Look into DSP, or Digital Signal Processing.ICs that do that haven been available since the late 1970's, but for non-real-time analysis, it should be available in software. See TI (Texas Instruments), as I recall. You will probably want a synthetic filter whose passband is dynamically adjusted. On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 11:52 PM, grarpamp<> wrote: Since it's only Joe's annoying voice you want, a general damp of everything left and right of it could help too in addition to the selective cuts. Old school analog PE applies curves from boring circuits. New digital math is perhaps capable of much more at the research whitepaper and secret levels, such as shaping the curves, following a center as it moves across the spectrum, etc.

Also, once the software has an accurate vocal tract model (easy as high quality Biden speech is widely available) extraction of more marginal content from the same speaker becomes much more successful. On Tue, Jun 29, 2021, 8:57 PM jim bell <> wrote:
Another thing:. google-search 'DSP voice recovery'. This is presumably a very old need.
One result:
A voice can be modeled as a frequency, modulated in frequency somewhat, and also modulated in amplitude.
See the movie, The Conversation" with Gene which a filter was applied to remove some high-frequency interference.
Great Movie Scenes: Episode 9 - The Conversation <> Great Movie Scenes: Episode 9 - The Conversation
After filtering, the man was heard to say: "He'd kill us if he got the chance".
On Tue, Jun 29, 2021 at 12:45 AM, jim bell <> wrote:
Look into DSP, or Digital Signal Processing. ICs that do that haven been available since the late 1970's, but for non-real-time analysis, it should be available in software. See TI (Texas Instruments), as I recall.
You will probably want a synthetic filter whose passband is dynamically adjusted.
On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 11:52 PM, grarpamp <> wrote: Since it's only Joe's annoying voice you want, a general damp of everything left and right of it could help too in addition to the selective cuts. Old school analog PE applies curves from boring circuits. New digital math is perhaps capable of much more at the research whitepaper and secret levels, such as shaping the curves, following a center as it moves across the spectrum, etc.

a general damp of everything left and right
A similar kit is a 1/3rd octave (aka 31 band) equalizer. PEQ's gave you centers that you can move around and maybe select the shape among a couple settings, and two or three cheap PEQ's were sometimes built into the fixed center EQ units, or from the same maker. The 31's analog function has also been emulated with digital / software tools. DJ forums are another place to look for the SW tools, but DJ stuff is often not free opensource.
That entire press session and a few others were going around the right-pundits due to it being full of Joe getting creepy with a bunch of girls and them being cringed out. Just search creepy Joe Biden / Biden girls / Biden pedo, etc. Some of them were posted to this list for reference over in the elections thread. This little girl explains what Joe Biden did to her in front of the nation that no one caught including her parents.

Thanks! On 2021-07-29 18:10, grarpamp wrote:
That entire press session and a few others were going around the right-pundits due to it being full of Joe getting creepy with a bunch of girls and them being cringed out. Just search creepy Joe Biden / Biden girls / Biden pedo, etc. Some of them were posted to this list for reference over in the elections thread. This little girl explains what Joe Biden did to her in front of the nation that no one caught including her parents.

Hi DL, I'm trying to relearn that the world is more colors than just red and blue, black and white. Are you able to share why you are looking for this information on biden, or something else to help me understand? I appreciate the news blasts on your blog when I visit. I visited briefly today and saw a reference to water crises, a topic that is important to me. It was really exciting to think about signal analysis when you brought this thread topic up. K On Thu, Jul 29, 2021, 9:24 PM Douglas Lucas <> wrote:
On 2021-07-29 18:10, grarpamp wrote:
That entire press session and a few others were going around the right-pundits due to it being full of Joe getting creepy with a bunch of girls and them being cringed out. Just search creepy Joe Biden / Biden girls / Biden pedo, etc. Some of them were posted to this list for reference over in the elections thread. This little girl explains what Joe Biden did to her in front of the nation that no one caught including her parents.

See below On 7/30/21 12:12, Karl wrote:
Are you able to share why you are looking for this information on biden, or something else to help me understand?
It fits with my curiosity, the #OpDeathEaters goals (pasted below) for example #6 and #15, issues relevant to the United States (I'm in Seattle) such as the recent video of idgaf Putin and leg-crossing nervous Biden talking to each of for the cameras of their handlers and the MSM, etc. === Phase One 1. Establish the credibility and scale of paedosadism and trafficking industry ties and blackmail power at institutional levels. 2. Challenge the propaganda and framing of paedosadism and trafficking as isolated ‘mental illness’,’personal life’ or ‘sex scandals’ instead of an industrial,international, organized crime network. 3. Raise awareness of both the scale of the story and how to combat the propaganda. 4. Create a database tool for researchers and use it to map relationships and scale. [ see: ] 5. Clearly define possible independent inquiry options for each country and build support for them. 6. Work with journalists to create more libel-protected coverage of unreported stories. 7. Work with human rights lawyers to receive affidavits to help push for inquiries or for ongoing inquiries to investigate. Phase Two 8. Examine laws used to support and protect the paedosadism and trafficking industry, such as secrecy and other anti-knowledge laws. Establish knowledge as a human right. 9: Examine immigration, border controls and refugee policies which allowed and/or encouraged vast amounts of child trafficking internationally. 10: Investigate the role of NGOs and others standing between the vulnerable and the public and frequently feeding the industry. 11: Examine the focus of media on spokes people (such as NGOs) for the vulnerable and promote the need for the right of all to communicate directly. 12: Investigate the role of academia, news media and entertainment in creating propaganda entirely from the point of view of the predator. 13: Investigate the cover-ups after the 80s, worldwide. (Especially organizations created to ‘protect’ which were part of the industry.) 14: Show the gendered bias against male rape victims and the anti-victim bias in media, courts and general society. 15: Challenge the idea of a powerful man in a suit as automatically more credible than a child, prisoner, etc. 16: Challenge the idea of ‘paedophilia’ as a sexual orientation. Q: What is the difference between a pedosadist and the sexual orientation of pedophilia? A: There is no such thing as a sexual orientation called paedophilia. A sexual orientation, or sex, requires consenting partners. It is not sex if some of those involved are called victims, that is rape. Someone attracted to rape has sexual sadism disorder or paraphilic coercive disorder. Someone attracted to the rape of children is a paedosadist. A paedosadist who acts on their impulses is a criminal paedosadist, one who does not is a non-offending paedosadist. 17: Challenge the idea of both paedosadism and sociopathy as incurable and natural when we know both are environmental and growing. 18: Challenge the idea that only some children are ‘ours’ to protect. Children are trafficked internationally because of this idea. === More Biden whisper samples More Biden whisper samples More whispers from the Sniffer in Charge

Can anyone suggest an audio program (preferably for Linux) that can help isolate Biden's voice? Computery techniques I could use, or you could use, to help figure out what he's whispering?
Do you have software development skills? The best solution is likely to train or fine tune something like Mozilla DeepSpeech around obstructed human whispers. To do that you'll need a way of generating similar whispers. This means simulating cover noise overlayed on the DeepSpeech training data.

To do that you'll need a way of generating similar whispers. This means simulating cover noise overlayed on the DeepSpeech training data.
Obviously this idea has the error that the training data is not whispers. So you'll also want to train something to classify data as whispers or not.

Oregon is such a wonderful state. If you find or do the whisper research, please share. It would help me process my dissociative states.

On Tue, 29 Jun 2021 00:01:38 +0000 Douglas Lucas <> vomited:
I have an .MP4 clip of Joe Biden whispering to 13-year-old Maggie Coons before trying to kiss her:
LMAO! Just watched the clip. It's nice to see evidence of the total and complete madness of feminazi trash like douglas lucas. Or infinite dishonesty. Or both!
before trying to kiss her
an act that exists only in the minds of feminazi non human trash. Did I mention that all trash who engange in that sort of amoral 'crusade' and witch hunting are government agents?
How to isolate/figure out whispers in audio clip?
kill yourself - that's how.

On Tue, Jun 29, 2021, 1:51 PM Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> wrote:
On Tue, 29 Jun 2021 00:01:38 +0000 Douglas Lucas <> vomited:
I have an .MP4 clip of Joe Biden whispering to 13-year-old Maggie Coons before trying to kiss her:
LMAO! Just watched the clip. It's nice to see evidence of the total and complete madness of feminazi trash like douglas lucas. Or infinite dishonesty. Or both!
What's in the clip?
before trying to kiss her
an act that exists only in the minds of feminazi non human trash. Did I mention that all trash who engange in that sort of amoral 'crusade' and witch hunting are government agents?
How to isolate/figure out whispers in audio clip?
kill yourself - that's how.
Please don't kill people unless they truly desire it, even if it's yourself!

On Tue, 29 Jun 2021 13:57:55 -0400 Karl Semich <> wrote:
On Tue, Jun 29, 2021, 1:51 PM Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> wrote:
On Tue, 29 Jun 2021 00:01:38 +0000 Douglas Lucas <> vomited:
I have an .MP4 clip of Joe Biden whispering to 13-year-old Maggie Coons before trying to kiss her:
LMAO! Just watched the clip. It's nice to see evidence of the total and complete madness of feminazi trash like douglas lucas. Or infinite dishonesty. Or both!
What's in the clip?
didn't you watch it? It's a bunch of US, high-ranking non-human criminals and 'family'(I'm guessing), posing for a picture. In case I wasn't clear enough, only feminazi criminals like lucas can pretend and blatanly lie, misrepresenting it as something else. In this case lucas pretending that turd biden is trying to kiss anyone. And so the clip, together with lucas' claim, are evidence of lucas' detachment from reality. As to trying to figure out what the biden turd is saying, here's shocking news for you and other technocrats. If people can't understand what he's saying, that's because the information is missing and no amount of pseudo-scientfic fraud will magicaly create something that doesn't exist. You can of course use pseudo-scientific fraud, 'digital signal processing' and computers to 'interpret' noise as anything you want, and you can use your bullshit 'aritificial intelligence' to make biden or anybody else say anything you want. Just like you can watch at random ink spots and see 'things'.

turd is saying, here's shocking news for you and other technocrats. If
people can't understand what he's saying, that's because the information is missing and no amount of pseudo-scientfic fraud will magicaly create something that doesn't exist.
You can of course use pseudo-scientific fraud, 'digital signal processing' and computers to 'interpret' noise as anything you want, and you can use your bullshit 'aritificial intelligence' to make biden or anybody else say anything you want.
My keys are in on the seat of my car if you need to drive anywhere. But I'm very scared of debt. I don't think anybody could ever put me into great debt: I tend to ignore threats and accept the results of impossible situations if needed, to defend freedom. What is it like to be coerced for years and years? In schools, they teach that "everyone always has a choice". Is that true? Or is there a point where it ends? If there is such a point, could something ever take us back, after crossing that point? Is it like alcohol, where people have recovery groups and stay away, or is it more like loss of a limb? I cannot imagine a human spirit without deep care in it. That doesn't mean I am free to summon that care out. Trump, Biden, SpyCorp, RebelThug! Together, the world is an oyster to our quartet. We are all human beings above everything else, and it seems impossible to remember this.

On Tue, Jun 29, 2021, 2:24 PM Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> wrote:
On Tue, 29 Jun 2021 13:57:55 -0400 Karl Semich <> wrote:
On Tue, Jun 29, 2021, 1:51 PM Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> wrote:
On Tue, 29 Jun 2021 00:01:38 +0000 Douglas Lucas <> vomited:
I have an .MP4 clip of Joe Biden whispering to 13-year-old Maggie Coons before trying to kiss her:
LMAO! Just watched the clip. It's nice to see evidence of the total and complete madness of feminazi trash like douglas lucas. Or infinite dishonesty. Or both!
What's in the clip?
didn't you watch it? It's a bunch of US,
No, i'm a CLI guy. high-ranking non-human criminals and 'family'(I'm guessing), posing for a
In case I wasn't clear enough, only feminazi criminals like lucas can pretend and blatanly lie, misrepresenting it as something
We don't even know why Douglas is researching this. fraud, 'digital signal processing' and computers to 'interpret' noise as
It would really help re-empower this community to do public work with signals, I think. Once people can do and describe this work effectively, they can clearly show both that everything is fake, and that we can still use what have to inform our decisions.

I have an .MP4 clip of Joe Biden whispering to 13-year-old Maggie Coons
Here are more clips you can add to your corpus... Biden with Puppetmaster-1 Biden with Puppetmaster-1 Biden with Puppetmaster-1

I have an .MP4 clip of Joe Biden whispering to 13-year-old Maggie Coons
Here are more clips you can add to your corpus... Biden with Puppetmaster-1 Biden with Puppetmaster-1 Biden with Puppetmaster-1
participants (7)
Douglas Lucas
jim bell
Karl Semich
Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0
Steven Schear