New HOPE XV video: Survey & Scrutiny of Election Security

Hello cypherpunks list, The 45-minute video of my talk at this summer's Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) conference in New York City was finally released. _Survey and Scrutiny of Election Security_ is now up on my blog, with corrected English subtitles already embedded, easy to turn on with a simple click or two. The subtitles remediate HOPE's occasional editing errors and also gaps here and there in my speech where I omitted transitions or didn't make certain logical connections fully explicit. If you watch, you'll want to watch with my corrected subtitles. The presentation features a detailed bird's-eye-view flowchart of the entire U.S. election system -- a "survey" I've never seen anywhere else -- and "scrutiny" of the same through the stories of whistleblower Reality Winner's leaked document and the statewide voting software compromise emanating from the MAGA-led Coffee County, Georgia elections office breach, though I had to abridge those due to time constraints and some technical difficulties. I close with a menu of activist possibilities someone in the U.S. (or analogs) can select from to improve election security in their jurisdiction, whether that's joining Scrutineers to serve as a nonpartisan election monitor (which I've been doing in King County), starting your own free software voting computer company, crunching statistical forensics on exit polls, or more. Besides embedding the video and corrected subtitles, my short blog post provides various related links, clarifications, additional research, and so on, including my 14-page recommended resource list PDF that accompanied my talk. Mostly, my blog post is your convenient, one-stop shop for the presentation, though it's also on my youtube (linked from the blog post). Here it is: Video: My HOPE XV talk: Survey and Scrutiny of Election Security (45min): Sincerely, Douglas
participants (1)
Douglas Lucas