BrBrBr: Corrupt Brazil Swats at Greenwald Greenwald and his colleagues published leaked chats from government officials that appear to show justice minister Sérgio Moro was involved in a plot to keep former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, known as Lula, from entering the country's 2018 presidential race. The reporting has already caused controversy in Brazil and forced Moro to answer difficult questions from the public. In addition to physical harm, Greenwald, who is American but lived in Brazil for many years, says powerful members of the Brazilian government are also threatening to have him deported because of his journalism. Greenwald's husband, David Miranda, is a member of the Socialism and Liberty Party, and was elected to Brazil's National Congress last year. A Congressman from Bolsonaro's party explicitly threatening me with arrest and/or deportation for reporting on the massive improprieties of Bolsonaro's Justice Minister and the prosecutors who imprisoned Lula. This is their prevailing mentality, laid out explicitly: Assisti agora a um vídeo do Glenn Greenwald debochando do PSL dizendo que o partido amarelou de convidá-lo na Comissão de Segurança. Vamos à verdade: 1 - Eu não estava lá, mas jamais teria deixado q fizessem convite. O convidado não é obrigado a responder perguntas, responde o que quer. Aquilo se tornaria um palco para a esquerda blindá-lo e ele falaria o que quisesse de forma distorcida. 2 - O ideal seria uma convocação, mas que, no caso dele, só seria possível numa CPI, o que eu e @filipebarrost já estamos providenciando coletando assinaturas. 3 - Independente do seu comparecimento ao Congresso, seu caso já está sendo investigado na justiça. Senhor @ggreenwald, não pense que você é um imortal acima do bem e do mal. Você praticou ativismo jornalístico através de um ato criminoso, o que lhe faz cúmplice. 4 - Respeite o País que o recebeu, você não pode afrontar nossas instituições e autoridades, cometendo crimes contra a segurança nacional e não imaginar que pode ser punido criminalmente e DEPORTADO. 5 - Se instaurarmos a CPI, não vale amarelar e recorrer ao STF impetrando HC para não comparecer.

Hmm... I felt a little disturbance in the Force. Is someone trying to summon my presence using disgusting Brazilian news about corruption, hacking, lies, messengers' security, politicians, and leaks against everybody? ;) In the next time, try to use some p0rn, books, comics, music, movies, jokes, or fun memes (not Pepe's ones, please!), so I will answer faster, my dear grarpamp. (Absolutely _not_ in this exact sequence, please. Try first the most discreet ways, hahaha!! ;D) Sorry, babe. I am a bit busy and "DIYng". Not dying, only exercising my DIY - cof, cof! - "gifts"... But it's becoming boring. <Insert a really ugly and bad word here!>, instead of making cute things, I think I will kill myself using LEDs, soldering, and crochet, uff... I don't know how to make the cutest "amigurumi" of the whole world, so I am beginning with the ugliest one of them. Involuntarily, must confess! (- _ -)* I love you, sweetie. But I can't tell you the truth and who are the real """"heroes"""" and the real """villains""" here. Yep, with lots of parentheses. I don't know much about this mess, but I can say we do _not_ have any hero here, only untrustful people, fragile masks, and lots of lies. Please, do *NOT* trust anyone. I have my own reasons for asking you this kind of thing, pumpkin. Tender kisses and warm hugs from Brazil, dear Cypherpunks! <3 Ceci ---------- "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live." - Mae Jemison

On Mon, Jun 17, 2019, 19:31 grarpamp <> wrote: <SNIP>
... the Socialism and Liberty Party...
Just a little observation to avoid confusion, darling. "PSOL" and "PSL" are different parties. I do NOT respect any of them, just for your knowledge. **NEVER TRUST POLITICIANS, PLEASE.** And, please, always remember that some victims are exactly NOT victims. You remember all the Tor's mess, for example. Here, the thing seems to be much more disgusting in *both* sides. Just do NOT trust anyone, please. Much love, pumpkin! <3 Ceci

Hey hey, New World Order not quite going to plan :) And a quality Saker piece to boot. Enjoy, Escobar: Lula's "Back, With A Bang!" To Fight US Deep State's "Cocaine Evangelistan" On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 06:30:24PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
Greenwald and his colleagues published leaked chats from government officials that appear to show justice minister Sérgio Moro was involved in a plot to keep former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, known as Lula, from entering the country's 2018 presidential race. The reporting has already caused controversy in Brazil and forced Moro to answer difficult questions from the public.
In addition to physical harm, Greenwald, who is American but lived in Brazil for many years, says powerful members of the Brazilian government are also threatening to have him deported because of his journalism.
Greenwald's husband, David Miranda, is a member of the Socialism and Liberty Party, and was elected to Brazil's National Congress last year.
A Congressman from Bolsonaro's party explicitly threatening me with arrest and/or deportation for reporting on the massive improprieties of Bolsonaro's Justice Minister and the prosecutors who imprisoned Lula. This is their prevailing mentality, laid out explicitly:
Assisti agora a um vídeo do Glenn Greenwald debochando do PSL dizendo que o partido amarelou de convidá-lo na Comissão de Segurança. Vamos à verdade:
1 - Eu não estava lá, mas jamais teria deixado q fizessem convite. O convidado não é obrigado a responder perguntas, responde o que quer. Aquilo se tornaria um palco para a esquerda blindá-lo e ele falaria o que quisesse de forma distorcida.
2 - O ideal seria uma convocação, mas que, no caso dele, só seria possível numa CPI, o que eu e @filipebarrost já estamos providenciando coletando assinaturas.
3 - Independente do seu comparecimento ao Congresso, seu caso já está sendo investigado na justiça. Senhor @ggreenwald, não pense que você é um imortal acima do bem e do mal. Você praticou ativismo jornalístico através de um ato criminoso, o que lhe faz cúmplice.
4 - Respeite o País que o recebeu, você não pode afrontar nossas instituições e autoridades, cometendo crimes contra a segurança nacional e não imaginar que pode ser punido criminalmente e DEPORTADO.
5 - Se instaurarmos a CPI, não vale amarelar e recorrer ao STF impetrando HC para não comparecer.
participants (3)
Cecilia Tanaka
Zenaan Harkness