Re: Magic Money: The Bitcoin Revolution (Documentary)

-------- Original message --------From: juan <> Date: 12/2/17 9:12 AM (GMT-08:00) To: Subject: Re: Magic Money: The Bitcoin Revolution (Documentary) On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 07:58:24 -0800 g2s <> wrote:
As i was saying. Youre just another gambling scumbag capitalist who apparently doeant know what the word "currency" means.
right, bitcoin isn't much of a currency yet cause it's not widely accepted. It never will be as long as its a gambling casino. Do you ever think it will stabilize enough as long as libertard scumbags and the scumbag coders who were responsible for flash trading indexes of derivatives of futures can make bank on it in REAL CURRENCY? ROTF no. Not ever. People like Bell and co have the ethics of fleas, and other parasites. Something i suspect TimMay got out of the industry too early to see. And besides the league he was playing in was much different than 99.9% of people in the industry today. That .1% is still there, but they tend not to be gamblers. Their minds are doing other sorts of calculations.
Bitcoin and the like are OBVIOUSLY a Pyramid Scam brought to you by the same Flash Trading ethics that destroyed your markets and economies..
that's a half truch. At least some people buy bitcoins because of its good properties while other people buy just because they are greedy, brain dead gamblers. As long as the gamblers outnumber the people who would like it to be a stable currency the situation remains.
although bitcoin is a form of 'fiat currency' it has more legitimate value than the competing garbage money produced by government
Legitimate value of a poker chip without anything tangible backing it. Not even a casino whose property you can sue to take a piece of, or a one-arm bandit as payoff to put in your den. Rr
GoldmanSachs and their scumbag financial friends PWN U Or for all I know, you work for them and thats why You're peddling their snake oil. Rr

apparently doeant know what the word "currency" means.
Yes, many people still only know what they're told by declaration in indoctrination, not what properties are necessary to a currency / money / asset.
bitcoin isn't much of a currency yet cause it's not widely accepted.
Acceptance / use is one of the properties, and it's rightly growing.
Do you ever think it will stabilize
As crypto to fiat ratio, circulation, and use rise, so does stability. $330B ratio is at least measurable. News reports are broadening circulation. And the BCH community is now leading the way to opening up usage, especially through driving multicurrency payment processors and low fees.
Bitcoin and the like are OBVIOUSLY a Pyramid Scam
False, in many areas of the definition. One in particular, pyramid requires scheme transfers among the participants... those do not occur with Bitcoin example. Thus invalid comparison.
Flash Trading
As long as the gamblers outnumber the people who would like it to be a stable currency the situation remains.
Typical whining about volatility. Mooted by proper understanding and freedom to choose. Everything on every market is by definition volatile. Don't want to discover, accept offer of, or risk its value, don't take it from storage to market.
although bitcoin is a form of 'fiat currency' it has more legitimate value than the competing garbage money produced by government
Every floating fiat worldwide is ultimately backed by nothing, no guarantee of fixed exchange, except faithful decision to adopt it, and perhaps the guns their issuers use to steal from others. The peace of cryptocurrency is better, at least any theft and murder there is to take the coin itself, and not committed by some default entity to take other[s] things to back it, or its proffered guarantees, up.
Legitimate value of a poker chip without anything tangible backing it. Not even a casino whose property you can sue to take a piece of, or a one-arm bandit as payoff to put in your den.
Litigation is not ownership, it's costly division of remainders. Please show us the contract between buyer and casino over purchase / rental of its chips. Buyers of chips *might* own the physical chip, as to rights to or over anything else, including any reciprocal transaction... welcome to vaporware.
participants (2)