Re: [Cryptography] USG v. Lavabit-Snowden Files Unsealed

And the guy that started telegram wasnt even treated this way in russia ... they asked to access accounts for a platform he developed he said no and left the country never to return thats why we have telegram ... he just moves around the planet prolly has a swiss like untouchable bank account or 2 If people are surprised by this kind of USG action then that for me is scary .. USG been seriously dead long time now - never was really alive as it likes to propagandize On Mar 17, 2016 3:55 PM, "Bill Cox" <> wrote:
Wow, this is scary. It sounds like Lavabit was fined $5,000 per day until it handed over the encryption keys for its email service, and that Lavabit further had a gag order and could say nothing about it. Here's the text of this order:
This matter comes before the Court on the motion of the government for sanctions for failure to comply with this Court's order entered August 2, 2013. For the reasons stated in the government's motion, and pursuantto Title 18, United States Code. Section 401, it is hereby ORDERED that the motion for sanctions is granted; It isfurther ORDERED that, if the encryption keys necessary to implement the pen register and trap and trace device are not provided to the FBI in PEM or equivalent electronic formal by noon (CDT) on August 5, 2013, a fine of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) shall be imposed on Lavabit LLC and Mr. Levison; It is further ORDERED that, if the encryption keys necessary to implement the pen register and trap and trace device are not provided to the FBI in PEM or equivalent electronic format by noon (CDT) each day thereafter beginning August 6, 2013, a fine of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) shall be imposed on Lavabit LLC and Mr. Levison for each day of noncompliance; and It is further ORDERED that the government's motion for sanctions and this Order shall remain under seal until further order of this Court
As an ethical matter, I believe our government should tell its citizens what form of spying on our private communications it is doing, and under what conditions. Seeing our government do this sort of thing in secret scares the heck out of me. It is certainly not what I thought would happen in the USA.
On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 5:39 PM, John Young <> wrote:
USG v. Lavabit-Snowden Files Unsealed: (560 pp, 140MB)
Precursor to USG v. Apple.
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Dnia niedziela, 20 marca 2016 18:32:17 Cari Machet pisze:
And the guy that started telegram wasnt even treated this way in russia ... they asked to access accounts for a platform he developed he said no and left the country never to return thats why we have telegram ... he just moves around the planet prolly has a swiss like untouchable bank account or 2
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Cari Machet