Hi all! Hope you’re all safe and isolated - I found this, seems to be the best resource for organising efforts around Coronavirus: https://coronavirustechhandbook.com/home All the data and graphs you could ever want, tips for remote working, tools for organising mutual aid groups, and crowdsourced specialist advice for doctors, teachers, charities, all kinds of things. Have a look.

Thank you, Hannah! Hope you are well and happy! This book is pretty cute and useful! Really appreciated it very much! <3 Much love, health and music, dear! <3 Ceci PS: - Juan, psssh... Be kind, do not scare her, hahaha!! Love you, thanks! <3

On Fri, Apr 3, 2020, 00:57 Punk-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
Hi all! Hope you’re all safe and isolated
Thank you really a lot for taking it much easier than usual, Juan. I love you, darling! <3 OT for Juan: - You already know the district where I live is considered the most Oriental place of my whole country, but did I tell you the place is full of legends and creepy stories? ;D "Liberty" (or "Freedom", I don't know how to translate "Liberdade" in this case) is considered one of the most "haunted" places of the city. Netflix filmed a horror series here, hahahaha!!

On Fri, 3 Apr 2020 04:02:54 -0300 Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
OT for Juan: - You already know the district where I live is considered the most Oriental place of my whole country, but did I tell you the place is full of legends and creepy stories? ;D
Heh. I should visit Liberdade. It's closer than Japan too =) side note : thanks to the flu insanity PSYOP the 'olympic games' japan have been suspended - it would be great if they were cancelled altogether. It's sad that japan constantly imports all the garbage the Great West produces.
"Liberty" (or "Freedom", I don't know how to translate "Liberdade" in this case)
as far as I can tell 'liberty' is just a more academic and pretentious synonym.
is considered one of the most "haunted" places of the city. Netflix filmed a horror series here, hahahaha!!
lawl - netflix scumbags should be beaten to death, from the CEO to the last employee.

Perhaps interesting counter-points. The video argues that most of the corona footage is hype and there's actually no one showing up to hospitals at all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkCTXEGYf1w&feature=share

Would you want to be prepared, if an untreatable epidemic actually hits? What about for your family? Would you want your neighbours to be prepared, to know how to isolate if actually this is generally/widely needed? Would you want your nation to be prepared? When something new comes down the organic pipeline (notwithstanding the COVID-19's power), does wisdom suggests being prepared? Few of us received more than a factoid (of the existence) of the Spanish Flu, also called Swine Flu. In lock down, perhaps now is a convenient time to spend ~35 minutes and to contemplate on a little part of our collective history. When events of a global nature take place, such as overt (or in the present case, covert) world wars, sometimes deadly plagues are visited upon the human race. Sometimes, it is considered wise to take the opportunity to prepare - to be prepared - is it wise to scoff at or to deny such an opportunity? Take care, and create your world, fellow Souls.. 1918 Spanish Flu historical documentary _ Swine Flu Pandemic _ Deadly plague of 1918 max qual ~115MiB as follows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDY5COg2P2c -f244+251 -- May Russia's consecration be strengthened and may the will of our Creator prevail.

What Comes After COVID-19, Freedom Or Despotism? https://www.aier.org/article/what-comes-after-the-coronavirus-freedom-or-des... https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/what-comes-after-covid-19-freedom-or-... .. The Deafening Chorus of Voices for Central Planning .. Critics of Personal Choice, Old and New .. Unintended Consequences of Human Action and History .. Imperfect Would-be Paternalists are Closet Despots .. Allowing People to Use Localized Knowledge of Time and Place .. What is the underlying premise behind all of these arguments, whether focused on the immediate coronavirus crisis or looking beyond to the world after the crisis is behind us? It is that freedom does not work or does not work as effectively as the critic thinks it should if this health crisis is to be successfully grappled with. It is once again considered to represent a “failure of the market” that can only be compensated and corrected for by turning command and control over to the government and to the guiding judgments and decisions of those holding high political office and the presumed “experts” manning the bureaus, agencies and departments that make up the government. "Immunity Certificates" Are Coming - COVID-Survivors To Get 'Special Passports' Enabling Return To 'Normalcy' https://www.zerohedge.com/health/immunity-certificates-are-coming-covid-surv... .. The rollout of immunity certificates across the world will likely be government-issued to first responders and citizens who have developed resistance to COVID-19. .. Just imagine, immunity certificates granted by governments to people who have recovered or have developed resistance to the virus could be considered special passports that will allow them to freely travel across states, countries, and or the world — while everyone else remains hunkered down in their homes or doomsday bunkers. For A Glimpse Into Your Dystopian Police State Future, Just Visit Your Local Walmart http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/for-a-glimpse-into-your-dystopian-... https://www.zerohedge.com/health/glimpse-your-dystopian-police-state-future-... .. So we should definitely take common sense precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but we must also diligently guard our rights wherever they are threatened. As this pandemic stretches on, people all over the world are going to be clamoring for a “solution”, and without a doubt the elite will gladly give us one once it is ready. We are being told that life will not get back to “normal” until a vaccine arrives, and we are also being told that the elite are feverishly working toward that goal. [Australia] NSW Premier says coronavirus social distancing to stay 'until vaccine is found' as death toll rises https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-04-07/nsw-coronavirus-social-distancing-to-... [Australia] Victorian schools to reopen next week but students must study from home if they can https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-04-07/coronavirus-cases-increase-victoria-a... Sweden Is Recording ‘Died of Covid-19’ and ‘Died With Covid-19’ Figures Separately. Why Isn’t Everyone? https://www.anti-empire.com/sweden-is-recording-died-of-covid-19-and-died-wi... .. Hospital data is published all the time, so Sweden’s “experiment” is being conducted in the open. Every time a patient is admitted, the data is updated on a Covid live website in striking detail. Average age: 60. Those with diabetes: 26 per cent. With cardiovascular or lung disease: 24 per cent. With at least one other underlying health condition: 77 per cent. Sweden is also updating its statistics to say if someone died from Covid, or of something else – but with Covid. This might reduce the “death” figure by two thirds. Yay. Not recording Covid-19 deaths in a way that is not true of any other infection out there. How novel! There Will Be Hell to Pay If Sweden Pulls This Off https://www.anti-empire.com/there-will-be-hell-to-pay-if-sweden-pulls-this-o... http://www.thecommentator.com/article/7649/prepare_for_the_mother_of_all_s_t... Which is why there is such international pressure on Sweden to fall in line — and its PM is already starting to buckle .. in comparison with most European countries, life in Sweden is relatively normal. Right now, Sweden’s death rate from coronavirus is 33 per million of the population. In France it is 83. In Italy it is 230. In Britain it is 43. In the Netherlands it is 78. In the United States the number of deaths per million of the population is 18, but many argue that the outbreak in America took off later, and European levels of fatality from the virus are on their way. We shall see. .. In some countries, COVID-19 is being listed as the cause of death merely if it appears somewhere on the death certificate. In other words, you may have been days away from dying from terminal lung cancer, but if you had contracted COVID-19 in the meantime, your death will be listed in the overall COVID-19 fatality numbers. In other countries, it has to have been the single most obvious cause of death to make it into the same statistics. .. But if, when all such necessary adjustments have been made, Sweden emerges with a death toll from COVID-19 that is somewhere in the middle of the pack of European countries, there is going to be a lot of recrimination, particularly against those who have tried to silence any discussion about the extent of the threat that COVID-19 actually poses. When Will The Coronavirus Lockdowns Be Lifted? Here Are One Bank's Estimates https://www.zerohedge.com/health/when-will-coronavirus-lockdowns-be-lifted-h... COVID-19 & China's Colossal Cover-Up https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/covid-19-chinas-colossal-cover https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/15844/coronavirus-china-cover-up .. One more person has just disappeared: Ai Fen, a Chinese physician who was head of the emergency department at Wuhan Central Hospital .. "The Chinese Communist Party was aware of the reality of the virus as early as December but ordered laboratories to destroy samples and forced doctors to keep silent. It is time for an international investigation into the role their cover-up played in the spread of this devastating pandemic". Peter Navarro Explodes At Fauci In Heated Showdown Over Hydroxychloroquine https://www.zerohedge.com/health/peter-navarro-explodes-faucci-heated-showdo... Japan To Declare State Of Emergency On April 7 https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/japan-declare-state-emergency-april-7 .. We find it strange that there were almost "no cases" in the weeks leading up to Japan's reluctant decision to postpone this year's Olympics, only to see a sudden record surge afterwards On The Precipice Of Martial Law https://www.zerohedge.com/political/precipice-martial-law https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2020/04/03/standing-on-the-precipice-... .. 1933-34 Sweden Beset By New Crime-Wave Of "Humiliation Robberies" https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/sweden-beset-new-crime-wave-humiliati... https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/15808/fing-swede Denying Medicines to Iran and Venezuela Is a Crime Against Humanity https://russia-insider.com/en/denying-medicines-iran-and-venezuela-crime-aga... https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/punishing-americas-enemies/

So, with all the -potential- problems that could conceivably come down the line, such as for a random sample: - compulsory vaccinations - vaccination / immunity certificates - the roboticization of all manufacturing/ very few jobs - work licenses - extended lock downs - recurring lock downs - elimination of cash - martial law - fines for hugging - centralisation of everything - all assets/infrastructure/companies/etc owned by the powers that be (the banks) - UBI/ socialist/ communist universal basic income/ minimal motivation for anyone to do anything - apps for all the above/ - panopticon/ universal tracking/monitoring/reporting - report thy neighbour - internal/ inter-state passports/ "papers please" - ?moar? ... and the many doomsayers, it is easy to imagine the worst. So the above and other problems may have solutions - now is as good a time as any to start thinking - really, seriously contemplating on these types of problems, and possible pathways for potential solutions, should any particular "problem" be imposed upon you and yours. Please, for the good of us all, do report back on your thoughts. Yet, let's also take a moment to be grateful for the present state of affairs: - We don't have world war 3 - thank you Putin, and thankfully the Chinese without Russia will rightfully refrain from a military war with USA. This is really good news. - Instead of World War 3, we have a global virus related lock down - you can thank Chinese policy of "denial and hide it" for this one. - And bonus of bonuses, either the virus is not overly lethal to non-Asians, or the lock down is having the desired inhibitory effect. - And further, should a really contagious virus try to hit "us" in the coming years, if nothing else we are in the midst of a genuine drill or practice run, and should be far better prepared than we would be otherwise. - Various steps towards nationalisation/ re-instrialization (e.g. under the War Powers Act in the US etc) are being taken based on abundant self evident necessity - if The Shit Really Really Had Hit The Fan, the West was in a rather shitty place - globalist inter-dependency means each nation makes just a few things, and everybody trades to get those things they don't make, like face masks, ventilators and other medical equipment for one totally random example ;) - We are hopefully moving toward a nationalism/re-industrialization, without a new world war and without a manic fascist clique marching one country into war with the whole world - seriously, the present situation is a more peaceful pathway. There are even possibilities that the USA, having drawn down from and handed over a few military bases in Iraq (to the Iraqis), might see the wisdom in something of a debt jubilee and release Iraq from the interest payments for the war debt - the conqueror/USA, demands of its now client state Iraq, financial reparations - this is the spoils of war, literally - to continue suppression of Iraq at this point appears somewhat petty, self defeating, and demonstrative of an ugly and arrogant bully rather than a nation of moral standing. Ok, ok, many will say the USA has no moral standing left to speak of - well there's no reason to not at least begin to rebuild a moral standing, notwithstanding its past imperialism (I'm hopeful that "past" is going to shortly become the correct term here). China is now on the hook for some substantial financial reparations for this COVID-19 fiasco of information suppression and initial denial, so perhaps the CCP will see the wisdom of shifting towards a "share information openly first" principle, at least when it comes to virological matters which have global effects; a lot of humans the world over are just a teeny tiny bit pissed off at China's present approach to "protect the image of the CCP at all costs" right about now. One suspects China learns about breaking long term contracts too - you wanna break your globalist contract and raise a military despite promises to remain peaceful? Change is afoot and ledgers shall be reconciled in time. Now, for all Huwaite fellas: Trump might just be an orange egotistical nihilist bastard, but he's OUR orange egotistical nihilist bastard! Trump's stand for us White fellas has appeared flimsy and backflipping at times (well, much of time tbh), but "well sheeit" he's still alive! And that's more than you can bloody well say for JFK... so, let's be grateful already: From that epic of all moment's "'cause you'd be in jail" (putting the war monger from hell permanently on the back foot) and our shared and utterly epic meme wars which ripped a new space time continuum in the overton window TYVFM Pepe and the Grittys :D , we have the possibility of a future worth living, worth being productive within, and to start, we see Western nations jumping on the bandwagon to re-fuel the bottom of the pyramid/hierarchy, e.g.: Germany Announces "Limitless" Aid Program For Small Business: SBA Are You Listening? Mon, 04/06/2020 - 09:55 https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/germany-announces-limitless-aid-program-sm... .. this morning we got confirmation of that when Angela Merkel’s government announced a new "limitless" aid program for small- and medium-sized companies (note: not a bailout of Germany's mega corporations) as part of an effort to support Europe’s largest economy in the coronavirus pandemic. Merkel's government will provide guarantees of as much as 100%, German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz announced at a joint press conference with Economy Minister Peter Altmaier Monday, Bloomberg reports, adding that loans of up to 800,000 euros ($862,000) that will pay out very quickly will be available. An open note to Andrew Anglin: How fast do you want to see North America re-nationalize/ re-industrialize? Take notice muffas, the top of the pyramid has evidently spoken, and are aware that total domination by total leeching (hedge funds), as seen in Greece, results in total loss of motivation and productivity - take away a people's dignity (buy all the Greek icons such as shipping ports), spit on their sovereignty (NATO and EU's support of Turkey's military invasion and partition of Cypress), and reduce them to poorperdom (impose massive austerity), and you get the result you got - a nation of people who gave up, sit on their balconies, sometimes pray, and hope for a better day. A strong pyramid requires a strong base, and that base must be kept strong, not leeched into oblivion by hedge funds. If you struggle to see this, look at the obvious: The system of hedge fund leeching of the world, sucking the marrow of all nations and gutting the bulk of the pyramid (i.e. all but the top 1%), leaves you with a decimated world (Western world, in terms of e.g. manufacturing, jobs, middle class etc) which "owes" you half a quintillion dollars (literally - that's 500 -trillion- dollars), but since that world is decimated, there's a) no chance in hell that debt is EVER gonna be paid, and b) no motivation within the decimated population to even try. So how do you cash in on 500 trillion dollars in this situation? You can't. As Trump learnt, if you owe the bank a billion dollars, you are the one in the controlling seat (if you can't be bothered, you go bankrupt, if it will work for you, you might actually try to make it work, and thus that billion dollar debt becomes worth something to the bank). Oh how the mighty fall. The above might seem obvious in hindsight, but the obvious ain't always obvious to those who ought know better - whose job it is (or is suposed to be) to know these things, like say the guys at the top of the pyramid who hold that 500 trillion dollars of debt. Insert here a very wry smile at Monty Burns. So take heart, hold true, don't sell your Soul, and let's create our shared world,

On Wed, Apr 08, 2020 at 12:09:39AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote: ..
There are even possibilities that the USA, having drawn down from and handed over a few military bases in Iraq (to the Iraqis), might see the wisdom in something of a debt jubilee and release Iraq from the interest payments for the war debt - the conqueror/USA, demands of its now client state Iraq, financial reparations - this is the spoils of war, literally - to continue suppression of Iraq at this point appears somewhat petty, self defeating, and demonstrative of an ugly and arrogant bully rather than a nation of moral standing.
[[One of the eternal problems the empath human faces is his tendency to project the existence of empathy upon others (such as upon sociopathic bankers), and worse, upon systems/governments (such as upon the empire/regime of the day), and further, to assume that not only does empathy exist in that upon which it is projected, but also that therein exists a will to exercise empathy.]] So lets throw that empathy bullshit out the window. Where empathy doth fail, greed reigns supreme :)) Take 2, muffas, with a quick and dirty, I mean efficient and very clean, 3 step re-solution: 1. Iraq keeps their dinar low, as this keeps them below the threshold above which they are required to make war debt interest payments (to the IMF/USA). 2. Iraq may also erroneously consider that they have an interest in keeping their dinar low, or least, for it to not get "too high". 3. The IMF/USA can kill two brown birds with the one patriotic stone and offer to dispense with "war debt interest payments", if but only if, Iraq keeps their dinar above a certain value, say $6.66 to the Australian dollar - to state the obvious, you don't want your currency pegged to a fixed (or minimum "at least") value against a currency (the US dollar) which is about to collapse .. -that- would be hysterical :D So with this simple 3 step plan, actually just a one step plan since the first two steps are obvious facts and not actually part of the plan, the USA can be seen to be magnanimous, generously waiving Iraq's interest payments, and simultaneously ensuring Iraq ends up with a strong currency which is just so vital to the rebuilding of that brown skin "bombed to the stone age" nation. Thankfully most people but remember the most recent flippant media grabline and forget all about the dirty, dirty past. And here's the best part: it's a -yuge- win for Iaq! Why? because of course when their dinar is sky high, they will have no problem quickly paying off their war debt for --literally-- pennies on the dollar! AND they can readily purchase building supplies, generators and everything else they need in order to rebuild their nation. What's not to love, muh lovin, carin muffaluckas :D Repeat after me: We have a new agenda, let's rebuild a moral standing for the USA, notwithstanding. Did I mention "notwithstanding"? ;-P

A strong pyramid requires a strong base, and that base must be kept strong, not leeched into oblivion by hedge funds. If you struggle to see this, look at the obvious:
The system of hedge fund leeching of the world, sucking the marrow of all nations and gutting the bulk of the pyramid (i.e. all but the top 1%), leaves you with a decimated world (Western world, in terms of e.g. manufacturing, jobs, middle class etc) which "owes" you half a quintillion dollars (literally - that's 500 -trillion- dollars), but since that world is decimated, there's a) no chance in hell that debt is EVER gonna be paid, and b) no motivation within the decimated population to even try.
"Let Them Fail" - Billionaire Explains To Gobsmacked CNBC Host How Capitalism Is Supposed To Work https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/let-them-fail-facebook-investor-explains-s... .. In terms of drama, CNBC is usually pretty staid. But every once in a while, there's a fight, or a contentious interview, that really grabs people's attention. On Thursday, such a confrontation occurred during "the Halftime Report" as Scott "The Judge" Wapner interviewed early Facebook investor and uber-wealthy VC investor Chamath Palihapitiya. Wapner brought up the question of the bailouts for main street and corporate America that the Trump Administration has packaged as part of its $2.2 trillion plan. Palihapitiya raised an issue with the program, arguing that the administration would be using taxpayer money to prop up "zombie companies." Then Wapner asked: "Are you arguing to let airlines fail? Palihapitiya, who was speaking on the phone, responded with a very assertive "Yes." Wapner seemed blown away by this. Struggling to process the answer he had just been given, he followed-up, incredulously: "But how does that make sense in the broader scheme of the economy." Then Palihapitiya went off. "This is a lie that's been propagated by Wall Street. When a company fails, it does not fire its employees...it goes through a packaged bankruptcy...if anything, what happens is the employees end up owning more of the company. The people who get wiped out are the people who own the unsecured debt and the equity...but the employees don't get wiped out and the pensions don't get wiped out." [...] "And if a bunch of hedge funds get wiped out - what's the big deal? Let them fail. So they don't get the summer in the Hamptons - who cares." Out in the real world, people say mean things about the rich all the time. But it doesn't happen quite as often on CNBC. In fact, sometimes CNBC's hosts seem downright confused when people don't seem to care about asset prices above all else - like that time Rick Santelli said we should all just go get infected and let grandma die to save the stock market. What's more, Wapner seemed almost personally insulted by Palihapitiya's response. .. [Ah just -love- the sweet smell of rock solid smug certainty from a wealthy and principled Palihapitiya in da mornin' :D] [He be wipin' dey smiles off dey smug CNBC NPCs in da morning' :D :D] [Ohhhh, yeahhhh - you know you love it :D] [Very, very smug pic of Chamath Palihapitiya, billionaire, not attached.] But but but ... muh hedge funds ??? Qants gone wild ... wif da rage! Hah hah! Just rememba, muh one percentas, keep dey eye on dey ball - ball name Chi-na. As in "Chi" followed by "na" - kapish? Did I mention China? Japan To Spend Billions Relocating Production Out Of China https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/japan-spend-billions-relocating-producti...

Palihapitiya ain't no one's fool and he is able to lay down the law to trust fund socialist millennial morons like few are able to. What a man! These trust fund millennials, to NOT be flaming hypocrites, can hand over their trust funds to practical and functional folks who will actually do something useful in improving this world, such as myself or some of the folks around here... 100% on the page with Palihapitiya here... I didn't grow up in Sri Lanka, but did grow up in the bottom of the Australian pyramid. BTW, Australia is an awesome country! Even better than America, hi hi. Enjoy, Billionaire Silicon Valley VC Says "F**k You" To The "Rich Kids Who Want To Tear Down Capitalism" Alexander Pan via TheBrag.com https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/silicon-valley-vc-billionaire-say... https://thebrag.com/nba-warriors-exec-slams-trust-fund-socialists/ Executive board member of the NBA’s Golden State Warriors and CEO of Social Capital, Chamath Palihapitiya has said “fuck you” to every rich millennial on a trust fund attacking capitalism and claiming they’re socialists. Appearing on the All-In Podcast alongside Jason Calacanis, David Sacks, and David Friedberg, the quartet got to discussing trust fund kids claiming to be socialists, specifically naming a recent New York Times article titled ‘The Rich Kids Who Want to Tear Down Capitalism’ as highly misguided since capitalism is exactly how those rich kids got to where they are now. https://thebrag.com/millennials-richest-generation-in-history/ https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/27/style/trust-fund-activism-resouce-generat... Palihapitiya unleashed with a verbal beatdown to all those trust fund socialists. “Who’s right is it to say that that [capitalism] was wrong and all of the people that are employed by it and live within that mechanism?” says Palihapitiya. “All of a sudden 50,000 people virtue signal because they’re sitting in their warm homes in America telling everyone to fuck off, I find it kind of a joke.” The venture capitalist then used his childhood of living in poverty to really hammer home his point against trust fund socialists. “I would like you to go live where I was supposed to live before I immigrated,” continues Palihapitiya. “Come to Sri Lanka, you live in an outhouse, you sit there, you squat to go to the bathroom, there’s no fucking three-ply bamboo press-free toilet paper. “You literally clean yourself with your hand, you brush your teeth with coal, I remember we used to brush our teeth with fucking coal. We have a well for water. “You have all these people in these situations where all we wanted was just a chance to run the race and the people that were born with the silver spoon in their mouth, who had the chance to run the race, turns around and tells guys like me ‘no you can’t’, that fucking infuriates me.” Palihapitiya then signed off in the most straight-to-the-point way possible: “Honestly, fuck you.” If he had a handheld mic, he probably would’ve dropped it. Chamath concluded his perspective by quoting Walter E Williams: “Prior to capitalism, the way people amassed great wealth was by looting, plundering and enslaving their fellow man,” he said. “Capitalism made it possible to become wealthy by serving your fellow man.” Check out Palihapitiya ripping into trust fund socialists: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPCA5fZ6cjY On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 03:29:51PM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:
A strong pyramid requires a strong base, and that base must be kept strong, not leeched into oblivion by hedge funds. If you struggle to see this, look at the obvious:
The system of hedge fund leeching of the world, sucking the marrow of all nations and gutting the bulk of the pyramid (i.e. all but the top 1%), leaves you with a decimated world (Western world, in terms of e.g. manufacturing, jobs, middle class etc) which "owes" you half a quintillion dollars (literally - that's 500 -trillion- dollars), but since that world is decimated, there's a) no chance in hell that debt is EVER gonna be paid, and b) no motivation within the decimated population to even try.
"Let Them Fail" - Billionaire Explains To Gobsmacked CNBC Host How Capitalism Is Supposed To Work https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/let-them-fail-facebook-investor-explains-s...
.. In terms of drama, CNBC is usually pretty staid. But every once in a while, there's a fight, or a contentious interview, that really grabs people's attention. On Thursday, such a confrontation occurred during "the Halftime Report" as Scott "The Judge" Wapner interviewed early Facebook investor and uber-wealthy VC investor Chamath Palihapitiya.
Wapner brought up the question of the bailouts for main street and corporate America that the Trump Administration has packaged as part of its $2.2 trillion plan. Palihapitiya raised an issue with the program, arguing that the administration would be using taxpayer money to prop up "zombie companies."
Then Wapner asked: "Are you arguing to let airlines fail?
Palihapitiya, who was speaking on the phone, responded with a very assertive "Yes."
Wapner seemed blown away by this. Struggling to process the answer he had just been given, he followed-up, incredulously: "But how does that make sense in the broader scheme of the economy."
Then Palihapitiya went off.
"This is a lie that's been propagated by Wall Street. When a company fails, it does not fire its employees...it goes through a packaged bankruptcy...if anything, what happens is the employees end up owning more of the company. The people who get wiped out are the people who own the unsecured debt and the equity...but the employees don't get wiped out and the pensions don't get wiped out."
"And if a bunch of hedge funds get wiped out - what's the big deal? Let them fail. So they don't get the summer in the Hamptons - who cares."
Out in the real world, people say mean things about the rich all the time. But it doesn't happen quite as often on CNBC. In fact, sometimes CNBC's hosts seem downright confused when people don't seem to care about asset prices above all else - like that time Rick Santelli said we should all just go get infected and let grandma die to save the stock market. What's more, Wapner seemed almost personally insulted by Palihapitiya's response.
[Ah just -love- the sweet smell of rock solid smug certainty from a wealthy and principled Palihapitiya in da mornin' :D] [He be wipin' dey smiles off dey smug CNBC NPCs in da morning' :D :D] [Ohhhh, yeahhhh - you know you love it :D] [Very, very smug pic of Chamath Palihapitiya, billionaire, not attached.]
But but but ... muh hedge funds ???
Qants gone wild ... wif da rage! Hah hah!
Just rememba, muh one percentas, keep dey eye on dey ball - ball name Chi-na. As in "Chi" followed by "na" - kapish?
Did I mention China?
Japan To Spend Billions Relocating Production Out Of China https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/japan-spend-billions-relocating-producti...

Should a coronavirus so much as sniff in your direction (with no apologies to Joe Biden), HCQ + Zinc is evidently and clearly, a very effective treatment, notwithstanding long nosed Fauci's lies about "lack of evidence" to the contrary. Get the scoop and be prepared: Paul Craig Roberts Questions The Campaign Against HCQ https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/05/26/the-campaign-against-hcq/ https://www.zerohedge.com/health/paul-craig-roberts-questions-campaign-again... .. I have reported and made available many of the reports of HCQ’s efficacy and safety. See for example: https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/04/11/professor-didier-raoult-releases... https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/04/11/the-cure-that-works-is-opposed-b... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/05/80-patients-staff-members-come-coro... https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/04/10/dogmatic-medical-orthodoxy-attem... https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/05/06/why-was-an-effective-cure-for-co... .. The Daily Mail, which is often somewhat skeptical of official reports, even misreported French virologist Didier Raoult’s report of his success with treating 1,061 patients with HCQ/AZ [hydroxychloroquine/zinc] as consisting of only a small sample of 30 patients. A small sample is considered to be inconclusive. Thus 1,061 people became 30. ... On Tue, Apr 07, 2020 at 10:08:42AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Peter Navarro Explodes At Fauci In Heated Showdown Over Hydroxychloroquine https://www.zerohedge.com/health/peter-navarro-explodes-faucci-heated-showdo...

On 20-04-02 21:46:47, Hannah O'Rourke wrote:
Hi all! Hope you’re all safe and isolated - I found this, seems to be the best resource for organising efforts around Coronavirus: https://coronavirustechhandbook.com/home [snip]
This looks like a document being shared from a collaborative editing forum. Do you have a static version, or perferably a premade PDF? -- |-----/ | Se7en / The One and Only! | se7en@cock.email / | 0x0F83F93882CF6116 / | https://se7en-site.neocities.org
participants (7)
Cecilia Tanaka
Hannah O'Rourke
Punk-Stasi 2.0
Zenaan Harkness
Zig the N.g