All peace-loving, voluntaryist, libertarian saints are guilty till proved innocent

The world witnessed the spectacle of Ross Ulbrich posing as peace-loving agorist while hiring hitmen on the sly. This is why all this type of bs Rothbardian ' anarchist ' ( Ancap, Tory anarchist, style pacifist ) is going to be treated as GUILTY till proved INNOCENT and it will be easier for another John Galton to enter ' Anarchopulco' than to enter crypto-anarchism. Get your own lame, stale whitebread and pasty ' Cyber Liberty ' list if you like, but GET the FUCK OFF OUR ANARCHIST LAWN! If you hang around here like a bad smell you will be DOXXED, DDoSSED and DESTROYED.

On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 07:12:22 +0000 (UTC) professor rat <> wrote:
The world witnessed the spectacle of Ross Ulbrich posing as peace-loving agorist while hiring hitmen on the sly.
dude! That's what THE GOVERNMENT SAID. Now, ulbricht did pose as 'libertarian anarchist' when in reality he was (way) more interested in money than in freedom, but that's no reason to repeat slandering govt propaganda about him.
This is why all this type of bs Rothbardian ' anarchist '
( Ancap, Tory anarchist, style pacifist ) is going to be treated as GUILTY till proved INNOCENT
and it will be easier for another John Galton to enter ' Anarchopulco' than to enter crypto-anarchism.
Get your own lame, stale whitebread and pasty ' Cyber Liberty ' list if you like, but
If you hang around here like a bad smell you will be DOXXED, DDoSSED and DESTROYED.
participants (2)
professor rat
Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0