[PRECRIME] - Macron's France: "preventive" arrests of non-favoured protesters now routine, passed into "law" - [MINISTRY] [PEACE]
Another day, another litany of empire insanity as France "preventively" arrests those 'of interest' who are suspected of going, or intending to go, to a government designated "you're not allowed to go to this" protest. This new pre-crime law was passed, by France, in February 2019. "no authorization from a judge is necessary and no appeal possible" This is not only pre-crime in legislation folks, this is a star chamber execution of your punishment for your pre-crime. Take THAT, libber-muffalugguh-tardians!‼¡! And as French president Macron tours in his armoured bullet proof vehicular transport device from the Arc de Triumphe, the crowd cheers in wild support. Ha! Acshually no, the crowd, of thousands, boo-ed, hurled insults and shouted "Macron resign". Just as well he's got his police arresting folks for pre-crimes, preventively ... THAT'll settle down the crowds. Or something. No more sniggering now folks, just because the empire is crumbling does NOT mean we are entitled to snigger at one of the world's most arrogant leaders making a public tour and being unanimously derided and decried. Now buckle up and just make sure you tweet out yer disagreements with the state so the pre-crime Fruckerberg machine can have you, like the others, arrested before you do any harm. It's for your own good you see... OUR own good. We really ought be arresting ourselves, jah? France Is Slowly Sinking Into Chaos https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-08-03/france-slowly-sinking-chaos … The French police appear ferocious when dealing with peaceful protesters, but barely able to prevent groups such as "Antifa" from causing violence. Therefore, now at the end of each demonstration, "Antifa" show up. The French police seem particularly cautious when having to deal with young Arabs and illegal migrants. The police have been given orders. They know that young Arabs and illegal migrants could create large-scale riots. Three months ago, in Grenoble, the police were pursuing some young Arabs on a stolen motorcycle, who were accused of theft. While fleeing, they had an accident. Five days of mayhem began. President Macron looks like an authoritarian leader when he faces the disgruntled poor. He never says he is sorry for those who have lost an eye or a hand or suffered irreversible brain damage from extreme police brutality. Instead, he asked the French parliament to pass a law that almost completely abolishes the right to protest, the presumption of innocence and that allows the arrest of anyone, anywhere, even without cause. The law was passed. In June, the French parliament passed another law, severely punishing anyone who says or writes something that might contain "hate speech". The law is so vague that an American legal scholar, Jonathan Turley, felt compelled to react. "France has now become one of the biggest international threats to freedom of speech", he wrote. Macron does not appear authoritarian, however, with violent anarchists. When facing young Arabs and illegal migrants, he looks positively weak. He knows what the former interior minister, Gérard Collomb, said in November 2018, while resigning from government: "Communities in France are engaging in conflict with one another more and more and it is becoming very violent... today we live side by side, I fear that tomorrow it will be face to face". Macron also knows what former President François Hollande said after serving his term as president: "France is on the verge of partition". Macron knows that the partition of France already exists. Most Arabs and Africans live in no-go zones, apart from the rest of the population, where they accept the presence of non-Arabs and non-Africans less and less. They do not definethemselves as French, except when they say that France will belong to them. Reports show that most seem filled with a deep rejection of France and Western civilization. An increasing number seem to place their religion above their citizenship; many seem radicalized and ready to fight. Macron seems not to want to fight. Instead, he has chosen to appease them. He is single-mindedly pursuing his plans to institutionalize Islam in France. … One wonders why, eh? Perhaps Islam is seen as a religious "out" for those in power who live their sexual lives in the shadows and wish for the subjugation of women, in extremis. Good luck world,
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Zenaan Harkness