[OMELETTE] Germany on track to minimize crime stats since immigration influx

San Juro saanjuro at grnail.com Sat Nov 25 08:26:17 PST 2017
hate-mongering bullshit
It is not clear what is "hate"ful about zztop's messages, at least the ones full of links. It's not different than grarpamp's messages. In fact, "hate" isn't something that can be avoided. "To love is to know hate. To hate is to know love."
nobody cares about, reads, or has any interest in your constant stream of vitriol
Again, it is unclear what is bad with criticism or with facts. Will you rebut his claims? Or will you channel your "hate" into another spam message to the list?
brown "refugees" shouldn’t be allowed to seek sanctuary
Maybe this is your problem. "Brown" is a descriptive identifier of color, not a type of person. To label someone to "brown" is strips them of their ancestral heritage and cultural identity. Such is to identify or label with "white" or "black". People are more than this. Also, "refugees" are being relocated to mostly European nations, given priority over immigrants, and given tax-payer money, enough to pay taxes, for which they are exempt, while being deemed "culturally unfit" to obey the laws and face responsibility for their actions. Why are the homeless not treated good like this? Where do you live, samurai?
because they stab everybody
You forgot rape, unless you don't think a penis is a knife, though it seems like you do. #metoo
WTF does that have to do with cryptography or anarchy?
What does your spam post have to do with these things? This is a National Socialist board, with people from the entire spectrum, though mostly marxist communists and anarcho-libertarians, lol. All are greedy capitalists at heart.
I guess most people just ignore you?
Yep. Because most people are piece of shit. ZAY-Z offers more to list than anybody. Unless you wc -c the archives, then cecelia does.
hurr durr, facts are bad
Well argued. ucr.fbi.gov/hate-crime

On November 27, 2017 4:07:59 PM EST, turnituptoeleven@hushmail.com wrote:
San Juro saanjuro at grnail.com Sat Nov 25 08:26:17 PST 2017
hate-mongering bullshit
It is not clear what is "hate"ful about zztop's messages, at least the ones full of links. It's not different than grarpamp's messages.
In fact, "hate" isn't something that can be avoided. "To love is to know hate. To hate is to know love."
nobody cares about, reads, or has any interest in your constant stream of vitriol
Again, it is unclear what is bad with criticism or with facts. Will you rebut his claims? Or will you channel your "hate" into another spam message to the list?
brown "refugees" shouldn’t be allowed to seek sanctuary
Maybe this is your problem. "Brown" is a descriptive identifier of color, not a type of person. To label someone to "brown" is strips them of their ancestral heritage and cultural identity. Such is to identify or label with "white" or "black".
People are more than this.
Also, "refugees" are being relocated to mostly European nations, given priority over immigrants, and given tax-payer money, enough to pay taxes, for which they are exempt, while being deemed "culturally unfit" to obey the laws and face responsibility for their actions.
Why are the homeless not treated good like this? Where do you live, samurai?
because they stab everybody
You forgot rape, unless you don't think a penis is a knife, though it seems like you do. #metoo
WTF does that have to do with cryptography or anarchy?
What does your spam post have to do with these things? This is a National Socialist board, with people from the entire spectrum, though mostly marxist communists and anarcho-libertarians, lol. All are greedy capitalists at heart.
I guess most people just ignore you?
Yep. Because most people are piece of shit. ZAY-Z offers more to list than anybody. Unless you wc -c the archives, then cecelia does.
hurr durr, facts are bad
Well argued. ucr.fbi.gov/hate-crime
Ah, so Zzzz does have one butt buddy fanboy bitch! How nice for you two ;) Z-tard and the mighty moprhin cock.li ranger, such a cute couple! Speaking of which - why the fuck are you using a non-cock.li domain? Stick to your dumb fucking script, it makes the filtering easier for everyone. I know I wish I'd never read this.

On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 06:53:15PM -0500, John Kangzman wrote:
Ah, so Newstein does have one butt buddy fanboy bitch!
How nice for you two ;) Jew-tard and the mighty moprhin cock.li ranger, such a cute couple i wish I could join!
I know my arse obsession leaks into my potty mouth sometimes, so pleze fogive me yo!
Speaking of which - why the fuck are you using a non-cock.li domain - like sheeeit 'n stuff?
Stick to your dumb fucking script (intelligent fucking scripts just don't work for me yo!), it makes the filtering easier for everyone, 'specially niguz like me. I know I wish I'd never read this.
Then why the hell did you write it? MORON!

On 11/27/2017 at 11:53 PM, "John Newman" wrote:
why the fuck are you using a non-cock.li domain?
What? I have a cock. What does my sex have to do with this list?
makes the filtering easier for everyone. I know I wish I'd never read this.
So you have nothing to offer the list either. Filtered. (look ma, i'm anarchist now)

On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 9:44 PM, This Isn̈'t <turnituptoeleven@hushmail.com> wrote:
On 11/27/2017 at 11:53 PM, "John Newman" <jnn@synfin.org> wrote:
why the fuck are you using a non-cock.li domain?
What? I have a cock.
Yup, and I bet this cock is very deep inside your asshole. Ouch! ;) A little gift for you and Zenaan masturbate each other and finally stop annoying the list: # http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/gallery/vladimir-putin-2018-calendar...
What does my sex have to do with this list?
Search the explanation in the list archives or simply google it, butthurt. It is what you love, but it is *not* about cocks, aff...
makes the filtering easier for everyone. I know I wish I'd never read this.
So you have nothing to offer the list either. Filtered. (look ma, i'm anarchist now)
John has much more to offer to this list than you, Zenaan, and the guy whose cock is on your butt, all together. And using a filter doesn't make you an anarchist. Please, go study instead of being a boring waste of time. Do not annoy the members of this list.

Hi, Hi! :D I would like to explain to the new members of the CP list why I was so aggressive and made several references to c*cks and anal sex in my last message on this thread. Zenaan, his fake profiles, and his friends are *extremely homophobic* (search for older messages in our archives, it's pretty scary!) and mentioning their obsession with c*cks, anal sex, Putin's topless "sexy" pics and Trump's bizarre sexual preferences ("golden shower" and so goes on) is the best way of making them feel a bit embarrassed for still living in the closet, with lots of skeletons and repressed sexual desires. Anal sex and c*cks are really delicious, awesome, I swear. They should leave the closet and be happy, instead of always sending nazi white supremacist garbage to this list. Little kisses, hot chocolate and an amazing day for all of you! <3 Ceci ------- "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live." - Mae Jemison

On 11/29/2017 06:53 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
Hi, Hi! :D
I would like to explain to the new members of the CP list why I was so aggressive and made several references to c*cks and anal sex in my last message on this thread.
Zenaan, his fake profiles, and his friends are *extremely homophobic* (search for older messages in our archives, it's pretty scary!) and mentioning their obsession with c*cks, anal sex, Putin's topless "sexy" pics and Trump's bizarre sexual preferences ("golden shower" and so goes on) is the best way of making them feel a bit embarrassed for still living in the closet, with lots of skeletons and repressed sexual desires.
Anal sex and c*cks are really delicious, awesome, I swear. They should leave the closet and be happy, instead of always sending nazi white supremacist garbage to this list.
Little kisses, hot chocolate and an amazing day for all of you! <3
Ceci ------- "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live." - Mae Jemison
The ony realy use of those emails is that they generally come from troll domains. They are very useful updates for domains to add to my blocklist. --- Marina
participants (6)
Cecilia Tanaka
John Newman
Marina Brown
This Isn̈'t
Zenaan Harkness